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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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the president of belarus today convened a large meeting on the state of industrial development tasks. the total number of participants in the event is about three hundred people, the government, governors, heads of various enterprises from all over the country and free economic zones, as well as the national bank, science, belstat and the regulatory agency. it is important for the president to hear different opinions. in general, the industry has seen a steady increase in production volumes over the past few years, plus 40% over 3 years, we are adding in electronics, cars and trucks, combine, at the same time, there is a tense situation in the production of tractors, refrigerators, engines, alexander lukashenko focused on modern technologies, they are the ones that ensure high productivity, quality, cost reduction, an ambiguous situation with exports, on the one hand, last year they sold the maximum in recent years decades from dollars, on the other hand, we are poorly
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diversifying supplies to the far arc countries. in africa, latin america, asia, today there is a huge demand for industrial products. you have to work hard here occupy their niches, especially on the african continent. food security is one of the most vital issues for africa, so agricultural machinery and equipment are especially in demand there. with all the difficulties. difficulties you have to work there, the one who wants to work works there. today there are agreements on the supply of over 3.0 tractors, 80 combines, thirty dump trucks to zimbabwe, more than 150 tractors to the tagalek republic in the twenty-fourth year, it is planned to supply equipment to nicaragu, vietnam, iran, pakistan. why, after all the high-level negotiations, are we not working with equatorial guinea? obviously, we need to go further,
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expand cooperation and understand that our strategic task is to create joint production facilities for the assembly of belarusian equipment in supporting countries. the key goal today is diversification of exports, everything that is required of me for this is accepted immediately. the necessary conditions have been created; you need to use measures of financial support for belarusian exports as actively as possible. priorities. industrial work complex alexander lukashenko calls import substitution. the stability of our economy and the country’s technological independence from western sanctions depend on this today. the president also sets the task of protecting the domestic market. there is an issue with the sale of goods and unloading of finished products from warehouses. the central election commission established the election results and registered the elected members of the council of the republic. 56 people were elected to the upper house of parliament. according to the law yet. eight council members
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the republic is appointed by the president. it is known that the eighth convocation consists of 18 women and 38 men. traditionally, the council of the republic brings together the best representatives of all regions of the country. people who know life firsthand and know how to solve assigned problems. the first session of the eighth convocation of senators will open on april 12. the deputy corps of the vitebsk region has decided on the delegates to the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. at the extraordinary session of the regional council of deputies, 44 candidates were considered, 17 people from the primary territorial level, 18 from the basic territorial level and nine people from the regional council. these are people who have... professional experience and are respected by their colleagues, including workers in the field of healthcare, education, and the agro-industrial complex; the candidates were unanimously supported. the central election commission will sum up the results of the elections of delegates to the supreme council on april 16. registration for
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centralized testing has started in belarus. applicants can register until april 22. there are two ways to do this: fill out the email form on the pixc website and directly at the registration point. in the second case. you must have a passport, id card, residence permit or any identification document with you, ct registration points and its passage, 40 educational institutions have been identified in large district, regional centers and the capital, testing will take place in fifteen academic subjects, also today at the ministry education has opened a hotline regarding the organization of the graduation entrance campaign. the final of the eighth international olympiad on military history among. sants of higher educational institutions of the cis, it is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of operation bagration. the grand opening took place in a symbolic place, on the ceremonial square of the brez fortress. participants laid flowers at the eternal flame and honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. competitions are also held at the memorial complex. there are only three
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rounds in the olympiad program : scientific and practical seminars, various excursions. four teams take part in the olympiad: republic of belarus. the republic of kazakhstan, the kyrgyz republic and a team from the russian federation. there are only 20 participants, these are the best cadets who thoroughly know military history. of course, the olympics are a competition, but the main thing is that the guys communicate with each other and know history; a person who knows history has a future. the results will be summed up on friday at the closing ceremony of the olympics. traditional sakura blossomed in grodno. japanese tree delights citizens and guests with delicate pink petals, there are only 15 trees, they can be found on the river bank a grodni resident in the city park of gillibert, here on may 5 last year, a sakura alley was laid in honor of the year of peace and creation; the tree does not bloom for long, only 7-10 days, depending
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on the weather. by the way, grodno is not the only city where you can admire an exotic tree. sakura grows in the central botanical garden, peoples' friendship park and other places in minsk. hello, we have a busy broadcast today, several high-profile important topics at once, and there will also be a wonderful lineup of experts in the studio, well, alexander is in touch with us right now artamonov, alexander gernovich, hello, good afternoon, greetings, if, if
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i may, we’ll start with this topic, it’s fair to say that today we have common enemies in minsk and moscow, i think that, of course, we have common enemies.
