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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: the coordinated actions of the allies from space peaks to security in the region, the loud statements of our president during a working visit to russia are discussed by experts. massacre in sydney, australia, six dead in a shopping centre. the police are working on a version of the terrorist attack. and a beautiful, ice fight for the cup of the republican hockey league, who became the champion, vivid footage of the final match on our broadcast. my colleagues will continue announcing
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the program. a reporter's view of space, we we were next to marina vasilevskaya the whole way. let's remember how it was, look through the photos and videos. now it will be faster to build houses and commercial buildings. savmin's resolution reduces a number of duplicative procedures. luxury cars - expensive premium cars all over the world. like poor ukrainian officials and refugees. shocking the european deputies of the american authorities with his luxurious life, we will talk about corruption on a global scale in detail, today in the panorama. the biathlon season is ending, but the sports festival is here in murmansk continues, so today in the panorama anna eismond will vividly communicate with fans. well, andrey kozlov will tell you everything about the sports part of the commonwealth cup holiday, and of course about the city of murmansk itself. don't switch.
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borders, the prospect of peace negotiations in ukraine. the statement that our president made during a working visit to russia was scattered into quotes: the communication between lukashenko and putin in the kremlin on thursday lasted about 4 hours, which is not surprising with such an agenda. details of negotiations behind closed doors the belarusian leader will reveal the next day in a conversation with journalists. they met our president at the entrance for 2 days in a row. the most important issue is safety. at your invitation.
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we are open, we agree, here are the documents, we sit down at the table, we will not expand further, we dwell on what was then in these documents, or , based on the documents, we move on, look for some compromises, if after that there is no reaction from ukraine and west, which means they simply don’t want peace in ukraine, the russian country posed the question very sensibly, i i fully support it, because i was in it from the very beginning... the west would not mind stirring up a pot here, but the region needs a calm belarus, this is understood in moscow and kiev. russia now needs a belarus like this, peaceful, quiet, calm, which does its job. as for the shura of patriots in russia, these calls for belarus to go to war in ukraine, this is in favor of nato. it is they who want and are doing
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everything to drag us into a war with ukraine, what will happen, you know there is a 1000 km front in ukraine now. do you think it's simple? not easy. 1500 we have about a kilometer border with ukraine. add 1.500. and in the baltic polish direction, another 1,500, 3,00 km. you and i will have to close this front if we enter the war. can we do this? we can't. i'm telling you, we can't. we want problems for ourselves, we don’t want them.
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today they entered the war against ukraine, it would not give anything, because their border with belarus is barricaded so that you cannot approach it, it is completely mined, concreted, and there are 120,000 ukrainian troops on this border, but they want throw them there at the front against russia, and put the french here, we are waiting, the french will defend ukraine, listen, laughter, this is all talk, no french will go there and no one will defend them there, they are trying to intimidate us with putin, and the fact that belarus will enter the war and so on is from the opera that putin and i want to conquer europe tomorrow, well, for starters, poland and
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prybalska, this is true, this is a complete lie, we have never even discussed this issue. experts agree that the ukrainian conflict is hot.
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ears, throughout the entire space expedition , literally the entire country froze in anticipation of your inclusions from baikanur. you and i also went live via satellite. there is no internet in the steppe of kazakhstan - i’ll explain for viewers. and when the team returned to earth, you made
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an amazing film, there’s no other way to put it. it aired the day before, where we once again experienced all the exciting moments, from the cancellation of the ship’s launch to tears of sadness. reception in the palace of independence and pride for our country of our heroes. i'll note who hasn't seen it film by anastasia bendesyuk, you can watch it on the youtube channel of agencytel news, but i have a few for you. as always, her eyes are tinted, she later admitted that she borrowed the makeup bag from tracy
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dyson, because urscosmos does not allow this, so first of all, she is beautiful, self-confident belarusian, and secondly, she is certainly heroic, because not everyone can decide to do this, well, very sensual, we saw those emotions of hers in the palace of independence, when she cried with her, well, everyone present in the palace cried independence, in that very film that was released yesterday, you can read the commentary, the audience also cried. for this film, what were your emotions while working at baikonur? baikanur is a full range of emotions from anticipation, from anticipation of this launch, because for us it was something new, we had never seen anything like this, neither journalists nor belarusians, although of course natives of belarus have already flown, gone into space, we all we know them, but nevertheless this was the state, on the other hand, on march 21, we remember when we didn’t this start happened, there was confidence that it would happen, but nevertheless , on the 22nd i... as i remember now, we met at baikanur with the parents of marina vasilevskaya, hugged, they
