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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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searching for vizna is why humanity is always so eager to go into space, there is progress and the acquisition of technology, and of course, the opportunity to express oneself. then, back in april '61, everything changed. the launch vehicle of the east, yuri gagarin, is already...
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a hero, but this is only the beginning of our country’s long journey into the universe, behind this result there is a long painstaking work, and that naturally foreign lackeys who associate themselves with belarus are rooted for success, strangely, it seems to have opened a whole new world, and there is gnashing of teeth. these are definitely still people, not mutation? they want only one split in society, and to start bombing, like yugoslavia 25 years ago. our president was then the only one who dared to be with the people of serbia in difficult times, they are also preparing for us, but now belarus has a much more reliable nuclear security umbrella. victoria senkevich and pavel lazovik are with you, here’s what else was captured on the main broadcast. from the first
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cosmonaut to participation in the creation of the station, with such projects we will shake up the industry, the whole palette of seven days in the time section first. i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians more than once. what else is exclusive in store? our marina to the main broadcast: let's fly through the iss, through the eyes of vasilevskaya. we did everything according to our program, we did it well, we already have results. without its products such takeoffs would not have happened, how does the country's leading microelectronics enterprise work, let's look at the integral and not only, a healthy camera with a huge lens, this is a photosensitive matrix, the shoulder of an ally is good, but our capabilities are needed in others points on the planet, what can gear and crane factories offer? diversification must be everywhere, from export diversification to production, we are able to meet the hot demand. africa, this is what
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representatives of the black continent say about our products. of course, you could guarantee our food security. run, you fools, it's like tolkien, it's fabulous in english. why is hypocritical london creating panic among those in belarus? there is some risk that direct conflict associated with war in ukraine, may spread to belarus. why were balkan children bombed in belgrade without warning or mercy? let us remember the visit of the first’s courage to the divided land. we have supported lukashenko since that time. we remember being here. the west only manages to kill and maim, to cross the border of humanity. this is about polish and baltic punitive forces. since 2023, we have recorded an unprecedented increase in cases of ill-treatment of migrants. shoot for the medals or the season finale on a high note. the final stage is in murmansk commonwealth cup in biathlon.
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world, universe, man. as long as we exist, the question remains, what is the meaning of life. every time we seem to get closer to the solution, we receive new challenges. i would like to believe that our existence itself carries some more global meaning, and this applies not only to our planet. this is probably why we are so eager to create, to look for new worlds, but we must always start creating from the place where. you live. belarus is an example
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of how this can be done successfully in the 21st century. it turned out to be mid-april for poole. full of political events. a four-day business trip to moscow, a serious one. working moments, only a meeting on industry raises a layer of unresolved issues, and of course, the stellar story of one belarusian girl, behind whom the success of the nation is behind. so what was the most difficult thing in space and how does the new hero of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, feel? how will we continue to participate in joint programs with russia? the results of the negotiations between lukashenko and putin affected, of course, not only the space topic. the pool will show the main thing and what was not in news. now is the time for the first one, space moscow, ukrainian industry personnel, unexpected world negotiations, reindeer breeders
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space again, the variety of topics this week broke all records, but the extraterrestrial agenda is in first place, here is cosmonautics day and the new belarusian cosmonaut returned home. “all the hardest things are behind us, everything is fine, delayed start, we got to orbit for two days, docked, worked closely for two weeks, not to mention months of preparation, returned to earth, yes, this is really the work of astronauts, but also a mission, it’s called for a reason, it’s still a risk to life in the name of science and discoveries. in general, why do they fly into space globally, so that humanity is not limited only to life on earth. that's why everyone who does this to one degree or another is a hero. the most advanced americans in space, well, you understand, this is not just an image, this is the greatest victory of our
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country, hugs and parents, tears in everyone’s eyes, because, of course, it was scary, of course, it was hard, of course, it was almost impossible, but she did it. the president will thank everyone who was involved in organizing the flight, scientists, doctors, coaches, parents, astronauts, in general we have two of them. anastasia lenkova, a surgeon by profession, by the way, did not leave consulting even during training, did not fly on this mission, but obviously this will happen. i promise that the experience gained will not be lost, we will make every effort to make your experience and dream come true. it’s a long road, in general, marina’s schedule is not easy right now, you can feel such activity during rehabilitation, there’s also a lot of stress, from what she asks for is tea, but of course there is not enough tea, so lunch. what's on the menu for today, what's on offer? tuna salad, lentil soup and
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steamed trout with quinua. for dessert we have ice cream. our menu today is dietary, all natural from belarusian products. this invitation is not only for marina, but also for... the doctor, who will be given gifts from the head of state, symbolic, indeed very beautiful, by the president's press secretary. this is a pono, in lacquer technique, cornflower, a symbol of belarus, i really hope that some a worthy place, yes, in the color of marina’s jacket, in the color of the suit, somewhere either in your home or in your office, it will take its place, according to tradition, they don’t leave minsk without something tasty, but here an exclusive like this has never even been seen. the president's candy, absolutely exclusive, presents presidents only to the highest guests, his colleagues, the only thing i really ask, marina already knows this, they need to be consumed as quickly as possible, within a month, no preservatives, so the advice is to eat without
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delay, as a last resort after moscow, moscow happened to everyone tomorrow, these two photos are flying with the first to moscow and the corridors of the kremlin, they were in the tops on the network for a day, in general this is a government terminal. breathe, the president went to work from the airport directly to the kremlin. this is already a classic story, russian journalists know our colleagues, the people’s lukashenko will not refuse to talk on his feet, so the questions are just a queue. space is yours, as we understand it,
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space is ours, today the most important question for the president of russia is what exactly today? we decided to devote some time discussing economic issues. about crocus, how can we even talk to kiev and zelensky now? but you don’t talk to them and are unlikely to talk to them. while preparations are underway for the presidents to communicate, journalists are redirected to the kremlin press center. this is the first working building, it is for the media, and yes, there are offices here, but you can’t even film the corridors, here is the foyer for guests, please, and no more. what are the negotiations about? the main thing, obviously, is security and economics. at the beginning of the year there was a supreme state council of the union state, where we identified priorities. each time in these scenarios, ukraine enters a new round of strange decisions on the part of its leadership. another story, a peace conference in switzerland with anyone.
