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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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quality improvement program, what is included in the documents, what new sweets will appear for belarusians and not only, the gold standard in national and eurasian standards will help protect against low-quality goods, we will tell you, this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about notable events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you, hello. according to the results of last year , almost twice as much was invested in the modernization and creation of new production facilities in belarus than a year earlier, about a billion 2 million rubles. as the ministry of industry assures, a large program of investment in the creation production will continue. as a result, in the next five years, all enterprises plan to create more than 900 modern units of world-class equipment, which will be affordable to our consumers and competitive in foreign markets. by the way, amkador presented new models of its cars the day before. this is a modern solution for land reclamation, which was previously purchased only by import. by the way, every year the manufacturer adds... 5,
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10 new models, the range of loaders, timber industry machines and others is now being updated units for the agro-industrial complex. our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk went to the presentation and asked about orders and sales markets this year. this car literally rolled off the assembly line in march. the manufacturer assures that it alone will replace at least eight loads. lifting capacity can transport up to 30 tons, and this is 2 times of bulk materials, besides, the filling is 95% of its own, in belarus such a trailer was assembled for the first time, in general , with an attachment for the first time at the enterprise for 5-10 models annually, technical personnel were also invited to this presentation who will then work for machines, now the manufacturer is focusing on road construction equipment and land reclamation; there is a high demand for it on farms.
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zimbabwe is also a country, let’s say, which is also hosting an exhibition at the end of april , a contract for the supply of more than 80 units of products is being worked out there, and equatorial guinea is interested in our machines for the timber industry, again contracts are being worked out. and we
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hope that this year the first deliveries of machines to the equatorial guvinea of ​​zimbabwe and nicaragua will take place. and of course, big russian market. the two countries are working together in many areas. the goods are already coming off the conveyors. buyers, but volumes are also important here, as well as timing, time, as you know, is money, and sometimes the work of a dozen enterprises depends on one more detail, we are already implementing 25 investment import substitution projects, the total investment costs on them exceed 144 billion russian rubles, work continues, seven more projects are in the approval stage with russian colleagues, so these productions will be... directed to solve several problems: this is the creation of capacities, including with a high degree of automation, here comes quality, here and the solution of personnel issues in order to provide the required volume with fewer people, so in general we are planning the task in the coming years to replace imported equipment
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with market of the union state, including deciding by using both the existing capacities of our enterprises through their modernization, and through the creation of completely new principles... for new production. belarus and russia began the implementation of four machine tool projects. we are talking about the creation of multi-purpose machining centers, lathes with program control, as well as other equipment for the needs of industrial enterprises. svetlana lukinyuk, ilya puchko, area of ​​interest. exports to african countries increased fivefold over the year. deliveries to china have increased almost fivefold over the past 5 years. this dynamics is demonstrated by the enterprise of the belgospischepro concern. the most exported goods to china are trap oil, confectionery, cookies and sugar. concerning africa, long-term contracts have been concluded for the supply of products to somalia, burkinofasso and ghana. positive dynamics are recorded in sales to the turkish market. a number of agreements have been signed with vietnam. in general, the geography
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of our exports is 49 countries. not long ago, the concern approved a quality improvement program, what is included in the document, what new sweets will appear in belarus. igor grutsa, head of the department of the belgospishprom concern, will tell you soon and what foreign markets the emphasis will be on. igor, hello, hello. tell us what are the main items included in the quality program for the food industry? firstly, i would like to start with the fact that this program was not developed from scratch, that is, it is based on the current five-year program for 2021 and... twenty-fifths, respectively, we essentially took it as a basis and updated it , regarding the main points, in simple terms - this is a priority for qualitative indicators over quantitative ones, that is, this means increasing the efficiency of systems management at enterprises, the introduction
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of innovative technologies, changes in production processes, careful attitude to raw materials and other resources, respectively, a focus on waste-free production, a number of other... positions, the result of the implementation of this program will most likely be the emergence of new types of products, this is what you plan to please consumers ? when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, that is, the summer period is approaching, we traditionally produce certain there are some limited summer lines, of course tropical flavors prevail there, let’s say some fruity ones, our line of confectionery products with the addition of powdered milk is developing, it is also quite... popular based on the results of last year , it has proven itself well, probably in anticipation of that same summer period, current developments in our oil and fat industry, in particular , i think it will be interesting for consumers to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill, rapeseed oil with the aroma of butter, sounds
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it’s a little unusual, but we think the consumer will be interested in it and at least want to try something like this, limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper, for women, respectively, with the addition of lemon juice, so we are trying and will continue to try surprise our consumers with something. now the country is actively working to diversify sales markets and search for new partners, as the concern works in this direction. in recent years, indeed a lot has been done in this direction; from the second half of last year we began to actively enter the african market; the agreements that we had in the fall continue to be implemented this year. this is, first of all, supplies of our pyovarian malt to equatorial guinea, this year we added the republic of guinea, supplies to the sugar industry are actively developing, that is, supplies to morocco, to hanna, that is, this is the african continent. in addition, for the first time this year we
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they supplied their sugar to afghanistan and mongolia, respectively, that is, at one time these markets were considered quite distant for us. last year we made deliveries to the same mexico, so all the markets are interesting, this year we also supplied to new zealand, so, as you can see, almost the entire globe is familiar with our products, so we will continue, let’s say, to carry out such diversification, the only thing i would like to add is that while engaging in diversification, it is still important not to lose our traditional markets, that is, we are developing new markets not at the expense of leaving old ones, that is, because...
