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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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hello, good morning, excuse me, i have a letter for you, thank you, be healthy, be sure, be, musya, musya, letter, mitya is arrested, as if he was arrested.
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wow, damn it, look, what a path, by the time we finish eating, come here. okay, you persuaded me, but what are you going to tell the boss that you are going without a break, into a closed zone, who are you going to, but we will do what we can. wait, zhisha,
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great, subotin, hello, citizen, boss, hello! who is this, yes , this is a freestyle medical worker, she asked god, what about dropping her off, a medical doctor, yeah, i checked the documents, checked, well, you know me, okay, you know, come to my place this evening, i have something pirogue there, it will definitely be done, come on, beauty, i’ll definitely come by, move, move, what did you get up? so that
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they don’t see, it seems like it’s brought, move, get together, talk, come on, come on, don’t talk, where, let me go, i said, what are you doing?
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line up, you hear, it's not allowed, andreev, you hear, andreev, andrey, get up, line up, it's not allowed, you hear, it's not allowed, we're all at war, we saw each other, come on, please, i i will shoot. i'll be back, i 'll be back very soon, come on, come on, come on, andreev, let's go, she's your wife.
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this is a socio-political talk show in essence, today, according to the tradition of belarusian television, we will talk about the sowing season, well, where would we be without it, in fact, this is really a very important part of our life, well, we will discuss it for an hour, if you want to join
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our program, a qr code appears below, point your smartphone screen at it and , in fact, join the discussion, the second qr code is a subscription to telegram our program channel. 9.1 million tons of grain, and this is probably such an amateurish question, and nikolai vladimirovich, i’ll start with you, well, because you are our representative of the ministry of agriculture and food, you won’t oblige us to take the rap, but if we’re talking about a figure of 9 and one, let’s compare with
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last year’s results, which were 9.5 and we thought that we were unlucky with the weather, and we didn’t get a harvest somewhere, well, we got used to records. now this already initially seems like a lowered bar, is it generally correct to say that it is lowered, or rather more realistic, are we realists or we just kind of understand, you probably didn’t compare the information quite correctly, last year, what can we say about the final figure for grain production, it was of course not 9.5 million tons, but 9 million tons , which sets the bar task. for the current year, this is still grain production already in barn weight, yeah, and we essentially expect an increase, well, almost 2 million grains compared to, say, the not entirely favorable previous year, well, since i didn’t
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compare the facts correctly, i think they did that the majority of our tv viewers and spectators, this question is already on the ideological plane, because very often they say that belarus boasts of its... agricultural sector, yes, somehow it seems like we see records, we don’t see them, every year we are speculating on these figures, so in what, in what calculation, what does our loaf generally consist of, because from year to year it happens, we add slavery, then corn, or something else, which is correct , what shall we take as a standard? in working order when running harvesting itself, and the head of state sets the task of grain in general, this includes raw materials, this includes grain grain... voice grains and also corn grain, here in a specific case the figure of 9 million grains was announced without taking into account rapeseed, that is, we still have to understand that we will add another million tons of rapeseed to this figure, and in total we will get
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about 10 million tons of grain that needs to be produced this year, remember this figure, be sure to, when the harvesting begins , it will be completed, so let’s compare... let’s put it together nikolaych, the name of your company is rabs, in fact, we are talking about whether it is a lot or a little, and how much in principle - here rubs influences this overall figure, well, how much. again, i’m an amateur, i’m a person who goes to the store, i understand that there is rapeseed oil, probably for this purpose, yes, as i understand it, this crop is probably also needed for animal feed, how important is it in the overall loaf, or well, well, i’m talking about a common loaf, and a little about the economy, agriculture is the same commercial activity, which is still primarily turn is making a profit, i’ll say based on my enterprise, if it was possible to sow more than 20-25%, well, that’s... technology is impossible, we would plant more, the fact is that on rapeseed, even last year, our cost price was 570 rubles, and
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the selling price is 1,200, that is, this is a little more for 200% profitability, while the result for grain is also good, about 50-70, this year it’s a little difficult to sell grain, and rabs is a very liquid crop, so how about you correctly noted, waste-free, it has by-products, rapeseed cake or rapeseed meal, which is a protein for animals, so... now farmers have received freedom, because previously in a planned economy, for example, they said how much should be grown and where,
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again, maybe i’m exaggerating somewhere, now, well, sort of russian producers of agricultural products understand that this will grow here, this will not grow, this is necessary here, it is not necessary, here, for example, as you say, plant rapeseed, i will get greater profitability, how do we do this, that is, we understand that , which for example is here on these lands, i can grow rapeseed and something else and i will add more, yes, what do they tell me, for example, and you? is there still grain here, here are potatoes, here are sunflowers, or is this really something that has left the soviet past? well , now it’s more of a recommendatory nature, somewhere they advise, somewhere they ask, somewhere they advise to increase, somewhere to reduce, but still more farms choose themselves, which is more profitable, here this is not entirely applicable to crappies, like me i said that you can’t sow so much of it, because there are specific features, you need it in a short time, firstly, to sow, and secondly, there is no more than 25 of them. last
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year, like everyone else, we started barley with literally 50 hectares; this year, 250 hectares have already been tried; it came out well after winter ; that’s why i wouldn’t say that they are forced more recommended, yes, these recommendations are how they are formed, we remember that everything depends on the region in question about the composition of the soil, probably well...
