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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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that the cdu is the most popular party in germany and will most likely form the next government of the country, the idea of ​​​​increasing pressure on the slovaks and hungarians is in the air and will soon, quite possibly, be implemented. how did zelensky cancel the presidential elections , why are the arguments sewn with white threads? usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, as they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians. when an actor runs out of mandates, why do they even throw him out of the team? the most faithful friends, in clear politics all alignment of arbitrariness at the bank, see today after the panorama.
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this is a panorama and we continue. an overpass
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across the railway, numerous transport interchanges, 50,000 cubic meters of asphalt concrete, work is actively underway on the construction of a bypass road in lida, we will tell you how the logistics of the region will change after the route is put into operation. instead of income , you get only losses and debts, which means there are scammers on the other side of the screen. how do scammers on behalf of large companies and banks profit from belarusians and is there a chance to recoup their losses?
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we continue to monitor the emergency in the smolensk region; in the city of vyazma, a bridge collapsed on an overpass; at that moment there were a car and a truck; one death is known, six people were injured, five were hospitalized. the bridge structure collapsed on the railway track, train traffic on the vyazma semlev section was suspended. a criminal case has been opened regarding the collapse of the overpass. the railway connects belarus and moscow, in particular , gomel passenger trains pass through it,
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no trains have arrived yet, all trains are sent regularly, the ministry of emergency situations of the smolyan region told our tv channel that so far there are no delays in long-distance trains, only regional trains have been suspended, connecting smolensk-moscow in both directions, the trains have been returned, passengers have been sent by buses at their destination, the russian railways company said, that the destroyed bridge was not on the balance sheet of russian railways, at the time of the incident there were no trains on the site, four were sent to the site to restore it.
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the level of the ural river in the orsk region fluctuates at mark 9 m, then decreasing, then slightly rising. the dam was designed to lift water up to a level of 5 m, but in the end it could not withstand the pressure. now in orsk not only the first, but the second floors of high-rise buildings are flooded. for thousands of people, this became
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a real life disaster and led to the loss of almost all their property. our entire, almost entire first floor was flooded, we just made repairs, all the furniture there floated, everything floated. what is left, how are we going to get back to this house now? terrible, the houses are standing, everything is in the water, video and they send, i don’t know what videos are shown on tv, we are sitting in an evacuation center, there is no tv, eyewitnesses say that, well, not all of them, we have a lot of videos, houses are completely up to the roof, on difficult days trials, human solidarity is increasing a hundredfold, in orsk ordinary citizens have joined in helping flood victims, who help the rescuers as much as they can, and where they can, they replace them, we even bought a boat yesterday to get around, if anything happens to them, there is first aid, they there is medicine, a riot of elements became the cause of the most dramatic incidents, people who seemed to be already safe suddenly face new challenges, for example,
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a boat of rescuers accidentally capsized and evacuated the rescued to the mainland, only miraculously there were no casualties, an hour later another boat arrived for the victims .
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many regions of russia are preparing for a natural disaster at once. the ministry of emergency situations reports active snow melting in the volga, central and siberian federal districts. unprecedented floods recorded in neighboring kazakhstan. even tyumen, located 100 km from orenburg, declared a state of emergency. a few hours ago , a state of emergency was introduced in the kurgan region due to the rise in the level of the tobol river. to date, more than 10 thousand residential buildings have been sunk in 39 constituent entities of the russian federation. emergency services are working everywhere in full mobilization mode. they will face some tough challenges over the next few weeks. we hope that the big water will go away, but it won’t happen in the next few days. olek romanov, tv news agency. weather contrasts in belarus. april continues to change her role.
