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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live broadcast of the main news in polden, studio olga kalairova, hello and a short summary of the topics of the issue. in the vns ends in belarus on april 16. the central election commission will sum up the results. new territory for new military bases. nato will establish headquarters in finland, just 140 km from the russian border. 80 thousand dollars every second or 4.5 million per minute is calculated how much the states spend on the kiev regime; there is another scandal in germany over aid to the independent. the star of social networks was just born
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in agrousba near molodeshchina and a white light appeared little camel. today is the last day for the nomination of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from local councils of deputies and civil society. the composition of the supreme council is optimally determined by law at 1200 people. the people's council will be able to approve the most important documents for the country regarding the direction of foreign and domestic policy, taking on the role of a stabilizer in society.
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established the election results, registered the elected members of the council of the republic, and the upper house of parliament included 56 people, 18 women and 38 men. today is the final meeting council of the republic of the seventh convocation. to work locally and globally, the task that the president set the day before for all enterprises in the country, in order to... create high-quality competition in the market, you need to keep up with the times. and an example of this: the orsha tool enterprise has mastered a production technology that is unique for belarus. with its help , they are starting to produce instruments that were previously imported from abroad. drills, cutters, reamers made of hard alloys with wear-resistant coating. without them it is impossible to work metalworking machines. now industrialists go to orsha to buy machine tools. olga moslovskaya for more details. the best
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advertisement for our products is that we ourselves use the tools we produce. 5.00 items and types of sizes, ultra-precise geometry and wear resistance. without the tools that worshe produces, the work of hundreds of enterprises is impossible, primarily in the fields of machine tools and mechanical engineering, road and rail transport, energy and agro-industrial complexes. now arshan instrumental are preparing for another one.
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therefore, mastering this equipment was not entirely difficult; in order to work on these machines you need experience, knowledge, and a desire to achieve something more. and diameter, centering, dimensions, and the accuracy of the location of all surfaces of the tool are controlled by smart machines, which are capable of taking parameters from an object 100 times thinner than a human hair; drills are hardened with a milling cutter using a special coating, thanks to which the service life of the tool increases by 2 and a half to three times. naturally, we will not tell all the secrets of this technology, the only thing is that this is a unique technology that does not exist in belarus today. my workshop. such a service as a re-sharpening service has been mastered, an already existing hard-plane tool, this equipment allows re-sharpening, exactly repeating the configuration of the existing tools, well, the tool turns out like new, large-unit assembly of belarus tractors and backhoe loaders, service center for maintenance of equipment, production
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of hydraulic lifts, over the past 5 years , a number of commercially successful projects have been implemented under the wing of mtz holding, jobs are created at new production sites , if also... 5 years ago 415 people worked at the plant, today it is already 630, and that’s all more young people are coming to the workshops. the average age of the team is 44 years. i am 21 years old, i studied at the novopal polytechnic college. the work is not difficult, the income is decent. we are confident in our tomorrow in the future that we will have work, achieving technological sovereignty, which will ensure the sustainability of the country's economy. this is the task set by the head of state, so we cannot slow down the pace of high-quality modernization of enterprises; we need to fully utilize high-tech equipment, including the orsha instrumental equipment, then only we will be able to compete effectively in the market. olga
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moslovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency. in once neutral finland, nato will create a ground forces headquarters, just 140 km from... the border with russia in the city of micheli. it will work around the clock and will be subordinate to the nato command headquarters in the american norflag. about 375 officers from the alliance member countries should arrive there to direct the operations of these troops directly in finland and sweden. experts note that the new nato members, stockholm and helsingi, are of strategic importance for the alliance, since they can now use their territories to deploy new military bases and weapons. the kiev regime is... a threat to global energy, us secretary of defense criticized ukrainian attacks against russian oil refineries and called for them to stop. it is estimated that states spend $80,000 every second, or 4.5 million per minute, on land development. such data was presented by an american senator at a special hearing
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in the armed services committee. according to him , there is no such unsuccessful use of taxpayer funds in american history. and in germany another scandal broke out because... more than thirty german politicians in an open letter to the chancellor to help kiev scholz was called upon to stop arms supplies to ukraine. they say they fear further escalation and insist germany must do everything possible to help end the conflict through diplomacy. in estonia, prices are rising faster than in neighboring countries in the eurozone as a whole. the cost of food has increased by an average of 20%. in conditions of a severe economic crisis , taxes are raised and the number is growing. unemployment and a sharp increase in thefts and robberies. according to recent surveys, over 60% of estonians dissatisfied with the work of the government. a similar situation is in poland. according to opinion polls, almost half of the country's residents are dissatisfied with the current composition of the cabinet of ministers, headed by prime minister tusk. moreover, among them
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the share of voters of the party of the current prime minister is very noticeable, almost 35%. previously, tusk announced a government reshuffle by the beginning of summer and noted. that they will depend on the assessment of the merits of the ministers' activities, or on their own political decisions. new opportunities for business and development infrastructure. the national agency for investment and privatization in belarus has become a full member of the global association of divisions and specialists of public-private partnerships. it is a non-profit organization whose members are long-term investors, an infrastructure agency and consultants from around the world. experts note: the global association will help promote project initiatives in belarus, build partnerships and exchange experience with other members of the association. entry into the association will give us not only access to exclusive and high-level competencies,
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but will help promote project initiatives of the republic of belarus around the world. belarus today has implemented several successful projects with elements of the emergency response, these are projects in the region. the national agency for investment and privatization also maintains constant contact with businesses from russian regions. this year, a new format of cooperation was launched - business bridges. their goal is to mutually attract investment and growth trade, and the target audience - business circles of belarus and russia. theft of more than 12 and a half tons of diesel fuel. according to the investigation, six diesel locomotive drivers are assistant drivers. in bobruisk entered into a criminal conspiracy with five residents of the urban village of oktyabrsky. at the beginning of the work shift
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, the locomotive crews of the trains received fuel. already on the route, the defendants saved diesel, made changes to the instruments, and entered false fuel consumption information into documents. at the same time, the accomplices drove up in a car to a pre-agreed point on a deserted plot. one of them boarded a diesel locomotive as it moved, poured fuel into cans and dumped them on the ground. raiders. paid the locomotive crew for each stolen liter, and with each transaction received from the drivers the order:


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