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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 12:40pm-1:36pm MSK

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і ў stocked defile on the streets of the garden. the hutka is tseplya vyasna, and it’s a safe hour for the dumplings vyanochka. natalya bardzilouskaya, viktar barysa, naviny, central regions. this concludes our issue. we will show you all the most interesting and important things from the life of the central region next sunday immediately after the noon newscast. you can also follow the central region news project on the tvr website. by and youtube channel atn. well now, all the best and see you later.
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previously, graphite filters were used, they often they failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, pressed by explosion. the biggest trouble in shonya is saving cheese. yashche is not so far from
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being small adgon, as it stagnates the creation of essential milk products, there is no reward here. sunny adgon is used for food for chickens and chicks. this year 15 thousand kancentravanaga spazhyўnaga stern. so we have prepared new reserves creativity. 60 thousand bottles of melaka, a lot of crushed milk, kefir, cream, tvaraga and other dairy products, we burn shtodzenna. minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. the machines cut out paper bottles, spray them with sour cream and seal them. this automatic line has a high level of productivity. here you pay 6 thousand bottles of malak for a drink. and this machine packages two tons of cottage cheese per change. shyroka vykaristovayuchy new technology, plant specifications and the anniversary of the republic. increase
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your production plans by 6 million rubles.
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well, what took you so long, and how did you call, i came here right away, how could you lose him, i don’t know. and i warned you that he was problematic, they told me about this back in the orphanage, where? were you in an orphanage? yes, you knew where my son was and didn’t tell me about
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it? don’t you understand? lord, vasya, as soon as i saw him, i realized that we couldn’t cope. i can’t get my head around how you are, regin, but i turned out to be right, he needs special care, a psychological regime, as soon as we find it, we’ll send him, shut up, what do you mean literally, i won’t send him anywhere, or do you accept everything as it is, find an approach to him? or are we breaking up? what do you think i was doing all this time? your son hates me. or maybe you are his? you know? maybe, yes, maybe i should have
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left you as soon as you received this letter, or i shouldn’t have wasted such time even earlier, i’ll take my things out before evening. he'll be mad when he finds out that you screwed him over the ending, that's right, show him what are you worth to the goat, apparently not much, stop it, it’s not your fault, i. maybe this is a normal price for a dream, he cares about your dream, there are such money, a name, everything, he just used you, that’s all,
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girls, why are you here, anya, leave? home, what did i hear, you can’t leave, and no one here asks you at all, son, and you, my friend, helped pack your things, just to get out quickly, what? nikita, nikita, i told you what he’s like, well, you women are all the same. oh boris volnov, that's all of you identical, and you will be the same as your father, you fool, well, get out of here, i’m sorry, screw you, why are you letting him win, you danced, well, there’s only the final
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left ahead, if you win, then you won’t give a damn about him with my productions, i can’t, but what about the boy, you ’ll leave him too, it’s none of your business, but you should. you know, to win for him, for this kid.
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i came to get my passport, it was a stormy night, i thought death had come, i almost guessed it, but you have to admit, you also need to try to die beautifully, role what is your role? well, that’s enough, you’ve achieved your goal, well done, valnov, i’ll tell you the truth, i’ve never understood in my life what i really needed, let’s just leave everything, fight, i’m getting married, congratulations, the production is no longer yours, my future husband hired me a french choreographer who will choreograph that... for me, i didn’t understand, by the way,
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your girl turned out to be good, i watched the competition, but i’m not a fool either, apparently, since she saw through you, adyo valnov, the hosts of the travel show are at home , they know exactly how to lead. and there is some amazing bridge, look kai, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes,
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it’s really big, and they also share their vivid impressions, oh wow, hello, hello, we are a tourist from venezuela, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people's republic of china, a sculptural composition of the afu doll, oh, how cute they are, yes, a boy and a girl. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country, there was such a goal, to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this is not it happened in one moment, it all happened gradually, of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our region. both the region and the ministry of culture, it was decided
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that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, by keeping it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization, let’s get to know the people, who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this... museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we are creating miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel.
