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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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let's say hello for the first time, that means 6:00, yes, thank you april and as you understand, since we are with you , it’s great that you are watching us, thank you very much anna valerievna, that you will spend this wonderful time with me today, also thank you, today there may be some kind of international thank you day, no, today is international culture day, i try to be. culturally , isn’t this a wonderful occasion to once again remember our talented artists and enjoy their work? we will do this during the hours of live broadcast, and let’s start this morning with a real spiritual the richness of one of the most famous compositions by belarusian authors, good morning, my native kut, our native kut.
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tv channel belarus 24 presents food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, divided into before and after, fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, well, in belarus . this recipe has been preserved; it is a hunter's recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area . the stove looked like a medieval stove, a ceramic, brick-lined box in which a fire was lit, but a large metal sheet was installed on top.
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let's draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the project food anywhere? there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch every sunday on our tv channel. yana is immeasurably fond of that, what is timid, and timid is what is love. i don't have any to fulfill. i can picture in my head, for example, classical music, how to present it, or the same folk music, but of course, mostly they know me for such folk motifs, folk numbers, there is a clear discipline, every 5 minutes, there is no time.
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thanks to him in this musical form, so wake up, we celebrate the international day of culture, and we continue
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to wake up for... you, that's what we planned to tell you in the next hour: street cleaning, our correspondent anna ganjur found out who keeps the capital clean. a fluffy dog ​​with a kind heart in the section "the way home" we will look for owners for a charming boni, a man who changed the world, we will find out what contribution yakov perelman made to the popularization of scientific knowledge. another depth that surprises visitors at the exhibition of paintings by the blind artist anastasia bergovina will be told by olesya boyarskikh. well, also according to tradition, we make the morning of our country good, we will see what time our day begins. yes, friends, of course, of course, that's not all, oh what we are going to tell you today, one of the largest divisions of the minsk national airport. the catering service is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, in general, what it does,
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what the importance of its tasks is, we will figure it out together with the guest in the second hour of our program, the head of the catering service, yuri markovsky, and also according to the tradition of monday. something made from potatoes, our anatoly moiseev knows a new recipe, which, by the way, anya didn’t mention, potato salad, uh-huh, uh-huh, good morning, for breakfast today nutritious, bright and easy to prepare potato salad that you
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will certainly like, i call it in burgher style because it is a variation of the traditional german potato salad, for preparation we will need: potatoes, smoked sausages, onions, pickled cucumbers, eggs, sour cream, pepper, salt and herbs, boil jacket potatoes and eggs, peel and chop the potatoes while still warm, put them in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle them with vinegar pickle from the cucumbers, chop the salad onions into small cubes, we cut the pickled cucumbers into very thick slices. the volume of onions and cucumbers should be the same. we send it to the potatoes. cut the eggs into slices and add to the salad. cut the hunting sausage into small
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pieces and lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. transfer to a salad bowl. for refueling. add one teaspoon of mustard to the sour cream and mix thoroughly. when serving , sprinkle the finished salad with ground pepper and garnish with fresh herbs. the result is a sausage variation of german potato salad, since we included sausages in the composition. they are usually served separately. and although the salad does not look the most neat and festive, it is simple, everyday, and filling in its own right. dish, it’s good warm or cold, and also understandably tasty, have a successful, positive day and bon appetit. the tv news agency
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presents an overview of popular print and online publications. the mogilev region presented its capabilities at vdnh in moscow. this is already the fourth region. representing its economic, investment, tourism, cultural potential. taking into account the experience of brest, vitebsk and grodno, the region relied on demonstrating industrial capabilities. the mogilev region is one of the regions of belarus most involved in the union integration processes. this is also explained by the industry's proximity to the constituent entities of the russian federation. therefore, when organizing the exhibition in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh, they relied on the flagships of production. this is not only spectacular, but also an effective newspaper republic about the advantages of the mogilev region. they are increasingly in demand around the world informative laboratory methods for diagnosing allergies. employees of the naan institute of biophysics of cell engineering proposed a modern method using a microchip. he is able to identify the most
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unexpected reactions. another new product from our scientists is the basophil activation test, which is ideal for confirming the response to a specific stimulus, in particular among drugs. the research takes place in vitro, so it will not cause unwanted effects in the body. all the details are on the pages of the belarusian security council today. a campaign is taking place in belarus let's wear the same straps at once. everyone can join the green initiative of the miniskhoz, it ’s time for labor troops, neighbors, colleagues, relatives, to plant seedlings, clean the territories from garbage and dead wood. forests are our national treasure, a wealth that only grows with careful use. over the years of independence, the area of ​​natural heritage of belarus has increased significantly. today, valuable green lands occupy more than 40% of the country's territory. what should be the daily concern for preserving and multiplying is our. forests read on the pages of the people's newspaper. when we imagine a greenhouse for
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vegetables, our imagination, as a rule, pictures a frame covered with film. did you know that there is even a fashion for greenhouses? the most popular, as we found out, is an arched shape with a pointed roof. there are gardeners who order designer structures to create a special aesthetic on their plot. buy material, get last year’s supplies or use improvised means. to build a greenhouse yourself, you need to take into account many nuances and be prepared for labor-intensive process. a rural newspaper will tell you how to make a greenhouse using improvised means in which an excellent harvest will grow. tv news agency presents.
