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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 4:25pm-4:56pm MSK

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towards those who fought for their rights and freedom. the reunification of the belarusian lands changed everything. in 1940, verokoruzhie actively participated in the work of restoring soviet power in western belarus. in the pinsk regional party committee, during the next visit of hope. they couldn’t figure out what trials lay ahead for them, as well as the fact that vera zakharovna would very soon enter the fight against the fascist occupiers. in the solitude of the darkroom, elya berman sorted through photographs from... how changeable is
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this life? so it begins to be written for them new story. second, after thinking a little more about something, elya placed photographs in an album on which he wrote in large letters women of western belarus. women of western belarus,
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on an equal basis with men, were included in the social and economic processes of development of the region. many headed large productions, worked in party and komsomol organizations, and in local authorities. by the beginning of 1941 , women already made up more than 20% of the management team. everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries. broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries of azerbaijan. kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the either space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the open form and available 24 hours.
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we are going on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are going there as quickly as possible , and let us know what is going on and again in advance from the past month , we will follow the history and myastsovsky abrasions, we are dusting with you in ruzhany bré region. at one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 hundred residents of the magnatskaya family . here the king of saint paraskeva of friday, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out. that's karavod, that's vayavod. idzi, idze karavo, karago, all the dzevachki on the contrary, on the contrary. one, two, three, they cleared up the ruckus. and we simply sowed.
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traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. the volkovya river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key points of the support of this city; in fact, volkovyya in slavic-baltic translation means wolf’s neck, hence also wolves. students of the entire moiseenko oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the work et, which was painted by the artist in 1946, to the art gallery. travel is an opportunity to try something new, a series of motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen
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such a plant, but this too, this is a cardiac plant here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, the belarusian dish. look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward and keep up with the soul, your stomach sings. and there is a thirst for adventure travel, you love it along the way. belarusian cuisine - these are not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and
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character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie, we are going. a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. a dish that even a well-fed traveler will be happy to taste in establishments around the world. roast pomirski, the tenderness of stewed duck, milk soup with a secret, the solution after a blind tasting. pork knuckle is an impeccable dish option. toy in chicken. she breaks the mold. belarusian kitchens. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself. we will show you what they eat in the west and in the east, how they cook it
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in the suburbs and in polesie. i'm going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of our country. and today i am at peace. it’s 100 km from minsk to mir, it’s not even a regional center, just a village, but the place is quite lively, the mir castle attracts tourists all year round, it is included in the unesco world heritage list, so this object is important not even on a republican, but on a planetary scale. on visiting the world will take the average tourist about 4 hours, he will spend 2 and a half... exploring the castle itself, half an hour walking around the surrounding area and an hour exploring the city, but in vain, if you add a culinary touch to this trip, you can stay here for a while less than two days, and this time will not be wasted, several very interesting dishes are prepared in the world, the name
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of which contains the addition panirsky, but unlike the poneslizhsky cutlet or mogilev sausages, which are found in cafes and canteens throughout belarus, you can try anything only here. the world appeared in... written sources thanks to bureaucrats. it was first mentioned in a deed of gift in 1434. after half a century, the estate passed to the ilinichs, who built a castle here. soon the world becomes a bustling place of trade and crafts. the profession of local residents could be determined by nationality. tatar means a gardener or furrier, that is, a master of leather dressing. jews traded, and belarusians became artisans. beautiful. horse trading the gypsies kept it and business went very well, in
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the 17th century the baron, the gypsy baron jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. there were 97 stores and 12 shops in the world; goods were imported from all over europe. merchants from leipzig and köniksberg, memel and libau knew how to get to the grave of mirsky. yes, the world was once the center of the county. the market, the commercial heart of the city, still lives, and today you can buy absolutely everything here, from slippers to overseas spices and the freshest fruits. and what are you selling? this is our homemade yuba, i make everything myself, this is adeghe crow cheese, this is tvorazu.
