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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 2, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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and may the memory of those who left us inspire us to create for the sake of the future of our peoples. belarusians and russians are interested in the entire eurasian region developing as a single whole. you are simply uniting us, but they cannot stand against this front. people need to know what's going on.
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in russia, the explosives channel was blocked; it was transported from ukraine through the countries of the european union, hidden in orthodox icons. in total , fsb officers managed to seize 27 explosive devices, 70 kg of high -power explosives and 91 detonators. according to special services, they were transported along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia. that is, in six
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eu countries the deadly cargo was passed through without any problems. one person was detained; he said that the loading of church utensils took place in romania. it is reported that the total amount of the substance would be enough to blow up an apartment building. a criminal case has been opened regarding the smuggling of explosives by a group of people by prior conspiracy. the international olympic committee has finally betrayed the idea of ​​sports outside of politics. the committee created a special observation mission for... the statements of russian athletes on social networks on the internet, those who speak out in support of moscow will be blocked from competitions, all this became known from the mouth of the head of mock thomas bach himself, in a conversation with pranksters vavan and lexus, one of whom introduced himself to officials from africa. bach also said that the committee asks the ukrainian authorities to monitor the words of athletes from russia on the internet, also for blocking. a resident of minsk to buy an apartment. the price
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was invested in gazprom shares, but instead of income received only huge losses and debts to the bank. this is because the investment advertisement that appeared on the internet turned out to be fraudulent, the capital’s police said. in total , the woman lost 17 rubles. i deposited funds, i saw this money coming in, cryptocurrencies on the exchange, i really liked it, i had to take out loans, i have a lot of loans. this means that they are scaring you with the fact that now your account will be blocked forever, you will lose it, the woman has registered on the online platform and regularly replenished the balance under the guidance of a curator, he also persuaded her to invest in gazprom the money received from the sale of the apartment of a deceased relative. later, menchanka decided to withdraw part of the investment, but she was informed that this was impossible without additional investments. after several transfers of payment for services. after withdrawing the money, the woman realized that
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she had become a victim of deception, either they were zombifying, or i don’t know, they were hypnotizing, what was happening, i don’t know, i’m a normal, adequate person, but such a story happened to me, now i’m i just don’t know how to deal with this. a criminal case has been opened regarding fraud. the police once again reminded that before investing money in investment projects, you should verify the authenticity of the proposals, for example, by calling the organization. indicated on the official websites. for aggressive movement, bikers will have their vehicles confiscated; motorcyclists will be under the close supervision of the traffic police. every year, with the opening of the mutaseason, there is a sharp increase in the number of accidents involving this equipment. already in march, three people died, 16 were injured. across the country , traffic police officers began working on roads, including suburban ones. road patrol officers will use public and unofficial methods.
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maneuvering, moving without motorcycle helmets, driving a motorcycle without a license are the most common violations. one of the main open-air festive venues is being renovated in minsk; large-scale work has begun near the sports palace. now the old asphalt concrete surface is being replaced with tiles. the reconstruction will also affect the side stone. the storm drain has already been replaced communication, and the electrical system was adapted for outdoor trade and the installation of a new year tree. coating. the existing site has already been in use for quite a long time, taking into account the holding of city events, well, it has probably fallen into disrepair, the time has already come to replace the coating with a new tiled one . at this site, as part of this work, reconstruction of the power supply networks has also been carried out, every day
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about 20 people, work is carried out seven days a week, the plan will improve almost 5.5 km, the site will open for walks in may after... strong wooden houses for trade will be put up on this territory on an ongoing basis. next, sports news, we are on the air at 13:00, see you! the country's open swimming championship has started at the bresse aquatics palace, in which the strongest belarusian swimmers are taking part. the competition will become a qualifier for the championship and championship of russia, which will take place at the start of the olympic games, the world cup,
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which started in thailand. fight for medals and license points will be led by pyotr osayonok, evgeny tekhantsov, sergey sharenkov, eduard zezyulin and suzanna volodko. not to win a ticket to paris.
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in 1949, residents of the village of chezheviche , starobinsky district, minsk region , could observe the same
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picture for months: behind the bridge over the rudka river, a team of workers, geologists, were trying to extract something from the ground and from great depths. the significant date for the historical republic was the 9th of june 1949. the village of chyzhevichy
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of the starobinsk district of the minsk region had padzeya, which is folded peraatsanіts. menavita this day on the upper ground from a large boulder 300 meters away, the first batch of silvyanita, light-colored, roof ravine, the most important cheese for the recovery of chestnut thefts, fell.
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the significance of the event will be confirmed over the years. at the same time , new opportunities and new horizons opened up for the national economy of the bssr. belarus is completely devoid of mineral resources. this was the verdict of venerable geologists, scientists of the ussr in the mid-thirties. but the republic could not and did not want to agree with him. her the national economy needed the use of natural resources, without which it is difficult to solve issues of the effectiveness of development of the entire national economy as a whole. the republic as a whole is quite rich in raw materials. we talked about oil, about rut gardens. there are currently about 10,000 deposits in the republic.
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only fuel, these are nutrient soils, these are elements of substrates, these are pomace and
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concentrates that are used in plant growing and vegetable growing. the republic understood the importance of using other resources, intensive development of industry, modern production, posed new challenges for geological exploration scientists. raw material base, its development. they also began in the thirties, when he explored the aquifers of the republic
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, dealt with the issues of reclamation of woodlands, and compiled his famous tectonic map. geologist gerasim bogomolov once again walked around a seemingly familiar area to the smallest detail.
