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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel." hello, the program of truth is on air, yaingabelova, neo-gothic romanticism is sacred. ancient times, historical mysteries,
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atheistic times, a difficult war period , revival from ruins, all this is a holy temple great martyr barbara in the agricultural town of raitsa, karelichesky region. today we will talk about how the two-hundred-year-old shrine united and unites believers around itself, about its spiritual power and about the modern life of the barbarian parish. more than 200 years ago , the village of raitsa was located in... initially , it was planned that the temple would become the family tomb of the family. in 1810 , construction began on the ancestral tomb of the roecki family. the temple was built in just 7 years. these huge stones, boulders, they...
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confessions, however, in the first years after their when it was erected, it was called the church of st. barbara. local residents claim that it got its name in honor of frantisek rajecki’s wife, barbara. the temple remained a church for less than 40 years, in 1863, at the request of local residents, it became the orthodox church of the transfiguration of the lord, what did it remain until its closure and subsequent destruction? if? look at the temple from the altar side,
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you can clearly see how much the temple was destroyed in soviet times, such counterposts and fortification elements were destroyed temple, and here there is one, such iron brackets that held back the walls of the temple, on the right side, here’s another... there was a pseudo-tower, which is now also destroyed, which was preserved only on the left side, from the altar, so it was torn out with a bulldozer, in the seventies, when the temple was being destroyed, there is an assumption that there is an underground passage leading from the temple, and the underground passage splits into two, one goes towards the cemetery, the second goes towards it. to the road, it can be assumed that he
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leads outside the temple grounds to hide somewhere. the rojetsky tomb requires special attention from historians and archaeologists. according to the legends of local residents, the tomb was rich in jewelry, antiques and secrets. unfortunately, during a difficult period for the church, it was filled with construction debris, and today it needs restoration work. and when we went down there they tried.
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a special reburial, and so that you can go down there, so that you can approach a person and even pray, there’s not even temple and is usual for... belosian orthodox architecture of the bell tower, but today it is replaced by a small belfry installed next to the temple. at a service i have to call the people myself, in the middle of the service, at such a particularly important moment or during a religious procession, when i don’t have the opportunity, one of the parishioners is already starting to study, also helping to ring the bells, the sunday school students this year wanted to teach. call to kala-kalo, we’ll do a small master class so that we can raise local bell ringers, right above the entrance to the temple of the holy great martyr
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barbara there is an unusual fresco, which was created in our time by the local icon painter alexander vasilyevich soldatov, he is. near the temple, which many, many people think is 200 years old. during the great patriotic war , the village of raitsa was occupied by german invaders, and the barbarian church was used by enemy snipers. during the offensive of the soviet troops, they wanted to blow up the temple, but the structure survived. then
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the decision was made to burn it from the inside, local the parishioners of the raytsevo church took out all the icons, everything. all the utensils, but the paintings and stained glass windows of the temple and the vaults of the temple were decorated, beautiful stucco moldings, all this was destroyed, the temple began to collapse, the copper was removed from the roof of the temple, and after a few years, decades, around the fifties , the vault of the temple collapsed, soon after these events, it was decided to dismantle the abandoned church ... the central part of the temple was destroyed to the ground, by the time of restoration work, only the foundation and the facade tower remained from the original structure. only in 2000 did work begin on the restoration of the temple,
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and donations began to be collected from all villages. the temple was built in 3 years; in 2003, the temple was consecrated in honor of the holy martyr barbara. and from that time it begins here. today, a small collection contains ancient utensils, church books, ancient documents and other items related to the raytsev church and the surrounding area, there are some ancient icons and the remains of that sculpture.
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seriously organized church activities the parish room, by the way, it’s interesting that in the museum room there is a fragment of a two-hundred-year-old floor preserved, so unique, but it’s a little full of cracks, this is a consequence of the destruction of the temple, according to historical...
