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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 9:40pm-10:36pm MSK

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travels from 100 km, and is produced by the omsk carbon mogilev company, the share of russian capital is 150 million dollars of investment, this is the largest enterprise in the cis countries, one of the eight global manufacturers with a market share of 2.5%. trade turnover with the russian federation in 3 years has increased from 130 billion russian rubles to 230. the most important direction is joint import substitution and... localization of manufactured products and an example of such cooperation is presented right at the exhibition: you can, if not take a ride, then definitely feel the comfort and convenience . today mogilevlift is a 90% belarusian-russian product; a joint venture has been operating for several years now, supplying allied elevators to the russian market. these are more than thirty models of various modifications, from cargo to passenger. with the departure of western competitors, production increased by 40%. a special highlight of the exhibition.
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several large wholesale distribution centers have been opened, from where belarusian products are delivered further to cities and regions of the far east, using the example of these pilot trial deliveries, large enterprise. mogilev region - primarily suppliers of cheese, milk, sausage, groceries, confectionery, ice cream, even began to bring it to the far east, they saw that the economy was working out, the quarterly increase was actually 20%. today, all these food products can be tasted in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. there is even a unique fermented milk product that is ideal for athletes and those who adhere to. in fact, a champion in protein content, in recalculation, if take for... 100 g of the finished product, it
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contains 30 g of whey protein. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh is an ideal platform for business, here you can get acquainted in more detail with the products of belarusian regions and the possibility of russian ones, this is a place for business communication and concluding contracts. by the way, the magilev region has already signed several agreements on trade and economic cooperation within the framework of the exhibition. daria belousopetrovsk, alexander lyubitelev, tv news agency, moscow. these are examples of successful the foundation of union relations, and as for construction within the country, it will be easier and faster to build residential buildings and commercial real estate. the government, by its resolution, removes duplicative approval procedures, the process from the project to the start of construction is significantly reduced in time. previously, this took at least a year. the new rules came into force from today, what developers receive today, how much time.
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yes, indeed, we still have problems with a number of issues regarding the reduction of unnecessary procedures procedures in construction, and the adopted resolution of the council of ministers, in my opinion, radically simplifies precisely the moment that is most overloaded with these procedures, this is pre-project preparation and the design stage itself, it is there that we put things in order, eliminate duplicate procedures, probably every person who somehow i came across construction in this way and saw the number of stamps on the approval sheets.
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this applied to both legal entities and individuals. today we have put these procedures in order; we have one administrative a procedure that will absolutely clearly regulate the technical conditions and their technical requirements for the construction project. and if they are completed , additional approvals will no longer be necessary. moreover, the approval procedure has been excluded, in my opinion, from unnecessary coordination of design estimates of documentation with the architect, because we have an administrative procedure according to which... local authorities already approve design estimates of documentation, so i think we can talk about a multiple reduction procedures for, as i said, at the pre-design and design stages, how much will it be reduced after all, it’s half a year, a little more time is needed to go through all these approvals, approval of design and estimate documentation, approval of those decisions that were included in the design and estimate documentation at the stage of fulfilling technical conditions sometimes reached a year, if until now, before the adoption of the resolution it was necessary... it was necessary
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to go and get technical conditions, the administrative procedure is 1 month, and after receiving administrative procedures, design of the facility , it was necessary to obtain approval, as a rule, this is 2 weeks in each instance and how... consider that with this resolution we have removed this period, so if we talk about the general period, then i can say with confidence that on average, according to statistics, we saved from three to 5 months at the design stage, well, if the time frame is reduced, of course, probably, residents are always concerned about the question, so maybe the cost can be reduced somewhere in this or that object?
