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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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our sheep, belarus, our beloved, matsi, homeland, live forever, and belarus, together with our rads, busmokam, we are lambs. dear people, before you, before you, before you, my forgotten first, glory to the land, ours, bright name, glory to the peoples, city union. our people's
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motherland, the motherland, has found everything, with god's motherland, belarus is forever more vital, friendship of the people.
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live panorama in elena sachuva's studio. hello. withstand the blow of sanctions, develop the economy, ensure security, and not succumb to the provocations of spiteful critics. on cosmonautics day. it's already tradition, the leaders of belarus and russia are not only revising earthly relations, but also opening up very real space prospects, we will tell you in detail. london plans to adopt a new laser system, but first test it in ukraine, which has long become a testing ground and a place for recycling weapons waste. and victorious. sports news from the commonwealth biathlon cup stage gold in the sprint race for our anna sola. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. space day in the kremlin: alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, navitski and vasilevskaya will sum up the results of the mission to the iss. scientists from the academy of sciences explained what the experiments in zero gravity led to, whether there will be belarusian space jelly and how smcs microorganisms behave today in the laboratory. focus on creation and
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development, a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis was held in minsk, about further proof that the commonwealth consists of independent states, details in the plot. the air border guard celebrates a professional holiday: how do they live? belarusian air defense specialists and how the operation in ukraine affected their work. we’ll talk about security heights in the disposition project. wolves vs bisons, who is stronger? this time there is a direct inclusion of a panorama from the second match of the final series for the president's cup between metalg and brest. the starting day of the final stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup brought the belarusian team first place on the pedestal. anna solo won the women's sprint; there is still a chance to take the cup with the friendship of our anton smolsky. summarizes the results of the first competition day in murmansk anna eisman. this is our
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unity, as alexander lukashenko today commented on the results of the space mission in the kremlin on cosmonautics day held by the presidents of belarus and russia. meeting with oleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya, who have just returned from orbit. the results of the twenty-first space expedition to the iss were summed up in the russian capital today. the joint space work of belarus and russia does not end here; on the contrary, it will only gain momentum. today the details of the negotiations between the presidents of belarus and russia. among the topics are cooperation on security and strengthening economic cooperation, the prospect of peace negotiations in ukraine. alexander lukashenko is confident that today is the moment... for ukrainians and the west to sit down at the negotiating table and come to an agreement. speaking about attempts to drag us into a hot conflict, the president emphasized that there is no and will not be a need for belarus to enter hostilities. from moscow. report by natalia brius. the format of communication between the leaders
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of belarus and russia is not similar to the format of communication of any other politicians in the world. the thing is personalities, of course, in the uniqueness of cooperation between minsk and moscow in a union state. so no one was surprised.
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personal rhetoric was just about this, what is not a signal, peace negotiations are possible, our president is convinced, but it is important not to miss the moment, today is the moment, this is primarily for the ukrainians and for the west, sit down at the negotiating table to finally agree, there is only one principle, putin in this regard, well done, he
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does not deviate from his previous statements, there are documents, they were initialed by both the russian and ukrainian sides. "let's let's return to these documents and from this we will dance, or we will dwell on the principles that are laid down in the documents, what is wrong, what is right, so it is a very good moment for ukraine and the ukrainian curators to make a decision, it must be made, as i understand it, by the president of russia, he he does it wisely, this is a litmus test, do you want it?" "
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this will happen, especially god forbid petro poroshenko comes to power, tomorrow
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billions will put pressure on his pocket, they always press, the americans will say, continue the war, the war will continue, so how said the first president of russia is for some kind of gogulinka, it’s not the first day they’ve been trying to drag minsk into hostilities with all their might, the west wouldn’t mind stirring up a pot here, but the region needs a calm belarus, moscow and kiev understand this.
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maybe ukraine, just like russia today, could benefit from such a belarus? therefore , you know, this is the simplest solution, tomorrow iskander put him in position, shoved a missile there, i’m not talking about a nuclear warhead, shoved him in and the high-precision weapon flew to kiev, this is the simplest thing, but yes, understand consequences, that is, if we entered today. a war against ukraine, it would not yield anything, because their border with belarus
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is barricaded so that you cannot approach it, it is completely mined, concreted, and there are 120 thousand ukrainian troops on this border, well, they want to send them to the front against russia, and put the french here, we are waiting, the french will defend ukraine, listen, laughter, that’s all. the leaders still had ahead. this is not the first time lukashenko and putin have spent cosmonautics day together.
