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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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for all participants, i will conclude the discussion with a quote from a recently published column by a russian expert, fyodor lukyayanov, who i deeply respect. gunpowder is sometimes preserved even in powder flasks, which have long been turned into souvenirs. if he is not there, so much the better, but it is more useful to overestimate the enemy than vice versa. thank you, this was the “sas is authorized to declare” program. only fear can keep nato from aggression. the president of belarus will pay a working visit to the russian federation. on april 11 in moscow there will be a meeting with... the president of russia
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vladimir putin in a 1:1 format. the heads of state will discuss the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, issues requiring consideration at the highest level. the focus of the negotiations will also be the regional and international situation, coordination of actions to respond to existing threat challenges. on april 12, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin are planning a joint event to mark cosmonautics day. the heads of state will sum up the results of the mission. as, where for the first time in history the crew of an allied states. the presidents will talk with the cosmonauts and discuss further prospects for cooperation in the space sector. the final meeting of the eleventh session of the council of the republic of the seventh convocation took place today. senators approved bills relating to business activity and customs regulation. as for innovations in entrepreneurship, the new law will introduce a special procedure on the day the individual entrepreneur transfers to a commercial organization with adoption.
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in this law is that the government is given the right to determine the list of species activities that individual entrepreneurs will engage in. a system of grants is also being introduced, namely the allocation of funds from local budgets to entrepreneurs free of charge. and today the council of the republic adopted a statement on countering terrorism. today, terrorism continues to pose one of the most serious threats to humanity, the document emphasizes. national agency for investment and privatization. belarus has become a full
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member of the world association of departments and specialists of public-private partnerships. it is a non-profit organization whose members are long-term investors, infrastructure agencies and consultants from around the world. experts note that the global association will help promote project initiatives in belarus, build partnerships and exchange experience with other members of the association. joining the association will give us not only access to belarus around the world. in belarus today , several successful projects have been implemented with elements of the ccp, these are projects in the field of roads and the field of psychology. in the russian federation and in kazakhstan and our jap partners have thousands of projects with ppp elements in the works, and this shows how interesting and important this mechanism is for the republic of belarus. amkador. presented special equipment for
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land reclamation. in total, the company offers more than two dozen models, including new items released from the assembly line this year. bulldozers, trenchers, backhoe loaders. all these machines are in demand by agricultural organizations in the country. if previously a lot had to be imported from abroad, today the manufacturer achieves real results in import substitution, while not forgetting about service. we are adding 5 dashes of 10 new models. someday it's more. machines, somewhere there are more trailers or some kind of trailed products, but amkador is confidently moving towards adding more and more new machines to its model range, now we are going through the stage of updating the model range, this applies to loaders and machines from the forestry industry , and we are doing a lot of new things for agriculture. at the international scientific and technical conference in minsk discussed the harmonization of approaches in the field of standardization in the eac. forum mitrology 2024
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was planned for the centenary anniversary of the belarusian chamber of peace and libra. 250 metrologists from ten countries took part in it. in addition to the eu countries , representatives of uzbekistan, india and china were present. today. belarus is one of the most active initiators of decisions of the eurasian five in the field of standardization policy, one of them is the creation of a common register of test reports. the basis for making a decision to issue a conformity assessment document is test results. often these tests are carried out formally. and so, in order to get away from this, we are creating a register of protocols, which will be entered, which will be analyzed by the program, the reliability of the measurements that were carried out, is the measuring instrument sufficient?
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deputies of local councils, candidates of chemical, economic, legal sciences, holders of state awards, as well as honorary titles of scholarship holders of the special fund of the president of belarus for the support of talented youth. these are the guys who, thanks to serious work, not only over the last year or two, for more than 5 years, they have proven themselves as real specialists, as real patriots of our state and as... who were entrusted by their teams to represent the interests so that they could confidently, transparently and openly convey the position of your team and , most importantly, after the congress of the all-belarus people's assembly, talk about the innovations that will be adopted; this process of constant exchange
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has allowed us to transform today socio-political system, especially in the youth segment. the national library hosts a monthly series of lectures. concerts, listeners will get acquainted with belarusian music through the prism of european history, they will talk about chamber-instrumental genres in belarusian composers' creativity, this musical educational course is an initiative of the music chapel of the center for research of belarusian culture, language and literature of the national academy of sciences of belarus. the tv news agency presents it in the public domain!