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all of these are export-constituent food products, sergey vladimevich, tell me, how much of what we'll collect it, it'll go away for seeds, because for 2 years we have been talking a lot about the fact that somewhere we need imported seeds. under the conditions of sanctions, we understand perfectly well that imported seeds are sometimes, well, it’s kind of a complicated story, so we are now provided with these same seeds, or we still need to work on it, you know, i want to say with all responsibility that for such important crops as ours, all crops are important, yes, but to ensure food security
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is grain, this is corn, this is potatoes, this is...
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of certain business entities, lobbying of specific commercial structures, you yourself see that there are high-profile criminal cases related to these, including taking bribes, that is, lobbying interests, so there are problems in the agro-industrial complex in this regard, well, probably in terms of the number or top ranking of crimes in this area, after all, corruption is in first place, corruption crimes take the leading position, but are there any statistics? may be preliminary how much for this year? less, more, trends to understand, if we talk about the twenty -third, that is, the twenty-third year, if we talk about it, then there was an increase in the number of identified crimes related specifically to corruption in the agro-industrial complex, you know how to ask, it’s because you started working better or did they start stealing more? no, this issue is under constant
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control of the prosecutor's office, that is, we are working, i emphasize once again, with procurement and...
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now we will announce, we will show tractors in the field, and how energy-rich they really are, and it seems that they are not there, in fact, in the minsk region the sowing season came two weeks earlier than last year, but
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despite this the region was ready, the only thing was that the ripeness of the soil was slightly delayed, well, relative to the southern regions, well , we have, as they say, well in the very center, that’s understandable, yes we are in the center, but even in the minsk region, given that in the center we have the city of minsk, then we have a northern... farm there sharshuny agro, for example, the terms where nikolai leonidovich represents the southern economy, that is, there is even it happens there, they differ by a week, two, the time of entry into the field, that is, you, in short , are joking when you say, the stone hill is in the north, yes, and the chezhovka is in the south, it turns out that it’s not all that, it’s not all as funny as it seems that, as practice shows, precipitation rains there, it doesn’t rain here, well, it all really works in the example of one area, well, here’s a stupid question, again, like... to a specialist, the weather that is shaping up this year, it contributes to the sowing season, that is, we can say that, for example, we will finish there earlier, we have it there it will pass sooner, because there is less precipitation,
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less frost, of course, it will contribute to greater, better growth and vegetation of agricultural crops, because they began to grow earlier, we will sow earlier, so the shoots will be earlier, we will harvest the harvest, i hope also earlier, like yours situation with stones in the fields? we are working, and 2 weeks ago the president was flying through the ashmyany district, he looked, now everything is being cleaned up in the region, you can drive through it, we are working on this problem every day, we probably have the most densely populated area, the density of the routes of all roads, well, that is, we are open, 24x7, as they say, everyone enters through the bitsky district, the entire management sees you completely, yes, of course, yes, so we are accustomed to this attention and we work, well, somehow ended up here in the central square of the city of minsk, worked for a long time on the land, you know this whole situation, well, let’s
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first question this, did you come with what idea, what do you, as a person who has seen and raised bread with his hands, so to speak, now need in parliament change here what to change, what was missing, legislative activity in general will be good afternoon, i’ll tell you... during the process of our discussion i will say that right away that no one is really forcing today to sow anything, or how to sow, this , i think the economy forces anyone, any farm, any normal leader, he first of all believes that he needs to grow, secondly, that he needs to sell and earn as much money as possible for it, so i fully support the colleague who spoke on varieties, today belarusian selection on is at a decent level. we have not yet finalized a little on sugar beets, the only problem that exists is sugar beets, in terms of legislation i