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from the pharmacy store we spill yana gat product. all the latest processes: the can is sealed and ready and used for the most important meats. in the milk bottling line , steam was previously used for cleaning. graphite filters. they often failed and the line stopped. scientists of the minsk
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research institute powder metallurgy, it was proposed to use filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, compressed by explosion. the biggest problem of sönnya is saving cheese. yashche not so long ago. malochny adgon, which stagnates the creation of essential milky products, does not know any reward here. sunny adgon perapratsovaetstsa for food for chickens and begging. this year 15 thousand kancentravanaga spazhyўnaga stern. thus , new reserves of creativity have been created. 60 thousand bottles of malak, lots of sour cream, kefir, cream, tvaraga and others milk production, food production in minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative processes involve
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folding mechanisms. machines tear out paper bottles, causing them to become crumpled and clogged. this automatic line has a high level of productivity. here you pay 6 thousand bottles of malak for a drink. and this machine packages 2 tons of cottage cheese per change. widely procured new technology, the plant's selections were given to the anniversary of the republic for 6 million rubles per... belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up all together, i remind you that today we are starting a new week, today is april 15, and this is the middle of spring, by the way, and what will it give us in terms of synoptics, my colleague anna valerievna knows, quiloria, that’s how it’s official. day of culture, i will announce you only this way, i understood you, thank you very much, maryana vasilievna
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morenkova. so, as for weather indicators, today in the capital it will be up to 12°c, 12:14 with a plus sign is expected in brest, up to 10c again in vitebsk, 12:14 in gomel, in grodno, it will be +11 +13, the same temperature will be in mogilev, everywhere in the country it will be cloudy with clearings, only in vitebsk precipitation is expected. away from trees, if possible , put it in the garage, yes, if bad weather catches you outside, you should take shelter in the nearest building, you also need to stay away from billboards, power lines and
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tall trees. in general, you know what to do with today's gusts of wind, but in fact, like this... this temperature, i will say that april is passing mid-spring, of course, i i didn’t expect this from him, in the morning, this is a failure, an april failure, yes, in the morning it was up to +5, and there really was a wind, when i went outside, some kind of hysteria of one bird broke into my yard, but it quickly left , yes, that is, even the birds refuse to sing, they just went crazy, and you know, there is an interesting explanation for this in general for everything that is happening, this is your theory, i was yesterday when i was buying seedlings.
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meet galina, a comprehensive cleaning worker, she has been in this field for over 40 years, and this is natalya, her colleague, 6 days a week, with 7:00 am they tidy up the houses on the streets of minsk. at the moment, we are sweeping the paths so that there is no sand, since it was raining, here you see, it has washed up a little, all
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the costs of cleaning the territory are covered by the state, and... so that the floors, elevators and windows are always washed in the entrances, they pay residents of the house. at first glance, the profession seems very simple, but even experienced complex cleaning workers face some difficulties, it can be difficult, in winter it is more difficult, of course, we have many who are obliged they don’t go, we also clean their areas, people who are sick, we also go in addition, all the teams gather and go, we also clean up everything, of course, we ask the residents not to clog the garbage disposal. we didn’t throw everything that came our way, because it’s very hard to break through, sometimes we even carry water, take long sticks, we break through everything, it’s hard. galina, where should we start now? let's go to the entrance, i 'll show you everything now. so, today, according to our schedule, we are powered by random garbage, but since
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we are already on the first floor, of course, we will sweep up all the crossings as quickly as you can. yes, we already need to wash the drain, it ’s on schedule around the end of the month, can i try that too, yes, please sweep the elevator, oh, that’s it, the right thing to do, yes, yes , yes, in the corners, all the corners, corners, it’s not difficult for you with this, it’s very difficult for me to get garbage in there, in this particular one, because you’re out of habit, you’ve been working for 40 years, you too will have it, it will jump in on its own, initially to create ...vennikov they used birch wood, but today they use another material called sarga, it is stronger and more durable. the area cleaners have such cool assistants. these two machines are called shmit svinta. they are cleaning not only sidewalks, but also the roadway in 2017. they clean well, they
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replace a lot of human labor. and, uh, where is this machine? it doesn’t work, it’s already done manually, it’s a vacuum sweeper, it sweeps, removes leaves, sand, sweepings. cleaning the entrances of courtyard areas and service prospects are engaged every day, but purely not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. do we often throw pieces of paper on the floor, on the ground? no, never, we condemn it, no, don’t throw it at all, in general, are there trash cans for that? no, of course, i have it. at home i collect everything in this very trash can, yes, no, don’t ever litter, no, i don’t, well, this is our first time in minsk, but in general i have relatives all over belarus in belarus, that’s where my roots are. from here, the cleanliness of your cities is always amazing, it’s very nice, we always come back here with pleasure, and if, for example, a person passed by and threw a piece of paper, pick it up or pick it up,
