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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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the stadium has become more classic, as we are used to, the track is very working, and also the atmosphere, the atmosphere here is always good, despite the fact that the arctic is mostly foggy and dark, there is very little sun. the spectators here have a special story, and with their appearance above the arctic circle in the city of the capital of the kola arctic, they only emphasize that there are no barriers for the sake of their beloved athletes. as a result, the honor of our country was defended by anna sola, daria kudaeva, dmitry lazovsky, nikita lobostov. our guys finished fourth, that is, they stopped one steps from the podium. unfortunately, dinar smolska felt unwell. but you have to understand that she is a young mother. anton smolsky is taking care of his health on the eve of tomorrow's most important race. he has a fight with eduard latipov at stake for victory in the overall standings. today is the second competition day in murmansk, it takes place without the smolskys. the fans were all a little upset, but i think there is absolutely some common sense approach from your family, why today. doesn’t
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perform, why don’t you perform? i note that it is already the end of the season and the body is not always i’m ready to perform at every start, i decided to save a little energy, maintain my health in order to compete for the globe tomorrow, realizing that today’s race could take away the energy that will be useful tomorrow if the situation were, for example , mostart sprint and relay, then of course i would take part in the relay on sunday. tomorrow it will be an interesting exciting race for both the spectators and the athlete, and tomorrow be sure to watch an unusual interview as part of the main broadcast project, which according to tradition will start at 21:00 on belarus 1, where anton smolsky will be interviewed by his wife tinara, today i want to talk to you about sports, about the season, are you ready? yes, i’m ready, what kind of dad are you, what kind of dad, i’ll probably have to ask my son in 20 years. but it seems to me, what do you
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think? i think that i’m probably too much, to find a word, reverent, well, this is the surroundings of the murmansk biathlon that you just saw, but the most important thing is that the sports festival continues, tomorrow there will be great moss starts and they will continue to work for you hence our fans, of course, anna esmant, andrey kozlov, our cameramen evgeny netov and timofenov. news agency russian federation the situation in the middle east remains tense after a nighttime missile attack by lebanese hezbali on israel the united states began the redeployment of two destroyers in the event of a possible iranian attack. the west fears that tehran could soon launch a full-scale attack on the jewish state, with one country after another calling on citizens to refuse. from traveling to
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the region and withdrawing their diplomatic missions. aircraft they also try to avoid the airspace of the two countries. the day before, biden announced that the united states would support and defend israel. at the same time, most countries that border iran have stated that they will not give permission to use their skies for attacks on iran. türkiye and qatar also responded. meanwhile, tehran sent tel aviv another warning. iranian special forces captured a cargo ship in the strait of armus. the ship is owned by an israeli billionaire's company in teliviv. tehran was immediately accused of conducting a pirate operation and violating international law and called for sanctions. and the military adviser to the leader of iran announced a successful psychological and media operation, which horrified the united states and israel. who made billions from someone else's misfortune? there is a drug epidemic in the united states, why it is called nationwide. the trophy,
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the inaction of the state, the cynical pr of politicians and open-air dens, how cities are turning into heroin ghettos, we will tell you in an understandable policy on monday after the panorama.
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six people died and seven were injured in as a result of an attack by an unknown person with a knife on visitors to one of the shopping centers in sydney, australia. the criminal was eliminated by the police; as the guards say, the man acted alone. there is no threat now, although the police do not rule out that the attack was an act of terrorism. ukraine is losing not only the war, but also the peace. western media are increasingly declaring that kiev no longer has a chance for an acceptable exit from the conflict. russia's advantage is too great. the publication responsible statecraft
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draws attention to dying convulsions zelensky. this week he said that without new us assistance, ukraine will definitely lose the war. true, these complaints. natural gas, and also demands changes in policy on the border with mexico. victory or loss is not important to the kiev regime, because for
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them, fighting is a way to line their pockets. even sponsors in the us senate admit this and are outraged; ukrainian officials spend their aid on buying luxury items or... about ukrainian corruption on a global scale, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, agency tv news. if a championship on corruption were held in the world, without a doubt, ukrainian officials would win it. thirty years of experience in plundering ukraine itself and voila. today the kiev junta is eating deliciously.