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this is an area of ​​​​interest and we continue exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian and the euro and weakened against the dollar and the yuan. so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 27 kopecks. the euro has weakened significantly, its exchange rate is 3.51. for 10 yuan they give 4.51 belarusian, and for 100 russian - 3 rubles. 49 kopecks the countries of the eurasian union are harmonizing approaches in the field of standardization. they assure this is for the benefit of the entire union economy.
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it is held only once every 2 years, agree, an atypical schedule, however, like the day that became the occasion for this event, the centenary of the belarusian chamber of the measure of scales, the anniversary date is february 29, symbolically, contrary to stereotypes, it is the escalation year, a solid representation that goes far beyond the limits of the ias, this is also uzbekistan , china, india, a total of 250 metrologists from 10 countries, we actively cooperate with all of them on an ongoing basis, over 5 years we have provided more than a thousand works
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and services, as well as preserving their financial resources. subject matter experts for almost 30 years
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are working to develop a national reference base. according to the results of the current five-year plan, the number of national standards will be 72. the work on creating national standards is not completed, but we are constantly carrying out it purposefully. and we are currently planning that this year, next year we will work on creating three more and modernizing five standards, which in general will allow us to complete the development. programs at a high technical level, and more specifically, we can take credit for the fact that to ensure work in such a complex industry as the space development industry, our metrologists took part, who created on the eve of this great holiday for our country, such a popular standard, a standard for measuring the pressure unit vacuum, which allows our industry, without taking out equipment without spending money. ensure the implementation of these tasks on the territory of the republic of belarus right here right at our national meteorological
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institute with the indicators that in demand for the republic as a whole. our experience is valued outside the country. belarus is an active participant in the interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification of the cis countries. and now we are also coordinating policy in this area with our eu colleagues, although they are always partners to meet halfway. a very big question that was posed by the heads of state is this. achieve, everyone refers to national legislation, this diversity does not give the effect that would be inherent for all market participants with from the point of view of drawing up documents on assessing the compliance of their issuance, their competent issuance, and of course the responsibility for the work and the degree of responsibility that each of the participants performs, active
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work is now being carried out in this direction, but in any case the parties are in solidarity, all achievements must.. unity is the formula for success in working together in the near future. anton malyuta and ilya maksimov, area of ​​interest. and that’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and meetings.
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basenkov pyotr kharitonovich, participant in the great patriotic war, hero of the soviet union, senior sergeant, was born in the village of vyleva, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great patriotic war. fought with the invaders at stalingrad on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, and germany. mechanic-driver of the t-34 tank of the 326th tank battalion. on september 18, 1944, the tank crew, which included pyotr
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kharitonovich vasenkov, repelled eight counterattacks enemy tanks, destroying three tanks. and one self-propelled gun. left alone after the death of the remaining members of the tank crew, pyotr basenkov did not stop fighting until reinforcements arrived. one of the streets in the working-class village of kostyukovka, now within the city limits of gomel, is named after pyotr kharitonovich. there is a memorial plaque on the house where he lived.
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it is not necessary to be a righteous zmagar, especially abroad, it is enough to shout about it from every bell tower, that is, to lie and hype on the feelings of brainless bchebshniks. at the same time for a nice word to lick your mental wounds and in order for the authorities to take pity on you and steal you, you can add colorful speeches about how you were robbed by a lipstick or how the ashes of a deceased dog were violated. from some interviews with mary em gerosimenko, i still don’t understand whether she accepted his death for herself. or they still walk him after a glass of something else, but i appreciated the fact that the singer has low social responsibility, but a rich imagination, but this is different, probably, i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello, who
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is meriem gersimenko, most likely not that, that they remember, and not everyone knows her, so... this young lady was detained by our law enforcement agencies in august 22, they detained her after a concert on zybetskaya street, where she performed songs in support of the armed forces of ukraine. singing vakarchuk’s songs is now popular in belarus, because he supports and sponsors the military formation of ukraine, which are unfriendly to us, more precisely, they use their terrorist methods in belarus, saboteurs, spent, bookmarks, but they have nothing to do with of course, they don’t have extremism, these are just the colors of the indonesian flag, as the mayor’s office said, well, actually.


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