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the active stage of negotiations begins, what is happening in the office at the moment, sometimes journalists see, but
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there is no one hundred percent guarantee, so everything is tense in the press center, no matter what time the heads of state finish and, as journalists say, bring out the picture and sound, it is necessary to go on air be on time. tv news agency, moscow, russia. if on the first lukashenko and putin finished the day of negotiations by 11 pm, which is 4 hours of pure time. the next day according to the work schedule started in the morning. and honestly, unexpectedly for poole, putin and lukashenko called the reindeer herders, the question is why the hang in the air, but when it became clear that this was a golden wedding , the families congratulated the winners of the russian competition, it turned out very much in the belarusian style, a good attitude towards good people. yevse ilovich, can you hear us? i hear, i hear, who is it? all our people, from the kremlin, are with you, your friends from the kremlin. i also join in the congratulations of the president of russia. congratulations, golden wedding, this rarely happens, another good people actually came to their
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friends in the kremlin to drink tea, if this is figurative, and so, of course, on cosmonautics day , navitsky and vasilevskaya are the main heroes in russia, they were awarded the order of gagarin and of course immediately conversation about the further development of space programs and everything is serious. the optics are yours, yes, that’s without question, our optics, by the way, are no worse than in the west. yes, so it is supported that we will. work together in including ours, ours, yours, well, these are our common people, what the cosmonauts want now, we got recognition from them, to exhale, the tension was too strong, and we are probably hands, like executives, so these responsibilities, of course, are a little , well, it’s so pressing when you complete your flights and they say thank you, you still get satisfaction and you can exhale a little, now everything is fine, plus rehabilitation starts on monday, i think everything will be wonderful, the press from the astronauts is simply not could have left when... they didn’t go down to the same fay of the kremlin, everyone wants to know the details, you can really talk about space endlessly, even to the resources.
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the context is this: belorusskaya flew into space, it’s hard to deny, even for people who are not at all far-sighted, to make yogurt, this is the level of bch news. globally, this is, of course, an element of information warfare, even when they try to portray space flight in a negative light, this needs to be countered in a controlled manner , vladimir pertsov will deal with this. this week the former head of the ministry of information was appointed to administration apparatus. president. pertsov’s experience in this area is enormous, regional news companies, and mgtrk, and the ministry, he is known in the system, has a reputation as a person who understands how and where he can outplay his opponents. everything has come together now in the media. now these sectors of ours play a vital role in the overall development of belarus. information feeds are only given by the top of society. i have already learned not to believe everything that is simply written on the internet, nevertheless, planned psychological
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operations, when the scale of the productions impressive, influence public opinion, this will not happen in belarus, but they will react to it. to do this, we must more actively use methods of effective counter-propaganda to the lies that pour out about our country from abroad. another working moment this week was a large meeting on industry, it took a long time to prepare. we share and positive experience, when you feel confident, the enterprise is working, you are going the right way, how the import substitution programs are carried out, what about exports, warehouse stocks, not the best this conversation was simple, the president demands quality and service, and not to hide problems, if you need to change leaders, if they talk about positive things at such meetings, then they say it in passing, the main thing is to solve the problems, is it really
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not clear, we will slow down and trail behind, as i said , we will be trampled. of course, this is a very convenient option when the president goes on a business trip abroad and negotiates, deliveries are made, then we all happily report how much we sold and received, but just forget and sell it ourselves - these are completely different stories. what prevents you from selling your products? china, india and so on, so you provoke competition, competition will only intensify. as a result, we protect national interests and support our own, because behind any decisions there are thousands of destinies and leading personnel need to remember this. itm is faster and faster. faster, something like this, it was the final game, the president’s team won against the team of the minsk region and in the second match in the final series up to two wins took the main trophy. final figures. on
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the scoreboard is 10:8, while the happiest in the arena were not the winners, you know who? this guy, the son of one of the hockey players on the opposing team, walked away with a real medal. this was what this week was like with small business trips, serious personnel decisions, a list of work issues, a number of statements, but most importantly with major belarusian victories, during the first one. there is certainly something cosmic in april, and this is not only rocket launches, by the way, and the russian angara decided to fly from the east in april, but even sunny the eclipse fell in the month of spring. the first cosmonaut, in today's language, set the trend, and today we, his descendants, are trying
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to do everything to increase our achievements. well , marina vasilevskaya is our belarusian yuri gagarin, the first citizen. of our country , already in the status of a hero of belarus, gave her first big interview this week and what is especially pleasant for us, the first belarusian tv channel. marina vasilevskaya admitted that the award from the hands of the head of state is very high, it obliges, the girl told how the her work routine on the iss and what scientific programs she successfully completed. every day we had targeted work, experiments, we had seven targeted works, three of them jointly in russia. belarusian and belarusian work of our scientists completed everything according to our program , they did it well, there are already results of these studies, the bacteria for lactoferin arrived alive and even tried them, they are tasty, so i am incredibly glad that everything turned out well, what is the task of these
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scientific experiments, for example, on lactafelin, a proxibiotic, the purpose of these works make a product. which will be useful in the space sphere for astronauts, for with probiotics, which will maintain the level of the human microbiome, yes, that is, of course, this is all science, i am not a scientific worker, and what was predicted to me, as i was trained strictly according to the radiogram, i did all these steps to do this experiment correctly, and as for the photographs, it was also necessary to photograph the ground, a lot of photo-video equipment is located... and numerous and varied, the radiogram says which should i take a device or what kind of camera, video camera, certain settings, we were taught this, at a certain time, for example, we fly over the republic of belarus at 13-20 and there is literally 1-2 minutes, which allows you to take a photo or video
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of the earth’s surface, of course this incredibly interesting, of course i saw belovezhskaya pushcha and... took photographs, i hope that we will get more good pictures, here’s another exclusive: on friday, on cosmonautics day , the film the hard road to space was released on our channel, there we saw footage of iss. anastasia bendesyuk, a correspondent for our space pool, has prepared the most interesting things. so, what is the life of an astronaut like? dear friends, greetings to everyone from the international space station, i am marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian cosmonaut, and i will show you. the station from my point of view, as i see it, it means we are in the mlm module, my cabin is right there, i’ll show you, it’s on the ceiling, but if you turn over, then it’s at the bottom, there’s a door like that, let’s fly in, wow, i