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poor ukrainians, richer than compassionate europeans, have already noticed everything, but not everyone decides to take action, because ukraine is the sacred cow of the washington sirens, we have a completely new level of economy, begging, the scheme is awesome, tested by gypsies, you give us your money, we don’t give it to you later we return, 100% guarantee. however, in switzerland many ukrainian refugees may lose their lives. social benefits, if they don’t sell their cars, the cost of which exceeds the size of the monthly social benefit, it is logical why they should be paid if they not only do not die of hunger, but also have more luxury than the swiss themselves. this applies to cars and liquid assets such as jewelry and cash, and social
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services are studying each case. every time i come across a car with ukrainian license plates, it's a big car that i i could never afford it. besides, we give them. money is not normal, but it’s still in vain that american senators attack ukrainian officials, because they think about the country, but they think about the country every second. either in courchevel they will throw a party in support of the armed forces of ukraine, by the way, representatives of the golden youth of ukraine are patriots, or in monaco they are partying, but do not remove ukrainian license plates from their cars.
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their officials are suspected of idleness and corruption, ukrainian people's deputies work tirelessly, they are adopting a new law on mobilization, or stop, the people's deputies did not want take responsibility for fear of anger. ukrainian wives and mothers, and stupidly did not come to work to vote. of course, for the sake of appearances , davich’s kiev regime allegedly caught several corrupt officials, but everyone understands everything. the nato-ukrainian alliance is feared like fire. even with their budget, not everything is going smoothly, but they still provide assistance to the kiev nazis. the european union also does not want to let such a goat into its garden, where there is not enough greenery for everyone. surely you are interested in the question, where then? your money will go, i think this is not an ethical issue, after all, we ask ourselves where
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the cat we fed will go, we can, of course, buy a corrupt government, with which the ukrainians have had no luck throughout the 30 years of the country’s existence, we can pit kiev and moscow against each other, we can use the hands and lives of ukrainians to achieve our goals, but outplay the slavic anglo-saxons accustomed to templates are unlikely to succeed in ingenuity. so, when starting a war, it was worth taking a closer look at your wards, because in the economic confrontation, the ukrainian corrupt officials are winning, and the losers, as usual, are ordinary people, american ukrainian. even more interesting facts in our telegram channels. this is a panorama and we continue the live broadcast. from mini tractors in belarus to the largest tires for mining dump trucks in belarus.
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the story of unbending character and unity of the basketball player mofei porolev, who defeated cancer at the fourth stage and returned to professional sports. an inspiring story. union opportunities such as strengthening the economies of belarus and russia in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh solemnly opened the days of the mogilev region. this time the bet is on industrial potential and signing of contracts. about allied cooperation and regional cooperation, report by daria belausovrovskaya. the mtz trading house is located 50 km from moscow. mostly belarusian equipment comes here.
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tractors are mainly used for work on city streets in parks; these days , several similar models stand at the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh, where the days of the mogilev region are held, so that visitors, among them potential buyers, can, so to speak, feel with their own hands the equipment that produced by bobruisk tractor plant. we are developing interregional cooperation, when components of products and processed products are mutually supplied to enterprises. both regions and the mogilev region and the kurzh region, we interact in terms of educational
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programs, in terms of joint work of builders, we are building a belarusian quarter, right next to it there is a four-ton wheel from belshina, a very famous brand in russia, the company produces products not only for cars and buses tractors, but also for multi-ton dump trucks, these are the tires our belaz trucks carry in the coal mines of kuzbass. by the way, technical carbon gives rubber strength, without it... the car will not travel 100 km, but it is produced by the omsk carbon mogilev company, with a share of russian capital of 150 million dollars of investment. this is the largest enterprise in the cis countries, one of the eight global manufacturers with a market share of 2.5%. trade turnover with the russian federation over 3 years increased from 130 billion russian rubles to 230. the most important direction is joint import substitution. a
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joint venture that has been operating for several years, supplying allied elevators with a 90% belarusian-russian product, already on the russian market, these are more than thirty models of various modifications, from cargo to passenger, with the departure of western competitors, production increased by 40%. a special emphasis at the exhibition is interregional cooperation. geographically, the mogilev region is closest to russia, bordering smolensk, bryansk and kursk, but already closely working with the far east. open several large wholesale distribution centers, from where belarusian products are delivered further to cities and regions of the far east, using the example of these pilot trial deliveries, large enterprises in the mogilev region - primarily suppliers of cheese, milk, sausage,
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groceries, confectionery, ice cream even began delivering to the far east, we saw that the economy was increasing.
