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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 24, 2023 3:25pm-4:11pm MSK

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in the afternoon 21-26, however, on thursday, the minsk region will be on the cold side of the frontal section, an increase in cloudiness is expected, a gusty north wind at times. rain in places loads. the air temperature at night is 12-17 during the day. it will be only 14-19 degrees until the end of day 3. you don't mind the temperature regime will become more comfortable dione, highs from 20 to 25 and heat. one of the oldest streets in minsk looked like a black-and-white photo light, the exposition, calming about mika , was located in the open air and a courtyard remnants or ray mikhail savitsky in rare photographs under the shaky twenties and stagoda and they are the masters, low calibration forgetting tired of baroque classicism and pavement draulians. and so the oldest buddhas on the cathedral of the holy apostles peter and paul in minsk in the photo from the haze of the fifties
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and seventies, i suppose the whole city has already risen to the soviet copyway on the second street. in fact, the first mention of the city with the battle on the river is connected with the name of nimigo, the river gave the name of the street and a lot can be said about this street. to say, because her appearance has almost completely changed, this is such, and a stunning example, when and e minsky old new one just clashed on her and returning from work. i saw myself on doi and uh, discarded film. e by someone, most likely from the inhabitants of my house. eh, i can’t get past this, and therefore i took them with me. and so, uh, in this box from the fedo, one of the films was dedicated to the development of nemiga street just before its a from the nose in the seventies. the process of transformation for a moment and gloves the everyday life of the terrible bottle institute abel prank projects are shmat, the pattern center on
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the nivez are arranged look like the projects you have plans for the architect musinsky on the street exposition. what will form? yes, i am writing, like an astrashnik, a chronicle of the old age of the metro and the nyamiha station is affixed. theatrical behind the scenes of the musical operetta at the belarusian sovereign academic musical theater of weekdays, asking everyone who is hungry for excursions yak, they try to direct the scenery and props to direct the artist and put on costumes and at home the history of the musical theater and its place is terrible light voyage on the sidelines paid due to adult land surveying 10+ experience great in warehouses rub. from mezhravana to book your lot on excursions, ask for no less than five. on this, there are more and more news on our website tvr-breeding beeline reception of the day.
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we collapsed to enjoy the fractions just
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to respect. skin day is piling up the pages. sonnya year albus of where else that will lose watchfulness was kalestenovym. we ourselves do not respect that, we pass on the vedas to the experience of calmness. this is our mortal uzmahu hands. just happy moments
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add up. there is a legend that on the other side of the screen it seems that all the questions are easy, come to us. i'm sure. you'll change your mind here every correct answer brings the team closer to an unforgettable journey, every wrong one travels to the construction site. my name is vasya chekhov and we are starting this show tower. let's get acquainted with the participants, to the left of
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me is a team with an interesting name. wordplay right consciousness. nikita pavel and nikita hello to you. hello, and it may seem at first glance that you are from any one organization of any one university work? why do you have different shirts? it's just for beauty. well, or is it really some kind of characteristic, distinctive feature, no, we are learning. we are in the same educational institution. this is the academy of the ministry of the interior delke, belarus, but we have different organs, blue components. shirt. this is the ministry of the interior with a shirt - this is the state control committee of state control. and if that's like a simple child, what does the department of financial investigation do disclosure of economic criminals economic crimes, great nikita and nikita so matched. i'm just trying to find some matches and they are, well, at first glance. indeed there is. yes? tell us about some of your hobbies. that's what you do when they guard. our economy, and from various offenses there
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, the activities of the educational process, we are engaged in all scientific activities present. well, like all other people in sports, other hobbies. here are some other hobbies. this is interesting to me because what you are learning, i can see it clearly. increase, well, i personally, well, it's great pavel and you i graduated from a music school and continue on the same size, i play the trumpet in my free time. i try to visit this more in due time. how did you get carried away? tell me, but i went to study in the fourth grade since my school days and i liked it so much that until today i continue my free time to meet this business. this is cool. nikita as for me, in my free time i, uh, spend time with friends doing sports. everything is as usual, despite the fact that during my working hours i protect the rule of law. i'm learning to return. thank you and good luck to your team. may you succeed. let's get acquainted with the team, which is to
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my right the command you stop, maria ilya and mikhail hello. to you. hello, what do you have in common? why did you come to us? and together? well, we study at the academy of communications all together, oddly enough, we have become taller. i'm in middle school. he's top notch, and marina mag is crazy jay, what an interesting staircase you have will receive, not what kind of special form do you have? i understand that the right form is good, but outside of the connection during other connections that happens, but i, for one, like to play the guitar music football class is excellent i am. i also play the guitar. sometimes sports. sometimes i read a little bit of everything, i need to develop evenly. i also support maria, i like to read books, i am fond of painting, i play the piano, i don’t understand football very well. we got to know the teams. now let's make it short. let's get acquainted with the rules, and we will have rounds of games, in these