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denies something, but meets with macron, and after that macron makes such militaristic statements, there at this meeting, as i understand it, so i don’t see why and how the west will make an exception for belarus if it this applies to our civilization in general, and the concept of our civilization, i also include serbia, which is very distant territorially, it would seem belarus, well, actually this is russia, i would like to ask this question, from the nearest recent events, here is the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria, we saw this a new round, but... in iranian mit they immediately stated that washington should answer for the israeli strike, very soon
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news came about a strike on an american base in southern syria, but i have a question like this, germanovich, here is a palestinian-israeli conflict, it can become such a joker in the deck that ultimately is able to turn the global chessboard over, discard, if not all the important pieces, then some fundamentally important pieces, and we will see that these are all the moments that are now tying up, crazy no great britain, which is now reconstructing its colonial empire zone
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of influence, including with the departure of the dollar, the rise of a new currency, it will most likely not be a sterling fund, and i note that this even applies to china, which means it has returned to the middle east, but in the event of the dollar leaving the scene, the chinese may have common interests with britain, it is necessary to be extremely, extremely careful in assessing who is the enemy, who is the friend, and the allies. israel is engaged in the destruction of the gas sector, naturally, at its own request in accordance with its ideology, but the question is what and how prompted israel to take such actions, you will now say, naturally october last year, the question is not this, but how... how was the electrification of the border turned off, excuse me, why
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was a system that is absolutely similar russian fopsy shmoematai, this is an 820 security system, government communications, interception, decryption of israeli messages , wiretapping, which is considered one of the best in the western part of the world, really one of the best, the nsa consults with them the us national security agency, they have not monitored anything, nothing found out, were not in the know, and so on. different concepts, i’m just offering everyone, here’s the terminology in my head to begin with, especially since belarus has its own relationship to
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the jewish issue, there are jews, there are israelis, there are jews, in this case, people living in israel are jews, israelis, jews, there are also a million arabs, by the way, with israeli passports, but this is a different question, but i understand perfectly how and what a person professing will do judaism, a jew by blood with arms in hand, absolutely confident, convinced of his right to repeat what... happened, excuse me, in the era of jesus novena, when netanyahu, together with defense minister gallant, still quoted the texts of the old testament, that is take and they quote directly during work meetings, by the way, they quote illegally, because the fire of fire did not descend from the sky and the voice of god, again, as i understand it, did not come, that is, in general floweriness, but i do not profess the old testament, although i recognize it as christian, but that’s not the point now, it turns out that the one who calculated israel’s steps included some kind of scheme...
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i was very surprised when israel hit the embassy, ​​by the way, six people died, one of the highest officials again after sulaymaniyah , but sulaymaniyah is inside. just for those who understand, was actually the head of alkuts, that a state within a state is still a separate structure there, but the conversation about iran reacting strangely, iran doesn’t want war, the question is, why does israel need it, but israel we need to deal with the gas sector, okay, we agreed, he will deal with it with the help of all of sakhau, he has now been given
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additional fighters, a powerful army for the middle east, everything is clear, but at the same time , attack iran. why even if i want the wound to be destroyed in the future, that is, proof, called through the third term, through a certain thing, so to speak, proof that we are dealing with an external player, the external player wants conflict, and is absolutely right in the middle east, he can arrange it, the palestinians have something they can do , nothing, naturally, how hamas will react is again clear, but hezbollah can, hezbollah, because it is entirely under the control of the ksir, can enter. iran will help not to enter into a conflict, iran can react, i remind you that the data is little known in russia, that in fact the zone missile attacks on iran 650 km, this is the area of ​​responsibility of the iranian missile forces, but in fact they have hypersound confirmed, it’s just confirmed that they have it, china has not confirmed it, they have it, but no one has seen where they used it, but
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the training ground, and iran has it, iran is still responding, as i understand it, through little ones, but it will be very interesting. how far iran will go in response to this provocation, for some reason iran does not want to respond to it yet, it will respond somehow, in this regard i will say one thing, redrawing the world, borders of the world through the middle east, most likely the most likely scenario in my eyes is with an outflow, with an outflow of a certain, well, let’s say voltage number one, that is, the reddest zones from the ukrainian steppes there to the middle east.