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the government, by its resolution, removes duplicative procedures, the approval process from the project to the start of construction significantly shortens over time. previously, this took at least a year. the new rules have come into force today, what do developers get today, how much time will they save on document approval, will the innovations reduce the cost of a square meter? the relevant minister ruslan parkhamovich was asked about this. ruslan viktorovich, chief taskmaster. this is to reduce these duplicative procedures, in my opinion, even the figure was mentioned: 130 approvals are needed during the construction process, after all, was it possible to do this? let’s say the current measures were cardinal, to reduce precisely these approvals, i can say that this is not a complete fulfillment of the task, but only one of the important first steps, and indeed we still have a number of problematic issues regarding the reduction
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of unnecessary procedures in construction, and the adopted resolution of the council of ministers, in my opinion look... this is where we put things in order , eliminating duplicative procedures, probably every person who has somehow encountered construction has seen the number of stamps on the approval sheets, this applied to both legal entities and individuals persons, today we have put these procedures in order; we have one administrative procedure, which will be absolutely clear. technical conditions and technical requirements for the construction project are being developed; if they are fulfilled , additional approvals will no longer be necessary. moreover, the approval procedure has been excluded, in my opinion, from the unnecessary approval of design estimates for documentation with the architect, because we have an administrative procedure according to which local authorities already agree project estimates documentation, so i think
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we can talk about a reduction in procedures by a factor of two, as i said, at the pre-project and design stages, how much will this be reduced? six months, a little more time is needed to go through all these approvals. coordination of design and estimate documentation, approval of those decisions that were included in the design change of documentation at the stage of fulfilling technical conditions, sometimes took a year. if until now, before the adoption of the resolution, it was necessary go and get technical specifications. the administrative procedure is one month, and after receiving the administrative procedure, the design of the facility had to be approved. typically this is 2 weeks. each instance and the number of this authority, depending on the complexity of the object, reached thirty, accordingly we must calculate this is 3-4 months of obtaining approvals, consider that by this resolution we have removed this period, so if we talk about the total period, then i can confidently to say that on average, according to statistics, we saved from three to 5 months at the design stage, but if the deadlines
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are reduced, of course, the residents are probably always worried about the question, so maybe the cost can be reduced somewhere? the longer a property takes to build, the more expensive it ultimately becomes. moreover, a number of procedures that we are now moving away from were not free, so it was necessary to incur additional costs for the customer, which were subsequently passed on, including to residents, if we are talking about housing construction, so this is certainly a reduction in cost. as for renting out the house, because that sometimes residents complain that the house seems to be ready, they’ve seen their apartment, but still we can’t move in, maybe some more steps will be taken in the future so that the approval process can begin when the house has already been handed over , almost ready, he has these approvals, they are shortening them. they also lasted for several months; this is probably the key issue that we are currently working on, which will be recorded in the prepared draft decree. the point is that we
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need to remove unnecessary supervisory authorities at the final stage of the project, which issue a conclusion. we understand that the responsibility of the regulatory authorities is certainly increasing, because their number is decreasing, but as we all know, the testicle is a child without an eye, so in my opinion, an increase in responsibility should be put here. will affect the quality of the result of the work, it is assumed that only the state construction supervision will accept the object for compliance with the design and estimate documentation, in turn, the design and estimate documentation will be carefully monitored by the authorities state construction expertise on compliance with building standards, of course, first of all, safety standards, when we have a limited circle of specific and responsible officials, i think that the quality will only improve, okay? what if a developer has taken some kind of object and plans to build a residential building there or something else, maybe there is some kind of real estate there, maybe not residential anymore, but it needs to be demolished, sometimes this is also a process
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of coordination with some structures it's dragging on, that's how long it can be now some new approaches, maybe it was possible to find this balance so that it doesn’t last long, if we are talking about modifying any existing facility, during reconstruction, major repairs and other types of construction, we have provided for in the adopted by... there are unregistered capital buildings on a land plot, according to the procedure that has been established so far, it was necessary to provide any legal documents, that is , it was necessary to go and register this object, and then begin to demolish it, well it would seem an absurd situation. today we have moved away from this norm, and if the object is not registered, then there is no need to provide establishing documents, register, or go around again, but you can immediately begin performing the actual