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the raetsky family, which donated, was donated by the descendants of the architect of this temple, this they found a photograph in... their father's house behind the icon, they say that the most extreme person, a man, is their descendant, this is the son of the one, jaan zaik, who was the architect of this temple, who, of whom the rajecki family is several years old, i sent him to study abroad, who was on this island of st. helena and returned here with ready-made drawings, since... the temple is an architectural monument, then for its complete restoration and restoration
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it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work and historical research, or rather to establish how it was before the destruction from the inside to the outside. despite the fact that in difficult times the temple of the holy great martyr barbara was subjected to persecution, plunder, was in desolation and was destroyed, its spiritual strength was not lost, but thanks to the common efforts. the clergy and parishioners managed not only to preserve a small part of the ancient shrines and relics, but also to find their own revered, especially revered icon. today in the church of the holy great martyr barbara you can see unusual ancient icons of the 19th century, which, like the church vestments, liturgical books, were preserved thanks to their transfer to a neighboring church. the fact is that.
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gratitude for the miracle of salvation from a train crash. it is interesting that his great-grandson this
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simeon danilchik was, restored this temple, destroyed in 2000 and was the first rector of this temple. father alexander shish. so, when the temple was 200 years old, this priest took part in the service and himself told this story that this was my great-grandfather. the surviving ancient icons are unique not only in their age, in traditional belarusian writing, but also in their methods of decoration, because in those days icons were decorated in silver vestments, dressed in frames and installed in hand-made icon cases, now parishioners also love this temple, and many parishioners, they just say , and what we can do it for the temple, so i know how to embroider and... so i can give you a donation to the temple, here is
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an embroidered towel from my heart, and you see that the temple is decorated with towels, this is not quite traditional, so, but this shows the love of the local residents, how they embroidered the kharugvi for the temple, they were completely absent, and a parishioner donated a... such homespun fabric that her mother wove, so another parishioner came out with it, made the embroidery of flowers, now these are the khorukvi used in religious processions. another significant relic the temple is an ancient shroud with the image of jesus christ, the age of which is determined by the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the 20th century. it was used in our worship services until recently, we can see. it’s true that this red velvet, which has already faded over the years, decades, is no longer quite
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red, it’s already gray, of course, this shroud needs to be restored, the embroidery itself needs to be restored, and the image of christ, it also needs to be restored in plans to fix it on a dense material , place in quigot. so place it next to the museum, near at the foot of the hill on which the varvarian church is located, there is another historical building of the 19th century, a catholic house...
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where on the ground floor a house church was organized, illuminated in honor of the transfiguration of the lord. it was in this church that services were held that the path to the revival of the raitsev parish began. divine services are held here in winter, because it is very cold in the varvarinsky church. i would like to note that in the transfiguration church, the royal doors for the iconostasis were painted. and local icon painter alexander vasilievich, now he is working on painting the icon of christ and the mother of god, which will later be placed in this new oak iconostasis. local residents recall that before its destruction, the raitsevsky church housed a particularly revered icon
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of the mother of god. unfortunately, very little information about it has been preserved, but through the prayers of parishioners and the clergy it was possible... to restore the lost image, when the temple turned 200 years old, in 2017, i asked alexander vasilyevich to make such a test sketch, and in order to recreate that lost icon, and then we turned to the ruling bishop, archbishop gury, and... so that he would give a blessing for the restoration of the wasted icon. after 3 years, the icon was painted, and the approved image was illuminated next to the miraculous icon of the mother of god, zhirovicheskaya. the illuminated icon was delivered from izhirovich in a religious procession to the raytsevo church. since that time it has been kept here, and people, many who
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come, always pay attention to this icon. well, alexander vasilyevich here, in writing this icon, he used this the ancient technique of chasing on gold leaf, so we can see that the halo of the mother of god and
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the halo of christ are decorated with chasing. there is one in the lower temple. another especially revered shrine is the ark with a particle of the relics of the holy great martyr barbara. the valuable relic was transferred to the raitsev church in 2017. this is the year when the temple turned 200 years old. such a significant year for our parish. from that moment, many, many people began to come to the temple in order to venerate the relics of the holy martyr barbara. and they turned to her are contacted. with various requests, local residents turn to the simplest such household things and receive this help. the parish of the church of the holy great martyr barbara leads an active social life, both in the agricultural town of raitsa and beyond. sunday school, pilgrimage trips, participation in educational events and conversations, away