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we will definitely say that you picked it up, i’ll move on, and if, for example, a person threw a piece of paper on the street, pick it up, i’ll pick it up, i’m not squeamish , i ’ll pick it up, throw out the trash and reprimand the person. the streets of belarus are cleaned every day, and residents, of course, notice this and are proud of their country, but so that our country remains forever, beautiful. and clean, don’t throw trash on the sidewalks, it’s better to go to the nearest trash can and throw it there. great! soon spring, soon
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spring, soon this night of restless sleep, again spring, again love, again the blood will sparkle in our living, again dawn, again dawn and there is no turning back, soon sadness, soon sadness, everything will go away for us a little. i know the answer, i know the answer, but whether there are questions or not, i know deception, i know deception, i know our ocean in love, you are not alone, you are not alone, you will be alone at night without sleep, soon love, soon sees, summer is coming, love me, love, with hot fire, at night, burning your heart, love me. love, no fly away, don’t disappear, i beg you, love me,
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love, love, me, love, love, love, love, i cut. soon it’s warm, soon it’s warm, and soon there’s a lot of water flowing in, soon it’s warm, soon it’s ecstasy, it’s the music that comes to us, i take a step, i take two, and your head is spinning, i know, now i know now how to open this secret door, time time is passing, no one will return it to us, time flies, time flies, moving with us, dancing along the way. again a question, again an answer, the invisible light will light up again, with us you can see, with us the slavic bazaar, love me, love me, frying in one, it goes at night,
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burning my heart, love me, love me, hey, don’t fly around, don’t disappear, i beg you, love me, love me. during the day, and in the morning and during the day, that’s a joke, yes, but i wanted to say that this is a small test of age, whoever knows all the words to this song is probably from the eighties, i must say that you actively sang along, yes , well, we continue to welcome you this monday morning and share interesting information; a youth bike ride for victory day will be held in minsk on may 3. participants will travel along the route from the masyukovshchina memorial complex to stella minsk, the city of hero. to participate in the bike ride, you must submit an application before april 26, each
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participant will receive a commemorative medal, and, most importantly, a good memory of a good deed. certainly. residents of cambodia competed in few other vehicles; annual races on oxen and carts took place there. so, attention to our screen. this is how it is in the country. celebrated the approach of the khmer new year and the beginning of the iris harvesting season. in this time 50 riders took to the start. last year, by the way, there were 35 who competed for the main prize - $300. yes, the prize fund does not change annually. and a commemorative cup. the purpose of the events is not only competitions. it helps preserve the centuries-old khmer tradition in olovy povoz. they were previously used in many festivals, weddings and buddhist ceremonies. i'm shocked. first, say it again. what a new khmer year, well done, secondly, they run so fast, yes, by the way, these shafts compete in speed, yes, that is fast, fast ox, the fastest. and
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this happens, no, well, in fact, this is a very beautiful tradition, i know that all the tourists come there to admire it, to look at this kind of competition, i know that during the pandemic everything was canceled and people were really looking forward to it in the past year, i also like that the prize fund does not change, 300 dollars, i studied this point, where maryana vasilevna is from, where is the information from the internet, oh well, you want to go there in the 21st century, oh well, but i thought you were 58 and you were already there not go, okay, they taught me. my friends , let's move on, before this all drags on and turns to something very scary, let's move on to the next news, yes, we want to introduce you to our next hero, remember, he is smart, charismatic, has a wonderful character, sweet and kind boni is looking for his way home, so let's help him, good morning! meet bonya,
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a cheerful dog who will be looking for his way home today. once upon a time bonya had masters, if you can call them that, because our guy was thrown out into the street because of that it was no longer possible to walk him. just imagine, bonya lived with a family for several years, trusted her, loved her, and he was betrayed like that. our handsome boy is 4 years old. absolutely healthy, treated for external internal parasites, he is a ghost by nature, a kind, mischievous guy. vonya has exceptionally good manners and diligent behavior, he is a sensitive, reliable and stable dog, an excellent protector and a loyal friend. bonya, come to me, to me, to me, well done, next, next, they ran, bunyak. responds well
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to training, prefers meat from food, dog food, as well as dry food, this handsome guy is accustomed to walking on a leash, does not chew anything in the house, and most importantly, loves to give his love to others. our bonya simply loves hugs and kisses, so when he sees a person he always puts it in his ear or belly. the guy will be a wonderful companion both for a large, active family and for a lonely person who loves long walks, games and fluffy lion cubs like bonya. bonya is really looking forward to meeting her future owner. take a closer look at our boy and call the phone number indicated on your screen.