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well, well, i think i wrote everything, please let me know if you find him, well , first of all, we will inform the director of the orphanage, so what, you are not his legal representative yet, so keep in touch with them, now please , answer a few questions, uh, come on. he practically doesn’t speak for months, he makes contact bad, yes, well, he needs time to get used to the person, that is, he’s not used to you either. ran away, but no, everything was fine with us, yeah, there were conflicts in the family, he was with you recently, yes, recently, my regina, with whom we live together, somehow
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things didn’t work out for them, and in the morning there were quarrels between them there wasn’t, but no, what kind of quarrels are there, no? did you remember something? could he hear conversations from the car? yes. she wanted to give it somewhere at home? clear. mom, how about a taxi? no, taxis are expensive,
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okay. let's sit down on the path, daughter, mom, you flew to me, yes, you couldn’t sleep after our last conversation with you, and you have a final tomorrow, i’m also sorry that i did this without permission, oh, mom, well, we rusanova always do everything. for permission, yes, i decided so, i’m returning home, which means we went to the station, but i don’t have money for a plane, i thought you were going to dissuade me, is it necessary? if you want, i’ll tell you everything i think
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about this, and you can make your own decision, okay? i won't pretend, your dance fever never inspired me optimism, and this competition, no, it’s not a competition, everything that happened to you here, what happened here, well, in general, well, since you have embarked on this path, you need to go through it to the end, you know, you yourself. well, probably for this boy too, who watches your performances. mom, i love you, but you know better than anyone, maybe, maybe i was drawing a place, but a person, well, give me at
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least some clue. listen, he kept repeating, mom, mom, mom. mom anya, this is the girl who dances, she is a complete stranger to him, but he calls her mom, well now that’s something, who is anya, where to look, but you don’t need to look for her, turn on the tv, she recently came to our orphanage, that’s how, why didn’t i know about it, i thought it didn’t matter, but i didn’t ask for vasily’s address, of course, mine, of course. don’t go, please, okay, give me a little money, of course, well , i’m glad you’re here, now, please, what do you say, where is vanya, what is vanya, where is vanya, stop, stop,
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why outsiders, calm, calm, calm, calm down, hello, senior leden petrov. here are my documents, i'm like this i understand, you, anna rusanova, i, borya, go away, where were you today at 9 am, i was in the hostel, nana, tell them, i don’t know, i think you came back after ten, in that case, i’ll ask you come with us to the department, stop, what does it mean to pass, you understand that we have a final tomorrow, what it is, you know, and the fact that a six-year-old boy has disappeared, you understand that, vanya is missing, missing, and why are you so nervous , anna, you ’re asking him why he has a child? runs away, but not from me, so we’ll sort it out in the department, let’s go, let’s go, but what about right away? it is forbidden? you were supposed to call me, right? i don’t have your number, they would ask inga, she does, they organized a circus, you know what, weren’t you the ones
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who demanded my address from inga? i missed vanya, i missed you so much that i kidnapped you, i don’t think i tried, no, they don’t run away from good fathers, so if you hadn’t gone along with him, didn’t call yourself a mom, fooled the kid’s whole head? how long do we still have? 15 minutes, we'll get there without casualties, let's hope, hope, the final comedy, fight, well done, with the staging in flight, with the competition, god knows what, i'm already i smell what you dragged us into, how did you get me, oh'? borya, if you knew how mutual this feeling is, you’re just, you’re just a loser, you couldn’t cope with two women,
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there’s not one left, you’re losing your skill, it’s still possible, anya will win the competition, the production will be sponsored. burenka, it feels like you didn’t come from tyumen, no one will give you anything. and, by the way, a choreographer. they’ve already found karenina, i’ll stage something else, and irina will dance when she returns from her honeymoon with dyakov, and he would never have given you money according to danya, he simply mocked you at the request of his future wife, the good fairy of children.
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do you seriously think that i’m hiding it somewhere in the bathroom? no, probably, probably, why are we sitting here then, and what should we do? search? what is this? i'm different, are you coming?