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the year before last, on april 12, for example, there were at the vostochny cosmodrome. today we are communicating with oleg navitsky and marina vasilevskaya who returned from orbit. flights into space are events, but it seems that in the 20th century they are already becoming commonplace. although each such flight is still a feat, but something unusual. this is true for belarus, for which vasilevskaya became the hero of the country. congratulations on returning to earth. you were given to us, especially it was very difficult for me when the rocket didn’t launch right away, i had everything here, everything fell, i was already thinking, trouble, no, well done.
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everywhere there is an application to space technologies, marina and her commander passed all the tests with honor, although i must admit that the delayed launch made not only alexander lukashenko worry, everyone in belarus was worried, the cosmonauts completed scientific tasks
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and returned safely to earth, to continue exploring space together, that’s what they are aiming for. it’s not easy now, quite a bit of time has passed, we haven’t completed rehabilitation, so i also want to join your words in congratulating all the cosmonauts in your person, i ’ve been to the training center several times cosmonauts in the russian center, in the world i was in the chinese centers, so i mastered cosmonautics quite well, studied, studied the rocket on
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which they took off, i was at baikanura, not only did i look at buran, but also the launch pad and yours , including from where. you have started, i know this very well, and we are working very seriously on joint programs of belarus and russia, we are doing satellite programs together, we have maintained these satellite production factories since soviet times , we are working together with the russians, now manned flights, what we work together, we work very simply, on some kind of human relationships, it is very expensive, so like me, what is possible in any situation, nevertheless, we are very well prepared, i will try my best to do everything i tried on my part do everything possible to complete this program 100% and even more, i thank you for opening this door for us, happy and glad and proud that this project
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took place, not the most expected turn of the meeting, conversation on the phone with a family hereditary deer connections.
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kids and you, if you want, watched, this is a majestic event, a sign of attention that is worth a lot, neither novidsky nor vasilevskaya are used to attention now, their important mission on the iss took place, they don’t stop being asked about feelings, they reveal new ones every time details of unearthly work. you feel euphoria, calmness, because all the actions are very slow, it’s like you find yourself in weightlessness. and of course, it fascinates with its incomprehensibility of what happens to your body, and of course, when you see our beautiful land, and it seems like it’s fantastic.
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immediately after the panorama we will show life on the iss, what conditions the belarusian was in, how she performed scientific experiments, as well as how she slept and what she ate. these unique shots will be complemented by
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an exclusive interview that marina vasilevskaya gave the day before at the palace of independence. dear friends, greetings to everyone from the international space station, i am marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian cosmonaut, and i will show you the station from mine. glance, as i see it, it means we are in the mlm module, right there my cabin is located, now we will fly to the service module, there is our heart of our station, our russian module, and there we eat, take photographs, play sports. how the story of one girl in the photo became the achievement of an independent country, belarus in space. i love you all very much and
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will not let you down, i will do everything possible and even impossible. we will show footage from the iss, exclusive to belarus-1. marina vasilevskaya with a tour of the space mission. i’ve adapted, i feel great, i’m in a great mood, story from space, you have no equal, our marina, you are our heroine for absolutely everyone, a difficult road on cosmonautics day, right after the panorama, not you, how do you know, grandfather, because you will miss it. for belarus, world aviation and cosmonautics day this year, the especially solemn flight of belarusian marina vasilevskaya to the international space
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station allowed our country to reach a new level of participation in space programs, and this is not an accidental success, but a natural result. more than twenty scientific and production companies are responsible for it organizations, over 400 highly qualified employees who are working on the development of the space industry in belarus. space really opened up new horizons for science. scientists from various fields are today studying materials that were transmitted from the iss earlier this week. a report by yulia alferova about the opportunities that space opens up. these are our installations that were on the iss. in the sleeves there are samples, in the cases there are test tubes and instructions on how to conduct the research so that the result is useful for scientists and society. marina. vasilevskaya studied and personally visited the laboratories of the institutes of the national academy of sciences in order to understand the essence of the experiment and bring down to earth the maximum result.