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if the beginning of the month corresponded to july values, then within a few days a sharp cold snap arrived. in the north of the country , snow cover up to 6 cm high was even recorded. meanwhile, at the beginning of this working day. the snow melted quickly back in february, and the agricultural marathon this season started several
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weeks earlier than last year. for rural workers, this is additional time to carry out complex work in the southwestern regions, for example, plant growing began a month earlier, amid the fruitful benefits of early spring. there has already been a longer tillering period, and even though the rains paused briefly in recent days, the deadline and agricultural technologies are being observed. the spring relay race is now continuing en masse in... in all regions of belarus, only early grain and leguminous crops are sown on 370 thousand hectares, which is more than 60% of the area. meanwhile, spring crops, such as sugar beets, flax, and rapeseed, have already occupied over 430,000 hectares, which is a fifth of the plan. among the leaders of the brezskaya agrarian region, in the grodno and minsk regions , cultivation in the fields, moisture closure, and the soil for sowing spring crops have already been prepared by a quarter. at the same time, the farm continues to fertilize winter crops. and now to the trends in the belarusian
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car market: consumers are already less interested in used cars, and the demand for new models is growing. among the reasons for the appearance of new brands on sale, primarily chinese ones, is the development of our local production and affordable car loans. as for sales volumes after the fall that we observed 2 years ago, a gradual recovery. last year. there are already more than 11 thousand electric cars in belarus, and dealers plan to sell about 2 thousand more this year. all
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the necessary infrastructure has been created in force and a number of benefits, zero vat, 0% duty, as well as a tax deduction for legal entities. road updates also match the automotive trend. in lida, within the framework of the state road program of belarus, a large-scale transport project for the construction of a bypass road is being implemented. the new expressway will rid the ride center of '. yuri kornilovich's report: the most ambitious work road construction in the litsky district begins with a planning meeting, the object is not easy, the implementation of all stages must proceed strictly according to schedule, which means that each contractor needs to complete a clear scope of work for the day. our task. we will hand over the canvas so that technical supervision can allow the mesh to be laid on a semi-circle in the area of ​​the turn to the konus plant. the first
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construction equipment appeared in the suburbs of lida a year and a half ago; road workers were faced with the difficult task of building more than 4 km of a modern highway with bicycle paths from scratch. the area here is swampy, therefore, it was necessary to dig pits up to 7 m deep, and make a fifteen-meter gravel embankment in front of the overpasses. the complex of earthworks has been completed in full and is progressing. construction of road pavement, they have already begun to lay asphalt concrete pavement, construction of pedestrian paths, bicycle paths is underway, an overpass more than 150 m long, one of the most complex objects of the bypass road, is being built across railway tracks, a highway, while traffic did not stop during construction, readiness of the object is more 80% are currently constructing access roads. the driver viktor zdanovich is working. as quickly as possible in order to deliver the project on time, he lives in lida and plans to use the new road himself, i make slopes
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so that it is beautiful, people with rakes will pass after me, they will sow grass, it will be a beautiful road, pride in the road that we are building, so that leave, now there are big traffic jams in the city, the road will be built, the traffic jams will be removed, it will be absolutely gorgeous, construction is being carried out in several stages as part of the state road program of belarus, the first is the most difficult, a little more than 4 km are planned to be completed in the near future, another one is in the queue, about 10 km. the project is significant for the regional center; it will relieve the city of transit transport traveling to the border with lithuania and improve the environmental situation. simultaneously with the construction of the bypass road in lidi, work is underway on another equally important project for the reconstruction of krasnoarmeyskaya street. an overpass over the railway is being built here. this artery connects residential areas with the city center. the right logistics can become a driver economic. region, in order to shorten the path from new microdistricts to large industrial enterprises, they took unprecedented measures,
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eight, eight houses, residential buildings were demolished, people were provided with 14 apartments for people, you know, the city residents somehow reacted with understanding, a task was assigned to the contractor , the shortest possible time, the shortest possible time to build this facility, the pilots are ready to endure temporary inconvenience. related to construction, previously during peak hours you had to stand in traffic jams here for about an hour, there are some minor difficulties, of course, with this ending, that’s the very thing, but i think this is all being done for, as they say, for drivers, for... the people, well, so i think this will all be done for the better, before there were very big problems, it took a very long time to stand in a traffic jam, wait, but today, when all this is done, it will be convenient for drivers, well , getting there will be much easier, road workers assure that citizens will be able to drive along the new section of the bypass road this year. yuri kornilovich, victor baka,
