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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 7:05am-7:11am MSK

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the complex, where patients with typhoid and other infections were brought, was located in a swamp, from there the red army troops saved 3,300 people, out of more than fifty thousand, and the minsk geto, 120 thousand jews passed through it in 800 days, no more than 15 thousand were saved from there. 4 days without food, the child was still there, she began to cry. and she was strangled in front of her mother, it’s to convey this moment, it’s terrible, every minute anyone could have been killed, looking at today’s event, it could happen again, i’ll tell you, i’m afraid to even say such things, but these are my thoughts, here we were afraid of the lithuanians. and there are more benderraites than
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germans, and if they come, not a single one will remain, well, i’ve been doing this for many years, i feel sorry for the children and grandchildren. the prosecutor general's office reports more than 90 unknown concentration camps on the territory of belarus; they are being investigated as part of the case of the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. switzerland has announced a peace summit, in mid-june, 120 countries will gather there to draw up a peace plan for ukraine, and invitations are also expected to be sent to russia. it is noteworthy that even zelensky did not reject the possibility of negotiations. the only thing he insists is that the draft agreement should not be discussed with moscow, but should be handed over to it ready-made. ukraine itself is looking for new soldiers to throw them into the front-line meat grinder, but even the deputies of the verkhovna rada are busy with this without enthusiasm. the day before
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, a draft law on mobilization was presented to parliament, 35 deputies out of 400 were present at the hearing, while western publications write that it will not do without the mobilization of women, this was also stated by the adviser to the minister of defense of ukraine. the situation in the russian city of orenburg continues to deteriorate; a record rise in water in the ural river has already been recorded; in the city limits it has reached more than 10 m; hydraulic structures are not able to hold that much. by now, water is entering the city center and threatening high-rise buildings. just the day before , the suburbs of orenburg were flooded. about 8:00 people had to be evacuated. a total of 12 thousand residential buildings were in the flood zone. in orsk, which has suffered more than others from the natural disaster over the past week. the water has finally started retreat. heavy floods affected 39 russian regions. today, the arrival of big water is expected in kurgan, where the population was warned about the risk of exiting... the tabul river.
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swimming in the olympic triathlon may be cancelled, writes the british guardian. the fact is that the organizers failed to achieve efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants in paris. because of this , too much feces is still dissolved in the water of the seine. it is known that president macron personally promised to achieve crystal clearness of the river. he even promised to swim before the olympics. sami triathlon competitions are expected at the end of july, beginning of august. europe is on the threshold of the election campaign, elections to the european parliament will take place in june, preparations for this process are under extremely tense conditions, the region is plunged into large-scale protests and, apparently, it will not be possible to find compromises by the required dates. ordinary europeans are supported by right-wing politicians who convey conservative values ​​and defend national interests. there are a lot of signs on the barometer. a
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europe's political barometer shows that the right is strengthening. this will be exactly the case. the only question is to what extent, to what extent, whether the right will be able to, well, personally form a government, or there will be significant factions within the framework of the same european parliament. will there be enough right-wing votes so that even when appointing a new leadership of the european union, they will have just that weighty. such a significant influence on these processes, we will learn about it very soon, but we will not avoid a right turn. conservative right-wing parties are under attack through the media and attempts are being made to discredit them and portray them as radicals, however, apparently , in europe they believe such narratives less and less, observing what is happening with their own eyes. in belarus, work continues with citizens' appeals; senators are actively helping people solve problems. council of the republic. addressed
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the young playwright ksenia shtolinkova. the girl wrote a letter to the chairman of the upper house of parliament with a request to show in the theater a performance of her play about the events of the holocaust about how important it is. today to preserve historical memory in staging history the love of the minsk artist, inscribed in the score of the events of the 20th century, in which reality and fiction, memories and dreams are closely intertwined. the appeal did not take long to arrive; already on march 14 , the premiere of the play “clara was here” took place at the belarusian state youth theater. now this work will be shown every month. the performance here was clara, dedicated to the holocaust and specifically the memorial. pit, because the action of the play takes place precisely in this space, it is such a story about love, about family memory, about pain that cyclically closes in on this space and develops over several decades, starting from...


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