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want to tell you that the belarusian legislation is sufficient, it does not restrict the activities of business executives, farmers at all, everything is in principle normal, i would of course like to defend i represent more the interests of my voters, the friends of the village. the border is happening, yes there is , because you still saw that through some, well, let’s say, positive experience, which the poles could use, but the president said, we have no enemies, we have an economy, and there may be something that doesn’t cost us. after all, all these barriers that are built between countries were not made by us, and not by ordinary residents who are abroad, a very wise policy, the fact that
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entry from europe to us is allowed, and people come, and we communicate, and people admire by what is happening here, uh, fragmented farming, which is located in poland, 5-7 hectares, they are not able to compete with belarusian agriculture, this is even not yesterday.
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there are always problems, because this is life, but the problems are solvable, there are no problems that would be impossible to solve, well, look, we are starting a new sowing season, that is, we are approaching a year, yes, we started with the fact that we in fact, we are confused about the numbers, we journalists are confused, because i will explain, when the harvesting begins, they will show on tv a graphic showing how much has been harvested, where we usually have the opportunity to sow something, that is, do we have or no seeds, yes if we have for this labor force seems to be there, the technology seems to be there, the president says repeatedly, last thursday, when appointing managers, the region said, everything is there, there is not
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enough discipline.
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maybe this question is just for everyone, we ’re discussing it here, it’s widely known among us, it’s crazy, this question is raised from year to year at different levels, then our colleagues generally go there and film, record some facts of truly egregious stories, and it would seem banal, there is a scheme on how to deal with it there, but the problem is not being solved, again yesterday , in my opinion, it was said that one of the reasons for the support of livestock is the lack of quality feed, well, this year we are probably planning to solve this problem somehow , well, the task is already it’s not the first year that it’s worth ensuring a year and a half supply of, of course, high-quality feed, at certain stages, that is, in the spring, this is in terms of organizing the determination of planting areas, forage crops, and adherence
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to technology. in order to ultimately obtain the required volume of green mass, and naturally, in a timely manner, of high quality, prepare triple feed, put it in an appropriate storage facility that meets the requirements of veterinary services, and of course, all this means providing our livestock with decent feed, but as really the facts are presented to the controlling authority.
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this doesn’t fit, not to mention, if we take this and raise it to the state level, what kind of financial losses are we talking about, that is, it turns out that you can buy and prepare as much as you want super-expensive super-quality feed, i don’t know how to give away the last of the money from the treasury, in the end you’ll end up with the same unsolved problem, well, again, i’ll allow myself
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to disagree with you a little, even the person who looks after small calves, or older ones the number of our livestock, he must have an understanding of how... he
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can use it for his farm, i no longer see the problem in feed, they correctly said, the human factor, but the main cost is mainly not cows, but just young animals are up to a month old, and young animals are up to a month old, what’s most important is that the very first shield will fall out in the first hour and a half, we didn’t even suspect it, now we’ve installed cameras on all farms for more than a year, we’re watching video cameras to see if it fell out in time, this is necessary see the signs in advance, defrost it in advance.