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will flare up in the middle east, we are naturally interested in supporting iran, because there is a trans-highway route, this concerns belarus, and quite actively, because it is a unified transport system, it can, which causes a lot of tension in western europe and the usa, and to completely make them unnecessary, this southern main route going through the uletsky canal, one of the reasons for the explosion of iran gich, i can’t help but ask this question, maybe you can answer it briefly, very...
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they are bending to the ground, and we continue to watch on the stars in every sense of the word, isn’t it symbolically located? i think that this is very symbolic, i think that this is our constant vector, and that in russia and belarus we have such a strong technologically savvy and literate population, such an engineering school that we really despite all the difficult conditions, we will create something that the americans cannot do, despite hundreds of billions in the most literal sense of the word, because they didn’t build the power plant like that... even according to our drawings they can reproduce the royal rd-180 engine, but we can , indeed, i am sure, we will explore both mars and the moon, especially since there are agreements on this matter with china, in yes. case regarding belarus and its role, and i will note, yes, the paths may be slightly different, but even within the unloved, ardently unloved the united states of america, which seems to be a single state, they actually even have
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different constitutions, protection of internal borders and their own armed structures, national guards and so on, they find compatibility with each other, although in principle it is a union of states, with canada , which is simply a separate state altogether, so are we worse than them or what? of course, in this case there will be a single program and a space one.
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well, the reason is that we see that the kiev regime has no success at the front, rather on the contrary, russia is slowly but surely moving forward, in these conditions the regime, like a rat driven into a corner, is becoming more and more aggressive, and this applies not only to ukraine itself, but also to the owners, they see that all the help that was provided is enormous , all the sanctions, everything they do, well, doesn’t work, accordingly, there is a desire... to act with tougher, aggressive methods, that is, one thing doesn’t work, let’s do the second, unfortunately, in this logic terrorism also stands as one of points, and the classic military
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we are not removing the threat either, no, of course, nothing is being removed, just efficiency, there is no effect that they are counting on, that is, a quick defeat of russia, the economic damage there is catastrophic, now we need to show that the war has come to every home, according to essentially, yes, that is, application. western, that is, to show that no, no, we will create some kind of saboteurs under the guise of belarusian nationalists, although they will naturally be controlled by the special services
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using methods to rake in the heat with the wrong hands, we don’t directly want war, but in reality they will fight with such vile methods, andrey, what do you think? look, we watched a good film, yes, that means that we can tell by the form by the content, that is, the form is like this, for the common man it is serial, so a piece of information is supplied , they return all the time to the old ones... then simple examples show that yes, there is a military threat there, there are complex things, but there are simple, absolutely stupid recruitment methods, how they find people, and if he writes to you a relative from ukraine for some reason, asks for some contacts from you or passes you on to someone else, you need to work and communicate with him, this is the simplest thing that an ordinary person needs to endure, geopolitics is far from our citizens, from many, well , these are simple, everyday things, they are understandable, and it’s all in a very accessible, sometimes even playful form, well, such entertaining counterintelligence, and what was very important in terms of content was there, here is a man who blew up tanks on obama, yes, committed a terrorist attack in russia, our citizen, he said, that they gave him, it means that the organizers of 6,000 dollars for carrying out this terrorist attack,
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the tajiks in the cityhole circle received about the same, there are 5-500 dollars in terms of conversion, the question is, who pays the same for essentially the same actions, this is not direct evidence, but if you add 2.2, it is clear that the operation must be planned, if you have many such operations, a certain budget is laid down for the commission of each such ... act, this is one of the proofs of the trace in the corcus city hall of ukraine. it is very important. there is military tension, a terrorist component, but we also understand that information and psychological operations are becoming tougher. immediately after the crocus, we saw how telegram was flooded with messages addressed to our schoolchildren, that they were committing terrorist attacks, committing terrorist attacks, that even pavel durov had to get involved, i don’t know how truly effective this method will be, but on the other hand, without it, without this tool, it won’t work here either. the fugitives do not hide the fact that funding is being cut, but at the same time they admit that they will not spare money for strict financing programs, that is, you need to keep in mind