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really like it here , very comfortable, here is my sleeping bag that i fly into, i fix myself, fasten myself to sleep, also... here is my closet, this is my flight suit, then, importantly, a mirror, especially for a girl, here is my stork, busil, our belarusian, our belarusian symbol, a suitcase for things, and personal belongings, too - it is very important that there is ventilation in the cabin, it cannot be turned off either day or night, it remains at maximum, there is also an npu remote control. from which i hear an alarm, if there is some kind of emergency, they either call the moscow soup, or from
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the cabins, the crew, it’s very easy to fly, of course, today is the third day of my stay at the station and i feel great, my coordination suffers a little, but i find it... and hold on, the main thing is not to knock anything down, so, here is our service module, this is our dining table, we have breakfast, lunch here, we have dinner, the whole crew, everything is very tasty, it is much more pleasant to do it in a friendly atmosphere, now i will demonstrate how i will get... tea, we will drink tea with sugar, with the aroma of bergamot, we open it, at the station we need to minimize garbage, since its very
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a lot, that’s why we try to minimize everything, carefully compress it, throw it in a waste container, fix it, open it. tap, fix the valve, close it, we need to wait 3 minutes then we can drink, yeah. we also have portholes here, through which
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a stunning view of the earth opens up, we also have a lot of photo and video equipment that we use, we photograph the earth, objects, we also literally flew over the republic of belarus, minsk yesterday, taking photographs, which we have here. our, one might say, shower, styling, which contains everything necessary for, i’m sorry, what is this, here’s everything you need to get yourself in order, hand cream for beating, toothpaste, brush, deodorants, we fly out of the fgb and end up in the american module, look hello my friend. hi, can we stay with you, yes, this is our laura, with whom we will return to earth, there is a lot of
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space, everyone is friendly, they always greet us very well and communicate, we also have tablets, everyone has them. to watch radiograms that we receive every day, and here we have all our on-board documentation that we can look at, for example, for the great beginning, the places that i have to photograph, the coast of the caspian sea, our spaceship, the international space station, solar battery. we are flying at a speed of 8 km per second, while we were flying through the modules, our tea was ready, time to drink tea, look how it’s
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done, we... cut the bag, take out such a tube and drink, such delicious tea, of course, our space power has become even more before marina vasilevskaya's flight in...
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the industry belarusians today, and what other ambitious plans we are making now, our quality control saw even what cannot be caught with the eye. a look at the world from above, a healthy camera with a huge lens, here... see more, we can see different elements of the crosses, the nerves of the devices are extraterrestrial stress resistance, they are subjected to control, not even doubled, but increased, the skin that saves ships from fire, unmanned intelligence long before purchasing how
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the first belarus conquered orbit, and this is not marina vasilevskaya, we will create our own belarusian artificial satellite, if space works for us, how much will the first device bring in at more than 40 million dollars, the prospects for the future are very clear. into the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians, ours in space, how do they save the points where the satellite detected anomalies and what do they teach? a satellite student can generate a package of commands to carry out his course work, we will give control of the highest quality. 10 seconds. launch,
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and you feel your connection with space, not hurry up with the answer, it is definitely already tangible, for example, this place is somewhat reminiscent of the mission control center in the star city, only from here from our control room the news scatters onto your screens, as in the case of the launch of a rocket with the first belarusian one on board, and in order to broadcast as far as possible or vice versa... to receive frames from the most remote corners, where there is no other connection, a satellite can help. this kind of space is not only on tv, but in your pockets, because navigators in smartphones work via satellite. it is more accurate to predict the weather, assess the scale of the disaster, track air pollution, because big ones can be seen from a distance. and in order to look down on the belarusian matrix in detail for the huge camera on the satellite, consider the retina for the cosmic eye, what
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it allows. generally speaking, with a resolution of, for example, half a meter, capturing a satellite over some point in one pass means a strip of about 25 km, whether on earth or in space, the reputation is crystal clear, because the integral produces its crystals in such conditions, so that not even a speck of dust gets in, we can see the different elements of the cross, in each there are millions of components, they are like dust, not like on the scale of the universe, you can’t see 500 times thinner in the palm of your hand. and for the finished wafer with crystals there is a strict selection: red ones are defective, green ones are suitable, microcircuits are created in a few months, again quality control: control signals are sent to the microcircuit, the computer reads the response of the microcircuit, processes the received data and determines whether the microcircuit corresponds to the specified requirements or does not meet. memory chips, voltage current stabilizers, operational amplifiers of more than 200 types
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of different purposes. almost any integrated product is suitable for space, i mean either integrated circuits or semiconductor devices; we have been closely cooperating with russian space systems for a long time. they always subject all their products to input control, but probably not even doubled, but quintupled, for the most part these are some radiation factors, such as the influence of heavy charged particles there particles and many others. optics, computer technology, electronics, various devices for space belarus has been working since the times of the union, not only as a base for the production of assemblies, the developments of our scientists are still used today, for example, they still produce skins for spaceships based on their patterns, so that.. they withstood enormous temperatures when there were no modern drones, the buran unmanned take-off and landing system was designed at the academy of sciences, but it was important for belarus to enter the space club as a sovereign country. stories. we will create our own satellite to
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study the observation of processes that occur on earth, we will create ground infrastructure. yes, the first satellite launch. was not a success, but the president insisted: a new one, we’re making it, here it is july 2012, beauty, our earth remote sensing spacecraft together with the russian brother canupus takes off, 2 hours later a belarusian voice sounds from orbit, the first signal, everything worked out, if it’s about quality, our satellite has been running in orbit for more than 10 years, this was not planned, and most importantly - because our income exceeds the cost of maintaining the management of the first spacecraft, more than $40 million, this allows us online to obtain the information that our industries now provide. space assistants in protecting the borders of the union