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they often failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, compressed by explosion. the biggest problem
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of this season is the economy of cheese. yashche not so daўno, malochny adgon, yakі zastaetstsa. in keeping with the creation of basic dairy products , there is no need for vying for vying, this process is used for feed for broods and chicks. last year 15 thousand kansentravanaga saved the stern, so new reserves were made creativity. 60 thousand bottles of melaka, lots of sour cream, kefir, plum, tvaraga and other milk products, dairy products from minsk. how can you jump like that? how many products are there? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. the machines cut out paper bottles, spray them with sour cream and seal them. this automatic line has a high level of productivity. here you pay 6 thousand bottles of malak for a drink. and this
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machine packages 2 tons of cottage cheese per change. widely vykaristovayuchy new technology, our plant's collections increased production plans by 6 million rubles for the anniversary of the republic. in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants. is it true that demarcation is the process of marking a state border on a local one. can lead to the fact that well , this is really a process of marking the state border, and what kind of process is delimitation, you can only rely on your own strength, 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1 0 0, it doesn’t matter how many zeros, but at the end there will be eight and we 1 + 8 = 9 so what? i've gone far, in short, please tell me what you're getting at, a game
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that won't leave anyone indifferent. i chose the option, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle that has a whitefish at the beginning, you are observant, this is his subject, this is all military, he is well versed in this. look, an intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 20 tv channel . gets from the budynak school of kruger are known in minsk and i'm obsessed with our watches. darechy, chaim sutsin was a graduate of the getai establishment.
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hadzily around the hell of a bride, then, who chose the bridegroom, who left this year herself. smatritse project cultural appreciation on the belarus 24 tv channel. maxim, by what conducting trick can you be recognized even from the last row? there is only one trick. this is my face, because i conduct my concerts myself, so the audience sees my face, then the orchestra sees
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my face, that is, unlike other conductors, whom everyone sees from the back in the hall, they also see me with my face. my guest always chooses the more difficult one out of two options. he loves to leave his comfort zone, take risks, and experiment. journalists call him the new finberg. now we’ll find out whether this comparison offends him. today my guest is the artistic director and conductor of the finberg national academic concert orchestra, maxim rossokha. maxim, hello. which parent? noticed your musical abilities, a good question, the fact is that no one noticed me, like
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many boys of that time, but they gave music school, so that i don’t run around the streets, maybe then i ’ll sit in an orchestra somewhere else, well, that is, the concept was such that it would be useful, as it were, that is, about music, what is music in general, we have musicians in the family in general there wasn’t, and well , this question about the musical future wasn’t even considered, so it’s just an accident, or maybe it’s natural. what did you do in the trumpet class, by the way, you mentioned the trumpet, what determines such an unusual choice, at that time - now very popular wind instruments are saxophones, everyone goes saxophone, such instrument, and before the trumpet was a very popular instrument, in the 90s, accordingly, brass bands were very popular fashions, amateur orchestras in general, orchestras of some regional cultural centers, there were always there, the trumpet is the main one... wait, a pipe - this is a huge one, no, a pipe, this is the one with valves, huge,
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yes, it’s like a mountain, so naturally, it’s all a pipe, without, well, your business is a pipe, but the cornflower, so here’s mine it was a problem, well, after graduating from school, you had a choice, either go to study, to a culinary college, or to a music school, you cook well, yes, i really liked it, that as a child, the fact is that my father cooked well, and... and my father cooked very well, my grandmother, his grandmother, my great-grandmother, and my father cooked too, he cooked pies, he cooked some kind of meat products, napoleon cakes, always a new year's story, so i have it somehow... since childhood i was always nearby, brave, and it was interesting to me, i continued this tradition when there was a moment already graduating from secondary school, ninth grade, and my parents offered me either culinary equipment or a music school, i don’t know what drew me to a music school, i said, well, let’s go to a music school somehow, well, i ended up in a music school, and i didn’t end up in a trumpet,
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an oboe instrument, a woodwind instrument with valves, my whole life... to this day i play this instrument, despite the fact that i you could choose the instrument you want to learn, and so fate it happened, you know if you analyze in general the events that happen in the life of every person, then looking back, you can see that there is a certain pattern, why then this happened, then we don’t understand why, why we were turned to the right, and not to the left, but then you turned and looked, oh, it’s good that they turned me there, gave me that tool, as if from above, and i... ended up where i ended up, that’s why fate probably exists, and i’m trying somehow to follow fate, to hear some hints, intuitions, something after all you were guided by choosing the oboe, well, firstly, there was no set of nagoes that year, so the instrument, as if tomorrow, go straight to the oboe, yes, but you had to start from scratch, yes, and i asked, but what is an oboe, when
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they offered it to me, that is, there was another interesting story, i say, i don’t know, i don’t even know such an instrument, well, think about it, there are exams, then, well, you thought, i say, yes, let’s have an oboe , gaboy, what is there already, that i don’t want to go back to school, come on, i want to study, everything is musical in music, from scratch yes, my peers who entered, they have already been studying the instrument there for 5-7 years, they are already so relaxed, that’s it, we got in, we are studying at the school, imeneglinka, and i just started from scratch, i remember five, 6 i studied the instrument for hours, that is, 4 years were so fruitful and i didn’t even have an exam in the first year in the winter, they told me so,
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but this profession has always appealed to me, especially i very often went to the philharmonic concert, and gennady pantinovich provotorov, such conductor, wonderful, and he was the chief conductor of our symphony philharmonic orchestra, and we constantly went to concerts, i went with the scores, i watched, they were playing, and i was watching in real time, and i was fascinated by this profession, what he does, how he manages the orchestra, not it’s just that there’s a stick that he ’s beating something off, some kind of magic happens, some kind of chemistry when he just... walks with a stick, they play, and they play the way he shows, the way he wants, that is, i i think it’s interesting why conducting is such a subject in our school was, well, of course, we are passing through, we are still young, young guys, but we are studying, studying, but when i was already graduating from college, and i really wanted to enter the academy of music, well, in the trouser class, accordingly, i entered the conducting class, and i really wanted to get into the class
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of such a legendary teacher, unfortunately, he already passed away in his ninety-first year. and he didn’t want to take me, he says: i don’t take, i take only one, this is the son of my first student, i can’t fit more into my workload, well, i say: boris stepanovich, i really want to come to you, i’ll think, i’ll think, then, well, he took me, well, he didn’t regret it, in the end he already got along, he says, well, i’m proud of you, i say, thank you,
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it’s easy to explore belarus, just lay out a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, and during the battle with napoleon , a french hospital was located here. and all the same, we can also see the alyaksei tsarka, which is known from the tags of the white coven castle. for amazing mysteries and facts. this copy was made from the munich copy, and it the most truthful moment of showing napoleon's army crossing the berina in 1800.
