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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
who is meriem gersemenko? most likely, not that they remember, and not everyone knows it. so, this young lady was detained by our law enforcement agencies in august 22; they detained her after a concert on the street, where she performed songs in support of the armed forces of ukraine. singing vakarchuk’s songs is now popular in belarus, because he supports and sponsors the military formation of ukraine, which is not for us...
9:51 am
9:52 am
yes, but the fact is that already, the fact is that look, when this track was, then, at me one lukashist already wrote, then directly, for hatred of the belarusian people, yes, damn me, they made a decision that the track was not recognized as extreme, for me it’s technical, technical again, it’s true that there were volumes of examinations, yes, to be honest, it’s been asking for this for a long time in order for her to be detained, i’m surprised that this didn’t happen earlier than in 2000. in the twenty -second year, here is a screenshot of the lyrics of the song that the interviewer is talking about, the text from gerosimenko’s phone notebook: white and red is now our flag, let’s join hands to the hand. this phrase alone raises questions. the hitch is a priori an element of attack, not defense. and of course, the phrase “let’s stand close together is a call.” here is a bc flag - inciting social hatred and enmity, from two to five years in prison. therefore, what kind of examination
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did her song undergo and whether it underwent it at all is known to the investigation alone. well, i also demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus and on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” the most scary thing for me was that all the posters there were from zeta. why didn’t she support the residents of brotherly donbass before? whom she bombed for 8 years. why was she silent about the peoples of syria and iraq, who were mercilessly bombing the north atlantic alliance? why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, doesn’t he go out into the streets in support of palestine? or is it something else? azetov’s posters at gubopik’s to drive out the devil from such fanatics? i have a very high degree of fairness, this sometimes really bothers me, that is, i like people to treat me according to their conscience. and
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in good faith with people, if we act from the point of view of the law, then i need a composition, i i need sides, objective and subjective, so that i understand why i am being punished. actually, meriya’s lawyer, anna zamataeva , tried to do everything to convince the investigation and journalists that her ward understood everything, but it didn’t work out very well. not only that, anna zamotaeva, trying to pull the singer out from behind the walls of the vault, cut off all the phones, calling with a request to record it faster. i also asked for questions for approval in order to prepare my ward, but i couldn’t prepare them, i had to work theatrical prompter. a revaluation of values ​​in the sense that i no longer want to react emotionally to the information flow, to the information flow, i don’t want to take part in unauthorized events, but... and i want to add something here,
9:55 am
because i understand that there is some kind of unfinished phrase, no, because it seemed to me that i just said it before, but since i... that’s all, now it worked out for me, for the last time, third happiness, without my asking, yes, let’s do without, no, i’d rather have the ending tell me to connect, so
9:56 am
i started my thought, i forgot how we are in 2020, now he is exchanging article 342, but how do you generally assess those events and what conclusions you drew, probably, but for myself, i can probably say, that then i was under the emotional influence of a generally very strong information flow, now a big reassessment of values ​​has occurred in my life, and i definitely don’t want to take the same actions that brought me here, i always think that it’s possible to have a constructive dialogue, that’s it , there was no at all.
9:57 am
well, after this last place, somewhere at the bottom are the words mariim, which she easily gives and just as easily takes away. if you predict the situation, as it sometimes happens, when people leave the pre-trial detention center and not only, they try to go abroad and there they already speak, tell a completely different point of view, forming the opinion that they were allegedly forced to give an interview here, allegedly they were tortured here, i'm speaking tentatively.
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9:59 am
with alcohol, that is, you’re just with you all the time, you work, you have clubs, you just woke up, worked, performed, went back to the club, everything is cooler than me, only, as they say, i, zmagars cannot be trusted, even when i really want to, especially with an alcohol
10:00 am
addiction, they have neither their own nor strangers, but there are words commerce, money, hype, pour also, she said that she would never be like patosevich, but partosevich is smarter, so... really, berosemko will definitely not be like him, but this is different, i was with you ksenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.


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