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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 19, 2023 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

4:20 pm
us crane you thong lads. it's all the end is wait, we still have the fifth. do you have anyone in mind? well, one is just men. think it's a crazy waitress. why did you decide that i am alphonse and that he hates me with some kind of delirium that is not from here. kirill grigoryevich and this is a waitress and will be your fifth and final bride.
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another strip in the market was caught to work. they wanted to get a job as loaders, where the parents look at the glasses, the drunks do not look at. okay, go them to the second floor to the children's room. yeah. well, everything, everything, calm down. you promised that everything brides will be normal pretty girls. and this is a waitress. not only is she a pale sea, she is also evil as a bull terrier. no, let's find someone else. you know, we're not your marriage agency here. yes , it's all, she's not moth, you take a closer look. let me not look. let's have another one. i told you to put this on the waitress right away.
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dad, don't swear, dad, don't swear. dad, don't swear, please, what was it, how could you not dig that you, how could you leave the children alone unattended in the market. we left in the psychiatric hospital with the valerian nurse. by the way, we were looking for you. why didn't you pick up the phone? why didn’t they pick up the phone, and what if we don’t pick up the phone, then this is an amazing reason to go to the panel, by the way, we had an affair. what a very important
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thing it is, that look at our kiryukha, he fell in love with a waitress for 50 of a restaurant. he proposed to her. we are here to support him. listen kirill how glad i am when the wedding, if anything, we will help zina, there are cafe animators, you can count on us. of course, as a girl name. thanks for the support, but i don't want to mention her name in the first place. i know it's sovereign afraid. papa will take care of you. a policeman with dad, well, do not rush, well, togliatti
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removed from the city mitusni here is your edge and your strength. the truth is to get sick and break away belarus. no every
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week the heroes of our project go on a trip. they don't even realize. where fate will throw them, maybe into space or even further everything will be decided by the game of rock and scissors , paper will look much more interesting, the real belarusian jungle here it was a completely different building. hello this is a stone, paper scissors there is a place in belarus where the path from the varangians to the greeks used to pass, and there was also a big castle in the 16th
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century. and in general it was not a village, but a city on the coat of arms of which a fortress wall with three towers was depicted. go. let's see if olesya loves to go on a trip today. luxury yourself in the background. he loves luxury, loves palaces , castles, and also the sea, sunbathing and the royal suite prefers to relax in five-star hotels with a pool from the pavel romantic spa. and a dreamer cities names smells and feelings travel intuitively, do not build emotional routes. hello alisa hello pasha , let's start with riddles. where is or rather was the bing manor interestingly, mouth rings. yes i think it's some kind of sharp lurking area. this is bisping. it's some kind of german surname. sharpness i give up is a mystery. this is the only place in
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the vitebsk region where a ferry crossing has been preserved. feather on the ferry, what's on the secular area? what river we have there flows the western dvina western dvina through western dvina something there is a ferry there is a ferry. yes, it’s good with zero options, let’s play paper. yes, rock, paper, scissors. one, two, three, paper, one, two three. well, well, well, there, salty is a close area.
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oh, what a beautiful weather outside, it's time to travel, and today i went to the urban-type settlement of suras. the village of surazh is located 45 km from vitebsk. therefore , if you come to vitebsk, be sure not to be lazy and drop in for a walk. strangely enough, it arose not because trade was developing, but thanks to a convenient stance military strategy to this location,
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an urban-type settlement was built by order of the great and back in 1564. in the 15th century , this village had a different name, drychi. at that time, the dricheluks belonged to the princes of drutsk, the sokolinsky village got its name in honor of the river, suroshki, once there was also a castle in this area, but, unfortunately, it has not survived to this day. god , what a beauty how many flowers flowers
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flowers our film crew made a long way and we got to our destination agrogorodok mosalians to rearrange the scam area. meet us masalians. it seemed to me a good beautiful place so
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bright in our country, walking through the village. i found out that there are several unique places, which i accordingly went to. and the locals even told me a bit of history, once upon a time this place was called poniklitsa and only in 1646, when the massage family owned these lands, by the way, it came from a princely family, asking for permission from the king of poland. he gave it anyway and named the place after his last name. the modern massalany the agro-town is divided into two parts, there is an old village, apparently, which was founded yet. perhaps even in 1600. this is in the forty-sixth year. and there is already a new part of the already real modern agrotown and what i want to say is that the houses
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here are actually modern , i can say with confidence that the locals never use these houses, as direct residential buildings and apparently work for the local enterprise. even the street is called new here. notice this interesting fact i think that any tourist who comes to the salt mine will also be able to notice this, especially in the summer, each house is decorated with various flowers and flowerpots are so interesting.