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television news agency. they would like to wish them well dear, to scammers from... the internet, but instead they give their money to cybercriminals. 170,000 rub. anti-record of the week. a resident of minsk fell for the trick. for the sake of dubious investments, the woman lost her relative’s apartment, but acquired debts to the bank. victoria radevich understood the topic. so i decided on my own to choose a platform. i came across gazprom. i called there. when i called, everything was very kind, everything was very good. but even then, the resident of the capital did not suspect that soon. such a kindness from your interlocutor, sweet promises of quick money will play a terribly cruel joke on her. the woman was going to invest in shares of the belarusian subsidiary of gazprom. in any case, that’s what she thought for the sake of buying an apartment for her son, but she didn’t check one thing, the most important thing: was the offer reliable? as a result, i was left with huge losses and debts to the bank. i deposited funds, i
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saw this money, that cryptocurrencies were coming to the exchange, i really liked it. imaginary appearance. income, it was just a hook to lure her, and it worked, as a result, 170,000 rubles were lost. woman registered on an online platform and regularly topped up her balance under the guidance of a curator, who also persuaded her to invest money received from the sale of a deceased relative’s apartment into gazprom. later, the minsk resident decided to withdraw part of the investment, but she was informed that this was impossible without additional investments. after several transfers of payment for money withdrawal services, the woman understood. that was the victim of deception. it is obvious that in this story the swindlers are acting on behalf of a subsidiary of the largest russian energy company gazprom transgaz belarus. the proposal should have immediately alerted people to the fact that investing money in the shares of a large enterprise is, in principle , impossible, because gazprom transgaz belarus did not have and does not have any investment platforms or programs in this area. as far as i understand and am familiar with the situations,
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a similar situation is developing with large companies in the countries of the near and far abroad, and for my part i can say that we are conducting explanatory work using all possible methods, in these matters, we are just regulating our activities together with law enforcement agencies, the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade and the ministry of information, but still we have made some progress. according to the ministry of internal affairs, since the beginning of this year , almost 3.00 internet frauds have been recorded in the country, of which almost 15% are related to investments, hiding behind the leading brands of the market. over the last six months , the vast majority of amounts were stolen from clients through investment. in fact, this is a fraud scheme that is very difficult to detect on
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early stage, a person is often completely sure that he is investing in... similar resources that are used by some trademarks that are quite well-known and recognizable in our territory, naturally, we also contact the owners of these trademarks
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and establish whether these or those resources are really theirs, or whether this is still the case here. conscientious advertising and the need to take urgent measures, of course we have a fairly effective tool to counteract this, the indicated resources are blocked either on our initiative or can be blocked on the initiative of the brand holder who discovers the relevant information. mechanisms to combat cybercrime in belarus are constantly being improved and are already creating certain difficulties for scammers, for example, since march, according to a new presidential decree. banks exchange information with law enforcement officers around the clock about illegal financial transactions or their attempts; now intercepting the withdrawal of stolen money abroad is easier and faster, but experts urgently recommend not... to neglect their advice and use critical thinking to protect yourself from such risks. victoria radevich, grigory kristofovich and anatoly dolotovsky, television news agency. plus
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the belarusian wrestling team has five olympic licenses. our athletes performed successfully at the qualifying tournament in baku. let me remind you that in order to win the quota, the wrestlers had to make it to the finals of the championship, and irina kurochkina was the first to do this. weight category up to 57 kg, belarusian start. way from the quarterfinals, where she defeated the russian olga khoroshevtseva, and then confidently defeated alina grushina akobia from ukraine, well, i had two fights, and well, each one, to be honest, was very difficult for me, somehow mentally strong-willed, i probably fought while plans to rest were in the plans after the tournament, it turns out that we will sit down with the coaches, with the main trainer, with the personal trainer and write some kind of plan that will be more suitable. i was just a little short of veronica ivanova, the fight with the representative of the russian team was very worthy, it was a fairly worthy fight, an intense fight, i think that veronica
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still has a chance, she will get a ticket to the olympic games. belarusian freestyle wrestlers performed triumphantly at the tournament in baku, winning four quotas at once: denis khromenkov, alexander gushtyn and magomed khabib kadim magomedov for the second time in their careers will go to... the main competition of the four-year anniversary, and aryan tyutrin also booked a trip to paris, for this is the first olympics in his career. we, of course, always count on such a result, we always want more, but we were pleasantly surprised, naturally, male team. when we saw zhiebi, it was clear that we should have at least two licenses, the rest, we counted on the guys to get together. tyutrina aryan, we were counting on him, it wasn’t a big revelation for us that he would take the license, well, well done, naturally, there are also worthy rivals there, he coped with it without any problems, and now