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that they will try to find it from all sides. some kind of scheme with such a belarusian terrorist attack, this would be a sign of preparation . colleagues, i generally agree with the previous speakers, but so that we understand the process in general, i
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said in the twentieth, twenty-second year... usa. carried out their plan, the only thing that they did not succeed in collapsing the russian economy like a house of cards, it turned out to be a more stable system itself, we must pay tribute the russian federation is quite effectively carrying out this operation in the context of the fact that they managed to mobilize resources and managed not to undermine socio-political stability. the second stage is necessary now , the task is to involve europe, so this is utter nonsense if someone thinks that the americans do not have enough money to
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finance this company 2 and... dollars they will pay in the next 10 years only to veterans of the war in afghanistan and in iraq, they spent several trillion dollars on the war in afghanistan, so for them this pennies are crumbs, but the task today is to play and manipulate public consciousness, plus the presidential company to shift the responsibility to europe to drag europe in, this requires destabilization of the situation in the russian federation, so you understand, when there is a war, all methods are good, in latin america they transport drugs in stomachs, do you understand or not, and no one says: europe is going through the pre-war era, well, how it was, it means that the journalist asked whether war between nato countries and russia is inevitable,
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the answer is narrowly this, we are not...
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the principle of divide conquer, that is, a number of politicians can be involved through a proxy war, through the involvement of only a number of armies, the armies of europe, then others will catch up, that is, the task today is to shake up the situation as much as possible, to bring the situation to the point that the russian federation passes socio-political unstable task so that they cannot press the nuclear button, subsequently, involving europe, depleting russia as much as possible, depleting the bloc that unites around russia, to come here as... a country that will restore, make money from this, so you need to understand that the situation is very difficult, very dangerous, our task is to prevent europe from being drawn in, all these statements of such a tough militaristic nature directed towards european partners, they are stupid, we need to direct everything addressed to the anglo-saxons, today it must be clearly stated that if today the russian foreign intelligence service could prove that the united states directly organized these tracts, then it would be necessary to do the following, declare
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that in the event of...
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we are not going to threaten someone, but this is the only thing they understand, because if we say, well, okay, we are for peace, we don’t want it there, well, they won’t believe it, these are tough people, predators, who then will do something
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they don’t do it when they see that they can receive a serious rebuff, and we show them that we have something to respond to, and we will respond, despite our generally peace-loving attitude, we will listen to the president, who is talking about exactly this, we are now. .. we want to fight, we are preparing for war, i’m talking about this frankly, you want peace, get ready for war, i didn’t come up with this, it’s said very correctly, if someone howls from there criticizes us, you know, we are doing the right thing, if they start praising us there is trouble,
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but about poland, that is, this is part of such a general information campaign that now it’s going on in europe, it’s all about ammunition, so at the first stage they put everything there that was there, now we need to buy new ones for the americans...
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we don’t scare him, naturally, lukashenko is absolutely right when alexandrich says that if we weak, and how says lyosha, we will only talk about peace, but we will not demonstrate the opportunity to respond, then naturally they will come here, they will be the first and will act harshly, but nevertheless, in addition to these influences of a forceful nature and demonstration of force, we need to conduct very serious diplomatic work , no matter how someone says it, diplomatic work should be in first, second and third place, and most importantly, i say it again. we need to talk directly with the beneficiaries of this entire event, this should have been done in 22, don’t say, we are still following their scenario, everything is correct, i don’t have diplomats for you, but look who is the head of the ukrainian food defense, niki budanov, an employee, so he
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says, there are no threats on the territory of belarus, we don’t see there is a tendency for them to appear in the near future, once again he says that there are no threats, but at the same time drg from the guru. speaks the truth during a military operation, naturally, there are some issues where leaders are forced and must talk about some topics removed from the military operation and so on let's say, bring 100% reliable information to the population, but you understand, the whole world listens to the first forest or the head of intelligence or the head of mit, there are military plans, there are plans for the redeployment of troops, you can transfer troops under the guise of a training exercise, you can finance...