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tours. i will be asking questions to the teams. you will answer them. earn points correctly. answer incorrectly. come out here to the center of the site to build towers. there is one more golden rule the tour always lasts either 10 minutes or until the tower collapsed the tower swam away the team they have a coven to lose everything for worked floors, in short, if not short, let's move on to the first round. so the rules of the first round in the first round, i will ask questions to the teams in turn. that is, each team will have its own question. you within 10 seconds but not more. discuss this issue. discuss out loud because the opposing team will have a different question. and there is no need to hide. come up with some kind of answer that will satisfy every member of the team. voice it, if it turns out to be correct, one bolva, if it turns out to be wrong, go here to the center of the site and build a tower, the tower collapsed, the team lost, all the points earned, this tour ended , if the tower did not fall, we wait 10 minutes and everything is the same, but except for the deprivation of points of course, i wish you good luck. we
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let's start our first round of the first round of right conscious. tell before. what building in paris in the 1980s was the glass pyramid built in front of. what building in paris, what kind of building are we discussing for 10 seconds calmly aloud, we are not afraid of anything and we voice your version in front of which building the eighties of the xx century, the glass pyramid, time is up and your answer , we assume that this will be the building of the parliament of the parliament of the parliament the building of the french parliament. i accept your answer glass tower pyramid. purely hypothetical. could be there, but it was built in front of the louvre. your team gave the wrong answer. ask. nikita try to build a tower. the first element 30 seconds to build everything.
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just. now you are laying the foundation of your tower. okay, back to the team. thanks a lot. that's about what awaits everyone who will answer incorrectly . we have worked on the bugs and now let's try to answer correctly. what material is the terracotta army of the chinese emperor made of? qin shi huang with roof tiles? what material, uh, was the army made of? it is terracotta, not because it is interesting from a cockroach, most likely, then it is clay, because it is from terracotta. how long does it take for sunlight to cover the distance from the sun to
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the earth, to overcome the distance from the sun to the earth, of course, this is a little approximate, but nevertheless, there is such a figure. let this be a little tip for you. numbers so 3 2 1 is the smallest number that i want to hear now. how do you think. how long does it take for light to reach the earth from the sun answer 6 seconds 6 seconds this is very fast. it is very fast and yet the attention to the correct answer is 8 minutes. 8 minutes, no matter how it seems that the speed of light is, well, it just overwhelms its own. forgive me for the tautology of speed, but i ask you for 8 minutes, build a tower, and nikita is the second stone, the second
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element. you can expose the opposing team by setting it in an awkward position, for example, with an upward angle. this also happens in practice, closer to the third round it usually comes in, because there is a trip at stake, and everyone knows this very well, it's okay. this is the workout. we're just getting to know the mechanics games. spongebob squarepants has a best friend, what's his name? do you know patrick who is the russian star? think there is time. this is obviously an urgent response. well , forget what early 10 seconds have passed. we don't have such terms, but it's nice. good. who is he? starfish . i gave you time to think. it's not clear why, because it's a starfish, that's right, your team still gets a little.
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and we are moving. further everything is not difficult. to which artist does the 1889 self-portrait belong? this is important with a bandaged ear. about patrick for a long time with knowledge. picture with a loud in my opinion and a very suggestive title, a self-portrait with a bandaged ear, your answer, we cannot give the right answer, and then remember any artist and voice it, maybe walked any artist, which i accept the answer walked, who injured his ear, and then described it in a painting by van gogh this is
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the wrong answer. please build a tower. it did not step, the third element, as always 30 seconds per construction site. so far nothing threatening tower of three elements. this is enough sustainable construction, especially if you take into account these elements that you are in construction. use moving on. which of the european monarchs owns the famous phrase state? well, it seems to me that this is a frenchman. but didn’t he say that. it's amazing. the answer about louis 14 happened
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at about the same second where the answer about patrick from spongebob happened and here and there is the correct answer or the house is the fourteenth blockhead for your team. we continue with you in dried form, this is called dried apricots, and fresh apricots. this is the correct answer. point to your team, finally. the ancient greeks had zeus as the main god of the olympians. what was the name of the supreme god among the ancient romans? ancient zeus equals well he is the lord of uh thunderstorms lightning. yes, there is, and there could also be the masters of the empire, yes, and, in principle, everything is the same, he is two one.