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task at the construction site. thank you very much, thank you, the stability of the financial system is the key to victory in economic and information wars, and here it is important to monitor the rising prices and the sentiments of ordinary people. stability and confidence in the future is a priority of our state policy. how to build the economy correctly and keep news feeds under control, the author’s column simple economics with alexey avdonin right now. hello, this is simple economics with alexey. the economic development of the country is possible with the growth of long-term savings and investments on the part of the population and companies; this is ensured only if price stability is maintained. on march 28
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, the president, accepting a report on the work of the banking system, clearly defined: all financial activities must be subordinated to the interests of the economy, the economy is priority of priorities, despite the pressure from western unfriendly states on belarus, the economy: copes, so at the end of the twenty-third year, thanks to the coordinated actions of the national bank and the government, the increase in consumer prices amounted to about 6%, with a target of 7-8%. now we, belarusians, manage to control the pricing system and keep prices down, but the president insists: now it is important to do everything necessary so that people are less offended by rising prices and inflation in the country. in conditions of information wars... the price situation can be easily exploited by our opponents. negative emotions in society due to prices can undermine confidence in the future and force a change in traditional economic
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behavior. the population may thoughtlessly buy goods, withdraw deposits, or run for dollars and euros. information war is also an economic war. the head of state announced this on april 8 when appointing vladimir pertsov as deputy head of the presidential administration. changes. people's behavior under the influence of rumors speculation and pseudo-analysts can undermine the economy and weaken the state. now the country's leadership is doing everything to protect the country from a hot war and ensure the stability of the economy's prices, despite sanctions and pressure from the west. lukashenko emphasizes that the state is not going to intervene to limit price increases where there is no need for it or , conversely, to observe unjustified price increases. without taking proper measures. according to the leadership of mar, the action program for stabilization of prices to ensure maximum provision for the population and saturation of the market
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with goods. increasing import-substituting production and combating inflationary expectations. the balanced policy of the country's leadership gives good economic results. a clear confirmation of the population’s confidence is the growth of time deposits from individuals in belarusian rubles. so, in february they increased to 8.5 billion rubles. this behavior by depositors increases the ability of banks to provide loans and support the economy. against this background, the process continues. devaluation economy, the share of the ruble component in the medium-broad money supply in february of twenty-four exceeded 55%. in march, individuals sold almost $110 million more in currency than they bought. belarus' gold and foreign exchange reserves are also growing steadily. as we see, the efforts of the country’s leadership to ensure financial and economic stability are yielding results in the form of growth and well-being of every belarusian, you and me. it was.
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basketball in belarus at one time launched organs affected by metastases. the federation is carrying out a large-scale campaign to support timofey. finding himself in such a difficult situation, timofey was not left alone. the minsk basketball club signed a contract with the player, despite the illness, friends were always there, as was the basketball federation, parents did everything possible, in fact, like a wife who was pregnant during the treatment period. i knew i was
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responsible. not in front of myself, not in front of my parents, but also in front of my wife and future child, that’s why i wanted doubly so that the result of the treatment would be positive, my wife , of course, is a great fellow, i don’t know how she is i took it all away, six courses of chemotherapy, the guy with whom i was lying told me not to have any of these shocking effects, come home right away so that it wouldn’t be so tough, because really , when you turn on the pillows, clumps of hair remain, belarusian there were specialists.
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and also the republican scientific and practical center mother and child, which, knowing his difficult situation, yes, took patronage of his wife, a healthy, wonderful, cool daughter olivia appeared, that is, well , it was probably such a difficult year. in february , timofey returned fully to professional sports, having signed a contract with the winner of the belarus cup mogilev borisfen. mogilev residents, of course, are vying for medals at the national championship, and something tells us, timofey, will definitely
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help the team get it. one of the awards of the national championship, the playoffs of the tournament, by the way, have already started, whether it will be gold, we will find out soon, i feel that i have strength, i’m getting in shape, the last games, well, not... bad, i hope it will be better in the future, will. stanislav libsky, vitaly selyavka, television news agency. challenge your capabilities thrown by the participants of the republican military-patriotic tournament of the same name. the seven strongest teams in the country are again on the army front line. on the eve, a ticket to the finals. a military relay race, a combat drill, an endurance sports competition, about strong-willed young patriots. report by katerina strikha.