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fascinated. already in the tent, he transferred his observations to the map. these were the finishing touches to the great work he now he completed, translating his scientific research and practical observations into the language of a memorandum. availability in the southern part. the ussr's dome-shaped structures provide the basis for exploring these areas for oil, salt and mineral waters. the note was to be sent to the country's leadership. gerasim bogomolov's conclusions turned out to be convincing.
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in his accompanying note addressed to the country's leadership, he... noted: among the young rocks, and especially to the southeast of the geographical center, there were ancient rocks at shallow depths age. they are giant domes and consist mainly of sali. such dome-shaped structures are always satellites of hydrocarbons. the findings were confirmed by the research of other leading geologists.
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there was much more. correspondence began with the council of people's commissars of the republic, heated discussions in the deposits of rock salt and oil, but skeptics in the press. and if it weren’t for gerasim bogomolov, the future academician of the academy of sciences of the bssr, who proved the reality of such assumptions, he used them in his further research. everything could have stayed like this level of discussions. the academy of sciences of the bssr also saw real prospects for research. the belarusian government agreed with her arguments about the advisability of conducting exploratory drilling operations in polesie.
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geologists, the war interfered. to consolidate the successes of belarusian scientists, on april 20, 1945, belarusian radio
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reported the start of the first post-war session of the academy of sciences in minsk. bssr. during the work session, the knot of academic skills is lost. their leaders are given new and ongoing tasks. all the yanks are written on the way to apply the information people's gaspadarki of the republic, in search of new effective ways to develop. at the end of the meeting, the report of the karaspandent member kai garodava sesii was approved by the people's gaspadarka of the newest kanstruktsy. at their protrusions, the navukoists say that the cheese resources of the bssr allow the development of meat based cheese amal... all materials are used for the development of the future. at the session , respect will be given to the geologist who explores the subsoil of the republic. the focus of the session of the academy
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of sciences of the bssr is scientific research that would contribute to the revival of the economy. the republic was in dire need of maximum use of natural resources for the development of the national economy. she stood in front of the academy. the goal is not only to provide a scientific basis for this, but also to offer practical solutions. we actually had to start everything from scratch. but research did not stop either during evacuation or after returning. by the beginning of 1945, eight academic institutes had resumed their work. among the first, the institute of socialist rural economy and institute.
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as if here we must pay tribute to the work of scientists of the belarusian academy of sciences, peat issues were dealt with by the peat institute, which was created in our country in the thirty-second year, and so it carried out this work in sufficient detail to assess raw material reserves in general, the use of peat in the national economy in various directions . the institute of geological sciences, which was also one of the first to be created , has fewer than 13 people on staff. but everything is subject to continuation to military research on the features of the tectonic structures of belarus. with negligible efforts, scientists began to
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practically confirm their hypotheses and implement already established research. only during the years of the first post-war five-year plan were deposits of coli and rock salts discovered. first petrikovskaya, then. belarus potassium museum, the first developed mine, the first batch of salt obtained during the first drilling, and this was also heroism,
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dedication of people of science. their conviction that the republic possesses unique natural resources made it possible to largely change the structure of the people's people. the central committee of the communist party of belarus at the nineteenth congress of the cpb. in 1948 , soviet workers won a great labor victory. the country's industry for the production of oxen products has not only achieved. level, but also exceeded it by 18%. the growth of production, means of production, was 130% compared to 1940, and the production
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of consumer goods was 99%. during the years of the first post-war five-year plan, the republic's industry developed at an accelerated pace, but remained a big problem. energy: enterprises, both leading ones and those in regional and small towns, did not have enough power; the energy and fuel base was restored simultaneously with national economic facilities, but in the new five-year plan the energy sector faced ambitious tasks.
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in a work barracks. now they gathered around the table in the center of the barracks, and the passions there were no joke. the party organizer carefully wrote out the title on paper. message to descendants. but then things were difficult: what to write to the descendants who will read this text in 100 years, this is 2030, after all, what kind of people will be then, what will the country, the republic be like, what will the technology be like, will asintorf even exist. everyone wanted to express their thoughts on this matter, they
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should definitely be included. in the message, the partork wrote all the wishes into the text, then read the message, it was again heatedly discussed and again they suggested adding something, because descendants would read it. november 8, 1930, the first stage was launched. belarusian energy began at the state power plant in the village of orehi vydritsa. belgress became the first in the history of the republic, and it was solemnly named after stalin. the focus was on the creation of the belarusian gressy, confined to the asentorf deposit, a fairly large deposit, of order.
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in those years it was about 5.00 hectares, the depth of the deposit reached 9 m. 9 m, well , imagine, this is about a four-story building, let’s say , in general there are not many such deposits on the territory of the republic, so, but still less they were. on this day , a capsule with a message to descendants was laid. what they wanted say the pioneers, we learn with...
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the method, it is very labor-intensive, they carried lump peat in baskets, peat boxes, including a lot of women who worked on the peat developed. workers and specialists came from all over the ussr; they were the first to come to the osinovsky swamps to open a new page in the industrialization of the country. more than 200 people came from all over the union. worked in the most difficult conditions, well , during construction, the work was carried out mainly by hand, people came from ukraine, from russia, everyone came with their own shovels, with their horses, the manual work was often extremely difficult, but people did not pay attention to this, they tried to do what was needed for the people, for the future, for the state, which gave
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the launch of belgres to the republic in concrete facts. the first powerful power plant had a fairly small capacity by modern standards, about 32 megawatts. this, of course, is not that much, but nevertheless , these capacities made it possible to provide not only the region of the vitebsk region, but also the adjacent territories. a number of industrial enterprises. the sewing, textile, mechanical industries, leather factories, a flax mill, and brick factories started working on industrial current. this, of course, was a big step forward, it was a breakthrough for the overall development of the national economy, let’s say, of the republic in the pre-war period.


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