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shazam yes from dc comics, right? you never know, they made such a reference, i praised you after patrick jupiter correct answer. jupiter build a tower the fourth element. maria yes. flying gait 30 seconds any element, which one do you like best? install it to the top of our construction and return to the team, stable only after that leave the podium. we continue with the team of right consciousness. on what vehicle did the hero of gogol's story the night before christmas get to st. petersburg on what transport? on what or on whom did the shark fly? let me understand, an early response
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is an early response. yes, we believe that this will be the answer on the broomstick. he rode a bagiena, he didn’t get into a shark, he sat on a woman-egg, in my opinion, who, in turn , sat on a broomstick somehow, so it’s like cheburashka and crocodile gena a. let the agents take me on their shoulders, and i'll take the bag. yes , the answer is accepted on a broomstick, on which the baba yaga sat, on which in sochi kuznetsky sat , the correct answer is on the line, alas. your team gave the wrong answer again. and this means that again nikita should be here in our setup, and choose any of the presented elements and install it upstairs in our design. there are no rivals, not yet, until the time has come. nikita is coping with the task. return to the team. how
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residents of kursk are called. hmm tea, as a rule, these are tricky questions, always uncomfortable questions for residents, because no matter how you try to distort, the name of the city always turns out to be some kind of insult. and certainly not a local resident needs to somehow get out of this situation with dignity, the inhabitants of kursk , how to address them, how to call them urschanie, it is actually such three two one time for discussion ended. residents of kursk, i think our answer is chirping, chirping, but there were also versions of workers, some cadets this is cute. so you need to decide.
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at the construction site, please save your team's earned points to install any element on the one that you just put yourself, and we can sum up everything about everything in 30 seconds. not so small. here are the guys well done, they chose the largest element. this one is bigger. this one is 22 seconds left. well done neat neat. you can stay here. you will be comfortable here for the rest of the program, then go down, go down, come back to yourself. tower
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exhibited remained, we can sum up the results of the first round with a score, do not be upset. the rules of the second round of the second round are not much different from the first, because the second round is the same as the first. i will ask questions to the teams in turn. that is, each team will have its own question. but here's where things get interesting. now you will not be able to discuss anything, to conspire to come to some kind of common answer, all your thoughts. you must write the answers on the cards that appeared, and you will have 10 seconds in front of you in order to hear a question , think about remembering, as a rule, just come up with a non -existent word and write it down, and on
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the card, believe my experience, and don’t write it off, i just ask you to force it. i can't remind you, if you cheat, and there is a very great chance of writing the wrong answer. and then this would be the wrong answer. just breeder every wrong answer. this is one item in our tower each correct two points for a team thus a team with one question. maybe earn like six points build a tower of three elements. there were times when our second round ended on the second question. don't do this tour prod. it lasts either 10 minutes or until our tower collapses. the tower falls, the team that dropped the tower loses all points earned. i wish you good luck. we are starting the second round. time has gone the first question of legal awareness is a question for you , this is not the most common tree in belarus, its species makes up only 23% of the total number of trees, nevertheless, in our country there is a city and a river named in
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his honor and the name of the icelandic singer. björk is translated into russian also what is the name? this is a tree. give me the name of this tree. forget 10 seconds. about beautiful handwriting, do it in time, and then we'll figure it out. and it's three two one time is up. don't forget to write off. if you don't know how to answer. write three different trees, and then one of them will definitely fall right with knowledge. nikita please. show your answer to the viewers. what is the locality? possibly exists. just we haven't gotten to it yet. not us, nor the cartographers, apparently the correct answer.
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birch is the correct answer. eating at your table earns you two points, but two wrong answers force you to go to the construction site and build a tower of two elements. ask. you can do it, i believe you for 30 seconds, as always, any two elements and we return to the team, the city of birch, the berezina river. it seems to me that somewhere far away. now one bezrukov burst into tears. return to the team. but what about another element of time is running out, there are only 18 seconds left. please, hurry up. can this be considered an economic crime? perhaps come back, thank you east, the melody of which song, sitting in the stork's nest , vaska played the harmonica, the hero of the film dobrolyubov white dew, what kind of melody? what song is time? known as a soviet song, and in
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general in some places, which has become a meme somewhere on the internet white dew. i hope that at least once in my life i watched it, remember, he was sitting in a nest and playing some music. well, don't try to remember the whole movie. there, the cron is very large and does not fit in our 10 seconds three two one time. if not, write, the ice is melting between us, we will have fun together with the listeners and spectators, the east. please he just sat in the nest silently. it was a trick question. why? ilya what do you have antoshka antoshka wow, is it possible? at his wife.