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responsibility of supervisors increases organs, because their number is decreasing, but as we all know, seedlings have a child without an eye, so in my opinion, increasing responsibility here will have a positive effect on the quality of the result of work, it is assumed that only state construction supervision
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will accept the object for compliance with the design -estimate documentation, in turn, the design and estimate documentation will be carefully monitored by the state construction examination bodies for compliance with construction standards, of course. first of all, safety standards when we have a limited circle of specific and responsible officials, i think that the quality will only improve, it is clear that if a developer has taken some kind of object, plans to build a residential building there or something else, maybe there is some real estate there, it may already be unwanted, but it needs to be demolished, sometimes this process of coordination with some structures is also delayed, that’s how much new approaches there may be now, maybe we managed to find this... balance so that it doesn’t take long , when it comes to modification any existing facility during reconstruction, major repairs and other types of construction, we have provided in the adopted resolution a significant simplification in the availability and provision of title documents, why, because we are faced
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with a problem, often such objects were not built somewhere at one time completely legal, there is an unregistered capital structure on the land plot... which has been established so far, it was necessary to provide any legal restoration documents, that is, it was necessary to go and register this object, and then it begins to demolish it, well, it would seem an absurd situation, today we have moved away from such a norm, and if the object is not registered, then there is no need to provide establishing documents, register, go around again, or you can immediately begin to carry out the actual task at the construction site, thank you very much, thank you, the stability of the financial system is the key. to victory in economic and information wars, and here it is important to monitor rising prices the mood of ordinary people, stability , confidence in the future is a priority of our state policy, how to properly build the economy and keep information feeds under control, the author’s column simple
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economics with alexey avdonin right now. hello, this is simple economics with alexey ovdonin. sustainable economic development of the country is possible with the growth of long-term savings and investment on the part of the population and companies. this is ensured only if price stability is maintained. march 28, president, accepting the report on the work of the banking system, he clearly defined: any financial... activity must be subordinated to the interests of the economy, the economy is the priority of priorities, despite the pressure from western unfriendly states on belarus, the economy is coping, so at the end of the twenty-third year, thanks to well-coordinated actions of the national bank and the government, the increase
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in consumer prices amounted to about 6%, with a target of 7-8%. now we belarusians manage to control the pricing system and keep prices down. but the president insists that now it is important to do everything necessary so that people are less offended by rising prices and inflation in the country. in conditions of information war, the situation with prices. can be easily exploited by our opponents. negative emotions in society due to prices can undermine confidence in the future and force a change in traditional economic behavior. the population may thoughtlessly buy goods, withdraw deposits, or run for dollars and euros. information war is also an economic war. chapter about this on april 8, the state designated vladimir pertsov as deputy head of the presidential administration. changes in people's behavior. under the influence of rumors, speculation, and pseudo-analytics, it can undermine the economy and weaken the state. now
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the country's leadership is doing everything to protect the country from a hot war and ensure economic price stability, despite sanctions and pressure from the west. lukashenko emphasizes that the state is not going to intervene to limit price increases where there is no need for it or on the contrary, observe the unreasonable rise in prices without accepting. proper measures. according to the leadership, march is now in a high degree of readiness for a program of actions to stabilize prices to provide the population with maximum coverage, saturate the market with goods, increase import-substituting production, and combat inflationary expectations. the balanced policy of the country’s leadership is yielding good economic results; a clear confirmation of the population’s confidence is the growth of time deposits from individuals in belarusian rubles. yes, in february. they increased to 8.5 billion rubles. this behavior by depositors increases the ability of banks
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to provide loans and support the economy. against this background, the process of devaluation of the economy continues; the share of the ruble component in the medium-broad money supply in february of twenty-four exceeded 55%. in march, individuals sold almost $110 million more in currency than they bought. gold and foreign exchange reserves are also growing steadily. in belarus, as we see, the efforts of the country’s leadership to ensure stability of finances and the economy are yielding results in the form of increased prosperity every belarusian, you and me. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. and now a story that shocked sports. do not give up in the fight against the disease. in 2022, minsk basketball player of
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the belarus national team, timofey porolev, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. it seemed that the sad end was very close, but the hero of our report not only defeated the disease, but became a father and signed a new contract with mogilev borisfen. stanislav libsky will continue. these are the shots of the training camp of applicants for a trip to kazan for the games brix. as a player of the belarusian national team for fitshitel basketball, they not only delight, but inspire, among the candidates for a trip to the multi-sport form, this guy is timofey porolev, who defeated cancer. as i remember now, coming to the doctor, after they took a biopsy, and asking what the result is for me, the doctor says that i need to go to the hospital urgently, he says: call your sports doctors so that they come and talk to me, i so... i called our team doctor alexander, he arrived, i talked to the doctor, he says that’s it, i need to go to bed urgently, i say, so what do i have as
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a result, he says: the fourth stage of burkett’s lymphoma, well, a very serious situation, there are 14 or 12 organs affected by metastases, the belarusian basketball federation at one time launched a large-scale campaign to support timofey, finding himself in such a difficult situation, timofey was not left alone, the minsk basketball club signed a contract with the player, despite his illness, his friends were always there. like the basketball federation, parents did everything possible, in fact, as a wife who was pregnant during the treatment period, i knew that i was responsible not only to myself, not to my parents, but also to my wife and unborn child, which is why i wanted doubly for the result of the treatment to be positive, my wife , of course great job, i don’t know how she managed it all, six courses of chemotherapy, the guy i was lying with told me not to have any... these shocking effects, come home, shave right away so it won’t be so rough because really here
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you turn onto the pillows and a clump of hair remains. the best belarusian specialists were involved in timofey's treatment, no one gave guarantees, so timofey even asked if he would live to see the birth of his daughter? our belarusian doctors are the best doctors in the world, because foreign specialists refused to take on such cases, probably here.