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of course, achieving a zero indicator is very difficult, but we must strive, what is the district doing and you are talking about the loss of livestock, i understand, i will disappear, yes, what was your indicator last year, what is your indicator, what is your indicator in last year, we are within the standard and one of the few districts that is not plus compared to
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last year, and well, deaths happen, but what is the standard, the standard for the year is no more than 3%, yeah, let’s leave it aside, every month is 0.2 0, well, every month it increases. well, everyone there says it’s not me, not me, but when there is a camera, it’s already difficult to resist, and already facts, as the president says on the table, yes, so cameras yes, feeding technology, that is, this is modern technology,
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feed dispensers, modern milking machines, carousels , robots, why only all the technologies we have music is played by cows, well, now music and music have also been such examples, that is, we try everything, see what takes root with us, what doesn’t take root. of course, well, as they say, there are no problems, but the difficulties that we face in the capital region, we feel the proximity of magnit, the capital city of 2 million lures people, of course, we also experience personnel. difficulties, because it is no secret that this is often work without days off, that is, people, where the fish are deeper, and where the person is better, are looking for, so people are still looking for how to work less, more receive, a talk show in essence, today we have a sit-down in our lens, well, we just finished.
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this is the story, yes, you, when, well, let ’s say, you establish the guilty person, or the reasons for which this was committed, these are what you can name, in general, the prosecutor’s office carries out supervisory activities on an ongoing basis in this area, we we see that the causes of mortality are the human factor, we have already stipulated, that is, this is the laying of feed, that is, when supervisory measures are carried out, we see... that somewhere the technology of laying feed was violated, somewhere
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the temperature regime, balance was not observed, the compaction of green mass was carried out untimely, respectively, the feed does not have the same nutritional value when the animal receives food with low nutritional value, we understand , that what will be the productivity of the milking herd and what kind of offspring will be produced, i look, i think, maybe i’m again far from this topic, but... still, it seems to me that the biggest reason and problem is something like this accidents is that the manager is trying to hide it. there are also such facts, and before there were a significant number of them, a significant number, when the prosecutor’s office paid closer attention to the death of scott, we came to the conclusion that a significant number of facts were simply hidden by the management of the farm or the responsible officials of the veterinary technical service gave instructions.
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to earn money, to buy, and so on, i don’t really understand, these regulations, how they affect business, or you know, like there is broken glass containers and a certain percentage, this also does not affect business, it’s the same thing, well, of course it does, it’s more of a marker that you can’t go beyond, and so we understand that we would like it to be better, well, there are subjective ones, there are objective factors, these are living beings anyway, you never know if there is some kind of disease.
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not everything yet, but we are striving for this, of course, now our main task and our main challenge is a 500 horsepower tractor, so by the end of the year we hope that we will already present the model that is so requested, in we have special features in the minsk region, that’s right, that’s why we’re working very hard on this, really, yul, we’ve been in the past for a long time, we ’ve known each other for a long time, so look, in
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fact, we started talking about how we would always be worried about imported seeds, yes, that is, last year , the year before last... we talked about this, because this is also, well, our national security, as far as technology is concerned, and i know that during the sanctions , for example, russians, in some of their industries they have simply become naked due to the fact that they do not have there was simply a supply of imported equipment, in belarus the situation was much better and simpler, but still i think that some components needed to be, well, relatively speaking, closed so that we would not depend on suppliers, we resolve these issues if we decide, where do we need what? enough, but what were we missing? well , in general, our minsk tractor plant is a full-cycle production facility, that is, this must be understood, yes, that is, we actually provide ourselves technologically, especially as regards the middle segment, yes, power, then, for example, our legend belarus 80-82, it consists of almost 100% belarusian and russian
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components, yes, it’s more difficult here, of course, we now have energy-rich equipment, that is , this is what our... economy needs , what, what they constantly talk about, yes, here we, of course, have certain questions, because the minsk motor plant does not produce the engine, now, of course, we are cooperating closely with kamaz and closely cooperating with wei, so just when we are talking about 350 strong and 500 strong tractors, then of course we have issues here with these very powerful tractors, yes, that is, but we nevertheless try. dmitry mikhailovich, from the point of view of your institute, strictly speaking, observing what is happening in agriculture from the technical side, what is missing, what is missing, i understand that in addition to mtz, we also have gomselmash, we have there are also smaller units, such as the smargon aggregate plant, bobruisk