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the correct answer is a million scarlet roses, maybe now i will remember this melody, which was heard so long from the nest. your team gave three wrong answers three wrong answers equals three elements of our ilya tower 30 seconds per construction site. build a tower highly recommended hurry up, because three elements of 30 seconds are 10 second elements each. come on, come on quickly. and it doesn’t matter if you think it’s normal to put it just two more elements to the left to the left. it can take 22 seconds for everything about everything, hurry up. we are not building the most beautiful tower, we are building the most stable and one more
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element in the end, and not collapse, but okay. i will explain why, i think there have been cases when a player has already managed to reach his pedestal, and the tower , having staggered, literally fell a couple of times, this also happens. and it will also be on fate and on the score of the team that just built it. please do not forget about this, so let go of the tower only when you are sure that it is stable. let's continue. please translate into russian the belarusian word,
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what is it? i give you a little hint about the wave - what is it, cut off? everything is alive right now. what is it like translated into russian? you know the russian word for sure and repeatedly. you have encountered him counting three two one on the right with consciousness. decipher me, please, with a nickname. to propagate it in three copies in belarus at the father's
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garage. let's stop there. i accept your three answers, alas. well , unfortunately, these are the wrong answers cotton. this is cotton paul, you need to do the incredible in 30 seconds, install three more elements on this tower. i wish you good luck, go ahead. arrange a tower for 30 seconds - this is not enough. how do you understand for the three elements? it's not much. be careful. release the tower. only if you are sure, and its stability is not bad. do not run, at least near her her. look at her breathing. there's still time, it's all right.
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return to the team, alas, but the tower collapsed the tower collapsed, but the hopes for victory did not collapse in today's program. this is just the second round. yes, you have lost all earned points. yes, the second round has come to an end, but the third is ahead of us, where each correct answer will bring the teams five points. until then, let's take it. the results of our second round with a score of 3:0. east team ahead of you applause to you see you in a few minutes ahead of the decisive third round of the show tower.
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what secrets do the greatest shrines of christianity hide all the churches, that is, shrines on the territory of the grand duchy of lithuania on the territory of the private court of belarus , which i bore the name of st. well, i don't think that spiritually it can be a coincidence. does the name influence the character and fate of a person kinoshichi myagotara? holy i would call her, but to live like this i mean that you have competitiveness. why the bible sometimes earthly joy calls to be joyful, bodily joy, it is such, sometimes it passes very quickly, and the joy that a person receives from communion with god in the church, then this joy she somehow turns out that fills every day of his life. why do they ring bells in churches , it is known that bells are a tradition of ringing
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. yes, it was the form of bells that came to us more western, as it were, traditions from catholic, what is orthodox, as it were, execution. it was called a beater, from which the plates were also beaten. from the same with departure materials, but according to them beat the answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on belarus 24 tv channel. in the breakfast of champions project, we will tell you how to start your morning, right? it’s just that scrambled eggs are not enough cheese cakes somehow boring, but we know the ideal recipes that will help you wake up quickly and recharge your batteries for the whole day, and on ordinary days, when you have breakfast, i eat scrambled eggs, oatmeal, i can eat some kind of cake cake. yes, yes, we will help you choose high-quality products for a healthy breakfast, judging by the list of products. today we are waiting for something very tasty. the leaves
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should be juicy green and slightly crunchy. fresh spinach has an appetizing aroma and the stalk should not be too wide and will make an easy but effective exercise. now i will show you a complex of morning exercises that you can do without even getting out of bed. we only need five minutes and believe me. the day after this complex will be simply magnificent , watch on belarus 24 tv channel
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. the rules of the third round the third round is very different from all the previous questions now will be common. that is, i will ask one question and two teams will chase the correct answer. in this race. two tools can be used. the first tool is leading questions. every team. can ask me three such leading questions, which i will have to answer. no, or i don't know. you say it's alive. i say, yes, alive, and you immediately slowly begin to understand, yes, what is at stake. or maybe you know the answer. maybe one question or a couple of suggestions was enough for you then you say, i know what it is i want to put forward a version and voice this version, for example, you say it's an iron. i accept your answer saying that it is