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state act like border guards, keep an eye on green areas like forest rangers, and even detect fires like rescuers. red lights indicate where there was definitely a fire, orange lights are waiting for confirmation of the point where the satellite detected anomalies. new data arrives every hour flock here to the republican control center of the ministry of emergency situations. every seventh natural fire finds a satellite. yes, in densely populated areas, fires are more often reported by people themselves, but where there is not a soul, the only hope is in space. the south of our country, where we have woodlands, forests, swamps, fires can only be detected there using data from donated soil. a joint satellite, a belarusian telescope on a russian platform, and in the next year we will launch
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the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians with a destructive capacity of 25-30 cm, this is high technology, the highest. more to begin building up the constellation, three additional satellites will be created, it will be possible to provide consumers with satellite images of this class in 24x7 mode to any territory on the globe. today students of bsu can do scientific work of the highest standard directly from space. this year they launched their second satellite. this satellite can conduct various. photometric measurements, study magnetic anomalies, various processes of radio occultation sounding of the earth. and the movement of the satellite is monitored and data is received in makeshift mission control center. soon he will fly over south america, every
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20 seconds he sends information about his on-board systems, you need to take a photo, he takes it, then he flies over minsk again, sends it to us. a new stage of research in belarus, we are waiting for medications and, as journalists have already called it, space kefir, now. everything is being researched by our academicians using samples delivered by marina vasilevskaya from the iss. by the way, the operational life of the international space station itself is expiring; belarus is very eager to create a new one. expects to put our high-flying minds to work as well. vladislav bundir, anzor tuzhaev and vitaly soplitsa are responsible for quality. yes, if there is no quality and service, but what kind? sales of goods, especially export development can be said. the president’s conversation with industrialists this week was not the most pleasant; it is worth relying not only on an ally, but going further, offering your product in various parts of the planet. everyone must do the maximum in
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their own direction. our strategic goal is technological sovereignty. in year quality, and always, the products produced must be at the highest level, and nothing else, this is not a whim, but a harsh one. a vital necessity, a question of the future of the country of the people, our products must be of high quality in all characteristics and parameters. today it is very difficult to compete on price with china. should reach approximately the japanese level of quality. the task is to gain a foothold and increase the share of services required by the consumer. we are the market. and if we mindlessly chase the minimum price, we will lose not only the quality of the final product, but also the production of our own component base. not only produce, but also sell, continue import substitution, get rid of
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stockpiles in warehouses, strengthen integration with science, and reach the japanese level of quality. these are just a few important points that were made at the meeting with the president. how they were received not only by the leaders of the flagships of the domestic mechanical engineering industry, but also by the directors of other industrial enterprises. well, by the way, there are almost 150 of them in the ministry of industry system, investments, technologies, discipline, quality, personnel - this chain is the same in... important for everyone, as soon as you lose one of the lines, production begins to slip, and no matter what scale it is. what conclusions did our industrialists draw and how will they continue to defend our technological sovereignty? ilona volynets analyzed the state of affairs in industry with the heads of two large factories. nikolai stepanovich, last year industrial production in belarus increased by 7.7%. you are like a leader. enterprises, how do you estimate your volumes? our volumes have grown a little
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more, they grew by more than 120%, so there are issues that need to be resolved, somewhere we have learned to solve, including introducing sanctions and so on. well, i understand correctly, the main buyer of your products, which are quite specific and unique, is belas. yes, it turned out that the comprehensive modernization of belaz coincided with the fact that we produce the equipment they need and we are the main ones. suppliers of this equipment, and it’s not dangerous to get tied down to one partner, today belaz has everything good, but tomorrow may not be so good, and this will immediately affect your team, no, today we are working with almost all major companies on long-term programs to replace crane equipment, lifting equipment, while the needs, if you look at the state industrial supervision data, are bridges that are registered for more than 5,000 crowns require replacement.
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with our consumers from the point of view of both dealers and the end consumer, somewhere, probably, finding partnerships that really take over the sales process happens differently, that is, they sold it, they are then responsible for this whole fact, here is a situation where, for example, our products are at dealers, that is, in fact, these are the same warehouses, only abroad, in fact, yes, but here we need to look at how the payment system for this matter is set up. if the dealer receives sub-sales, there is another system,
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when the dealer pays either part or generally buys it out at the expense of his own funds or credit resources, and this is another system, well, here you need to look for these approaches that will allow optimize a certain amount of stock, but it should not be present unconditionally, especially in dealership centers, especially spare parts, so he must have the entire list of necessary items when this spare part is needed, guarantee... he cannot, therefore the approaches here are completely different, nikolai stepanovich , and production cannot exist without science, how does this chain work for you, well, this is our design bureau, we work closely with the mogilev belarusian-russian university, our major department is located there, here 100% come from there, plus we hire electricians from there, and... in welding technology , we mainly work with minsk technical
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university, so we have established connections, relationships with departments, we constantly go there, invite, explain, show, invite them here. vitaly vladimirovich, technological safety is a common task for all industrialists, do you keep up with progress, this is the place where we are now, this is one of the steps and small bricks of what... what in we will see the next year in the future, that is , this is the acquisition of new competencies, this is the acquisition, as we say, of safety, technological sovereignty, at the moment... at the shesteren plant there were no competencies for the manufacture and processing of body parts, this is this new section , which we are about to launch, will receive a result and will get life at our plant as a diversification of not only exports, not diversification of sales there, but diversification
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of our production, the question immediately arises, yes, is there anyone to work at such high-tech... year, to be honest, if it weren’t for the student teams, it would have been very difficult, but these guys who worked for us with shining eyes, they gave us what we were striving for, that is, we can work with it . now, in 2022, he gave us the impetus that we must work with young people, work with personnel, attract them to the plant as much as possible, when a young specialist comes to practice, enters such a workshop, believe me, he wants to stay. at a meeting with the head of state, well