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we are setting off on an expedition to the patches of our ukraine , today's ivan of rock, planks, a near-roof pain for 40 km, and we reproaches the pukhovitsky district , curling their legs, galina is more expensive and even odorous earthlings to the second traditions. watch new life on our tv channel.
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i just remembered that we, the drivers, forgot there on the other side. here it was completely another building. the same big road along the lake. it came from the surname of the former owners of the mosal family, surosh - this is the modern name before the town. it was also called in honor of its owners, the princes of drutsk, and there were three stockings. now
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i am on the left bank of the river, and very soon i will be walking along the right. ferry today there are not so many people on the ferry , so i can take some such a vip seat, and it seems to me that it is right here, right here, to stand and admire nature like that. hello tell me how to learn how to manage on equal terms. what's okay with him? show the process
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let's go how this tractor starts some kind of tractor so we turn on the clutch on gasoline.
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lyosh you know, i just remembered that we forgot the driver there on the shore, but we are sailing to this shore. and how will we be without a car. lyosha lyosha running well, what joys of course, once there was a completely
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different building here already in the soviet era. it acquired this look, which has come down to our time; only two outbuildings have been preserved from the bisping estate, which are already by the way, they are also, i would say, in disrepair. one of them occupies the current boiler house, the second is a local enterprise. it was at this place that once there was the main entrance, which is depicted in the drawings of the famous belarusian artist napoleon orda, and the very big road along the lake, which occupied, by the way, seven hectares. if we talk about its uniqueness, then this is a real complex of lakes, this is a unique park with exotic
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plants. this is their own and a brewery, they even bred their own hounds in israel. this, of course, is a stable for many heads. this and a lot of yards for servants and other people, respectively. the real belarusian jungle a ride on a ferry is not only interesting, romantic, but also free of charge, just like a walk around the
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bisping estate. or rather, because of it left. unfortunately. look at the bisping manor. now you can only in the picture of napoleon orda today i will enjoy nature, walking through the sourozh arboretum at the entrance immediately meets. here is an information stand you can come closer and read elementary. what is the natural composition here? did
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you know that if you hug a birch tree and make a wish, it will definitely come true, which i am doing now. oh, it seems it will not come true, because i could not resist here for a long time. walking through the arboretum, i can safely say that this is the real belarusian jungle, really, you need to look under your feet, because snakes are clearly found here, which i'm afraid of. i think you're in for a surprise.
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do you want to see him? pine nut where did this path lead me aha to an artificial reservoir. then
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my way was to the temple. i managed to meet the rector there, who showed me an amazing thing. this is the history of this temple. what is a chronicle, this is when the clergy of the rector of this temple write down everything that happened, the prices for products and some political events are indicated there. and even describes the weather at a certain time. by the way, it's dated. she is the eighteenth chronicle. it was
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a small wooden church. now it is a real stone temple, which initially, when it was built, it was uniadic, and this happened in the 18th century, and a little later, he again converted to orthodoxy. an amazing feature has been preserved to our time in stained-glass windows, which is typical for unian churches, but now it is found in the masilsk orthodox church in these stained-glass windows, an interesting feature is red glass in the shape of a cross. i think that from the inside it will look much more interesting. by the way, with the permission of the abbot, i was even able to climb the bell tower, whom i met, and these are bats. and we see that a brick and such a household stone. here it is masonry
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of the 18th century, it is above us, and there is also an interesting feature of the wooden beam, which, apparently, was. here, some may be a restraining element, a structural element, and she will go to the bark beetle. again, this is all that time guys emotions, just go wild. how a talented scientist changed and continues to change our lives in early 2023 , the staff of the university of california at san diego developed a way to potentially slowing down the process of cellular aging with the help of fluctuating genetic clocks,
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we will talk about items and discoveries without which the world today is difficult to imagine the most popular type of soda, which take on an increased burden of its removal. this kidney, according to statistics, is slower for those people who play sports, get enough sleep , eat right and regularly undergo a medical examination of the water. this is a drinking regimen that speeds up our metabolism, and mineral water. these are recommendations for the treatment or correction of some conditions. watch the popular science project science nearby on our tv channel. there is a legend that on the other side of the screen it seems that all questions are easy, come to us. i'm sure. you will change your mind on this show, which has humor, excitement and agility. they are sharp. they get it like this, you know the answer. perhaps