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also the republican scientific and practical center mati a child, who, knowing his difficult situation, yes, took patronage over his wife, a healthy, wonderful, cool daughter olivia appeared, that is, well, it was this must be a difficult year. in february , timofey fully returned to professional sports, signing a contract with the winner of the belarusian cup, mogilev borisfen. mogilev residents, of course, are competing for medals at the national championship, and something tells us. timofey will definitely help the team get one of the awards first. participants
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in the republican military-patriotic tournament of the same name challenge their capabilities, the seven strongest teams in the country are again on the army front line... a ticket to the final is at stake: paramilitary relay race, combat drill , endurance sports competition, strong-willed young patriots, report by katerina strikha. the howl of a siren, loud explosions and machine gun fire. when you realize that something has gone wrong, sound sleep is replaced by bewilderment, fear and panic. at night,
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a sabotage and reconnaissance group attacks a tent camp using drones.
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the test was passed, not a single student left the race, i thought, to be honest, not everyone would get up, the main thing was that we also acted as a team, ran as a team, waited, we we understand perfectly well that the girls live separately, the boys live separately, no one... ran into discord, ran as a team, this is the most important thing, this is a developed team spirit. vasily, we have a couple of hours left for sleep, we are setting off, and you, as i understand it, remain at your combat post, that’s right, we are working. despite a sleepless night, early in the morning the recruits set off for a paramilitary relay race. seven teams start in turn with a run of 40 minutes, time is limited, 10
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checkpoints for each of 5 minutes. in in total, you need to cover a route of 3 km. they demonstrated their accuracy in shooting weapons, tested their knowledge in a historical quiz, and assembled and disassembled a machine gun against the clock. orienteering is not a new thing for children; compasses and maps will help them get to the right place. girls, what is it, are you lost? we are looking for an infantry fighting vehicle, undress a little so that we don’t run so much, our boys run, also so that we don’t waste our energy and don’t run, let’s run, oh, that’s all here. found something, yes, ours works tactics, so everything is fine, well, in general we are a team, so we don’t have any seniors, we’re all alone, so everyone. one for all all for one, as they say, the task is completed, the bmpp-2 has been found, it will take one of the teams to the next checkpoint, then it’s
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easier, because from the very beginning you need to set up the compass, run correctly through the terrain, so well then okay, well, you understand that there is still part of the way ahead, that is, you... well, we still have strength, we are ready to fight to the end. as we assumed, the weather has made its own adjustments, the rain has still intensified, but this does not prevent the young recruits from moving towards their intended goal. this is the fifth point of our paramilitary relay race. we are in an improvised minefield, there are three ammunitions underground and the young patriots are given about 5 minutes to find them. each one found is awarded one point, well, time has passed, let's go,
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oh, we found it, it really took us a little more time than the young patriots, meanwhile the semi-finalists are getting closer to their intended goals for the cherished flag. this is an infected area terrain, it must be overcome in a gas mask and an ozk suit. the very test where many might give up. hard enough. indescribable emotions. it seems to me that it was psychologically difficult to overcome this barrier. well, going through fire is always difficult. it's quite difficult, but you can manage it. what's the next point on our route? corner of the forest, and what's there? it’s still unknown, but what are your tactics? we wait for the slowest ones and run at their
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pace. good luck! thank you! during the qualifying stages, something we never had as young patriots. we overcame obstacle course, psychological barriers, learned... to control drones, equipped trenches and even tested tanks. the struggle for a ticket to the coveted final continues among the young patriots. next week we will find out the names of the four strongest teams. but this week, katerina strikha, i maksimov and maxim lvov accepted the challenge. these are the main events of this day, all
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the best to you and take care of yourself.
