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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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probably, but activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica, absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult fight, is winning today. watch the intellectual and sports project “ head game” on our tv channel. the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. the most emotional historical
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moment: marina vasilevskaya is the hero of belarus. the medal was awarded in minsk, and cosmonautics day will be held in moscow. the first board delivered the first to russia. the president is on a working visit. when the dove dreams of becoming a hawk, macron is going to send his famous regiment to ukraine to recruit his mercenaries. what do the french think? brigade tactical exercise with live firing, the final stage of a comprehensive test of the combat readiness of reserve military personnel. countering cybercrimes at a scientific conference talked about the surge in virtual fraudsters and ways of intersecting their activities. marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus. at the independence palace today.
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the country is also proud of our fellow countrymen, all who in different years brought glory to their homeland by developing space technologies and conquering space. we rejoice with special warmth at the success of our compatriot oleg navitsky. flight to vasilevskaya, a new chapter in the space history of belarus. her flight is
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a new level of participation in space programs, i repeat, of sovereign belarus and a new level of allied, very kind, fraternal relations, our relations between belarus and russia, our peoples. a symbol of our brotherly mustache nations became national flags, unfurled at an altitude of more than 400 km from our planet.
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here he threw marina into space, we don’t need this, we need this, we are a space country, if there were no space development in belarus, no one would talk to us, no one would offer us to fly our girls into space, we know how to do there is a lot for space, in the coming years we will launch the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians, we are making it into space with a destructive capacity of 25-30 cm, these are high technologies, the highest, therefore nuclear energy... space, biotechnology, our biotechnology company and many other areas, especially in the field of electric transport, we have made significant progress here, the main thing is not to stop, the flight of our oleg’s marina,
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marina among two empires, there is russian, the most advanced, in space the americans , well, you understand, this is not just an image, this is the greatest victory of our country, our people deserve it, we will do everything in this direction, and we will do a lot more together with our girls. today during at the ceremony, the president presented marina vasilevskaya with the hero of belarus medal, this is the highest degree of distinction, and also an astronaut certificate.
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i am very pleased, i was a little touched, because everything i do is from the heart, when, while in space, i saw our earth, it is amazing, it is powerful, big, beautiful, independent and...
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so welcoming from the very beginning in the morning the belarusians greeted their famous countrywoman. from the plane window it was also very beautiful to watch our beautiful fields, such green, beautiful short forests. in general, i am very happy, thank you for your support, for such a welcome, i am very pleased, there are a lot of emotions, i am happy. the belarusian cosmonaut said that she will continue her rehabilitation in moscow. marina vasilevskaya will give her first big interview on earth to our tv channel; all stages of the space flight were covered by atn correspondent anastasia
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benedesyuk. don’t miss it, we’ll show you exclusive footage today, and we’ll recap on belarus 1 film tv news agency hard road into the space. what was this one like? space path, we will tell and show all the most interesting things. before our eyes, the launch of the soyuz 2.11 launch vehicle with the ship is now taking place. how the story of one girl in the photo became the achievement of an independent country, belarus in space. i love you all very much and will not let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible. we will show footage from the iss, exclusive to belarus-1. marina vasilevskaya with a tour of the space mission. i have adapted and feel great. the mood is wonderful. first person story. and earthly stories who experienced i’ll cry a little, but wait, but i understood
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that it was very difficult and had no doubt, i say, it will be you, how do you know, grandfather, because you have no equal, our marina, you are our heroine for absolutely everyone, a difficult road to space, on cosmonautics day, right after the panorama, don’t miss it. the allied vector, common victories in space and further development of integration. alexander lukashenko arrived on a working visit to russia. the presidents' schedule includes one-on- one negotiations centered on cooperation in different areas, as well as issues requiring consideration at the highest level. the leaders also intend to discuss regional and international issues. installation, coordination of actions to respond to threat challenges. and tomorrow, on cosmonautics day,
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the results of the mission to the iss, where for the first time in history the crew of a union state worked, will be summed up. by the way, along with alexander lukashenko , the first cosmonaut in sovereign belarus, the hero of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, arrived on the presidential board. the presidents will communicate with the astronauts and discuss further prospects. the president has a busy agenda. ambitious, they do not intend to retreat from them. the countries have reached a new level of partnership, a large package of documents was signed, there are no memoranda among them, but only agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science and education. in the presence of the leaders, responsible vice-premiers sign a road map of cooperation between the countries
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for the next 2 years; the parties have set themselves the task of implementing projects worth more than $1 billion. last year trade turnover exceeded 565 million, this is a plus of 12% by 2022, in general over the last 5 years, an increase of three times, and we sell more to uzbekistan than we buy. mutual trade is growing this year. alexander. shavkat mirziyoyev. we have set ourselves ambitious plans to reach a billion- dollar turnover in trade. i think that we don’t have time to retreat anywhere, and we don’t need to. we are ready to play our role, and i hope that ... uzbekistan will also make every effort to solve this problem.
