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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 3:05am-3:26am MSK

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well, first of all, i want to say thank you to my biology teacher, a wonderful person, and yes, this is the tenth grade, it’s true, however, the scenabionta, if my body’s memory serves me correctly, on the contrary, has a narrow limit of endurance, here are the very bionts - on the contrary, i can explain what language he speaks, yes, artyom is studying in a chemical and biological specialized class, he is a potential physician, so i was sure that he would answer correctly in this question, but in my opinion there is no answer. narrow and wide circle of endurance, what is it? oh well an organism that has wide limits of endurance, and can more easily adapt to the environment in which it lives, but on the contrary, those that have narrow limits of endurance are just more, well, have a smaller habitat, let’s say, well, not to take away, not add the absolutely correct answer, the correct answer to ours. question: no,
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i’ll just explain, i’ll probably give a few examples: stenobionts are typical inhabitants of the seas of press water bodies, well, for example, kambola lives only in salt water, crucian carp, for example, only in press water water, and if you suddenly take them in places, nothing good will come of it. stenobionts also include many animals of the ocean depths, for example, stingrays, inhabitants of tropical rainforests, hummingbirds of high mountain regions, caves of the isolated continent of australia. kaala, yachidna, platypus, the correct answer to our question is no. fifth question: is it true that the official language of new caledonia, english, is time. kira, how did you answer? honestly, i can't be sure, but i answered yes. what are we anyway? do we know about new caledonia? well, what is it? i honestly don't know much about new caledonia. how did this happen? history is not
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my favorite subject, so that's probably why i understood. kira, i’m not pestering you anymore, although this is geography. alexandra, are you good at geography? i'm sure you can help us now. well, new caledonia is an island state, if i'm not mistaken, it is located in the ocean. however, about the language , i was again not sure, i doubted between english and french, and why did you choose french as your second language? who were in doubt? since... england and france had quite a lot of colonies there in this region, the official language was usually the language of the former metropolis. and what did you choose, in your torment of doubts? still, i chose french, the answer is no. well done! it’s like in 10 seconds, you need to turn it all over in your head, remember that new caledonia is a territory dependent on france, but therefore, what language could there be other than french? the correct answer to our question. sixth question: is it true,
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that oxygen entering the respiratory organs during inhalation enters the blood due to diffusion time! daniel, what do you think? first of all, i want to remember what diffusion is? this, for example, is the diffusion of oxygen, this is when oxygen from a space with a large volume, with more. the concentration of oxygen enters a volume where the concentration of oxygen is less, yeah, accordingly, when oxygen enters the blood, the blood, as a rule, contains a smaller amount of oxygen, since oxygen must get there, accordingly, the process of diffusion, it promotes the entry of oxygen into the blood, therefore, in my opinion, the answer is yes, the correct answer to our question is yes, the seventh question, is it true that the word dumbbells in the singular ends with a letter: i, time,
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konstantin, the word dumbbells in the singular ends to the soft dumbbell sign, so the answer is no. kantel, well done, i 'm proud of you, it doesn't sound like something, you don't think it's normal, normal, yes, singular, dumbbells will have a soft sign at the end. dumbbell and nothing else, the correct answer to our question, the eighth question: is it true that homo erectus is considered the first representative of the human race? time. artyom, maybe we should say hello to our history teacher? well, in this case, i really want to.
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well, i say hello, and regarding the question, well, i doubt that the answer should be yes, because there is more. okay, they forgot about everything erectus, well , perhaps a skilled man, a skilled person, do you think, yes, the first was a skilled person, and therefore the correct answer to our question, no, the ninth question: is it true that margarine
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obtained by hydrogenation of liquid fats? time. how do we use margarine? why do you need margarine at all? well, you can add it, for example, i recently baked cookies and added it instead of butter, that’s very good, but
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why add butter? so that it’s delicious, very good, but would it taste better with margarine or not? yes, well, it seems to me that she gets pleasure from the game, well, yes, yes. yes, she is such a star, the girl sings, dances, laughs, laughs, yes, yes, yes, always smiling and very kind. so, the first margarine was invented as a butter substitute, why did i torture you, in 1869. margarine is synthetically obtained from vegetable fat; trans fats are a by-product of hydrogenation. these are fats with a modified chemical formula. in this form they are less easily absorbed. body and can lead to cardiovascular diseases, so anastasia, i ask you, do not overuse margarine, butter is better, the correct answer to our question, and the tenth question: is it true that myocardial infarction is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation.