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an excuse for such an approach, butanov says: there are no threats, for some reason they don’t want
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the french, that’s why this is happening , it’s unclear. do you have an idea why, well, most likely some group that works in ukraine is breaking up, here it may even be beneficial for us that the french go there, because the answer was connected precisely with macron. budanovsk is interested, because few people, well, yes, we all understand that this is bad, the entry of new invaders, the french, but the french are playing their game in europe, it is clear that help...
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another revelation from the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine podalek, who recently said: there is no dictatorship in ukraine, ukraine is gradually integrating into a single european space, in fact, what will have to to make belarus after lukashenko disappears along with the subject putin - says podalyak, then there will be a second restart in belarus, here, to be honest, i’m at a loss where to start, because you can start with something funny in the form of the fact that there is no dictatorship in ukraine , you can...
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look, look what the anglo-saxons have in their minds , in their language, here he says that despite the comical nature of this figure, the person is quite evil, judging by what he says and how he says it at different times, and he says that here is the scenario for belarus and russia there must be a restart, this
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is what we must pay attention to, well, of course, the plans do not change, well, ukraine, i agree here, our enemy has success, most of it is under control, but the main prize in this fight is russia , and how to get to russia after ukraine belarus, that is, the plans do not change, they need to take control of all of northern eurasia, accordingly they will further move towards this goal, our task is to understand the plans, to stop them, naturally, i would generally play on ahead, but since they want to play here, well there is france there. how are the italianists ahead of the curve? this means playing not with us, defending on our land, on theirs, so that they feel what we are going through here, because when we first defend ourselves, well , we will wait all the time for them to implement their plans for dividing our territory there , proclaim, i agree here that it is necessary to show that guys, if you
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continue this, then you will also get the same problems under your own, let’s say, auspices, let’s be objective, that the russian federation through its... foreign service intelligence through its agents, it works in europe, but with varying degrees of success, they try to influence public opinion, they try to organize the so-called split in europe, they work with leaders, politicians, the work is carried out with varying degrees of effectiveness, different financial opportunities, varying degrees dependencies of states, you see, many countries, including belarus, are forced to maneuver, because they are partially under external control, and partially dependent economically, politically, etc., so the situation... it’s very difficult, here, you see, no one knew how the confrontation in the cold war would end, at certain stages of history the soviet union could have won, by the way, when the americans lost, crashed in iran, which means they were kicked out of vietnam and so on, on these stages there were historical moments when the soviet union was a leader in the historical, in this
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case, not a single politician in the world will give a one hundred percent scenario for the development of this situation and the outcome of this situation, but... our task with you is to do everything to ensure that everything -yes to remain as a subject of international law, i mean the space of a union state, and to return ukraine to the fold of our foreign policy in the context that this should be a zone of peaceful cooperation, that is, we should still consider ukraine as our partner, that’s about it the president said when they laid flowers with vladimir vladimirovich in memory of those who died in st. petersburg, about the victims, that is, of the siege of leningrad and so on, he said that that’s it, we hope that after all, here on there will still be peace on our territory, and we will cooperate, andrey, then let’s discuss this quote with you, of course you can laugh at it far away, but in general in the western media he is regarded as a respected expert, recently in