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what the meat and dairy industry is studying is not just about creating an innovative product, belarusian milk in space. this is a prospect, albeit not a close one. these are the same samples from space, 16 strains and 12 types of microorganisms visited the iss, how they were affected by the flight conditions of being on... will be known soon, but for now it’s unfolding a whole complex of studies to determine the characteristics and compare them with similar samples that remained on the ground. for now, we can tentatively say that the fermentation process has taken place; at the same time , the microorganisms remain on the nutrient media and microscope stages. firstly, this makes it possible for our cosmonauts, even in the distant future, to consume fermented milk products. which, firstly, has a pure fermented milk taste, and secondly, contains the required amount of microorganisms, one that ensures the maintenance
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of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract. and the third is that these microorganisms are in the most active form, that is, they are only cooked. those microorganisms from which the product will subsequently be collected to improve the immunity of astronauts also noticeably manifest themselves: these are proxibiotics and lactoferin. scientists at the institute of microbiology set themselves such an ambitious, but at the same time achievable task. we can say that most of the bacteria retained their viability, this is a very important indicator for micro...organisms, i can show you individual colonies that grew on dishes, special nutrient media, and individual colonies that developed in liquid nutrient media, this is what they look like, these colonies. science is not always about quick results, but definitely about collaboration when it comes to experiments in weightlessness. in close connection with the earth, our cosmonaut collected data on the state and environmental situation in the belarusian regions, which will allow us to build thematic maps of the territory and update databases
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data. for 14 acres, our cosmonaut managed to accomplish everything that was in the scientific program; it was jointly developed by the national academy of sciences of belarus, roscosmos and the russian academy of sciences. this is part of the research
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the most. relevant to the scientific community and one that can affect the safety and comfort of astronauts. the entire training program, a whole block, this is precisely the correctness of conducting experiments, that is, working with the equipment that we will later encounter in space, when developing such programs, all these risks that you say are minimized. roscosmos is our main partner in space research, as well as in general. in the space industry over the past decades, we have completed eight scientific and technical programs of the union state, created a national system for remote sensing of the earth, we continue to develop ultra-high quality devices, so belarus is step by step building its space industry, at the center of which will forever be the first sovereign flight in history. yulia alferova and nikolai lashkevich, agency tv news.
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relations between people and between countries are always like a two-way street . while in moscow the leaders of belarus and russia compare notes on the strategy and tactics of joint interaction, minsk is becoming an effective platform for negotiations between the heads of foreign affairs agencies. a council meeting was held in the belarusian capital.
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like never before, and the general situation in the world is fully felt by belarus in the regional context, with a clear increase in tension. issues of joint fight against terrorism were not left without attention, from which innocent people suffer. the meeting participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on the crocus city hall. the head
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of the russian foreign ministry responded. to questions about the resumption of negotiations with kiev in the context of the fact that the day before at the meeting of the presidents of belarus and russia the istanbul agreement was mentioned. ukraine was initially ready, is it possible at the current stage?
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this agreement, declaring that it is necessary to continue the war, we see no desire either in kiev or on the part of its owners to carry on the matter honestly. at the meeting, among other things , a statement was adopted by the ministers of foreign affairs of the cis member states on ensuring safe conditions for the professional activities of journalists and preventing infringement of their rights. today , during the discussion of this topic, we paid attention. how the freedom of the media in the west is violated, the restrictions that are introduced for many news agencies and companies in the russian federation and the republic of belarus, they, of course,
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do not fit into the norms of such democratic behavior, which the west regularly insists on, while at the same time it does not comply with them and violates these. norms, therefore we believe that this statement will help our journalists in carrying out their activities, a constructive and productive meeting, as further proof that the cis consists of independent states. following the meeting, the general secretary of the organization firmly stated: we must resist any attempts to drive a wedge between the peoples of the cis countries. external threat challenges serve as another reason to strengthen interaction of mutual support of the united countries. today marks the beginning of a new legislative season, with the meeting of the first session of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation taking place.
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several issues were put on the agenda. the most important thing is the election of the chairman, the upper house of parliament and the deputy. thus , natalya kachanova was re-elected to the post of chairman by secret ballot. they voted unanimously for her candidacy. 58 members of the council of the republic, sergei khamenko, who previously held the position of minister, was elected to the post of deputy justice. the speakers drew attention to the fact that it is important for senators in their work to focus not on the number of bills adopted, but on creating optimal conditions for peaceful and dynamic development.