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watch the project the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one bellows, it all happened gradually. of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our region and...
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became the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. well, at the beginning of our conversation, we mentioned that you were faced with a choice about
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the culinary college of the music school, but we already understand that you made a choice between the sides of the music school, but cooking remained with you, and what is your favorite dish? you know, i don’t have a favorite dish, because i like to improvise, the thing is that i don’t cook according to a book, so you open the recipe and start, i got it in my head, i really like to cook babka, for example, yes, and i cook it , fry it with minced meat with garlic, onions and carrots, fry it, then mix it with potatoes, at the end, when the babka is almost ready, i already came up with this myself, i i really like this, i put pieces of lard on half, part of the babka, and part of the babka with butter, when it melts, it completely saturates the babka and it turns out. the most delicious, most tender, just a product, i can already smell it, well, i just like to experiment, i like to cook chicken in its different manifestations, or maybe there is some kind of signature dish, no,
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there is no signature, that’s what cooking is in my soul, you know, it is preserved even in music, i always like to tell such a story, imagine, you come to a restaurant, take the menu, call waiter, ask the waiter what is in this dish, he tells you that there is the most tender...
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for lessons, and at one time i created such a group, well, it’s like he’s a minsk classic, an orchestra, a minsk classic, a chamber orchestra, and i thought for a long time that it was just a concert dedicated to the music of evgeniy glepov, and for a long time i i was thinking about conducting or playing, i played this concert on the oboe, as i remember now, that is, i conducted the oboe, that is, i did not go on stage, and there was the next concert, where the egan strauss polka polka on the hunt was already supposed to be. a soaring polka, where at the end there is a gun that shoots, as if imitating a hunt, a decoy that quacks instead of a duck, at the end a duck should fly out, which seems to be killed, this is how the polka ends, such a traditional ostrich polka, which is performed in everything world, these are the traditions i had the dilemma is how to conduct here too or what? and it so happened that at that time i was still playing a kicker in the presidential orchestra, it turned out that the chief conductor, the next conductor, fell ill.
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second, and i urgently needed to record some work there - a demo to record such a demo version, and the director of the orchestra came up to me, i found out that i was doing practical training and about this matter, but i love and respect, and here’s maxim, well, except no one can write you down, but i need to write it down accurately, and i had to take the moving stick to the presidential remote control orchestra, and of course they recorded this piece , so i realized that yes, that means i must...
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have a worldview, and the conductor, he must be much, much higher than him in thought, the conductor must see the entire concept, everything, that is, the musician only knows plays his part, and the worst thing is when a musician in an orchestra is higher than the conductor, this also happens in life, so somehow there is no musical development, that is, the conductor must develop the team, despite the fact that there are excellent musicians working, the best musicians in the country, but doesn't matter...
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at, which, if there is no main thing, as a rule, he helps, this is an assistant, this is that person, this is a consumer, probably, but i’m not a consumer, at my core it was a little difficult for me to rebuild this, and it was a bit difficult, i’ll say now, that’s why i made a decision, after all, i’ll probably be a creator, but the example is there at the academy of music, where everything worked out successfully for me too, so thank god that a person has the opportunity to choose, at that moment you
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could assume that - you will be offered to lead the national orchestra named after finberg? probably not, because in principle, when i was studying, i was a student, i constantly went to concerts of this group, and for us, for students, well, i speak for many students, for us it was something unattainable, the best musicians worked there continue to work in our country, these are from among the honored artists of the republic of belarus, musicians there have been working in one place for 30 years, 20 years, they even have a recording,
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when it happened that michal yakovlevich did not become, well, it’s like my friends called me too some cultural figures, maxim, you must call. ministry, come, knock, you should, i, i’m not persistent, at my core, at my core, i’m not a persistent person, i’m not born to interfere, like, you know, a smoke-filled sheep, the one that fights, fights, fights , why is this...


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