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enterprises, maybe we are missing something, and most importantly, i understand that if we keep up with the times, i understand that technology must keep up with the times. but can i correct it a little, here we mentioned energy-rich tractors, in the first part we talked about this, that is, well, it’s understandable, it’s a trend of the times, a trend, but maybe this is just a matter of reasoning, maybe it makes sense to give everything but a preference for such a simple, understandable, proven technique, you know, i would like to get a little involved in livestock farming and move smoothly to plant growing, great, but regarding mortality and so on, because look, quality the food being prepared... it also depends on the technical means that are used, it needs to be prepared on time, put in a trench, compressed with a certain density, we have everything for this, our equipment is produced in the republic, but i’m just saying, the human factor, that’s all discipline needs to be adjusted, the president is useful for a reason, here an animal, eating bad food, naturally gets sick,
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bad food, whoever eats it gets sick, that’s why it’s necessary here, and the animal needs to be fed every day and... look after it, this is what you need for this too track, look, the human factor, the person is also sick, maybe some kind of replacement is needed, we have developed an animal identification system, a smart sensor that allows you to track the physiological state of the animal, how it moves, if it is inactive, it means it is sick, something is needed do, already on the computer the program is also ours domestically, the signal goes, it’s like she’s chewing a chewing gum, as she told you in the first part: about what’s in agriculture, well , at least for me, this is nikolai vladimirovich in general people who may not be so progressive and advanced, we can be as proud as we want of some of our developments, our technologies, but in fact, the simpler the more understandable, the better, there is such a word as utilitarian, as far as
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utilitarian is concerned, rather we do it for ourselves simpler is better, but look, again we have consolidation of farms, large-scale dairy complexes, where... a closed cycle , it’s impossible to track all this completely, so we are introducing smart systems, developing them, implementing them, like on tractors, here on a tractor there must also be a smart system, a system of machines, here is the unit and the tool itself, you see, so we have developed a system of machines approved by the government of our republic, together with the ministry of agriculture, the ministry of industry and next to the plant, all the manufacturing plants exactly...
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says , that we, that is, in agriculture , i think that we should not be afraid of the word self-sufficient, yes, because we understand perfectly well that if we produce our own, then we will kind of close and will not depend on anyone, i have a question like this, here we go again well, we understand perfectly well that we make good equipment, but the equipment is made on machines, our machines are belarusian, so we just start saying, you know, our milk is good, but our lines are italian, our cheeses are excellent, but our lines there are french. our technology is good, but our lines, for example, are german, so we don’t delve deeply into this problem, but i’m just interested in understanding, do we see it in order to
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change it in the future? well, of course, for us it’s technological safety, something we constantly talk about now, so, for example, the minsk tractor plant now includes three machine-tool manufacturing enterprises in our holding, and soon it will be replenished with a fourth, which is why we were really concerned with this issue at one time, in some way we are using the minsk site. look, if you think like this, that we are keeping everything simple now, yes, then we are constantly lowering the bar, but what’s the point? that is, in our
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opinion, in the opinion of the minsk tractor plant , on the contrary, we need to pay more attention to personnel training, and so that a person who works in agriculture economy, despite the fact that there is now a shortage of personnel, we talked about this on air, yes, there is a shortage of personnel, but this does not mean that we should not invest in training, this does not mean that we should not develop, the world does not stand still . therefore, it would be strange for us to constantly say that we have eighty and this is more than enough, but maybe, maybe it already exists, i don’t know, or maybe it’s in the future, your experts, let’s say when some kind of super smart equipment is being supplied, we should go to the place about constantly, this is not only about super-smart technology, for example, it’s trivial, well, trivial, now i hear the example of zimbabwe, but our specialists constantly work there, moreover, we invite you here, we have it.
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there are a lot of cases, it is clear that this is not completely total, yes, but there are cases when equipment breaks down because it is not used correctly, well, we said, nikolai vladimirovich, you also spoke about the fact that, well, many people really, who worked in agriculture were incompetent, our training school specialists in agriculture. those universities, those colleges, and in general in practice, it suits you, for example, as people who order, well, some questions, in this direction, naturally, every year some proposals are made, and we go to improve the educational process , these can be examples of the same agricultural classes that are organized in the countryside, this is also maximum convergence in the form of production practices.