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but the belarusian land is characterized by a basic principle, this is true, well , at my former place of work i had to spend a lot of time in work collectives , meeting at receptions with citizens, problems,
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questions that exist, they are understandable, they require certain solutions, but i think that today this will be given even more attention attention, because our society is developing. we see what civil society institutions we have, we are on the eve of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and i want to say that now our public organizations are very active together with them, of course, as... a member of the council of the republic, i will travel to the regions. the council of the republic has five permanent commissions, consisting of an average of 10 people, and today a new composition has been formed and leaders for each have been elected. thus, the chairman of the commission on legislation and mikhail rusey became the leader of state building. vladislav totorovich will oversee the commission on economics, budget and finance and gorilutsk education and social development. leonid zayets became chairman of the commission. on regional policy and local self-government, sergey sevets on international
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affairs of national security. all senators will also represent the interests of their compatriots at the all-belarus people's assembly, the first meeting of which will be held on april 24-25. well, right now we’re transported to the hot ice of zhlobino, wolves against the bisons, battle number 2. the passions of the final series for the president's cup in hockey are heating up. metallurgist with the support of his family. the tribune plays with brest. on tuesday, the reigning champion made it clear to the southerners that he intends to take the main trophy for the third time in a row, but the guests are determined to restore parity before the confrontation moves to the city above the bug. a film crew from the tv news agency is working in zhelobin. our correspondent kristina kamysh is in direct contact with the studio. christina, good evening, i daresay that on the stands are sold out and, of course, i want to know how events are developing in the match. thank you, elena, we have to wait for
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the final protocol in order to accurately appeal with numbers and talk about the full house, but it feels like if you look at the stands like this, then there really isn’t a single empty seat. in any case, according to this indicator, the current playoffs have already surpassed the achievement of the previous knockout round, so this season there are only 28 matches of the second stage. were played to a full house, and exactly a year ago there were 27 such matches. of course, the audience's interest in the final golden series, colossal, our favorite team, we are always rooting for it, always with it, heart, soul, we know that we will be with the cup once again, for the third time in a row, the cup will be ours, good luck to brest, victory to us , it’s very nice, of course, to watch our championship, it’s good to watch very young people, our young people. is rising, everything is great, our hockey is growing, and that the metallurgist is coming out for the third time,
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well, of course, i would like to wish, let there be a cup, well, as they say, the winner, the line, the excitement is crazy, metal, oh, in in zhlobina everyone lives by hockey, they live by metallurgy, especially at the playoff stage, unexpectedly, no one expected that brest and shakhtar would win, and in general, we are very happy, we will cheer today, and of course, we will talk about how events developed in match in the first. it is very important for the dairies, who played in the minority, not to concede at the end of the period in order to
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start the next period. in the second period , sergei kuznetsov responded to sergei malyavka’s goal, and roman dastanka increased the hosts’ advantage. we are currently completing the second period, the score is 3:1 in favor of metalluga. and one more interesting pattern that our film crew noticed. brest, in the second stage. alternates two victories, one defeat, two victories, one defeat, starting a play-off series against lida, if we proceed from this pattern, then brest should win now, we will find out whether this will happen from the live broadcast conducted by the belarus 5 tv channel, dear viewers , be sure to include us in our hockey, you need to see this game, in the studio, that’s all for me, elena, i return my word thank you, christina, in any way.