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it was leonov for sure. then without the possibility, i will send to the construction site. we made sure you had time to think very ahead of schedule. we won't even think about it. we know two teams for the main prize and the title to be spongebob squarepants has a best friend, what's his name? more recently, we have mastered the production
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of hard cheese highlights some point and let go. listen to mushrooms gives the screen. while olesya was picking mushrooms and getting to know the inhabitants. arboretum. pasha carefully studied the masolian temple and found out that it used to be not hellish. this is clearly seen in the images of saints and crosses on horseback. - this is a continuation of the divine service, it begins with a prayer and ends with a prayer during the meal, either the lives of the saints or some teachings, that is, everything not only nourishes the body, but nourishes the soul, thursday. we only have vegetables. we are just before
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lunch. today we have another dinner in general, yes, potato fish. do we have or not? salad, actually vegetables, pickled cucumbers, vegetables, too, from the greenhouse from the monastery. and for dessert, pastries from the monastery law. more recently, we have mastered the production of hard cheeses. this is one of the first cheeses that has already been tried with spicy. here it is. so that buyers also now do not have to delicious hearts. can i take you can take i then cut you off to try. in the third kingdom, let your will be done, your yacon is not powerless on earth, workshops
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give mushrooms or it seems to me. the monastery was founded in the 18th century. unfortunately, it has not survived to this day. some moments of the temple did not succumb to disassembly and remained as silent witnesses. all of us looks. so it's kind of unusual. true, it seems, nature and such pieces of walls that keep their history. the monastery was abolished in 1918 and already during
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the war the germans blew up the temple presumably here, just went. afraid there are large forests nearby and the partisans were here the germans were standing and presumably. it was just a clash, and they and the partisans, as a result of which, as it were, blew up the temple. i was so inspired by the drawing of napoleon orda, on which the binsping manor was made, that i also decided to learn how to draw, how good, maybe even be an artist. yes, i wanted warmth, i added a warm one. that would be so much in life. i think warm is good, good.
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victoria look at the flower. thanks a lot to you. hi hi. tell me how you went, like a ferry, but the ferry is beautiful. i even asked the mechanic.
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how does this another technique work, and he gladly told me pasha what caused the greatest emotions in you in masals, in fact, he experienced different emotions of salt, uh, and some kind of bitterness and joy and surprise, because the manor - it's actually already poorly preserved. and so, when i climbed the bell tower in the temple i saw, there were branches of mice. it was during the day. it was very interesting, they squeaked sweetly, but they were not afraid anymore. me. it was a stone paper project. she does not know in advance where fate will throw them. maybe mars venus or mosalians. everything will be decided back by stone, paper scissors, for now. have a nice day. with joy calise
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being in nature surrenders the light deep into the silence, then lowered only the wind sang, as you slept out of the mind, like a silence cool cars.
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for malt because of respect, i go for a walk in harmony with nature belarus 204.
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childish curiosity sincere interest i heard that you lived in a temple. why did you decide move away from the outside world at school you dyed your hair green-red. why be very knowledgeable? wow, you have completely turned down honesty and genuine emotions of the characters you promise to tell, only the truth. you see, she didn't cross her fingers. what would you do if you didn't become a handball player? excuse me, please.
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throwing a chinese blue to the sky early, that , according to the rules of the race, quarrels take off wash, creature. yes, the shrine is removed. she glorified the skies, not the latitudes of the lakes behind the woven grin under the sun. you look, himself and nick are not smora, but what have gold sandy beer. i would drink from them endlessly sketched not lakes. i have a small belly to them, all the more so, i just want from stress, so that thieves do not know, and you don’t if you don’t forget the lake, loves the heart.
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the news is now on the air with you lyudmila kazak. hello belarus, the kemerovo region needs to intensify trade economic ties, prime minister roman golovchenko said during a meeting with the governor of this russian region sergei tsivilev last year, mutual trade reached 600 million dollars. this is a very high base this year while the pace is lower, so it is important to have a more detailed plan of action on the road.


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