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i'm tired of waiting for you here, i'm very cold. yes, that's it, okay, come on, really, what did they take? dana, yes, let's go! “she was with us and the boy wasn’t with her, why are you hanging around with her like that, now they’ll find out everything and yours will come back anya, you’ve probably gone crazy, what’s
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wrong with her, everything is for her, competition, freedom, the main role, but she doesn’t need it, stop saying that, i won’t stop, because i’m better than her, maybe so, we in only one. you are different, but you would never do something like that, okay, go to the rehearsal, and i ’ll hand out leaflets, what’s this for, i won’t go anywhere until vanya is found, okay, then we’ll leave now, you go around the area on the right, and i’ll go around on the left , i’ll meet you at the car in an hour, okay, okay, got it, ah, thank you, well, i called you, you said that you had it, what
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means she left, that’s what it means? she left with the father of the missing boy, she is not detained, you have the right to everything, where did she go, i have a final tomorrow? i don’t know, apparently on a search, hello, what do you have, hello, please write down that i was mistaken, that anya was in the dorm in the morning, she didn’t kidnap any boy. i’ll write it down, sit down, i made a mistake, i made a mistake that you want to win so much, that you’re ready to set up your friend? she’s not my friend, but i want to, i don’t have lovers among the jury chairmen, what are you?
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why are you sitting here so sad? have you seen? mom, what mom, mom, boy, can you just say? “some kind of scare, is there any news? no, i hope that someone will call, a homemade ring, a ring? yes,
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i gave it to vanya.” wow, i have a handy guy growing up, he didn’t give me a ring, uh-huh, the wire probably ran out, of course, are you jealous, but you wouldn’t be jealous if your son called someone else’s uncle dad and ignored you. i would take a closer look at this guy, you know, seriously, when i saw you for the first time, i thought that vanya was very uncomfortable lucky to have your father, were you kind of gloomy or what? i’m like that, and when i saw you, i
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thought that she needed something from vanya, definitely, it looks like you and i need the same thing. are you still sitting here? so what should i do with you? could you explain it to a human? where is your mother? complete rubbish, and what
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does that mean, are you on your own again? they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy, you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in
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the yard, how far is it, well... just meters away, so that, yes, it is opposite the house, we today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, those who are not initiated, when they see this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill , the presenter from the capital, has to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well ok, it's a brown nut, blue, we don't see it this mill has no external blades. yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? ordinary, ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. the project i am
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from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, then you appeared, and i became superfluous in vanya’s life. yes, i didn’t mean to forgive, but why forgive me, are you right? do you have a family, a wife? what could you tell her? sorry, honey, there's still a boy here
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mom is attached. i'm not married, but you're right, without you there are enough problems. without me or because of me, let's not talk about it, yeah, come on, well, i have an idea, where to go next, eat. mom is at work today, she has a night shift, so she will only return in the morning, you will spend the night with me today, everyone is probably looking for you, so
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she really is your mother, cool, tomorrow we will go to this competition and find her, then at least you will be able to talk. it's morning soon, and you have finals today? yes, it’s true, but you know, it feels as if everything was not with me, or a very long time ago, yes, it was. very long day, you know, it’s so strange, i was striving for this finale, dreaming about it, uh-huh, but now i’m not interested in it, no, well, that’s also impossible, if you don’t go there, you’ll regret it, because
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the rest of your life, yes, if only vanya has been found, then i won’t regret anything. well, what are you thinking about, nothing, but unfortunately, yesterday i broke up with regina,
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we were together for 3 years, we were preparing for the wedding, it seemed that everything in life has a purpose, at one moment, bang. everything, empty, as if there was nothing, no doubts, no regrets. "i need to say something, you are interesting, anya rusanova, ah, lord, finally, and you, boris, are too maneuverable." "thank god, we are at the finish line, so this is good, movement is life,
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by the way, you look great, vera, and he is a sprinter, vera, what’s the matter , catch up, so guys, well, we said hello, finished, but no, where is rusanova? so, the run will start without her, command, kondrat, let's start the run, put on the first track, everyone is ready, let's go!" so, first we go by minibus, then by metro, then on foot, it takes us an hour to get there, i read about you, you dad was found, why did you run away from him, i'm here i rarely see my dad, i don’t want to avoid him, but my mom is cool, she’s only strict, it’s great that you have both a mom and a dad, okay, let’s go. just reconcile your parents, everything will be as before,