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cried a lot, worried, they were without contact on baikanuri, we already had information at that time, alexander lukashenko phoned yuri borisov, borisov said that all the problems had been fixed, marina would fly, everything would be great and safe, the parents asked again several times, this is exactly, exactly so, we say, yes, and for them it was it’s very important to hear that there is support at this level, well, of course, this start, these are those emotions, the roar of the braids... the nights are very cold in fact, that is, you can’t put up a tent, although there were tents, but nevertheless sleep there it’s definitely impossible, there weren’t any snakes and scorpions, which are common in the steppe , it was not the season, there were ticks, we were worried, and of course the road was bad, there were strong floods in kazakhstan, so we drove on several times. we got stuck before this field camp, but everything turned out okay, my colleague anya quiloria from
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the good morning of belarus and i slept in a car, such spartan conditions, the men from our team gave us the largest, warmest car, so it was such a night, well , not the easiest, but this is really a small thing, the main thing is, that everything worked out and we were the first to see it, but how was the work of the journalists organized, was everything allowed to be filmed, or was something classified as secret, did everyone agree to an interview, as for the stamp? secret, probably not, uh, in general, that's it, what they saw, they talked about it, but before they started, they gave instructions to journalists, here it was important not to interfere with those services that had to evacuate, for example, from the capsule, when the crew had already landed, it was important not to interfere, so we of course observed these points, in all other respects, this is complete improvisation, you see, you’re running, they gave interviews willingly, but rather they gave them after landing, because people are still a little superstitious, they say: we’ll give everything, everything will be, everything will be. but first the main thing for us is to get the job done, get it done qualitatively, and then all the attention, the press,
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everything that is needed. okay, who is the author of the idea to give marina flowers after landing? oh, it was very spontaneous, in fact, i was just passing by a flower shop in karaganda, yes, those same daisies, well, roses, they gave marina a lot of roses, and before, i’m sure, and after she was presented with flowers, here is the main point, i wanted to give something tender for her, something so homely, cozy, dear, they were transporting it across the steppe, so also... the bouquet is quite small, it wasn’t planned like that, it’s just that my heart and soul wanted it, after all, the girl is beautiful, wonderful, they didn’t give her flowers on the iss, so we were the first, and if the rider is with the astronauts, i know there about the preference for apple, birch sap, and apple, yes , marina vasilevskaya, while still on the iss, she asked her friend, i would even probably say, from the academy of sciences, who accompanied her all the way, to bring apple... juice, oleg novitsky traditionally, he always when he returns to the ground, takes a sip of birch sap, from
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interesting, my colleague, nikviloria, she brought lard, there was an agreement a couple of years ago with oleg that if we ever meet you in the steppe of kazakhstan, it will be lard, and she brought cucumbers for marina, her parents admitted , which she loves very much, there is no rider as such, but with regards to nutrition, when they are just leaving for the iss, they choose their own preferences in food and try everything. in general , they decide on what is needed. marina said that she really liked the cottage cheese. i have one last question for you, if only you were offered to become an astronaut and fly. you would agree, firstly, i would first correct you, because this is not the last question, the last one, that’s what all cosmonauts say, secondly, probably, seeing that team that was with marina and all this way, i would, she probably took a risk, because she has a reliable rear, a shoulder to support, i would, by the way, too, you see, the president said, by the way,
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in the palace of independence that there is already a line of belarusian girls who would repeat it, so in case. we are very worried about you, you should know that you are our people, we will be waiting for you here in belarus. impossible.
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i wish all the people on earth that they would appreciate and take care of everything that we have, because
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it is incredible beauty that i am still killing. one season of republican amateur hockey competitions for the prizes of the presidential sports club became history. the ice team of the head of state defeated the team of the minsk region in the second match of the final series up to two victories and took the main trophy. dear friends, let's be together and friendly! well done! dear friends, the second match of golden syria turned out to be perhaps the most intense of the season, 18 goals scored, yes, the goalkeepers felt the power of the players, and the spectators experienced vivid emotions from each puck, and yes, there was a full house in the stands of the capital's olympic arena. the match took place in
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the ambiance of a real sports festival. it's always a holiday. you can see the joy of the stands, delight, pride for the country, for the president, for hockey, it’s great, a very festive atmosphere, the games are always organized at the highest level, there are a lot of people as always, it’s even interesting, positive, we we come here as if it were a holiday, this is professional sport, we remember how we played before, even now it’s more emotional and interesting, we play for them, we play for these fans, we try. to say good hockey, and now to the hockey essence: the starting period , the team of the minsk region left 4:3, but already in the first break, the owners of the ice managed to work on their mistakes, as a result, in the second third, the head of state’s team completely dominated on the court, this six goals scored. guests managed to object only once, in
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the final segment of the game, the capital's, as best they could, tried to restore the balance in the score from...