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not only buy a new tractor, buy technology, but pay a more worthy salary, and here we are still trying to determine what is more important, but as you understand, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out uninterrupted work in all directions nikolayevich, again the question is, as a practicing person involved in agribusiness, we were told for a very long time in the mid-nineties that agriculture can survive. free market without subsidies, now , having looked, for example, at poland, which protects its market from ukrainian grain, we
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understand perfectly well that the poles, in principle, subsidize agriculture. the french subsidize, in fact, this is what they have to do with these subsidies, so that people take care of their own security of national food, in principle , how is it with us, i understand perfectly well, we are far from the idea that the free market will regulate, for example, uh, all the possibilities, that is, again the same rapeseed, but here you have a certain quota and it has been scientifically substantiated, because there, for example, diseases can arise and you, strictly speaking, will not get the same profitability, that’s... how much are these subsidies important and how much do you need to actually earn money? yes, well, about subsidies, i remember from university that the largest ones in america are about 2 thousand dollars per hectare, that’s why there is something to say here that our subsidies are high, i wouldn’t say, but there are enough of them, they are like direct and indirect, here they talked a lot about equipment, compared with imported ones, i would like to point out something, and i don’t
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remember exactly, probably 10 years ago, there was decree 146 on promagroleasing, firstly, it is three times cheaper, well about three, give or take, if we compare tractors, combines, when we looked at them, and secondly, it’s at 2%, for 7.5 years, it’s not economically feasible, most often, i don’t understand, there is some kind of unique equipment, but here’s a speck harvester combines, which are still available, but the equipment that is produced, which can be leased, is not, well, illogical, this is my personal opinion, not economically feasible, but as for subsidies, yes , they are both direct and for the same fuel given by order of the president with a deferment for year, then we pay it off again, we take a new one, somewhere there are surcharges for agricultural products, they are mostly all targeted, because they know the most painful points, thank you for helping, well, we have enough, in principle, even without subsidies there would be profitability, but we would developed more slowly, we would have slower, but we want
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to develop, to introduce some new technologies, so this help is nowhere to be found. never by the way, anton stanislavich, here you are, as the head of the district in the past, i also address the same question to you regarding subsidies, and well the most important thing, you know, we have always said that our climatic zone is not for, relatively speaking, rapidly developing agriculture, that is, we are always in some kind of critical agriculture, we have constant problems, as far as all this is concerned justified or for people, again, who work, because subsidies actually help solve this.
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there will be good profitability, look, enterprises are again turning into some kind of full-cycle production, when they have grown, processed, well, many are building, for example, processing plants, this is also a great story in principle, again consolidation is underway, again we give jobs to many people, leave added value, how much does this affect development, that is, we understand that a subsidy makes it possible to develop, that’s how they say, yes, this is history, when we produce, we make our enterprise. well, agricultural , but a full-cycle plant for the production of a product as a whole is only positive, but this again requires a lot of money to build its own processing plant processing, when it pays off, is an issue that has been streamlined today, it’s good when there are already built ones on the farm, but today building from scratch, and providing raw materials , is a big question, because some kind of production
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there, well, 20 tons, 30 tons milk when the plant.
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do not pass, yes, by the prosecutor’s office, jointly with law enforcement, we do this on an ongoing basis, we visit mehdvori as part of the sowing campaign, we look at the condition, the fire condition, that is, the staffing of the parking lot equipment, we look at the supply of first aid kits, we look, they have passed the state technical inspection, inspectors of the state technical supervision visit us, who note the technical condition, all the component parts...
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it’s correct in relation to your equipment, it ’s out of order, i don’t know what- what happened, if it’s something very loud, our opponents, what they take, do, they fix it and inflate it, which is conditional, yulia,
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i’m sorry that i’m using mtz as an example, but you are our representative, the conventional mtz tractor, there - they burn, they break and don’t take it, please he’s jondy, they’re good, they’re bad, i’m more likely to compare, there will be a reputational moment here, yes, here’s how to deal with it, here we are in the year of quality.