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raise your eyes to the christmas sky, make a wish for everything you dream about in life before you, i am so happy where i was alone for you, you love them so much, these... white flowers, i love you
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so much, even in the middle of nowhere kapkererasya, without dancing, beautiful phrases, these are clouds. i will cover our bed with rock robes, i love you, madman.
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your birch, alluring white skin, beauty. your divine hair, i admire, you are the most precious thing to me, everything is with you, only on the body, i love you to tears, i love you forever, everyone. sigh like for the first time, without thick, beautiful frenchmen, this cloud of roses,
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with the flaps of white roses, will cover our bed. i love you forever, i love you madly, without any beautiful phrases.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should
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be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes for you. with a delicate vegetable filling, mm, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds simply amazing, let’s figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don't forget about invigorating exercises. i'll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching the anterior posterior surface of the thigh. first, let's stretch the front of the thigh. now is the time to walk, jog, and meet this day with a full charge of strength. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity - everything in the world is text, text is not important. our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow explain why they put a man, a grandfather, who does not remember , at the post of such a huge state , what’s his name, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life, it’s not easy, it’s a struggle,
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and hello again, good morning again, it’s monday morning, we meet you, mariana marenkova and anna kfiloria. good morning, yes, today. in april, the world celebrates the day of environmental knowledge, this holiday reminds us of the need to form an ecological culture among the population, she said beautifully, if you want to do something useful for nature, then we remind you that a voluntary republican action is currently taking place in the country, which is called let’s renew the forests at once. the ministry of forestry has traditionally been the initiator for the seventeenth time. thousands, thousands of caring belarusians have already managed to take part in this action, the end of the forest planting marathon will be summed up this
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saturday, so follow the agenda, by the way, you still have a few more days to take care of our nature. to take part in the action, you need to contact the nearest forestry enterprise or forestry, where you will be provided with material and will indicate an area for planting forest crops. don't stand aside, plant your own tree, especially since it’s very interesting, if you’ve only seen what the fields look like where these little christmas trees grow, you at first think that it’s simple, just grass growing. wow, then when you look closely, they are so tiny, then a little more, a little more, it’s really amazing, that’s what from a small seed, every time i’m surprised, a huge tree grows, and you imagine, this is a tree that will be planted exactly with your hands, so be sure to participate, then bring your children and grandchildren, show them, look, i also took part in making our planet more beautiful and longer, without any agreement, but they said, your dress has such an influence on me, now let’s get to know each other. a man who once changed the world and also had a huge, huge
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relationship with nature, and he even wrote a work, i think it was called people and the forest, he was involved in ecology, yakov perelman, and he was involved not only in ecology, the circulation of his books was in the seventies years exceeded 13 million, can you imagine how many people tried and did for this planet, let’s look at him right now in our regular column, people who changed the world. yakov perelman, founder. entertaining science, thanks to his books, for many science has turned from incomprehensible and scary into interesting and exciting. yakov perelman was born in bialystok; his activities as a popularizer of science began during his school years. at that time, there were rumors about the coming end of the world, and in his essay on the expected fiery rain, the young man tried to explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view vision. the text was written in a casual manner. conversations, successfully combined with historical excursions and vivid
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comparisons. subsequently, this style of writing became perelman's calling card. already a student at the forestry institute, yakov isidorovich began writing for the magazine nature and people. at first, his topics were limited to astronomy, but gradually they began to expand to include mathematics, physics, and technology. much of what was published in the magazine was later included in perelman’s first book, “entertaining physics.” the publication was a stunning success ordinary readers and professional scientists. subsequently, perelman wrote many more books. they were republished more than 300 times in russian alone, with a circulation of almost 15 million copies. in addition, his books were published in many foreign languages. perelman has many other undertakings to his name. so, at a special meeting on fuel in petrograd, for the first time in russia he proposed moving the time forward an hour in order to save fuel, and even though
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yakov perelman was never a scientist in the literal sense of the word, he was devoted to science and i did everything to interest as many people as possible in it. a new generation of textbooks, where scientific facts are presented in an entertaining and easy manner, appeared precisely thanks to him, yakov perelman, a man who changed the world. just talking about the complex is the reality. enormous talents, we bow before this talent, before this man, and indeed many do not even know that they read, taught, namely yakov perelman, because these are such popular books, i know that he wrote interesting children's stories and so i confused, the name of the magazine was people and nature, but yes, that’s how i recovered, so you can , yes, today, seeing this, hearing her this last name, you can re-read the information about him again and perhaps actually re-read some books, and his in fact, a little more with...