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testing the new and disposing of the old is britain's tactics in transferring weapons to kiev. the minister of defense of foggy albion said that london plans to adopt the dragonfie laser system by 27 and is working. i introduced a new weapon called dragonfire, which is a weapon capable of destroying, for example, houthi missiles or incoming drones. this is amazing technology that the uk is pioneering. one shot from such a weapon costs about 10 pounds, compared to the hundreds of thousands needed to use the rockets. however,
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sheps does not hide that he intends to achieve a faster release of the laser system, and this requires testing the gun. in real field conditions, ukraine is best suited for this. the country literally became a testing ground for western weapons, this was openly admitted by the former head of the british ministry of defense wallis, and the ukrainian officials themselves, who called for sending any type of weapon to ski skiing, did not even refuse radioactive weapons, thousands of exploding american and british shells with combined uranium, are now poisoning ukrainian soil. call mi. in the uk , refraining from any trips to belarus could be an alarming signal, this opinion was voiced in the next issue of the club editors’ program, as experts noted, similar theses were heard from us official departments on the eve of the crocus cityhall terrorist attacks. today, more and more indirect signs pointing to western customers are appearing. there is international practice
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yes, there are steps that are being taken in it that are traditional, this is one of those steps. is a warning to its citizens not to visit some state, at the same time it is a signal to the authorities of that state that those who warned gave money to destabilize the situation in this state, including terrorist acts, that is, in fact , they themselves signed what they have now given money to destabilize the situation here in belarus in conditions of... well, difficult geopolitical conditions, especially external pressure, our people understand this, thank you, many of our conscientious citizens do, well, heroic deeds in order to warn, and you see this in the films that our television shows, in publications, in our newspapers, what this leads to and what
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monstrous things are really being planned , what are the indirect signs of nato’s preparation for the big one. war, how powerful prayer is in ovan and lexus, and most importantly, what symbolism is hidden in the phrase our cosmos, watch this evening’s broadcast. victorious sports news today arrived from snezhny murmansk, where the final stage of the season of the commonwealth biathlon cup started. our team climbed to the highest step of the podium in the women's sprint race. solo in a similar discipline among men, four belarusians are in the top 10. and what is especially important is that anton smolsky continues to fight for victory in the overall standings of the commonwealth cup. details of the competition day from anna eisman. the changeable, difficult arctic weather did not frighten the belarusian biathletes. on the first day of the final stage of the commonwealth cup
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biathlon, our anna climbed solo to the first step of the podium. she won the women's sprint. first place for... well, actually it was really not easy, but i still assess my condition, much better than the middle of the season, because it was very difficult for me, i was very tired, now i feel fresher and i can endure there and work, so on, what are the plans for this commonwealth cup these days,
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shoot clean, run fast, we will participate in all the races, the mixed relay race we are being put at the start, but probably... praise anna, congratulate her on first place and all the fans, our entire country, great result, good move, good shooting, confident movement along the distance, everything is great. our daria kudaeva showed a good result at the race. daria, great shooting, but maybe i was a little bit weak in my legs, i would even say not a little bit, in fact , the race today was very difficult, especially the finishing lap, i just switched off my hands at some point - legs ran away. i was already running on my teeth, but nevertheless i am glad that i coped with the shooting, i shot in a good rhythm, without misses, for this i give myself a plus, but dinaro smolskaya did not take part in the race? but we noticed the olympic champion in the ranks of the fans, dinara with her son in her arms, cheering for her husband anton smolsky during the men's
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sprint. a young mother, but in principle the main thing for us is the olympic champion dinara smolsko, today she did not take part in the race, everyone was a little sad that they didn’t see the dinar. and for me it was a little unclear, after all, i was coming here to compete and planned to compete in sprint, but yesterday there were difficult weather conditions, we agreed. with the coaches that i would make a decision in the morning, i was a little upset, but mm, i think that i will still have a chance to compete here, well, we will see you tomorrow, yes, most likely i will take part in the relay, that’s what concerns the men’s sprint, then anton smolsky finished in seventh time, and it was clear that the race was not easy for our athlete, the leader of the overall standings. the course is not easy, difficult, uh, before the race, i didn't do much training because i wasn't feeling well. after all, the end of the season speaks of i don’t have any internal strength left, of course there is an incentive, so we tried to preserve
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as much strength as possible from the race, there seemed to be information that you had a illness, but i had a illness before leaving here in tyumen and this is already like a tradition in tyumen, i always get sick, no matter how much i didn’t come, and this is a difficult place for me, so i was already hoping that this time everything would work out, so uh... what happened? yes, he suffered a minor illness, and it was clear that he was not in the most ideal condition here, he did not go out for training, uh, he hoped that after all it will be fresh to come out and show some result, but i think that this is also a worthy result, the competition among men is very high, and i know that he will be upset, but he still has one personal race where he can win back, character and faith into yourself. psychologically, i think he will be ready, yes, i think we should take this cup to belarus. tomorrow the commonwealth cup will continue with two
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races, at 10:45, at 12:30 mixed relay, as always, the races will be shown live on tv channel belarus 5, and we, anna eismand and timofey gomzunov will definitely tell you the latest news from murmonsk. and this is the information picture of space friday, april 12.
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