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an interview with an american publication the politician said that kiev hopes for the gift of coaxing, this is a quote from zelensky in negotiations with trump, that is, they are already... considering this option, moreover, the lowly, calls zelensky the greatest merchant in history, what is the president so skillfully selling, but need to add that the sycophant in this case is the greatest sycophant in history, since such things are weighed out, but they are all political strategists, that is, these are people who really, as it were , now in ukraine determine some kind of immediate policy, what is he talking about about some kind of reboot of belarus, now the european union is dangling a new carrot, a big expansion of the thirties, that then we will definitely take everything. the poor, the sick, those fighting without territory, well, everyone, everyone, everyone will come to us, they will, as it were, call us for this cause us, now a certain goal is indicated in advance, this is the nearest one, that let us all join a single european space, you can immediately answer what that means, this space, i think, will simply not be there in 10 years, putin and lukashenko - they will survive this single space just fine, but nevertheless, they
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are luring these countries into the european union in order to simply collapse it, this is the american plan there for the next 5-10 years, a podaliak, well, a merchant, of course. that is, they are engaged in constant such bargaining, and arrogant bargaining, they put pressure on their sponsors, who yesterday gave them money, and today they say: we are continuing to attack russian oil refining, your gasoline prices are rising in the usa, that is, so that we stop doing this, give us money, that is, here great, this is blackmail, well, you can call it bargaining by air sellers, or something else, well, that’s how they work, these are talented people in terms of political technology, but why did it happen that we are somehow stupid, they are somehow there are smart people there, nothing like that, that is , there is a special political environment in ukraine, where people like podalik absolutely come to power. unprincipled, absolutely cynical, who changed 10 owners there, but who learned everything during this time, he worked in belarus, the president of a warring country, yes, here is his assistant, adviser, he says, let’s say, not the greatest military leader or hero there. or a leader, look, he says, the greatest trader in history, well, so-so, a compliment, the strongest side, on the other hand, for
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the anglo-saxons this is a compliment, they understand, it means there will be business, and note that zelensky is by first profession they sell history very well, they sell history well, but it’s very difficult to sell even a terrible military story lately, firstly, because people are tired of it, secondly, because zelensky has competitors in this business, well, thirdly, because the united states is obvious. switch from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, look at the general director of the german concern rhein metal armen pepperger in an interview with fans, he says so, and he’s not talking about europe, but conclusions are drawn in kiev. if europe faces with war threatening, the us will not come to its aid, this will not happen, the us is more focused on the asia-pacific region than on europe. that’s what i was talking about, that is, the german military-industrial complex is turning on, he ’s talking about money, give me money. we will produce more tanks, macron fusses, says: no, our military-industrial complex is more ready, it’s french, it’s already loaded, we
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produce everything, it’s the germans there who depend on the americans and so on, that is , they understand what they need to grab now, when america is busy with other problems, to snatch leadership, this is, of course, money, yes, they expect that as a result of control there in part of the territory of ukraine, they will be able to compensate for this, but we are talking about an era when the americans... are no longer in the first roles in europe, these are fishing rods for the future, and ukraine is here, well, that’s just a bargaining chip, a reason to get more bonuses for yourself for the future, the fight is about this now, maybe closing the topic of ukraine, this is important for us, that is, not because we look, we’re devoting attention to ukraine there, in order to divert attention from some of their questions, no matter how they try to talk about it, fortunately we regularly talk about what is being done and highlight problems, tasks that...
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deadline, well, you can call it that, subscriptions for the series servant of the people, it is expiring, here the question arises, we see how zelensky is already beginning to protect even the closest, close circles, not only the military, will he sit in may, will they give him the opportunity to survive this period , or is there a problem, i want to finish what my colleagues said, i am 100% sure that the united states is not leaving europe, the main line will continue regardless. regardless of whether there is trump or biden, the united states is not leaving europe, so that everyone understands, and the pacific campaign will go on in parallel, so here they
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will maintain their own - how to say, spheres of influence, regarding zelensky, of course, there is such an original option, that in the constitution, firstly, there is a conflict in the constitution, on the one hand, if he continues his powers, he has the right to continue them until the election of a new one, on the other hand, the case military conflict, only the rada can continue its powers.