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such examples were given that were not entirely pleasant for our manufacturers, in particular, when, for example, our new technology you... what the head of state said should be taken as criticism, this question that gives a message, guys, you look there, what are you doing, because you may lose something, that is, this must be perceived as a normal process, everyone has it, to reach japanese quality, you need to work very hard, first of all this: quality culture, quality culture means from a top manager to an employee who works at a machine, as the president says, it is correct that a professional, he will reach any heights, and not a graduate student, he will ruin the business,
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global issues, for example, searching for new markets, diversification, let this be about this is what the flagships think, there are a lot of examples when he left... the giants behind him were sucked in by a very large number of companies, no, diversification should be everywhere, from diversification of exports to production, so we make gears, yes, but we are known, for example, as consumers as producers soil-cultivating equipment, if we turn around, we will see these models that are ready for shipment, plows, we are working on them, we are producing 11 models of plows, tell me, taking into account the big meeting of the head of state? what conclusions have you drawn for yourself, how will you work further? automation, robotization, digitalization of production itself, we are now directly engaged in this with science, with educational institutions, what we are doing now will give a certain impetus to those organizations that perhaps,
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perhaps, are not being finalized somewhere, that is the meeting was held correctly, at the right time, recognizing that there were problems and questions. and as confucius said, or maybe i ’m wrong, that recognizing a problem is 50% of its solution. today belarusian technology is expected all over the globe, we are not exaggerating. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, with huge markets and prospects. it is important to use demand wisely and actively develop new directions. for brazil, our tractors are like a breath of fresh air, an assembly plant that... cooperates with mtz has already received more than 8.00 applications from local farmers for tractor models 112 and 152, just do it. the times are very interesting now, and distant geographical countries are becoming closer to us. brazil, for us, is that point in the distant arc where we can and should settle well. the very circumstances of our lives
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dictate that we be closer to each other. this is the largest country in latin america, there are 216 million inhabitants, this. an agricultural country, you understand perfectly well that there is a synergy of our interests here, an agricultural country needs fertilizers in order to harvest its crops three or more times a year, an agricultural country needs technology to cultivate the land, how can we not remember belarusian technologies, our experience, which is available not only in latin america, i’m talking about ecuador, venezuela, yes, but in the countries of the central asian region of the former soviet union, it is actively applicable here. i see great potential for belarus in our agricultural sector, in terms of
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the supply of agricultural machinery to the market of our country. firstly, it will attractive if the price is right, because one of the biggest difficulties farmers face is the use of large amounts of manual labor, since they cannot afford to purchase expensive equipment, so if belarus. there is affordable equipment that we could use, this would be an ideal entry point into our market. i know you export in large volumes all over the world, so i think the issue of importing into our country is that you could consider this if we had available equipment from belarus that our farmers could use, of course, you could thus guarantee our food security, however, even despite such... oral assessments high politicians, domestic enterprises do not always look forward, giving preference to already familiar sales markets, which is of course wrong,
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the president also spoke about this at a meeting on industry, lack of efficiency and not always professional marketing our diplomats confirm, with a certain degree of understanding, but still i have to admit that probably, for now, kenya - my region of east africa, for which i am responsible, is not in the number, i will say. diplomatically is far from being among the priorities of our enterprises in the industries, yes, it is clear that these are new markets, it is clear that this is a difficult market, it is clear that there is geographical remoteness, it is clear that there are certain risks, well, as with any region, with any new , a new country, it is clear that there is a certain inertia, good marginality, the established commodity flows of the scheme in working with our traditional partners, yes, i state this, i admit it. but, unfortunately, such a situation cannot satisfy. taking this opportunity, i really want to invite all our interested parties to look towards
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kenya, look towards east africa, this is a developed market with established global business standards, like any new market, it is specific, there are certain nuances, some pitfalls, but we, as an embassy, ​​are here for to solve these questions, these things. we are ready, we are at our disposal and we really want this road to become not one-way , but two-way. in general, the long arc, like the road, will be mastered only by those who go and offer a real alternative to the american and german giants, especially since the countries are open to cooperation with belarus, no sanctions are afraid of them, the benefit for their own economy is important. an absolute plus for belarus, our enterprises are concentrated not only in the capital or large...
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andrei yarakhovich starts his morning not with coffee, but with fresh strawberries, but this is in season, but for now , at sunrise, the owner is already on his personal plantations, nine huge greenhouses look after everything only together with his wife, when the month of march comes, everything until, say so, until the end of june, i don’t know what a weekend is, it happens , but... the deadlines have been pushed back, we expect the first harvest by
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the end of april, in general, it is thanks to local farmers that there are more belarusian berries, for the freshest it is better to go straight to the luninets district, and this is the real one strawberry palace, palace, because that ’s the name of the village, well, strawberry, because there is active trade in these rows during the season, so quite... soon, literally in a month, everything here will be strewn with delicious, sweet, juicy belarusian berries, but for a whole month it’s still a long wait, so we found something tasty now. it’s difficult to count how many dairies we’ve already shown under the “place to live” section, but it turns out that in the competition, each enterprise has its own specialization and its own features. in luninets - this is products from milk of type "a2 without beta-casin, which means with maximum benefit for the youngest and oldest consumers, now there is such an opportunity
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through laboratory research to isolate such cows. they give exactly this composition of milk, so everything that is needed for the human body, and we only want our nation to consume a healthy product and always be healthy, but let’s try now to see if we become healthier, well, it’s clear that it’s very thick, yes, and the mass fraction of fat in sour cream is only 12%. well, we can put a spoon, the spoon is worth it, and indeed, the tasting for us is carried out personally by the chief technologist of the plant, natalya bobkovich herself is from luninets and returned here after studying in mogilev, to make her hometown more famous and tastier. you know, it seems to me that it’s even tastier than regular sour cream. yes, definitely, in lunintsy i know a lot about cooking , and it’s important not only what to cook, but also how to cook it. the south