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good evening, abas, greetings, abas juma, russian international journalist, we have our own belarusian, gleb lavrov, high-class specialists with a very advanced profile, familiar. so, on the one hand, your profession is in great demand today, on the other hand, the entire international coordinate system today is chaos, double standards, surrealism, this is how today a professional remains adequate, among this infinity, this is different, well, you must not lose yourself, before all in all, if you don’t lose yourself, if you know why you...
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do what you do, it’s really a little easier for you in this world of madness of surrealism. today there is a war, and if you don't lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you move towards victory and do everything you can to achieve this victory, but the difference between us and them is that... this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not israel, we are not capable of destroying everyone, yes, whoever comes to hand, we deny collective responsibility, also in the media, we are not ready to lie, forgery, meanness, cooperation, which means with the devil
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and the devil... just to win, so our the path is long, our path is bloody, yes, it is washed with the blood of our soldiers, our journalists, because many in search of truth die at the hands of the enemy, but this is a conscious choice, but what about in a situation where all the norms of international law not only do not work , they are trampled upon, and brazenly, cynically, in all respects, no regulations.
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they will approve of you there, that’s not it, that would be a global mistake for many years, of course, you will always be bad, whether you write the truth or lie, even if you run over to them, you will still be people second-class, they won’t accept you anyway, so the only way out, in fact, which i personally see for myself, and in professional life, in life in general, is to go your own way, it’s not to lose yourself, it’s to do your job as honestly as possible, it's wasting all your energy. to achieve the goal, well, well, they’ll figure it out, time will tell, let’s do it then, okay, you still had to come to this somehow, even to this understanding, then a little about your path to the profession, you are half syrian, yes, speak fluently arabic and english, well , speak russian better than me, english is not as fluent as i would like, these are again your thoughts for now, have scientific works. in
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the case of skripoli and the zamyatin medal of the union of writers of russia for success in literary cultural fields, well, at least in the annotation it is written, why did you choose russia as the place of implementation? well, let's start with the fact that russia is the place where i was born. well, if i were born, say, in burkino fasso, i would choose burkino fasso as a place for realization. lucky, i was born and raised there, where to achieve a lot, i won’t say that it’s simple, but it’s possible, without bribes, without meanness, yes, without having to go over your head, that is , with your mind, with your mind, of course, i was born, i grew up, russia gave me everything, she gave it’s all free for me, i’ve never asked anyone for anything in my life, i haven’t brought it to anyone. like in my
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first answer, yes, i just walked and came very grateful to my country, in principle i can’t imagine myself outside of russia. well, i repeat, i’m just lucky that i was born here, a country that really gives more than it takes, well, in this sense, it seems to me that those who want to be with us, they certainly will not regret it, i like this answer, well, look, some sources, they claim that before entering rudny, this is known.
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i just sort of finished it, then i came to russia, where i started - my education in a russian, no, in a special school initially, yes, there from the first to the fourth grade, and only then i went to syria and continued there, then i returned to russia, ruden had actually already graduated, and the ordinary school was simple, that is, nothing special, in this, apparently, there was my father's plan. don’t send me to a place where it’s easy, don’t send me to a place where they’ll speak russian to me, if it’s some kind of embassy school, let’s say, immerse me as much as possible in the atmosphere, in the environment, in the environment, especially since this school , that means, it was
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my father’s school, he graduated, right next to our house, this school, mathematics, geography, arabic language and literature and so on, but also a little bit... sports, all this military training, sort out, assemble a machine gun, and so on, initial military preparation, but we had it, when it once was, i believe that it needs to be revived, especially in modern times, this is a very strong education, i must say that in syria, in spite of everything, it is still very strong primary secondary education, well, in all respects, these are excellent... teachers, lecturers, this is an orientation, by the way, towards - soviet education, by the way, something from which we moved away at one time, unfortunately, unfortunately, there it is very valued, it is passed on from generation to generation, it gives
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its fruits, if you look, a huge number of specialists all over the world came out of syria and it was in arabic, in arabic, purely, of course, it is arabic. but washington put you on its sanctions list, and i liked the wording for the connection with the supply of iranian kamikaze drones to the north military district zone for the wagner pmc, yeah, did they really earn money like that, earn a little money by supplying weapons on a part-time basis, i’m surprised, of course, that the ministry of finance, the united states thinks so highly of me, but i have to disappoint you, not me, it’s theirs. and i kind of put them out of the equation, it’s useless to tell them anything, to contact them , apparently you can only prove something by force, i have to disappoint you, yes, i’m not a 2.0 boot, uh,
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no i have nothing behind me except honest journalistic work, i worked in africa, yes, i worked with yevgeny viktorovich prigozhin, with the wagner pmc, and worked in the donbass. and apparently, apparently, in america, the one who was tasked with putting together this fake, as it were , connected together these well-known facts, and, well , logically revealed my involvement in delivery of drones by a musician, where can i say, well, the man worked in africa in the donbass , he worked, and there is a photograph with prigozhin, we connect, 1 + 1 we get two, this just speaks about the level, you know, of nationalism, competence, yes, in general, about such a general, about the general level, this is total degradation, i wrote a lot about this, in principle everything is degrading today, diplomacy,
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when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, is to do everything so that bridges are not burned, is to preserve this thread of connection between two conflicting parties, even when it seemed too late. today, on the contrary, these diplomats are inciting war, they are the main hawks, they call for war, but this is generally the surrealism with which you started, the same applies to their politics, the same applies to ... the economy, it would seem, everything what they were proud of for centuries, the market economy, capitalism and so on, today with their own hands it was simply crumpled up and thrown into the trash can, and so did the ministry of finance, accordingly, there too, so i fell victim to this incompetence and degradation, well, you and i have the same fall, because somewhere , according to the usa and the european union and canada , for some reason i still have the handcuffs with which i used...