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for a day it turned out to be like everywhere else in belarus, few people know how to handle it, and
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only a few cook it regularly, it is a very rare bird on the table of belarusians, successfully cooked, it is generally an endangered species, you can live your life and never meet it, but if you come to the world, then you have a chance, i'd like a worldly duck in pots please. the cafe where i 'm heading now is right on... the market square. this is a state institution, but with high ratings among visitors. they note simple, well-prepared cuisine and simply an amazing combination of price and quality. there are several duck dishes on the menu. my mother also cooked duck as a child, but i didn’t really like the process. firstly, it took 4 hours, and secondly, sorry mom, the meat turned out a bit tough and, well, in my opinion, not very tasty. let's see, maybe the worldly duck will change mine. impression of this bird, what the aroma is, in general i have
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a special relationship with pots, i’m a little afraid of them, because before i enjoy the taste of the dish that was cooked in this pot usually burns the tongue, this is how it always happens to me. duck in a pot in a worldly way resembles a rich thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, but duck fat, in fact, unlike any other fat, for example, pork, is very healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins and various amino acids. in the dish, the taste of duck fat is well felt, but it is not overwhelming, it is not intrusive. there is just enough of it to give a simple dish some piquancy. eh, i’ll tell you, this dish is correct: the potatoes and carrots are cut into small pieces, and
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the duck, for which i ordered it, is huge. the meat does not go into the pot immediately; the duck is placed in it already cooked. first, they marinate it, then render out excess fat, and do something else. the cook politely declined to elaborate. the meat actually falls right off the bone and is very tender. and tender, look, you can just press it, it falls into small pieces, well, the duck got very tender meat in a worldly way. here i burned as much as i promised. roast in the world goes well with vegetables, fresh or pickled, and you can also dip black bread in it, it turns out very tasty. this pot is very filling, an adult man can easily eat it, and it costs only the same
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as two cups of coffee in the capital. after the roast, i felt empowered. the church is now getting smarter, it looks like a pseudo-russian style, although it used to be baroque. trinity church was unlucky, it is more than 500 years old, and it would have been recognized as a masterpiece of architecture if it had not been for a fire. mid-19th century. after him, only the walls remained. the church was restored, but rebuilt beyond recognition. the church in the world was built by the
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same architect as the one in farny. usually architects have their own style, although these are completely different from each other. it seems that the fact is that giovanni bernardoni was a versatile master, mastered different styles, in a fresh way he used the sharply fashionable baroque at that time, and the world inherited the renaissance, which was losing popularity. from the church the road leads directly to the castle. hot traveler strives for him at the limit of physical strength, but i don’t, i decided, you know, to extend the anticipation of the meeting by drinking coffee in the only cafe overlooking the castle. i drink coffee not only with a beautiful view, but in the charming company of the owner of this cafe, elena. elena, hello. hello, volodya. come on, elena, surprise me with some dish that is impossible to find in the whole world except in your establishment. eh, there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole
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of belarus. i won’t say that i can distinguish pinsk belyazh from sluch to taste. but i'm quite familiar with the menu of most roadside cafes and restaurants, so i decided to test my inner gourmet and identify the dish blindfolded, so there's some kind of bowl in front of me, that means it's something, that means it's something stew, or soup, it really feels like some kind of first course based on the dishes, but... but overall it smells like some kind of dessert, flax, this is a dessert, no, then guess, it’s so good, cinnamon, cinnamon, what else is there, is there vanillin, no, cream, cream is instead of milk, or something, there is milk, and there is milk too, cinnamon, cream, milk, okay,
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stop guessing, let's try, where is my spoon, there is a spoon, the first spoon is the most important, but no, the most important thing is this get into your mouth, how delicious it is, is it either pasta, or is it semolina dumplings, okay, stop guessing, look and wonder, you’re right, it’s really soup, but it’s milk soup, what is it with, what is it, is it damn, that's damn, okay, why pancakes? well, because you hear how tenderly, and that’s what he’s like, and it feels like it’s a damn thing, but he’s not just a damn thing, he’s according to a special recipe, the combination of cinnamon cream
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is win-win and familiar, new impressions are given by the delicate filling and its unusual consistency. it is the pancake that makes this soup special. surprisingly, this is a recipe from belarusian folk cuisine. elena brought him from the gomel region. and then it turned out that once upon a time a similar dish was popular among the worldly gentry. we found it in the book of ancient recipes, radivilov. so you want to say that the same soup was cooked in the mornings for the princes? not really for the fairleads, but for their courtiers. it's nice to eat soup with history. the spoon enhanced the feeling of being part of something great. it's time to move on to the dessert of my trip: mir castle. by the way, it
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really does resemble a huge birthday cake. a castle is not only a fortification. this is a huge food warehouse. it was supposed to store food supplies for 3 years in it. barrels of food were simply rolled down such stairs using special runners. the only thing they carried in their hands - they applied it - was wine, can you hear the echo, the room is huge and there are five such wine cellars in the world’s castle, wine, by the way, at that time it was very expensive, it was brought from europe, and this is a special tasting table, the prince sat down here and chose a special wine for a special occasion. by the light of the bottle it was possible to determine the quality