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we are very actively developing this area, together with scientists from kazan university we have made our small tractor also unmanned, it can drive either with or without a pilot, but here we constantly talk about the fact that technology and people, and rather infrastructure, must develop in parallel, that is, we won’t be able to without stable 5g coverage, but there’s no way this unmanned tractor will do its job function as it should be, that is, it is a contour map. i would, i would still add a person here, since we are talking about the fact that it is clear that with artificial intelligence, the role of a person may not be so high, but still it seems to me that, in general, the strength of belarus
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lies in , that we have always maintained reason, this balance between some breakthrough technologies and some simple things, nikolai allenovich, i have such an immodest question for you, what are you marking there, what conclusions, well, conclusions i may mark on future? i’d like to point out, but i’ll add in terms of technology, well, it’s partially used, we ’re also using taxiing now, we’re using it , but this year’s coating is there in connection, so you asked how the sanctions affect it. lagged behind, we had to switch to chinese something for others, but it is used, but you said correctly, balance is needed everywhere, so what can i add, is it difficult to compete, they say a lot, well, this is probably more relevant for russia, you are a technician you supply there, in general, 95% of belarusian tractor equipment goes abroad, is it difficult to compete there with russian manufacturers, with chinese ones, the chinese are almost the main competitors, well, let’s just say that we compete with russian manufacturers to a lesser extent, because...
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the russian market, it’s approximately the same as ours, well then there is price-quality, yes, then he buys objectively, well, with us, especially now there is a chinese manufacturer, chinese manufacturers, he is not one, not two , not three, and naturally, he offers a price range the same as ours, then the same goes for turkish manufacturers, and india, here in approximately the same price segment, so, well, of course, we win on the russian market from the point of view that belarusian equals quality. artificial
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intelligence and i remember when the president was once in the high-tech park at a hackathon, then everyone laughed for a very long time when the president said that you know, all these brains of yours that you use here to write programs, well, how would you direct them? into the real sector of the economy, including agriculture, you know, we talked less about artificial intelligence tractors, now i ’m saying that...
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do we want to be replaced? then you probably need to ask yourself: think about this at your leisure and love your land, respect it and each other. see you in a week.
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the ceremony took place at the independence palace. the president presented high awards to the participants and organizers of the space flight. marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus. the head of state presented the medal as an astronaut certificate. at the ceremony in
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other participants, organizers of the space flight, as well as the girl’s parents were present at the palace of independence; the head of state gave them letters of gratitude from the president. tomorrow, as expected, in the capital of our once great state, we will celebrate this once again.
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to a new level of partnership: belarus and this meeting is taking place after the visit of the belarusian leader to tashkent, the countries entered uzbekistan set the task of implementing projects worth over a billion dollars in 2 years. last year, trade turnover exceeded 560 million. over the past 5 years, volumes mutual trade increased threefold. the days of the mogilev region are being held at vdnkh in moscow, this time the focus is on industrial potential. the mogilev region specializes in petrochemistry, woodworking, construction technologies, and mechanical engineering. here they assemble mini-tractors for cleaning streets and public gardens, and also produce unique tires for belaz workers
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who work in the kusbas coal mines. another brand, magilevlift, is not only known, but in demand in russia. a joint venture was created, which... produces allied elevators, various modifications, from cargo and passenger elevators to hospital office elevators. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh is a business platform for managers of public and private companies, where they can become more familiar with the products of the belarusian regions; this is a good opportunity for business communication and concluding contracts. last year, 1.1 million people visited our pavilion, this year we expect 1.5 million people, russian regions. also began to more actively use this platform for business meetings, meetings at level of chambers of commerce and industry, they naturally produce results specifically for the segment of medium and small enterprises, which do not always have information about the opportunities that open up in a particular russian region, so
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we have agreed with a number of regions that from 50 to 70 companies we we will gather here on the site of our pavilion and hold joint cooperation... meetings so that they can collaborate and get to know each other. belarus and russia are implementing 25 import substitution projects. total costs exceeds 144 billion russian rubles. the first products have been supplied to the russian market since last year. these are complex technical products, transmission elements, axles, gearboxes and gear units. particular attention to work in the field of machine tool building. currently , the parties are additionally working on seven more imports. their projects, their implementation will ensure the technological sovereignty of the union state. april 11 marks the international day of liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps. during the second world war ii , 14 thousand concentration camps were created in which they died.


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