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we can calmly prepare for the olympic games, we have driven all our strength, but there’s still a little left, if you need them , you gave these too, fights took place, somewhere there were intense fights, somewhere i didn’t sleep ok, it didn’t work out for... for some reason there were some nuances, everything is still floating. in total, belarusian wrestlers received seven olympic licenses. vanessa kaladinskaya and abubakar khaslakhanov also won quotas. the athletes will have their last chance to get a ticket to paris at the world qualifying tournament, which will be hosted by istanbul in may. and this is the information picture of monday, april 8th. our broadcast will continue with the project “understandable politics”. i say goodbye, all the best, happily. in a clear policy about the last day legitimate ukraine, that’s what they call
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march 31, the country was supposed to hold presidential elections, which zelensky successfully canceled. i respect that you don’t have to choose for an hour. the arguments are stitched together with white thread, the goals are extremely clear. the overdue president did not care about the laws and usurped power - political scientists are indignant. we'll show you the facts and let you draw your own conclusions.
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first, let's deal with the law, zelensky blamed the reluctance to hold elections on martial law, and before its end , the parliamentary campaign was canceled in the country same.
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presidential elections during martial law. any elections during the military period , the election law also prohibits the holding of provisions. it sounds beautiful, but illogical, there is no direct ban on holding it , say opponents, because in the same constitution , the cancellation or postponement of voting concerns only the parliamentary election campaign. this is what article 80 says. three basic laws: since during a state of martial law or a state of emergency, elections to the verkhovna rada of ukraine cannot be held, then its term activities are extended for the duration of elections after a state of emergency and martial law; in the first session of the newly elected parliament, that is, according to the constitution, during martial law the powers of the rada can be extended, which is what is happening now; there is no reservation about the president. the remnants of the opposition demand compliance with the norms, but they
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are accepted. ignore calling them agents of the kremlin. however, the verkhovna rada insists on suspending all electoral procedures until the end of the conflict. the opposition, in turn, demands strict adherence to constitutional norms, declaring that otherwise, upon expiration of the term of office, the president will turn into a usurper. according to the country's constitution, presidential elections were to be held on the last sunday of march, since the constitution does not say anything about an extension. powers during martial law, then from may 21 zelensky loses legitimacy both within the country and abroad; according to the law, zelensky must transfer his powers to the speaker of the rada, whom article 112 of the constitution gives the right to serve as president. in case of early termination of powers of the president of ukraine, in accordance with articles 108, 109, 110, 111
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of this constitution, elections allegedly cannot be held under ukrainian laws. throughout 2023, the presidential election was a fairly discussed topic, although the presidential administration did not make clear promises in this regard. everything finally became clear in november last year, when it became clear that the counteroffensive had completely failed. the us is in no hurry to allocate a new tranche, and other western countries have begun to delay deliveries
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weapons. zelensky's rating on... firstly, zelensky wanted to show that he would not usurp power, and secondly, he was pushed to this by statements of western representatives, kiev perceives them as a signal of the loss of part of the trust between him and the west and... in the beginning march: don’t wait for the elections, around the same time the data of sociologists will become available to the public, who ukrainians want to see for those who do not understand, zelensky will again say the leader, spoiler not zelensky,
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sociological survey: published by the socis company. its essence is quite simple: whoever ukrainians would have elected president if the voting had taken place. the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, was in first place by a wide margin, with more than 40%. zelensky has almost half as much, 23.7%. ex-president, leader of the european solidarity party, petro poroshenko would have scored a little over 6%. competitors in the banking sector are being dealt with. zaluzhny was quickly removed from his post and expelled from the country, appointing him as british ambassador. the commander-in-chief opposed his resignation, but zelensky assured that he himself asked for a representative job. at the moment, zaluzhny never made it to the uk, and his forced resignation only added to his popularity. by canceling the elections, zelensky came up with another argument, saying that the electoral company spends a lot of resources, but they are needed at the front. therefore, with
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all regret, but... it turns out that the president cannot be changed during a conflict with the russian federation, it is unsafe and generally almost immoral, but it is possible to change the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there are no problems with this, the logic is very beneficial for zelensky. one of zelensky’s last interviews against the backdrop of firewood in some hangar, they say right on the front line. communication with fox will be called quite comical, with the prefix, not funny.