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and price of the wine, for example, in blue bottles, these were the most expensive ones, the green bottles were a little cheaper, but in transparent rodevils they didn’t store wine at all, but they didn’t drink cheap ones. the basements served as food storage, cooking was done in another place, the castle kitchen. preserved, it was a separate building in the courtyard, but had a celebratory meal in the palace itself. in order to feel the atmosphere, i decided to walk around the castle not as a tourist, but as a host. so the suit came at the right time for the occasion. when you hear the word hut, you will probably imagine a small house, conventionally on chicken legs; anything richer is already a house. imagine, i’m now in a hut, in a dining hut. the hut is very ancient. its original meaning is a heated room. in the dining room of the mir castle, heat was provided by as many as three stoves. aristocrats indulged in excess with
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comfort. i have always admired the exquisite dishes of your chefs. bears paw in cherry sauce, but garnished with almonds, beaver tails with caviar. and the most delicious were lark and quail. no one receives guests like we do. and this is not a joke, the european elite actually ate hedgehogs, moreover, their meat was considered healthy; in a 15th century german cookbook, hedgehog intestines were recommended as a remedy for leprosy. nowadays , the mir castle restaurant does not serve such extreme dishes, perhaps in vain, but without them there is enough interest here. i threw a feast of food for the whole world, welcome, dear guests, in an atmosphere of chivalry, surrounded by brick vaults, i want
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to try something traditional and satisfying, for example, pork knuckle. one can hardly call knuckle a princely dish, but do you know why? previously, many centuries ago, during a hunt, all the spoils went to the person who owned the territories. but the person who killed the animal received a pork shank like this, and this person, as a rule, was very poor. knuckle is a dangerous dish, there are several pitfalls, the main one being fat, there can be too much of it, but in this knuckle the fat has easily become a virtue. it has a delicate, sweetish taste and pleasant consistency. by and large , it can be eaten simply with bread, on its own. first, in a modern... restaurant, this shank is marinated in beer for 24 hours, then for 12 hours, a whole 12 hours it is cooked using the suvit technology
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at a temperature of 85°, and only after that the almost finished shank is coated with mustard-honey sauce and sent to the oven for baking, literally in half an hour it will appear on your table. knuckle meat sometimes has a specific taste, here it is wonderful pork, impeccable, these beautiful cuts on our knuckle are not really for beauty, they have a practical use, they are made so that the knuckle is better baked and soaked in mustard-honey sauce, well, and different spices. i can say with confidence that this dish definitely belonged at the place, no, at the table of medieval hunters. i can call it real masculine. it is very satisfying and very brutal.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far away it is, just like that, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, including the swamp that is near domat, which, again , is not dedicated twenty meters away. seeing this building, he will say that this is, i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, leading from the capital, he will have to experience all the delights of the countryside life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we we do not see
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any blades on this mill. the mechanisms froze in the winter and did not work, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, the project is from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will introduce you to the architectural monuments of belarus, different eras and styles, the temple of oumos. this data is laconic, navat inspired by the spirits of the italian renaissance, as well as kanfiguratsy. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that we have lived in was a turning point. this is exactly the 790th year that rech paspalitaya knew, and with this we say, i was in the know, finally, in the floating style of baroka. and all
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the hysterical kryntsy here are taking us away from the paeina such a dead end, because in the future the architects would have been the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. kali spachatku there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new. its original on our tv channel. to try the next dish, i first went to the kitchen. so guys, we have a couple, what’s going on, why is there dirt, why is the sink dirty, what is it, right?
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what dish are we preparing? what are we cooking? why are we standing still? faster, faster, the restaurant is full of guests! so, seryoga, what happened, why potato pancakes, how do you cook them? i told you 50 times that potato pancakes need to be cooked, although you cook it right, okay, who made these sandwiches? who did it? so let's see, let's see, what is it? 1 2 3, how many sandwiches are there? 40, remember, well done, okay, okay, i won’t fire you today, so what’s in our refrigerator? so everything is correct, well , honestly, well done, the girls are with me today, eh, this is exactly how the princely kitchen works, as it should work, well done guys, the times when only men were chefs are gone, he runs the kitchen in a worldly castle victoria ambalova, she came up with the dish that i really want try, pear in chicken, how are we
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going to cook it, well, let's... leave it, well, for testing, no, it's all for the sake of the dish, add ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and butiano, aka onis, to the wine, then sugar and salt to taste , while the pear is boiling in this mixture, prepare the chicken, take the breast and make a clean
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fillet, we have cleaned the breast, now we will beat it, well, beating is not a woman’s job, i think, so help me cover it, and i’ll hit it with powerful blows .


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