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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 22, 2023 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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rich dough yes, there were so many pillows , the bride had to get married and have six pillows. u silence belarus 24 art historians call him a master of thematic landscape, and his work is a chronicle of the era, a man with extraordinary energy and great love of life, having gone through a harsh school of life, he became one of the most iconic artists of our time. 100 years since the birth of the people's artist of belarus leonid shchemilov watch the fashion for culture project this weekend on belarus 24 tv channel
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. not at all like her father. take care of her. i'm sorry, maybe it's none of my business, but your husband is cheating on you. cool compromising first you kill the father trample on his name. and now you want to destroy my life democratically. that is why part of the property, including the house, was rewritten, but his wife, well, everyone does it. my
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favorite enemy this weekend on tv channel, belarus is a 24-year-old girl. underground passages in nesvizh and mir castles indeed, this is not a myth, but to confirm the legend that there is an underground tunnel between the castles , it may have been destroyed by legend gave birth to traveled through this tunnel to visit each other. and in the dungeon there are castle ghosts, a black panna and a white lady, they say they are friends. don't believe.
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i, too, let pasha and olesya check. did you know that castles are haunted? well, i came, another hint from vicki, look for a stone. well, great. i'm just among me. download the app for ghost hunting. seriously? to marry barbara radivill, but there was one very big obstacle. this is his mother, who was against this wedding. she hated the mouth radivilov's wedding was played in secret. and when the mother of sigismunt bonosport found out about it. she simply leaves for
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italy as a sign of protest. but she leaves for a reason. before leaving, bona orders her doctor to poison barbara in six months. barbara deville dies in agony all over her body. she had ulcers. he loved his wife very much and could not come to terms with her death, therefore, one fine evening. he decides to call the spirit, barbara the spirit of barbara was summoned with the help of a mirror, but at the same time sigismund was ordered not to speak to spirit and touch your promise. he did not comply, and since then, somewhere around the nesvizh castle, the spirit of the beautiful varvara has been wandering. i told you a legend
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under a stone, found the application, downloaded it. now i should go in search of a ghost. you can wish me luck as there are so many ghosts. 1 2 3 4 so, well, here there are already somehow fewer red dots on my radar. my sun, appear
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vic listen to me, there is a lot of stone castle land. can you say from the stones where to look for this stone, okay? let's go, maybe maybe like this, or maybe like this. the main thing is that the wall collapses on me when i am. and how this should help me, maybe look for sonya in the spring, or else, since i
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went in the fall, i will be able to find it. i don't know the residents yet. i think we should go up there. so, too, such a white maiden, or rather her spirit is a 12-year-old girl who, according to one version, drowned in the lake next to the worldly castle, and according to another version, she rode a boat there, played turned over, and then she fell ill and died, so now she appears in one of the towers, which looks at this lake in one of them and now i'm leaving. what i want to say is that it may be a day now, so i can’t find that very sonechka yet.
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oblivion is the very first step to distort the average belarus ; no need to make excuses. do you know why?
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because when a person has learned the four basic rules of management, yes, then in general no matter what he manages. he just has to have his head on his shoulders, they serve in three structures. this is in the army in the church and the whole theater, so let's put it this way, but there is the concept of operational art, theatrical art. how do you stand not to become an actor in someone else's game ? the main thing was not to wait for the team, not to be afraid not to take responsibility. and, probably, to emphasize once again two things that they reproduced, i liked decency and courage. only the truth, which is always of interest. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about manufacturing plants in our country. we make a very amazing and hmm rare product, because so many companies that make watches are outright doing production. our slogan is
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quality assurance. purposeful people work here. our team. this is a team of like-minded people, united by common goals to achieve the best work results, we share their development history and achievements sometime in the zero years. hey, i set myself a challenge. i told her that it is enough to make a watch with one hand at the enterprise a lot of youth. and it certainly contributes because, well, youth is energy. this is life, see the quality mark program on our tv channel. let's introduce you to the belarusians, who deliberately exchanged the city for the village. and when it all started , remember, well, 10 years ago we dreamed of five hectares, we were told either 31 or nothing. and now it's 61 hectares. they will tell about life in the belarusian outback with fear, which was not there when i left minsk. we just have a greenhouse
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that works both in winter and summer in order to in order for people to have work in the winter and summer of good people, you need to attract the leader to you. well, to master a new activity, unusual for a garage, is not an occupation, and we must remove the old irrigation system in order to wash it in a solution in a special one. these are the nozzles you will help me, because for the first time i will be so close to such a large number of chickens, immediately see what happened, as if i did it myself. watch the show i'm made of wood on our tv channel. have you heard of gold? well, i told you ghosts in
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castles. still, there are two red dots on radar confirms this. perhaps it was a black panda and a white lady who decided to meet for afternoon tea. he says that often they do not bother people and appear only to warn of danger, but this time it worked out.

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