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of the country is responsible for the kitchen life. there are no analogues to this enterprise in belarus. the private initiative began 26 years ago with the usual household question: where can i get a frying pan that will last a long time and the food will not burn. and as you know, if you want to do it well, do it yourself. with this motto to this day, each sample is cast by hand. manual casting provides high quality of the metal being poured and simplicity of the technological process. and the most important thing is to provide high quality dishes. the whole stage. from pouring to painting, the assembly here is under strict control, but how could it be otherwise, when all the products are original designs of the chief engineer, and the head of the enterprise his wife. the spouses never figure out who is in charge in the business kitchen; there are so many orders that there is simply no time for it, but there will always be free minutes for cooking. at home, you also cook on your own utensils, only on your own, from the very beginning, like we were the first
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frying pan, when we received it, we immediately put it on the frying pan ourselves and test it. and then they start production, that is , such the best quality control is also at home, but of course, taking into account the fact that we also have children, so they check that somewhere with a fork climbed somewhere, something else, that is, we see all this, high quality is recognized not only in belarus, also in russia and the eu countries, sales are growing, and these are advantages for the budget, the dairy plant has its own plans for development, in general , luninets is not only a strawberry city, but also an industrial city, and also at a high level of agriculture... the economy, and construction are interested in the fact that there is a place for social facilities does not stop, everything is balanced, when the regional authorities for life, how i know you were born yourself also in luninets, yes, i was born in luninets, why didn’t they exchange it there for brest, minsk, big cities, first of all, where i was born, i came in handy there, i want to do a lot for the development of my native city, my native region, free time here, too, there is a place to spend, you know, there’s not that much free time, but
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nevertheless there is, we like to spend it, we love it... we haven’t heard this before, let’s go find out what kind of sport this is, they play motorball real men, instead of leg strength - the roar of the engine and you can score. motorball in our country began precisely in lunents, moreover, back in the soviet years, and there is still no freedom at the finals of the republican cup. places, not just in the stands, around the stadium, inspired by competitions, young lunen residents come here not as spectators, but as players. the first thing is that it should be a friendly team, and not that here i am with him, and then meet with the fact that everyone needs to be together, even if there are some scoring chances, if they lost, they got together in the evening, discussed, talked, so we decided how we, why we we lost, discussed all the nuances, the next day we will play better, yes, the sport
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is not cheap, injuries are dangerous, but if you have already fallen in love with motaball once... then you definitely can’t live without it, this happened to the head of the local dsaf branch. pyotr ivanovich once brought his eldest son into sports. by the way, we showed exactly his preparation for the game just a minute ago; now the youngest one is also catching up. the family, like the entire luninets, literally lives by sports. the fans, these are the most devoted ones, who, you know, carry placards. well, there is of course, these are, as a rule, our athletes, best friends, who may for some reason not be able to participate in competitions, but they... at least in their hearts support motorballs and, of course, cheer for our team all the time. so, the whole city is one big friendly team. and in general, our trip to luninets turned out to be a story about those who did not leave their small homeland. here i found my business and found true happiness. who knows, maybe this is the perfect formula - a place to live. from belarusian woodland to the main broadcast. anton
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malyuta, alexey petrov and sergey korneev. belarus is a place on the map for those who are looking for peace, especially when the planet is on the threshold of the third world war, which iran carried out last night. jordan provided its airspace to the israeli and american air forces, as a result of which dozens of fragments from downed
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shells fell on the cities of the kingdom, including the capital oman. three people died. in israel , in the south of the country , a bedouin girl was seriously injured, and 31 other people were provided with medical assistance on the spot. together with allies and partners throughout the region. we act to protect israel from iranian attack. we were able to intercept the vast majority of missiles and drones outside of israel. several iranian missiles fell on israeli territory, causing minor damage to a military base without causing any casualties. at the same time, attacks on israel were carried out by pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria, the yemeni houthis and the lebanese hezbollah. the iranian general staff has already announced the completion of the military operation, it is especially emphasized that it was held on the basis of damascus on april 1. from our point of view, this operation is over and
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there is no intention to continue it, but if the xianist regime takes any action against the islamic republic, be it on our soil or in our places in syria or anywhere else, our next operation will be much larger. iran attack. the un security council will meet at the request of tel aviv. there is no unified reaction in the united states yet; whether israel will respond is also unclear. toward restraint on both sides of the conflict called on china and the gulf countries. belarus is also deeply concerned about the escalation of the situation. the ministry of foreign affairs of our country once again emphasized: minsk consistently advocates a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the middle east through political and diplomatic means. other extreme hypocrisy of the west. in fact, by manually pumping the kiev regime with weapons, british officials say that there is a risk of the direct conflict associated with the war in ukraine spreading to
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the territory of belarus. there is advice on the uk government website meeting about the undesirability of traveling to our republic. informs its citizens that in the event of hostilities, their ability to provide consular assistance will be seriously limited. against the backdrop of the deplorable situation with the armed forces of ukraine, western curators have to somehow heat up the degree of tension , and the british decided to do this at the expense of belarus. they are afraid that his majesty’s subjects will see how belarus really lives, what a beautiful people the belarusians are, and when they see this, they will understand the falsity of western propaganda. the west, under the guise of caring for its own citizens does its best to mask the desired probability.
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the west still prefers to wash its hands with blood without warning; this tactic of bombing and conquering has been working for a hundred years, as it was with yugoslavia. april 14 is a common date in history. flew in to support the slavic brothers, to stand face to face against many, because nato generals did not give security guarantees. the press will call this a visit under nato bombs. for 78 days and nights, alliance planes tormented this land. without the sanctions of the un security council, this is a crime that the west still hasn't recognized it. and he doesn’t admit it, pavel. serbs understand this perfectly well. i could do without the author’s text at all in this material. i’ll just say a little from myself,
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these proud, warm-hearted, strong people were not broken then, and we were close. nearby and today you were convinced personally, and there were many memories and emotions. yes, a lot, and i want to give these people the floor to say on air that we, belarusians, will not forget this inhumane thing. the crime of the west too, it was hard, i had a small child, only 5 years old.