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wrong and will be so. believe me. you go out here to the center of the site and build a tower with one wrong answer. one element in our tower, each correct answer brings five points, so it will be easier for you to recoup, just answer once correctly, and you are already ahead, the tour will last either 10 minutes, or until the tower collapses the tower falls team. the sabbath loses absolutely all earned points, on this tour your participation in the game ends. as a matter of fact, i'll also call you a taxi, personally rules, i see. we begin. our third decisive tour of the show tower the first question in italy is there a tax on additional space, which is paid by an establishment that has canopies or some kind of awnings to find out if the establishment is subject to this tax? you can only in good weather, for which they pay tax for that, and the right consciousness you dropped the tower in the second round, so i want to start with your team. you can ask me and your
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leading question. you can express some version of the assumption the question will always be on the screen, so you can find some interesting facts in it. maybe even the answer to the question itself is also such a thing or a hint. so the time for reflection has come to an end. can you unlearn the answer? if it turns out to be wrong, you will go to build a tower well, this is a shadow. but at seven, well, if the weather is good, the sun, visors, clearly something is a shadow. well , it seems to me like that, and that you need to pay for it, but thank god we have the italian law normal, while always will be will be. i understand your family response. this is an absolutely correct answer, of course, the shadow of the visor from it enters, as if in the square , so the establishments have to pay five points for this, your team gets a score of 5:3. we continue the second question many soldiers from the usa during the second world war were in italy and where did they try, a certain drink that really did not go well with him, however, when you
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added this drink to water, the soldiers began to drink it with great pleasure, as we now call this drink vostok you have the right to ask me a leading question, or like the opposing team to take a chance. yes, and something to assume, damn it, that we understand from the questions. this drink was not immediately to the taste, then it was added to the water. and now the soldiers liked it. now we are drinking it. we know it. well, it's all there in the question. ask. east is important radium is still a question either version 3 2 1 time with water, what? this drink is bitter, and i would say yes, yes this drink is bitter now you are a-a colored drink, no red, absolutely not, not red, but bitter now you think that maybe this is italian coffee coffee,
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americano is also called here added water turned out americano your answer is coffee. we talked and still answered coffee. we describe the coffee to me. by and large , do you know what you're doing? i ask what kind of drink, do you answer drink well? ah. give tower is absolutely correct answer. americano that's what i wanted to hear from you, because coffee is quite blurry. only me i can list from five varieties and a drink. so the count becomes eight five. turns third question in the middle ages, household utensils in england were made from cheap orange-colored clay with the name peak. so it
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was, including this storage device, made in the shape of an animal. call this contraption a conscience move again with your team. again, you can either take a chance, or still ask me a little, what, uh, pig piggy bank piggy bank in the shape of a pig, what prompted you to this answer. well, clay, as it were, but there is an expression from me a piggy bank, as if in foreign countries in england, the usa it is common and the meaning is that you save money, he breaks it, like a pancake, it’s developing perfectly now into piggy banks, not those of them, you can get a rubber stopper to take out the contents now i will buy it money on the accounts. belarusian banks therefore, yes. well, where else? i accept your answer. pig piggy bank literally and literally correct answer piggy bank five points goes to your team bravo, bravo friends of this
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fruit china but it got to europe through the country in honor of which it got its name. your team just gave the correct answer, so we will continue with the east team, as always, you have three leading questions. you have three voluntary versions, so i strongly recommend that you use all of these wisely. so east 3:21. let's do something. let's, let's find out, what is it, and we believe that these are dates. you are at risk. you answer, and then thanks to which country it got its name. yes, the mediterranean. there, the phoenicians are such a people. uh-huh well received well. you basically justified your answer. and let it be wrong, but justified well. build a tower. these are not dates. the first element - these are just the foundations - it's not scary, it is installed and i will move on to the opposing team. let's
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immediately answer correctly and everything that we started the country so well, what kind of function is this? let's try to europe through a european country. well, please note that as soon as something arrived in europe, it already arrived in it. it cannot arrive through a european country, because once it arrives through a european country, it will arrive in that country. you see, the question is your east , either a leading question or a version. he's sweet yes, yes, sweet sweet. let's mean, if it's easier to come to us from a non-european country. well. okay, something else let's not know where to
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determine the form, maybe, but we have or not? alternatively, wait. here are some leading questions. i want to hear from you, or continue to risk the score, 108 is comfortable, but for the team the right consciousness. time is up this fruit has a round shape. yes, how are you? do you understand nature? nothing is perfect, but yes, it is a round shape. now you round shape sweet arrived not through a european country. we risk a second time and say it's a tangerine. in honor of the famous mandarin tribe well mandarin, i accept your answer. i liked the build. yes go on it's not tangerine, build a tower of the second element. any second


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