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the howl of a siren, loud explosions and a machine gun. turn, when you realize that something has gone wrong, sound sleep is replaced by bewilderment, fear and panic. one in the morning, a sabotage and reconnaissance group attacks a tent camp using drones, the aircraft were shot down by a daily squad of modernized kalashnikov machine guns. now there will be a recount of all the troops, did they lose anyone during the fire? all. ready or attack, it’s still a drill, i think there’s no danger here, how quickly they do it, it’s crazy, the team is forming up on the plot to comb the area and search for saboteurs, they’ve had so much adrenaline
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that it’s just screwed, it was necessary first understand what was happening in general, so it was scary, what were the first thoughts, oh, i don’t want these thoughts? he doesn’t say very good things, just a minute before i had the thought in my head that we had been sleeping for a long time, we just woke up, guys, please help us, for the first minute i was in shock, i don’t understand , what is happening, then i understand that i need to get ready at a fast pace, just as quickly as possible, i started to pull myself up, quickly, quickly, quickly, i forgot my helmet, then i remembered, i ran back, combat training alert... part of psychological preparation young patriots, the organizers note, the test has been passed, no one schoolboy did not leave the race, i thought, to be honest, not everyone would, the main thing was that they also acted as a team, ran as a team, waited, we understand perfectly well, the girls live
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separately, the boys live separately, no one ran in discord, they ran as a team, that’s it the main thing is the developed team spirit. vasily, we have a couple of hours left for sleep, we are setting off, and you, as i understand it, remain at your combat post, that’s all. despite a sleepless night, early in the morning the recruits set off for a military relay race, seven teams start in turn from run of 40 minutes, time is limited, 10 checkpoints for 5 minutes each, in total you need to cover a route of 3 km. they demonstrated accuracy in shooting weapons, tested their knowledge in a historical quiz, and assembled and disassembled a machine gun for a time. “orienteering is not a new thing for the guys, a compass and a map will help you get to the right place, girls, what are we lost, we are looking for infantry fighting vehicles, we split up a little so that we don’t run so much, our boys run around, so that we don’t waste
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our strength, and didn’t run, we ran, oh, girls, we found something, yes, our tactics work, so everything is fine, well, in general , we are a team, so we don’t have any seniors, we’re all alone, so.. "everyone for all all for one, as they say. the task is completed, the bmp-2 is found, it will take one of the teams to the next checkpoint. then it’s easier, because from the very beginning you need to arrange a compass, run correctly through the terrain, so, well, it’s normal, well, you understand that there is still part of the journey ahead, that is, you have only covered it. half, well, we still have strength, we are ready to fight to the end, as we expected, the weather has made its adjustments, the rain has still gotten heavier, but this does not prevent the young recruits
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from moving towards the intended goal, this is the fifth point of our paramilitary relay race, we are on an improvised minefield, there are three ammunition underground and young patriots are given approx. 5 minutes for each one found, one point is awarded, well, time has passed, let's go. oh, we found it, but it took us a little longer than the young patriots. them over time, the semi-finalists are getting closer to the cherished flag of the intended goal. this is a contaminated area of ​​terrain, you need to overcome it in a gas mask and an ozk suit, the same test where many could. quite difficult, indescribable
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emotions, it seems to me that it was psychologically difficult to overcome this barrier, well, through fire it is always difficult, quite difficult, but we can cope, and what is the next point of our route, the corner of the forest, and what is there is still unknown, but the tactics which one are you? we wait for the slowest ones and run at their pace. good luck, thanks during the qualifying stages, which was something we never had with the young patriots, we overcame the obstacle course and psychological barriers, learned to control drones, equipped trenches and even tested tanks.