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i was here in belgrade, yours flew in president lukashenko, yes, i remember that, all the 50 years that i have lived in this world, i have never had bad thoughts about belarus.
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stop anyone in serbia with the words “we from belarus will get the story.” and words of gratitude to our president for his support in 1999, when, without sanctions from the un security council, nato launched operation allied force, began bombing yugoslavia for humanitarian purposes, allegedly protecting a national minority, and the whole world turned a blind eye to this. however, why be surprised, they still have not seen the light. what what especially pains me today is that then the whole west and the whole world turned a blind eye to it, left us to fight alone, no one came to our aid. we remember the initiative of your president lukashenko to provide assistance. the war hawks tormented this earth and decided that they had the right to kill people, blow up bridges, bomb schools, hospitals, television, use cluster bombs, and shells with combined uranium. because they did not submit and did not recognize us hegemony.
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alexander lukashenko flies to belgrade. at all he didn’t have any special guarantees, he could only rely on reason, since hundreds of nato planes flew over our country every day and in general flying to our airport, which was practically closed, and this was a big risk of great courage, nato strongly advises against flying .
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but if for yugoslavia this is a just war, a patriotic war in defense of its people, then i think nato needs to get out of this difficult situation as a western state. negotiations were held under an air raid siren alexander lukashenko with slobodan milosevic, more than 6 hours of communication. the belarusian leader walked through the streets and saw gaping rights.
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this is a test of strength, most likely this is so, unfortunately, it is starting again in the balkans, the second conclusion is that they will not break them, this is my firm conviction, this is not the first time i have been to yugoslavia, it is not the first time our delegation has been there and not the first once i meet with the president of yugoslavia.
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these are all our colleagues, these are technical staff, operators, video engineers, 16 people, there are none, some are international organizations recognized this as a war crime, someone was held responsible for this, the question is rhetorical, we are now standing
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on the foundation of your life’s work, we can say, yes, that’s what you feel, what emotions, at the beginning it was... there was grief, the desire to resist, regret, at the same time the desire to create something new and not stop working. and this is the city of novisad. we came to radio television vojvodina, one of the two state broadcasters in serbia, to talk to milikoprionce. in ninety-nine he was director of television, which wiped out nato missiles from the face of the earth. here, you understand especially acutely that information, truth, is a weapon that is the enemy.
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the air raids continued for 78 days and nights, up to 400 people were killed, up to 10 thousand were injured, these are the data from the serbian side. the nato bombing of yugoslavia is the beginning of nato's crude, aggressive expansion to the east. past all the principles of international law, past all the principles of the united nations, the security council and so on.
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people from countries destroyed by civilization world, as he calls himself, strive to get into it in any way, including
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trying to cross the border to ask for asylum. but in reality, this very civilized world greets them with service dogs. refugees at that country’s border are caught, beaten, usually robbed, and those who can go are pushed into belarus. and those who cannot, are thrown onto our territory. now the snow has melted and belarusian border guards are finding many corpses. evgeny gorin went. in the vitebsk region, in places that border latvia, what they saw was simply terrifying. we recommend keeping children away from the screen. when the snow melted, not far from the village of dubrova, in the verkhnedvinsk region, a skeleton was discovered, gnawed by wild animals, next to it were winter boots of size 41 and already dilapidated clothes, but there was no full-fledged winter jacket, a man wandered from the latvian border in search of people in a light bike, apparently he was beaten. this. the look of a lost man, deceived by the myth of a beautiful, humane europe. the young
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guy, apparently from the middle east, had enough strength to walk at a brisk pace to the country road roads. here, in the hope that they would find him, he wrapped himself in something like a sleeping bag and died. on the back there are marks similar to blows from a baton. many refugees have lost internal organs. the impunity of ignoring the rights of refugees and the cruelty of european security forces continues to cripple. and cause the deaths of foreigners on the borders of the european union. on the section of the border with latvia, the trend has recently become more severe. since 2023, we have recorded an unprecedented increase in cases of ill- treatment of migrants, and not only cruel, these actions lead to the fact that people die on the border, and the number of corpses increases inexorably. the practice is when polish, lithuanian, and in this case latvian security forces catch those who have crossed the border.
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clothes, any medicines, as well as the results of expert research give reason to believe that people were freezing without receiving the necessary help, for example, on march 5, in the border zone of the braslovsky district, our border guards discovered a body in... in a conscious state a thirty-six-year-old citizen of afghanistan
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who was taken to a district hospital for medical care, but on march 7 the body could not cope with the processes of hypothermia, and the citizen died. during the study of materials received for expert research, it was established that the citizen... was subjected to physical pressure by officials of the republic of latvia, after which he was deported to the republic of belarus without the necessary means of subsistence. sometimes corpses are transferred to the territory of belarus, it’s already right next to the fence, or a still living refugee is trying to crawl along it; there is not always any strength left when the border patrol arrives. characteristic features are selected shoes. broken phones are practically a death sentence in cold weather. even those who manage
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to wrap some of their clothes around their feet in order to somehow walk in the snow, without a clear understanding of where people are doomed to die. the abandoned house became the last refuge for this man, apparently of african appearance. on march 10, border guards identified two cases on the border with latvia ruthless displacement of migrants into the territory of the republic of belarus. one man. who was in a state of shock, this refugee said that he was detained and severely beaten by the latvian security forces, at the same time, the latvian security forces broke his phone and forced him across the state border into the territory of the republic of belarus without food and water, the man was found to have multiple blows to neck, arms and legs, as a result of which he developed hematomas, our military personnel to provide medical doctors were called for help, who... he was subsequently taken to the verkhnenskaya central district hospital. half an hour later , border guards discovered a second refugee.
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his lifeless body was located near the gate near the latian fence. the miory department of the forensic expertise committee is designated as the main one where the bodies of dead refugees are brought. all procedures necessary to establish the causes and circumstances of death, as well as the subsequent search for relatives and sending bodies for burial at home, have been launched. unlike europe, belarus is not closes to these unfortunate people and believes that they, their relatives, should be provided with all the necessary help. this refrigerator for 10 bodies did not exist before. state committee. additional refrigeration equipment was purchased to ensure the safety of these bodies for the farewell ritual. in the process of establishing the identity of these citizens , many departments are involved, ranging from the investigative committee, interpol, and the state forensic examination committee.