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that really in the fall or there in a few months they can say: well, that’s it, your time is up, a new person is joining, the same loser is returning, nothing prevents him from returning to the ukrainian police, the decision is, you remember that any politician today who throws down the gauntlet to washington ukraine, he will simply be liquidated, that is, it is quite possible that a specialist from the us embassy spoke with zaluzhny for 15 minutes and he agreed to everything, that’s all,
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so this is how it is decided today, and not in street, yeah. and about recognizing not recognizing, yes, this is a reason not to recognize it, but we need to focus on the russian position, the russians indicated this before the elections, that is, putin said that he was full drunk, his nose was full of tobacco, what did this mean, that on the inner contour of the ukrainian, we are quite happy with zelensky, his personal qualities are a weak leader, who should continue to lead there. on the outer contour we will talk to the americans, that is, you as a subject do not interest us at all, that is , this is essentially the line that will further implementation in relation to ukraine, for example, in negotiations, that is, only with the americans, karl santacker came, he was told that, again, we are not discussing only ukraine, there will be a big deal, from china to iran, belarus and everything else , we will discuss this all together, this is our security, only after that we will make some kind of decision on a peaceful settlement there, that is, while this is all
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far enough away, while zelensky is the de facto leader, they will come up with something about this far away. i'm sure some scheme, there is, i don’t know, martial law, something else, all this will happen, well, then we need to look at russia’s actions, but if they want those very negotiations, they will recognize him there in any status, if they don’t want negotiations, then this will be a reason not to hold them specifically with zelensky, yeah, well, let’s move on to us now, and we often say that when we discuss russian topics and what is happening with them, these are our topics, because we , we said before, we have a common history, common economic projects large cultural projects. humanitarian, but today it is also a common threat, the day before was the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, there was a reason to talk about it, and the topic is constantly heard, but if we talk about what is good, we have a common history, a common present , what should be the common future of belarus and russia? but first of all , you need to understand that we
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have entered a new era, and what common place should we have in this new era? the united states is actively fighting to maintain dominance, or at least dominance, in the western world, china, it is building its own sphere of development, yes, this is the task, relatively speaking, between these two poles to still maintain a certain subjectivity, while we understand that we are now objectively closer to the eastern, that is , chinese, we have good relations, but... we are not interested in losing our subjectivity, how can we preserve it by joining forces, and here, in this middle world in northern eurasia, preserve our technological, economic and other competencies, develop and accordingly strengthen our pole, very a tough fight, because we have actually entered a hot phase of the conflict with
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the western world, indirectly china supports us, but the future will be post-war, this is how we will get out of this war, so that we cannot be isolated in terms of technology, isolated from our allies , now we need to lay these prospects, including by developing relations with non-western countries, with those western ones that will have a slightly different position in the new world, including within europe, now about this imagine...
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within the framework of the union state they competed, there is nothing wrong with that, different views, one concept is the concept of absorption, it was voiced at the highest level. the second concept is a union of two sovereign states. thank god, for the last couple of years we have clearly indicated that we are on track, maximum economic cooperation, political, cultural, but the development of two sovereign states, which, within the framework of this honest union, a union state, make each other stronger. this a more attractive model, which is a centripetal force, subsequently, as alexey says, after the end of this conflict, this.
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this is one union, if at least one element in this union changes, in terms of leaders, there will already be questions, if two elements are different, well, there may be even more questions, and moreover, at every point of transition of power, here and there, they will just beat us with all
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their might, the twentieth year will seem like some flowers, berries and so on, that is, we need to resolve all these issues normally, in in practical terms, how all this can be done today, look at how the president works with governors in russia, that is , they all come here and meet everyone, talk in great detail, we will establish some kind of connections with everyone, these are all very young people , there are 40-50 years, they will be leading russia in 10 years, no matter in what position, but this is the personnel reserve of vladimir putin, in the same way the russians look at us, what kind of personnel are there in general, who are growing up, who are showing themselves, here this is going on like this, well, essentially, personnel policy for the future, it’s not about absorption, it ’s about who should work with whom, the person should not be unfamiliar, that is, we don’t understand, let’s say, how all this will happen there, but we need to do it in advance preparing some kind of ground for normal friendly relations shows that we can work well, here is the economy, we cooperate, we do not deceive, we do not cheat, this is the main element of our further normal interaction, applied on earth. alexey is stronger of course, philosophy, he will tell you that yes, there will be some new blocks and everything else, but we simply cannot say today exactly how this will all happen, but
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these are the people, we need to establish certain contacts with them today. well, i thank you for participating in the program, for the thoughts that you voiced here. that's all for today, dear tv viewers.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatiana the king is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: strategic tasks.


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