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time! anna, you definitely remember! i can, but i assume this is the correct answer. yes. daniel, how did you answer? and, if i'm not mistaken, myocardial infarction is more popularly known as a stroke. and a stroke just means a violation of blood circulation in the brain. so i decided the answer was yes. perepu explained everything correctly, but answered exactly the opposite. catherine. a heart attack is a heart disease. a stroke is a hemorrhage. the brain is not enough, i chose it that way, well, at least as far as my medical knowledge allows me preparation? it’s not in vain, it’s not in vain that i went to lessons, the definition is given here in the question, the definition of stroke, myocardial infarction is an acute disturbance of the blood supply to the heart
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muscle, that is, in any case, both a stroke and a heart attack are an acute disturbance of the blood supply, blood circulation, but a heart attack - this is the heart muscle, and soult is the brain. the correct answer to our question is the eleventh question: is it true that moderate inflation is inflation of up to 10% per year. time. kira, how did you answer? i answered no. i can't give the exact number now, but i remember that it’s either a nine or a five, something like that. definitely not a dozen, as far as i remember, but what is inflation anyway? inflation is the depreciation of money, yeah, very good, that ’s just briefly clear. alina, how did you answer, which option did you choose? i chose to refuse: so, i’m happy that it’s 10%, but i
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can’t think about it. each of us can make mistakes, but you are not mistaken. the correct answer to our question is yes. twelfth final question of the first round. it’s true that one of ivan shomyak’s commandments is called non-repeatable in autumn. time. no spring. before summing up the results of the first round, i would like
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to talk to you a little. lena, how do you like the first round? well, the questions were quite simple. my impression of the first round is positive. how did you cope, do you think? well, i think i did okay. how many out of twelve, give or take? well, maybe seven questions, somewhere i answered correctly, it seems to me. this means that if you calculated everything correctly, we will see a seven on the table. well. maybe yes. okay, fixed. anastasia, what did you find the question the most difficult? probably about aluminum. seriously? yes. very interesting. what is the simplest question? well, there were quite a few questions like that, that's why. how many of the twelve do you have? if i'm not mistaken, then nine. yep, nine the stakes go up. artem, do you see yourself in the second round? i would like to. but what do the scores say, or did you not count? honestly, i don't like counting. so that there is some kind of surprise at the end, yes, such a small one as a gift for yourself, in any case,
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whether it is pleasant or not, it is a surprise, yes, valeria, we will see you in the second round, well, i don’t like to think ahead, i would like to, of course, but i want to keep the intrigue, an element of surprise, probably, well, let’s not guess, let’s look at our table and see who it is the eight players we will face in the second round, who will we be? "goodbye already here now, points, so in such situations we once again pay attention to the screen, i want to tell you right away that we had a small controversial situation, there were players who scored the same number we turn to our computer and ask you to count which of them gave their answers faster than the competitors, now before your eyes you see the final, ready-made table, elena, alexandra, anastasia, artyom, valeria, egor, kira, ekaterina pass." daniil, konstantin , alina and anna, alas, the eight
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players at the top of the list, we say thank you and see you off to the second round, and those players we see at the end of the list, we say thank you and goodbye, thank you for your participation, i expected it, honestly saying what will happen worse, but a result of five is more than enough.
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disappointed, it could have been much worse, the questions i, in principle, with the result did not fall very far outside my specialization, but in principle this is not scary, i had fun, gained new experience, and in principle i am satisfied with myself. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary science, evsein, who said: “medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also prepare pharmaceuticals.” this is our only university that prepares specialist in this profile. we suggest
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the cleanest, the hotels are excellent, moreover, i’ll tell you, such a conveyor belt as i saw here at the car plant at the mother of such an organized conveyor belt, i have never seen it so clearly and so many young people working when a small state, pursuing its own policy, developing its own model belarusian economic, this actually makes us a desirable goal, we need to be prepared for the fact that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with help.
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the second round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds each. a correct answer earns the participant two points; the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second tour which collection includes works by khor and kalinich, two landowners, singers? a, evenings on the blezdekanki farm, b) notes of a hunter, c - belkin's stories. time! who knows egor, how
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did you answer? well, the first thing i did was reject option a of the evening at the khutreblikanki, because these works were definitely not there, then i had a choice between option b and c, i still leaned toward option c. oh, egor, i should have. yes. i don’t have any information, but most likely these works are from there. who do you think wrote belkin's tale? belkin’s story is right on the tip of my tongue, but... i can’t say now, i suspect the hunter’s notes are in the same place, okay, artyom, oh, to be honest, i’m not friends with literature, but i probably wrote the hunter’s note, wow , god forbid, maybe we’ll say hello to the literature teacher, oh, no need for the literature teacher, because he ’s unlikely to thank me, she’ll sing,
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really, how did you answer me now? but i answered by guess, again i say, i’m not friends with literature, i chose gogol, well, as you can see, this is most likely incorrect. valeria, are you friends? with literature? partly yes, because i remember that belkin’s story was written by alexander sergeevich pushkin, a hunter’s note, if my memory serves me right, turgenev and evenings on a farm near kanka, obviously gogl, and purely by the method of elimination, based on... the names , i thought that perhaps these are the evenings on the footer of the dekanka, we were sure that she would now give the correct answer, yes, well, what ’s going on, you told everything so well, it’s all just such an easy excursion into literature, i was immediately immersed, i listened and option a, well, what are you going to do, evenings on the hut near dekanka, there are two parts, in the first the sorochenskaya fair, the evening
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before ivan, well, in general, all sorts of lyrical, such festive names, and if we are talking about belkin’s story. a shot, a blizzard, an undertaker, a station superintendent, well , everything is harsh then, and already in the collection there are notes from a hunter, khor and kalinich - two landowners, singers and others. the correct answer to our question is option b. second question. yak is the correct spelling of the name of the asian region in belarusian. option a, option b, or option c. time. alexandra, what do you think, how would you write? well, i ўpeўnena, that is not variyant b, geta dakladna. wetnam, dakladno, not yon. i understand, i'm just trying to say whether i like it or not. it seemed to me that it was just not so good.


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