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as part of the study of corpses, the state the committee selects the genotype that is included. on march 23, on the border with latvia, polish border guards identified a beaten man of african appearance; the refugee said that he was detained by latvian security forces, beaten and expelled to the territory of the republic of belarus. this citizen had an injured leg,
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there were many marks from blows on his body, first aid was provided to him, and he... was taken to the braslov central district hospital for medical assistance. there are not always documents with the dead, therefore, to determine who they are, find relatives, and genetic material is taken. then it is sent through international channels, this is the only chance to identify the deceased, for example, in this case, when the skeleton was partially stolen by wild animals. the unclaimed bodies of refugees who so longed for a european paradise are ultimately the answer. there are many such places in the vitebsk region, we managed to visit three cemeteries, where the person has been identified, there are signs with names and date of birth. the date of death may not be set, but it can be set exactly to the day
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it can be impossible, there are also unidentified burials, all the testimony. the collected evidence that the border guards in latvia, lithuania and poland apparently do not consider these refugees to be people is being ignored by eu officials. evgeny gorin, ilya maksimov, on the main broadcast of the unlimited cruelty of the civilized western world. how many lives have already been ruined by the grief of the democrats and it is difficult to calculate why they should kill if sooner or later everything ends at the negotiating table.
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well done, he doesn’t deviate from his previous statements, the documents are there, they were initialed by the russian ukrainian side, let's return to these documents, and from this we will dance, or we will dwell on the principles that are laid down in the documents, which is wrong, right, so it is a very good moment for ukraine and the curators of the ukrainian . make a decision, it must be made, and one more point that should not be forgotten, volodya zelensky’s term of office ends on may 22 or 21, a situation may arise when the same putin will say, guys, with whom to sign an agreement, with who to sign, the powers of the president of ukraine have expired, while kiev continues
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to destroy its gene pool, in the war to the last ukrainian. the verkhovna rada adopted in the second reading a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization, allowing hundreds of thousands of people to be sent to the front, all this after reducing the conscription age by 2 years. 283 people's deputies voted in favor, and one voted against. the new law contains various provisions, including obliging persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination. introduces necessity always carry military registration documents with you. and more details: evaders will face deprivation of their driving license, serious restrictions on obtaining consular services, and heavy fines. the rada also excluded from the bill the provision on demobilization after three. and i note that the new law was adopted against the backdrop of men
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literally fleeing the country. if at the beginning of the conflict the share of adult men was 17% of the total number of ukrainian refugees in the european union, now, according to eurostat, their number has doubled. ukrainians, like many eu residents find their second home in belarus. more and more illogical and annoyingly absurd innovations of the western government are becoming the reason for migration from the european union. the schneider family lived in two countries: germany and austria. there we had to rent housing; we couldn’t afford private property. to do this, you had to pay at least 300,000 euros. also, due to lgbt propaganda , it was difficult to raise a child while founding. on traditional values, that's why 2 years ago, the schneiders settled in belarus and were right about the reasons why the ukrainian-german family chose
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the belarusian outback, in the report by elizaveta sinyak. in the greenhouse we grow salads, all sorts of cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, garlic, parsley i eat, small village, own plot, father, mother and two children, it would seem an ordinary belarusian family, but this... at the age of 15, anna moved from ukraine to germany, she studied at school there, later she entered university and met her future husband, a native german. they had a daughter marlena, but is this the end of the rosy event for the schneider family in germany, or has it just begun? in germany, in europe , a lot of lgbt propaganda began, in kindergartens there, for example, there were some brochures that you can be whoever you want, if you walk on the street. a huge poster, a playbill, yes, and it shows two guys standing naked in their pants, only they’re not wearing anything on top, one
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put his hand in the other’s pants like that, and well, i don’t remember what was written there, but the picture itself , i believe that this is should not be seen by a small child, here is the second attempt to start a new life, the family moved to austria, we lived in a tourist, very beautiful town, the views... from the window we looked at the mountains, cows and horses were grazing in front of the windows, that is, it was very beautiful , but after 3 months covid began, you can say we lived for 2 years as if in a golden cage, work, eat, work, eat, in winter we need to buy boots for the child, we were not allowed into the store because there is no code, we do not have vaccinations , we don’t have a test, people agree with this, go with these...
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i started following one blogger, she herself lived in germany for 4 years, she showed her life in belarus, how they arrived in their village, began to renovate their house, she also has two daughters, how they went to school, kindergarten, i started showing my husband dancing, all kinds of performances, simple life, and he even, if i’m not mistaken, suggested... let’s try, go there and see what kind of country it is. we chose a simple life. many people move to minsk, but we chose this place and we like it. why? it
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it’s calm, we have good relations with our neighbors, our children are happy. the family bought a house near slutsk in the village of gardeners, they also have their own vegetable garden. in addition, patrick devotes a lot of time to construction. prepare healthy desserts that have already been appreciated by family, neighbors and us. i now have my signature bean cutlets, i’ve started making a lot of sweets, i bake my own bread, i don’t have any gluten. well, we kind of want to develop in this direction, open our own business, you moved specifically here to the slutsk district, how the neighbors perceived it, in general, how good the relationship is, good, the people here are very good, we were surprised how sincere and honest the people here are, they helped us out many times, then our car wouldn’t start, i came
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and connected my battery. they talk directly about belarus, but i can say that the media present the country in a bad light, they show photographs of empty shelves in stores in belarus, there is no food in the country and people are depressed because of this, you look around, it’s the other way around, we even want freedom one might say we arrived, as if in europe they said what a dictatorship there is in belarus, i don’t agree, for me germany and austria were much more of a dictatorship than here.
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ardy on someone else's mountain, why it is called a national disaster, the inaction of the state, the cynical pr of politicians and open-air dens, how cities turn into heroin ghettos, we will tell you in clear politics on monday after the panorama.


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