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that only a month has passed since that very opinion poll, zelensky is responsible for the extension of martial law, and he forbade himself and others from holding negotiations with russia in order to end the conflict. here is a simple formula for power: while we are at war,
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i will not give up power, and we will not end the war. why didn’t zelensky make such changes? because he’s not confident in himself and doesn’t may act as, for example, it happened in russia, where elections were held even in regions in which... martial law was introduced, becoming a kind of referendum in support of the actions of the russian president. it turns out that zelensky, to put it mildly, did not listen to his western partners. over the past year, they have urged people to ask ukrainians who they want to entrust with a high post. it is not our place to indicate how to do this, but of course, ukraine must organize a free one. and fair elections, because it's yours obligation under the statute of the council of europe, and of course you will do it. the same motives were heard from american shores. i want this country to have free and fair elections, even while
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it is under attack. the american people need to know that ukraine has changed. in the past it was a very corrupt country. without elections , democracy is impossible, they said pathetically from the european platforms. and they sound as they always do.
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is that ukraine is not in the country, there is a war going on, they say it’s not time. the paradox of the state of war with russia. kyiv is not officially declared war on moscow. not a single solution in the ukrainian one. the usa and the eu, because in this case the western allies will officially become accomplices in the war and, in fact, will enter into it. ukraine is in a state of martial law. this is not about war.
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this is openly discussed in ukrainian political circles. this man is determined to be a president of duty and generally decided not to bother with any legal or political steps either in parliament or in the constitutional court of ukraine. at the same time, zelensky is carrying out a strict personnel purge and throwing out the commands are even faithful. friends of comrades, those who went through fire, water and copper pipes with him.
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even first assistant sergei shifir was fired; zelensky had been close with him since the quarter. apparently, there is a lack of understanding not only in society, but also in the immediate environment. his former associates also actively use the theme of the end of zelensky’s presidential powers in their rhetoric. ex-speaker dmitry rozumkov believes that the powers of the president expire on may 20, 2024, further.
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the position in ukraine has become conditional; the media have been expressing alternative views for a long time are closed, leaders who allowed themselves to criticize the top leadership are either killed or in prison. the most fortunate ones managed to leave ukraine, leaving only pro-western politicians who will do whatever they are told from abroad. however, experts considered that ukraine is no stranger to violating the constitution. over the past 10 years, different leaders.
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on february 2014, the verkhovna rada adopted a resolution on the self-removal of yanukovych and appointed turchynov as acting. this was a direct violation of the constitution. already a day later, parliament repealed the law on the fundamentals of state policy. russian, previously one of the main languages, became regional. article 10 of the constitution of ukraine still guarantees free development and protection.
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so these are 85 million inhabitants, this is a significant part of the population of ukraine, but they were not very interested, so to speak, even in announcing that elections could be held there, it is clear that no one would hold them, but they did not even announce about this, that they are in favor of something there
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there and so on, moreover, they did everything so that the so-called displaced persons, those who, due to hostilities... were forced to leave the houses they occupied in settlements there to the territory controlled by the kiev regime, they did everything so that these people will not be able to vote. thus , ukraine has long become an illegal state, where the authorities are a big fan of telling us belarusians what we are doing wrong, especially in the twentieth year, then zelensky was much bolder in relation to belarus. kyiv quickly named lukashenko illegitimate, called on minsk to ensure.