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yes, hello, yes, what? that’s it, i’m on my way, here, listen, you can take 5 minutes while you can, well done, drink some water there, give me five, 5-7 minutes, well, look, boris has found a new passion for something. he’s fast, well, he’s already a jerk, so
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fedya, he’s your older comrade, he just loves dancing and women, and you care about him like the moon, and about nanana, by the way, too, thank you, go, rehearse, dancer, i don’t understand why we are here, so you have a final, so vanya was found when i got the details. i know, petrok just called, i’ll go to them, you
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’ll bring him here, of course, i think vanya himself will want to come here, but you have to win, otherwise we won’t root for you, vasily, you have double standards, good luck , i’m taking my brother to a tutor, this is how and what does your brother do? english, english is good, cross the road more carefully, thank you, it's clear, okay, come on, let's be more amplitude, what? no, come on again
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once, ready, let's go, well, well, here we go, anechka, welcome to the dance, well, our star has arrived, let's rehearse, vera,
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will you continue, are you worried? “i came to wish you good luck, thank you, we can try to start all over again, anh, we need each other, i promise you, i take everything from myself, you won’t have to think about anything at all, you will only shine.” i won’t do that anymore i want, i don’t want to live only by dancing, but you’re just tired, okay, let’s talk about it after
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the competition. good luck! feeling inside like a magical world, magical world, i will not get to fight, your name is a gift, i feel so happy, we one more second,
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i'm calling from you, your name is. control a yacht, a helicopter, how mediocre i spent 45 years of my life, but let’s not talk about sad things, meet the next participant, aslan akhmedov, thunderous applause, let’s go,
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yes, as we found, hello. wait, vasya, i, i don’t understand anything, you said that they found vanya, they thought so too.
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it turned out to be another guy, the same age, no documents, so they misidentified themselves, rusanova, where? thanks to aslan and his choreographer for oriental flavor of modern dance. i will wait for your applause, we will continue our program. meet the next participant, nikita bolnov, right, and vanya, where where? i don’t know, they’re looking, okay, there will be news, i’ll call you back right away, bye, so, why are you here, and what
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happened again, they didn’t find vanya, but your vanya will be found, you understand that filming is going on there now, and soon your exit, no i can, i can’t. need to get some air. anya, anya, don't do anything stupid. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for the adults. hi all. but in a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children
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love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult. i really didn't want my children... along this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. you every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients. this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel.
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well, here we are.
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let's go, there are no words, it was nikita
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valnov, right, right, that's what family tradition means, i'm not all of you, anechka, mom. meet, this is vanya, and this is his friend, masha, very nice, natalya andreevna, so, our competition is coming to an end, there’s only one left, well, you’re just in time, there’s your exit, one, or rather, uh-huh, contestant, hello, vasya. “i found him, yes, yes, don’t worry, he’s with me, move the studio, let’s go see.”
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let's get here, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly! ay! des the dear stood so consequences brought me in this room you feel this memory fading passes so hard to define stand in this black dress fighting and breathless the last
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try we give into. so like little step by so reckless beautiful mindness happiness one bass us by not this time now standing tall in this black dress fighting. and breathless, the last try we keep in tonight, little st by so reckless, beautiful, myless, happiness, one passt spine, now this time.
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5 4 3 2 1 stop, voting lines are closed, that's it. dear friends, you and i have come a long way, and if you ask me which of you won, then i will say that you all, but what our esteemed jury and television viewers will decide, you and i will find out now at this moment, and i will ask assistants bring an envelope to the scene. thank you, in the opinion of
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the many respected jury, nikita valnov won in the dance class show, congratulations! that's not all, the opinions of the jury and tv viewers differed, the audience award goes to anna rusanova.


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