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lukashenko gave his gold medal to the son of one of the hockey players of the minsk region national team. naturally, this fragment will go down in the history of this season, which will be remembered for its bright matches, unpredictable results and incredible emotions. as always , emotional, because indeed every year we get older, but at the same time our love for hockey does not become less. only victories always make me happy, so we go out to every match to win as a team. next to the first, we can only be the first, we were pleased that the teams are strengthening, the teams are rejuvenating, every year they are more and more motivated to beat our team, this also makes us happy. according to tradition
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, the winners of the match thanked their fans for their support; the smartest fans took home plush gifts. also, during breaks in the confrontation , pop singers performed for the audience, and the most active fans took part in competitions. let me add that bronze awards. conquered hockey players from the grodno region who beat the team from the brest region. the new season for hockey fans will begin in the fall. the belarusian biathlon opens up a new place on the world sports map for the first time in two seasons in the commonwealth cup, belarusians compete in the arctic circle. the finish takes place in murmansk. tomorrow, in the final race of the season, the main trophies among men will be competed by world -famous stars. russian eduard latypov.
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are you starting? i start. where are you from? from the vinsk region? yes, we all, we go to the merchant make friends. i am from tambov, sports santa claus, official, russian. i’m a new snow maiden from belarus, i don’t know, she started to get interested in biathlon, she came here to murman especially from belarus, yes, with my dad. amazing, do you always follow biathletes? yes. are you happy for anna solo? certainly. we even have a small present for her daughter.
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murmansk, nuclear icebreaker lenin. it will no longer leave anchor, but now continues to amaze us with its greatness. like biathletes, i cut through thick ice in my best years. murmonsk is the last city russian empire, founded in 1916, and the place of conquest of the northernmost latitudes of our planet. well, to further emphasize the peculiarity of the biathlon track here, it is located beyond the arctic circle and, by the way, the track is somewhat treacherous; it is not for nothing that it has hosted the ussr championship eight times. route. simple and even more so, as you see, the end of the season, weather conditions change create difficulties, both for the athlete and for the matchmakers, but in
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principle a little bit, of course, after the nineties there were changes, the stadium became more classic, as we are used to, the track is very working, and also the atmosphere, the atmosphere here is always good, despite the fact that the polar region is mostly foggy and sometimes dark, the sun sometimes comes... the audience here has a special story and with their appearance above the arctic circle in the city of the capital of the kola region they are beyond the arctic circle they only emphasize that for the sake of their beloved athletes there are no barriers. in the mixed relay, the honor of our country was defended by anna sola, daria kudaeva, dmitry lazovsky, nikita lobostov. our guys finished fourth, that is, they stopped one step away from the podium. unfortunately, dinar smolska felt unwell.
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does your family have some common sense approach, why aren’t you performing today, why aren’t you performing? i’ll note that it’s already the end of the season and the body is not always ready to perform at every start, i decided to save a little energy, maintain my health in order to compete for the globe tomorrow, realizing that today’s race could take away that energy, which will be useful tomorrow, if the schedule was, for example, the mostart sprint and relay races, then of course... sunday at i would take part in the relay race, tomorrow it will be an interesting and exciting race for both the spectators and the athlete, and tomorrow be sure to watch an unusual interview as part of the main broadcast of the project, which, according to tradition , will begin at 21:00 on belarus 1, where anton smolsky will be interviewed by his wife tinara. today i want to talk to you about sports, about the season, are you ready? yes, i'm ready, what kind of dad are you?
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what kind of dad am i, perhaps i should. will he ask his son in 20 years? well, it seems to me, what do you think? i think i'm probably too much too, somehow to turn the word around, reverent, well, this is the surroundings of the murmansk biathlon that you just saw, but the most important thing is that the sports festival continues, tomorrow there will be great mosstarts, and work will continue for you, hence our fans, of course, the usa began the redeployment of two destroyers in case of a possible iranian attack. the west fears that tehran may soon launch a full-scale attack on
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the jewish state. other countries are calling on citizens to refrain from traveling to the region and are withdrawing their diplomatic missions. aircraft they also try to avoid the airspace of the two countries. the day before, biden announced that the united states would support and defend israel. at the same time, most countries that border iran have stated that they will not give permission to use their skies for attacks on iran. türkiye and qatar also responded. meanwhile, tehran sent tel aviv another warning. iranian special forces captured.
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why it is called a national disaster, the inaction of the state, the cynical pr of politicians and open-air hangouts, how cities are turning into heroin ghetto, we’ll tell you in a clear policy on monday after the panorama.