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transport weapons and carry out terrorist attacks on belarusian soil, this is the gratitude from our southern neighbors. in belarus, i was stationed at the machulishche airfield. in belarus, they worked at the machulishche airfield, a50 - a russian enemy aircraft that carried out deep radar on the territory of ukraine, it was, accordingly, sabotage practiced, the radar system was damaged and put out of action absolutely forever, and so on. by trampling the constitution, zelensky led himself into a political dead end, because now he will have to cling to the fighting until the last , it probably won’t work forever, and look even more obediently at his western patrons, although much more so, since he has long since become a puppet. zelensky is even more stuck in the need to take into account the opinions of the united states
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and the eu. having refused to hold elections, he found himself in a legal quagmire. now, as soon as it stops suiting foreigners. the rulers will quickly ask him to leave. the lever of expired legitimacy allows the white house to overthrow it at any convenient moment. it turns out, indeed, power on blood, because zelensky becomes the main one who is interested in continuing the military conflict. to take the country back from the abyss, there seem to be no such ideals in ukrainian politics, the leaves of illegitimacy have already turned yellow in the spring, and the skillful manipulators of the west have yet to decide how to relate the overdue president to democracy. in their offices, i hope it became clear, happily.
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the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite that we were able to...
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four: you and i live in modernity, we
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believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity everything in the world is text, the text of what is not important, our mistake the fact that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence, because how can we explain it logically? why do they put a grandfather in the post of such a huge state who doesn’t remember his name, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you it will just be somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it is a struggle, it is the front line, god speaks privately to every heart, every person is an individual, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel.
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breakfast, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, an indispensable convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. it produces dozens of different dishes, among them the well-known belarusian potato aladas. it is not always easy for amateurs to prepare them, as you can see, now it has become that means...
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it's not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories, almost 1/3 of the daily energy needed by a person engaged in physical labor. educational institutions work on jokes, and they eat crackers with a variety of vegetables, meat, fish and cottage cheese. at a desperate time. on the air sports day, studio anna eismon, good evening, let's start the episode with good news from thailand, phuket these days
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is hosting the final qualifying tournament for the olympic games in weightlifting in belarus. confidently hit in the top ten of the world rankings and it was important to get on the platform, plus our villager showed an outstanding result of 400 kg in the combined event and managed to rise to the third step of the pedestal, because only two athletes from group a surpassed the result of the belarusian. let me remind you earlier that the only representative of the fair sex from our country, suzanna vladko, made it to the olympics. of the belarusian football championship, after the third round, two teams have nine points each, but the current gold medal winners , dynamo football players, are still only in fifth place, vadim skripchenko’s team
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failed to win the second round in a row. stanislav lipsky, more details. the confrontation between nem nazhidensky torpedo in grod was appointed central in the third round of the national championship; the bookmakers called the home team a small, but favorite, and the yellow-greens justified this status. igor kovalevich's team made more shots towards the goal, nine against five and four against three on target. this episode of the meeting was decisive, where the referee pointed to the spot in the 14th minute. pavel sovitsky converted a penalty, more goals were scored. didn't see it. 1:0. nemon is stronger.
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a penalty opened the scoring in the game against isloch, kirilenko increased the hosts' advantage, when makas scored, it was too late to globally change the pattern of the game 2:1, slavia is stronger. the current champions, the dynamo players, had completed the program of the third round the day before, naftan came to visit vadim skripchenko’s squad, by the 39th minute of the meeting the guests were leading 2:0, thanks to pranovich’s double, adeola reduced the gap, mileshin restored parity, but there was no more time and energy enough. 2:2 result of the match. in the dynamo championship table in the cpk. fifth. let us remind you that on saturday bath lost to gomel 1:3 in the first match of the season in borisov. let us also highlight the defeat of shakhtar in soligorsk. brez dynamo is much stronger. 4:0. it will not be easy for the miners to rehabilitate themselves in the next round. mozyrskaya slavia will come to visit the miner. we froze in anticipation of the most important event
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of the extra league in the final series for the president's cup. in which zhlobin metallurgy and brest will meet. the history of the championship has been rewritten, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached gold series, neither separately, nor especially together. of course, one would expect progress and transformation during the playoffs from the steelworkers, as the current holders of the trophy, but the phenomenon of the southerners is like a sports miracle. magic happens in the city above the bug. local fans high.


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