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special thanks to you for supporting the shanghai cooperation organization initiative. i know the internal state procedures in uzbekistan and not only those that have been completed, and i hope that we will become, as it should be, full members of your organization, it will be ours, full members, we will be. therefore, i am very grateful to you, special attention, i ask you to pay attention to the creation of joint ventures, which we agreed on, we talked then about belaz and so on, let’s work substantively in this direction, we are in this interested, we have something to offer uzbekistan, we talked about this a lot, and i think that being here in belarus, if you want to see some of our enterprises, please, we will arrange for you at any time to visit any enterprise in belarus so that you could
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be convinced that its products are acceptable for use in uzbekistan, i want you to understand that belarus has always been friendly, brotherly towards uzbekistan and the uzbek people, you can rest assured that this will always be the case, i often say that that we are very similar.
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during your historic visit to uzbekistan. among the main areas of cooperation are timber processing, mechanical engineering, agro-industrial complex, and the military-industrial complex has a special interest in meat and dairy products. the population of uzbekistan has been growing in recent years to almost 37 million. the demand for food is increasing . among the important import items from this central asian country is cotton yarn and clothing. today, one assembly plant of belarusian equipment has been created in uzbekistan. the issues of localization of ours are being worked out. gases, tractors, elevators. a number of joint projects are being implemented in the field of pharmaceuticals and in the production of special vehicles. the final stage of a comprehensive combat readiness test for reserve military personnel was a brigade tactical exercise with live fire. the maneuvers took place at training
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sites in the brest, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions for several days. subdivision. carried out combat training missions to search for the destruction of illegal armed formations of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, also delivering fire damage to the enemy and providing fire support to the defending troops. special attention to measures to preserve the survivability of units during strikes by enemy air attacks. based on the analysis carried out based on the results of the exercises, we see those shortcomings.
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for the subsequent development of similar issues, both in military units and formations, formations of the northwestern operational command, and i think in all armed forces. after completing the exercise , the unit will move to permanent locations deployments for servicing weapons and equipment, putting them into storage, as well as ceremonial farewells for military personnel called up from the reserve. the time has come for peace in ukraine.
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transformation of macron, a dove becomes a hawk, an article under such eloquent headlines is published by the french lemont, according to the publication, 126 will go to ukraine. he took part in almost all of france’s colonial wars, will be stationed somewhere near odessa, precisely with the possible participation of the french in the ukrainian conflict lemon associates the recruitment of 4,000 people into the national army, the number of recruits the country's authorities are going to put under arms. warsaw again announced the creation of a european
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legion, the head of the polish foreign ministry said that the european union intends to form a rapid reaction force. sekorsky explains. the need to create a new military structure in europe arose due to the confrontation between the united states and china. at the moment , washington is paying a lot of attention to this issue, so the countries of the region should not count on the help of their allies in the event of attacks. instead, the eu will have to, quote, rely on itself for most of the wartime , the polish minister concluded. every fourth crime in the country is committed on the internet or via telephone. communications, the number of crimes using digital assets is constantly growing, chairman of the investigative committee of belarus dmitry gora told reporters about this before the start of the scientific and practical conference. foreign experts gathered in minsk, these are representatives of the investigative committee and the ministry of internal affairs russia, the financial monitoring agency of kazakhstan and russia, as well as the prosecutor general’s office of uzbekistan.
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as for belarus, according to statistics, about 20 thousand digital crimes were committed last year, including the financing of terrorism. the attackers used various digital assets, including cryptocurrency and electronic money. this is a very relevant topic related to development.
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using convenient, easy- to-use technologies, often, without knowing who is interacting with whom, they provide assistance in translation digital... that we are faced with, unfortunately we cannot go into details, because in this way we give pleasure to our non -friends, they can use this knowledge for
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negative purposes for us, but the work is underway, unfortunately, we have all become witnessed many different crimes, especially in recent days, when these technologies were used to enable these terrorist attacks to be carried out. corrupt officials also take bribes with crypto, according to materials from one of the criminal cases. noah face 160 times accepted a reward in digital currency for 600,000 rubles. - shared the head of the investigative committee of belarus. the investigation into the case continues. a study of problems of ensuring military security and a program of action to intensify partnerships between the foreign policy departments of the cis countries. participants of the meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the commonwealth of independent states arrive in minsk. smith is also an effective platform for bilateral negotiations. today, minister sergei aleynik met with his counterpart from kazakhstan, murat nurtleu. an active multi-level and trusting dialogue is maintained between countries. at tomorrow's council
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of ministers of the cis, among many issues , it is planned to adopt a statement on ensuring safe conditions for the professional activities of journalists. in addition, the sports capitals of the cis will be announced in 2025 and twenty-six. and again about space. sculpture. hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya will decorate belarusian exteriors. the model of the bust has already been developed by the people's artist of belarus ivan misko. the ninety-two-year-old master became the first sculptor in the country to conquer the space theme. now a frequent guest of his workshop is the belarusian hero of russia oleg navitsky. for now, together they are developing sketches of aliens for the new era of the sculptor, but for the sake of the newly created hero of belarus vasilevskaya, the star sculptor is ready to take a break now. i invite you.
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and journalists visited the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology and hematology. today in belarus there are about a thousand patients with hemophilia. most of them were dangerous.


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