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six people were killed and seven injured in an attack by an unknown assailant with a knife on visitors to a shopping center in sydney, australia. the criminal was eliminated by the police and, as the guards say, the man acted alone; now there is no threat. however, the police do not rule out that the attack was an act of terrorism. ukraine is losing not only the war, but also the peace. western media are increasingly declaring that kiev no longer has a chance for an acceptable exit from
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conflict. representatives with the white house, the parties have not reached an agreement, republicans continue to insist that the biden administration lift the ban on issuing permits for the export of liquefied natural gas, and also demands a change in policy on the border with mexico. victory or loss is not
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important to the kiev regime, because for them, fighting is a way to line their pockets. even the sponsors admit this, the us senate is outraged, ukrainian officials are spending. assistance for the purchase of luxury items and luxury real estate in the west, and yet the states are already spent more than 300 billion dollars on kiev, about ukrainian corruption on a global scale, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. if a championship on corruption were held in the world, without a doubt, ukrainian officials would win it. thirty years of experience in plundering ukraine itself and voila.
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money down the drain, giving it to ukraine, these people are not and we are thinking about throwing away even more , they can buy more houses than they have already purchased, they have beach houses all over world, let's start thinking. many ukrainian refugees may lose social benefits if they do not sell their cars, the cost of which exceeds the size of the monthly social payment. it is logical why they should be paid if they not only do not die of hunger, but also have more luxury than
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the swiss themselves. this applies to cars and liquid assets such as jewelry and cash, and social services are studying each case. every time i come across a car with ukrainian license plates, it's a big car, which i never. could afford it, besides, we give them money, this is not normal, but it’s still in vain that american senators are attacking ukrainian officials, because they think about the country, think about zrada every second. either in courchevel they will throw a party in support of the armed forces of ukraine, by the way, representatives of the golden youth of ukraine, patriots, then in monaco. this is approximately 28 million us dollars, almost
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one and a half million euros. the photo was taken by the hungarian customs at the entrance to the eu, the wife of a ukrainian deputy. how could customs in southwestern ukraine not notice? cash smuggling, that's all we can talk about. guess it’s in vain that american senators suspect ukrainian officials of idleness and corruption, ukrainian people’s deputies work tirelessly, they are passing new laws on mobilization, or stop, the nordic deputies did not want to take responsibility, fearing the anger of ukrainian wives and mothers, and stupidly did not come to work to vote. of course, for the sake of appearances , the kiev regime allegedly caught several corrupt officials, but everyone understands everything. the nato alliance is afraid of ukrainians like fire. they have it too not everything is going smoothly with the budget, but they are still providing assistance to the kiev nazis. the european union also does not want to let such a goat into its garden, where there is not enough greenery for everyone. surely you are interested in the question: where will your
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money go next? i think this is an unethical question. after all, we ask ourselves where the cat we feed will go. you can, of course, buy a corrupt government, with which ukrainians have had no luck. years of the existence of the country itself, you can pit kiev and moscow against each other, you can achieve your goals with the hands and lives of ukrainians, but you can outplay slavic ingenuity, anglo-saxon. for bilas mining dump trucks. the days of the mogilev region solemnly opened in
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the belarusian pavilion at vdynkha. stability of prices, growth of savings, increase in well-being, these are the foundations for successful victory in information wars. i, alexey avdonin, will tell you why finance is so important in modern confrontations. simple economics in panorama. a story of unbending character and unity. basketball player timofey porolev defeated cancer at the fourth stage and returned to... professional sport, an inspiring story at the end of the panorama. union opportunities such as strengthening the economies of belarus and russia in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh solemnly opened the days of the mogilev region. this time the focus is on industrial potential and signing contracts. about allied cooperation and regional cooperation, report by daria belousvo-petrovskaya. the mtz trading house is located 50 km from moscow. belarusian equipment arrives, mainly tractors and loaders, which serve the central
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federal district of russia, these are 18 regions from bryansk to yaroslavl, due to the departure of foreign companies from the russian market last year , the volume of supplies of only this trading house, mtz in total there are 5 of them, increased by 20%. these tractor models are a completely domestic product, so to speak, the common work of three belarusian enterprises, the body is made in babruisk from a tire in mogilev, and the engine is the minsk motor plant. such small tractors are mainly used for work on city streets in public gardens; these days, several similar models stand at the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh, where the days are held mogilev region. so that visitors, among them there are potential buyers, can, so to speak, feel with their hands the equipment that the bobruisk tractor plant produces. we are developing interregional cooperation, when components and components of products, products. it is mutually supplied to enterprises of both regions, the mogilev
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region and the kursk region, we interact in terms of educational programs, in terms of joint work of builders, we are building a belarusian quarter, right next to it there is a four-ton wheel from belshina, the brand is very well-known in russia, the company produces products not only for cars, buses , tractors, but also for multi-ton dump trucks, these are the tires our belaz trucks carry through the coal mines of kusbas. by the way, the strength of rubber. gives technical carbon, without it a car wheel will not travel 100 km, and it is produced by the omsk carbon mogilev company, along with russian capital of 150 million dollars of investment, this is the largest enterprise in the cis countries, one of the eight world manufacturers with a market share of 2.5%. trade turnover with the russian federation for 3 year from 130 billion russian rubles increased to 230. the most important thing. management is joint import substitution.


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