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the truth is, i’m interested in both, it seems to me, that’s what i now i’m working, in principle, partly in this direction, and this, and as one fairly competent person told me, what distinguishes you from an employee, in general , of the special services, is that you don’t have so much bureaucracy, writing and you get paid a little more, i don’t know if this is true or not, well, i have a double one. so of course russian and
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russian and syrian, yes, yes, i cannot work in politics in the special services, well, due to my belonging to another state, i don’t want to renounce this citizenship, because i think that this would be a betrayal towards my father to those numerous relatives who love me and are waiting for me in syria, but i am quite happy with my current situation. my profession and what i do. so, a little about the russian special operation, right? it showed wavering countries that it is possible and necessary to talk to the united states from a position of strength, these are your words. yes exactly. this is a precedent, or we are simply starting to return to the best diplomatic traditions of the ussr. both this and that are a precedent for the russian federation. i 'll remind you. how it all started with
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clinton laughing at mr. yeltsin. that is, what we have achieved today is, of course, the revival of the phoenix bird, this is a big, big success. i cannot say that russia today is capable of leading the new world, as some of our experts say.
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defeat in ukraine is the beginning of the end for hegemony of the united states of america, this is the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the dollar. these are all very interconnected things. russia is not yet capable, in your words, of leading, let’s say, this unipolar world, let me paraphrase, no, because we are not talking about a unipolar world, that’s why.
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in the sco format and not only, but nevertheless, can we say today that china is the hegemon, that china dictates? it is not positioned in this way, and it does not need it, so when they... ask me: how would you characterize this new model new world order? i say: this is a mechanism where all the details are interconnected. yes, there is a large, most noticeable, perhaps most important detail: china, but it doesn’t solve much in itself, it will also work
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insofar as small details work around it, that’s exactly how i see it... the united states is not about that , the united states is about the vertical, they are at the top, everyone else is below, even about the pyramid, yes, where are they about the pyramid, their favorite sign, yes, yes, here, yes, if they want there, it will be like there they want, they need nord stream 2 to explode, they will explode, and no one will say anything, they need... everyone to impose sanctions even to their detriment on russia, everyone will impose sanctions and will buy gas from three expensive countries the united states of america, but it will be exactly like this, they need them to send weapons and equipment to ukraine, leaving themselves with a bare bottom, so it will be, so it will be,
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and then they will again buy all these abrams from america at three prices , and america will serve them thereby... israel, a country dependent on america, today dictates to washington what to do, dares to disagree with his patron. where, tell me, the states, fully, completely control something, nowhere, that is , i understand correctly that as a result of the process that russia launched,
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the dream of so many adequate people will come true, the pharaoh will be buried in his own pyramid, of course, moreover, they are not stupid. leaders, be it the indian leader, the leaders of african countries, the arabs, look at this situation and shake their heads. yes, they are not taking any active actions yet, they are waiting, they have taken such a position a wait-and-see attitude, they are watching how it all ends, but as the russian special operation in ukraine progresses, we see how the rhetoric of many countries is changing, we see that many countries have become bolder in responding. for the united states of america, we will buy weapons, we will buy oil, because it is profitable for us.