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currently, the map has been developed in principle, what it is, it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections, and what is special about this map, directly, is its color design, there are regions in which we have established cooperation is developing very much. there are regions where we have just started, and there are those
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that, for some direct reason , we have not covered. further, when we open this map, we see programs, we see directly statistical data for this region, what concerns the construction industry is the presence of design organizations, construction organizations, the presence of housing construction programs, the cost per square meter, the cost of average housing. this market, that is, in principle, such a complex of problems and issues that are necessary in order to work for a very long time, today you can. without any problems, you can simply get this information with one click, and in the context of both construction and design work. are there plans to develop similar interactive maps for other countries in the future? in principle - when we formed the task, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of
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construction services would extend to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and of course to the closest partners of the russian one. a similar project, it also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services, in your opinion, why today are our builders so in demand abroad, in which countries have russia been represented, first of all, for so many years? yes, today our builders are in demand everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount as of today. day is 790 million us dollars, these are services provided directly abroad. if earlier the dynamics were completely opposite, today we can say that exports are truly exported outside the republic. what is our advantage? the fact is that we have preserved the old
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soviet school; today we are developing our construction industry in different directions. this is in the field of construction services, we have preserved them, increased them, but as for our country, what large projects are we building today and what about the volume of housing being built? well , basically, this year i see something very interesting, it’s children’s techno. the park that will be in the starobinsky district, this is the kobrensky development, the brest fortress memorial, this is probably one of the iconic grodno, this construction of the third hospital and cancer center. the global issue that interests everyone
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is always on the agenda, this is the amount of housing being built, in 2023 we will build. 4.193.m, of which 1.49. this is for people in need of improved housing conditions, recently we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built about 316,000 of it. in the twenty -fourth year there are also enough plans. tense, we plan to introduce 4,400,000 km of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need, 355,000 are for rental housing, for people who directly defined by documents.
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in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. let's start the issue with football. dynamo minsk defeats gomel 1:0 and breaks a streak of two matches without a win. pavel setko distinguished himself. derzhinsky arsenal defeated islach 2:0. and neman became the sole leader, at least until tomorrow evening. alexander yakubovsky went to mogilev for this game. experts, of course, called neman the clear favorite of the fight, but the dnieper could well have presented a surprise.
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neman takes three points to grodno. dnieper is in four rounds scored four points, two defeats, a draw and one victory in the asset. it was difficult for us, let's say, in equal compositions.
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minsk. in the final of the president's cup the day before, the shlobin metallurgist made the series score 2:0. once again we confidently beat brest. maxim kembel. read more. as you already understood, that evening the ice arena in zhlobin was crowded with hockey fans. for the umpteenth time, the president's cup match is sold out . for some, even military service is not a barrier, so that you can have your favorite team on the ice, serve well, you earn your dismissal straight into the arena, that’s love for the game. in general, i arrived now
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for military service in the army, and i had a three-day leave, which i hoped to spend with some benefit, with benefit, or something, i watched the matches of the metallurg still there in the unit, sometimes i overheard or the conversations of the officers, who go home, watch or discuss it among ourselves with the guys, that’s how i planned my vacation to go to the finals. i'm afraid to get there because i'm watching the atmosphere on matches, all this fueled me inside, especially when i was associated with this club, it’s very pleasant to be here, even before the start of the final series, the attendance of the games broke all conceivable and unimaginable records, the matches of the current president’s cup have already been attended by over 72 thousand spectators, tickets are flying out like crazy there are hot cakes in brest, they are so excited for the arrival of the decisive matches that the tickets were sold out in a couple of hours, incredible. this is how vitaly pinchuk
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laid the foundation for metalluga to score goals in this match, in total the stalivars three times hit the gates of brest, the bisons were able to respond only once, as the result was 3:1 in favor of zhlobin, who are already leading the final series 2:0, there are only two steps left until the third president's cup in a row, today, well, in principle , i’m happy with the game that they won , today was so... overwhelming, emotional, and some had moments, others had moments, in general it turned out to be a very good match, such a game can remain quite, probably, it was just our mistakes that let us down when we retired and missed goals, even when stood up already, when the fifth player came out, but the hosts still scored this goal, but i think that the sending off for today was simply unjustified, now the final series moves to brest in the city above the bug, two matches will take place: april 14, that is, already watch the live broadcast this sunday on tv channel belarus 5, starting at 16:25.
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dynamo elektrosal wins the commonwealth cup in field hockey in the final. today baranovich, the guests from russia still won 3:2 minsk. the bronze medals of the tournament went to the girls from grodno rhythm, who beat the local textile worker with a minimum score of 1:0. the author of the winning shot in the second quarter was svetlana bagushevich. egor shonangovich earned another assist in the nhl regular season last night, helping calgary defeat anahai 6:3. belarus now has 30 goals scored and 28 assists this season; only mikhail grobovsky had the same number in the strongest hockey league during one regular season. to surpass this figure, egor has three more matches. next calgary the match will be played against arizona by vladislav khalichonok. another season of republican amateur hockey competitions. the presidential sports club became history. the ice team of the head of state won against the team of the minsk region in the second match.


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