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spiritual meetings and events help unite children and adults. as well as strengthening christian values. our sunday school began with a small number of children; the first year generally came from we were one person, and of course we were a little upset, the next year, when we had already made, as if we had let in a larger crowd, five people came, and the first classes, of course, did not start in this building, they are with us in warm weather, while it still allowed... the years were spent in the upper church, and then, for lack of another place, we spent them at home, the children came, we worked with them, studied something, did some crafts, over time we sunday. the school now has its own premises with classrooms, where students can not only study theoretical knowledge, but engage in creativity, activities and try yourself in
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culinary skills. today , more than thirty children attend sunday classes. i believe that this is quite a lot for such a small area, considering that many children are transported to our school. a lot of children who have just started first grade come to us, children who are still in kindergarten, and of course. tell children religious basics, but show them how to apply this knowledge in everyday life, which is why in the educational creativity and teamwork are so important in the process
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. both the botleyka and the shadow theater, it was all the idea of ​​alexey’s father, he had been burning with this idea for a long time, he kept thinking about how to organize it, our local woodworker found him, he cut out the bases of the botleyka for us, we painted dolls in the worldly art college, which i’m holding it in my hands now - the dolls were created for the nativity of christ botleyka, the costumes were sewn directly by father alexey, the heads for these dolls were made for us by alexander vasilyevich, our local icon painter, and then the productions themselves, there are some scripts, we either look for them together, ready-made ones, or based on some specific text we make the script ourselves, so we make the recording ourselves.
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it brings something kind and good to those people with whom we communicate, to whom we bring it, to whom we show it, oh, who is it there, dad, look, there’s a girl standing on the street, all in rags, she’s shaking from the cold, look , how poorly she is dressed, covered in snow, oh, poor child, dad, you can call the girl to us so she can warm up, work on sunday school, of course, is very important. it is the participation of the children, because the children bring, this is what they get here, they bring it to their parents, they try to tell it, and many parents, seeing our work, thank us
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later, and this, you know, warms the heart, which probably our work is not in vain, restoration and finishing work in the church of the holy great martyr barbara has not yet been completed, but despite this, the parish of the varvara church lives an active spiritual life when a person... arrives, comes to some new place, a new city or a new home, then it seems alien, not unrelated, even when the tree is planted in the ground, then it takes some time for it to take root. that ’s probably what happened to me too, when i was appointed rector here, this temple seemed alien, now about 10 years have passed,
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this place has become like home, because you don’t separate yourself and this place, and this temple, and the lord gives the opportunity to work in this temple, to restore it, in this one... included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of the republic of belarus. however, varvarinskaya a church is not only a monument of non-agothic architecture, but also a place where
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how is life for foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university. i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department international relations from 2014 to the present day. this is a coffee and pastry shop, the first coffee and pastry shop in eastern belarus. as always, we work here in lebanese, we always speak. people, how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how correctly it should be that they give this taste away, i love syrah subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, watch the project look at belarus on our tv channel, the forestry industry - this is
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one of the leading ones. industries, everything that we used is very important, it is important to renew understand that when visiting forests, you need to behave very carefully, because what you planted, the main thing is to preserve it and really leave it as a legacy for descendants, we work for you , your children, grandchildren, because the result of our work is 80 years later. born in the city of kalinkovich, not far from the forestry production facility, my father, awarded a badge, an honorary forester, worked in forestry for more than 40 years, in the forestry industry, he started in the yelsk forestry, then he was transferred to kalinkovich, he was the chief here forester, then director of lespoz for about 9 years, i saw this work every day, i was here at the nursery, we collected acorns for
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the forestry, foresters. they gave us candies, but this was our first experience of helping, they planted a forest, somehow all this was familiar from childhood.


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