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scissors, so brilliant, i know what i can do, this is what i can do, look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite, what name the peaceful one got agreement that secured soviet russia? with an elongated body and lumpy skin , it resembles a tiny alligator, name these beetles, we were thinking here too, we have
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several options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer and we had a ladybug, so we hope we will have three points, their erudition would be the envy of any adult, is it true that an adult normally has four fangs, denis, what do you think, well, i think so? should be four if everything is in place, smart girl, must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . you are hosting a radio program, a radio program, the east handled a delicate matter, yes, good, then the west now, what
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a disastrous matter, a very good answer, however, you do n’t even need to develop it, i really want it to it was, you had at least two podcasts that were about israel and hamas, yeah, how would an israeli ground operation affect the russian energy market, yeah. second podcast the united states emptied israeli warehouses in favor of ukraine, well, there was such a moment, and here is this forecast for the energy market russia, it has come true, well, it is in the process, it is too early to say, but the price of oil, which is now rising and is predicted to be well over a hundred already, yes, to what extent is this, let ’s say, the final point or the process will continue, in your opinion , the process is quite itself...
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in the case of the murder of an iranian military leader in iraq, the second, that this is exactly the same belli incident, in fact it is a reason to start a war, here are two polar opinions, whether i swallow it or not, i will say this, for 10 years of working with iranians, i didn’t understand them at all, but i understood one thing, they are not there for thousands of years,
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the answer will be, no doubt, what when - this is another question, on october 7, who said that this is not the answer for the murder of kassam soleimani in iraq? and who said that this is not iran’s response to all that meanness, all the evil that the state of israel brought to muslims, to the muslims of palestine, i mean, but for iran the defense of palestine. this is a sacramental thing, this is the highest goal. now,
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despite the fact that tehran initially said that it was not involved in the attack hamas on october 7, today other news appears, they again come from tehran, and we already understand that it turns out that general zahidi, who was killed in a terrorist attack in damascus , was involved in the planning. hamas special operations against israel. iran will respond: iran did not sit idly by for decades while it was under all possible sanctions. iran has raised a generation of loyal people across the region. i am now talking about iranian proxies, about iraqis, about lebanese, pro-siyas. they surrounded israel. ready to answer, and they will answer, even despite the fact that perhaps this will be
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the last thing they do, this, it seems to me, is the reason for the defeat of the west, after all, i integrate israel into the western model, of course, of course, of course, an unsinkable us aircraft carrier, such the term was used, exactly like that, exactly like that, exactly mentally, and i’m not talking about the street now, i’m talking specifically about the country’s leadership, they are not able to understand an iranian, a russian, a belarusian, they... are not able to understand collectivism, the willingness to bring sacrifice yourself and your comfort, and self-sacrifice, this nation of consumerism, the nation of consumerism, and this is very primitive, they weren’t always like this, but they became like this, they pulled a lot of people into this trap, i don’t have to tell you, remember the twentieth year,
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look what happened in us, when the special military operation began, when there was mobilization, upper lars and so on, i’m 30 years old, i was raised on mtv, i was told all my adult life, pepsi, take everything from life, yeah, and i’m grateful there mother and father, who sometimes, well, that’s how i feel don't listen to me. everything from life, don’t take, give something else, yes, give something, share, this is a very correct message, very correct, you know, when a child is given not a whole piece of candy, but half, so that he clearly understands how much more correct it is , even more correctly, if you live in a large family, so here’s the question, and a priori you will have an incomplete family, you just said such important words about iran, yes, that a whole generation has grown up, maybe
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not even one generation over these. 40 years of sanctions, at least even those that really they are so devoted to their country that they are capable of self-sacrifice, but they said about the same thing at one time about hussein’s guard, yes, when the americans invaded, and that this army of 5000, it will show the americans who is who, and then where will they go? then dissolved, so unexpectedly, wo n’t the same thing happen now if the conflict escalates, it’s difficult for me to answer this question, god knows, i hope that it won’t happen, i hope that if we are talking about iran, then generations of iranians raised in ideals of the revolution, islamic revolution, 1979, will give a rebuff, an ideological rebuff, first of all, but how it will be, in fact, time will tell, i
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can’t say that everything there is so wonderful and beautiful, what is there... to the point of automatism, well, remember these hijab protests, it all started with an absolutely fake story, i give lectures to students and give this, i apologize for the slang, case, like a textbook case, like this is the most striking example, probably in recent decades, of how you can immerse a huge country in a regional .


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