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a unique creative style, by the way, he is considered the founder of belarusian easel graphics, yes, and i can only admire, and encourage everyone to come to this exhibition, the works of vasily himself will be presented at the exhibition sherngovich, as well as the work of his
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students. the exhibition will include classic linocuts, autolithographs, monotypes, drawings and watercolor landscapes, and even just understanding what they are is also important. come see with your own eyes, yes, if you were not even familiar with the work of vasily sharangovich, come and meet him, the exhibition at the national art museum will be open until may 19, i wanted to admire again, vasily, of course, sharangovich, a great man, a great artist, a great schedule, i know that his paintings are exhibited all over the world, but between those they remain in our country in belarus, and i also know that he played chess, suddenly, yes friends, the next news is also designed to immerse you in the world art gallery in london hosts an exhibition of american portrait artist john singer-sargent. i will be pleased to read this in the exhibition called fashion and over sixty works, clearly
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demonstrating that the master was not just an outstanding artist, but a skilled stylist. john actively improved the composition, participating in the selection of the customer’s outfits, and insisted on a certain one. hairstyles, selected the interior; in the process of work, the master often changed the color of the clothes, removed unnecessary details or increased the neckline, all in order to create the strongest impression of the customer’s image. the innovative use of costume was central to his work. sargeant used fashion as a powerful tool to express identity and individuality. next to some of the paintings at the exhibition there are real dresses, faith and others. accessories, so that visitors have the opportunity to compare the outfits in... portraits with prototypes, masters, masters are often classified as impressionists, although velasque, vandyck, and many others served as models for him, the exhibition will last until july 7, that’s when he exaggerated his dignity the person who ordered his portrait, what does this mean, that he saw it this way or that he wanted
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to please, but it seems to me that this is still such a complex vision, you know, the person cares, yes, it seems like his task just paint a portrait, but here it is wanted. so to speak, overlapping and moscow, but also by what is generally in the picture, friends, so well, we bow down, it’s very beautiful, especially the beautiful dresses that stand next to it, oh, we’re girls, we’re such girls, we don’t need anything, just to dress , true, friends, but nevertheless, let's move on to the next topic, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh also recently visited an art exhibition, which is surprising... the art of anastasia bergovina, we learn from her story. can a person paint pictures without seeing them? it turns out, yes, in one an exhibition of a blind artist is being held from shopping centers in the capital. anastasia bergovina
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was born a healthy child; at the age of four she suffered from chickenpox, after which the girl began to lose her sight. paintings, some of them were purchased by foreign collectors, the girl enjoys depicting what inspires her; in addition to painting, she also teaches classes at the college of digital technologies. each painting, i can’t say exactly how long it took to paint, because they are all individual, for each
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time was spent on the painting in different ways, because it is necessary to understand when the paint dries, if any adjustments are suddenly needed. another depth, it was created with the goal of uniting people of different abilities to show that creativity has no boundaries.
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last exhibition we had an exhibition of hearing-impaired children with amazing works, yes, this time nastya is exhibiting, in general the project itself has a different depth, it was opened by an autistic boy from the berezovsky district and we see that , for example, hearing-impaired children from the last exhibition came to nastya’s exhibition children, that is, we understand that this is very important and necessary for them, it is important and necessary for us, we must... good ranitsa belarus, we continue to wake up and as promised, this is our republican exercise together with anna chikina, anna, today is international day culture, let's introduce some other codes of other cultures into our exercises, perhaps it will be some kind of indian dance? we look, it’s great, that’s how we live, let’s go,
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inhale, we stretch ourselves upward, first , further away, exhale, we lower our hands, today we will move both our arms and legs at once, so get ready to coordinate, she’s sorry, but where’s the salsa, oh, you need to cheer up, get ready, you’re right off the bat, i thought, just start dancing, uh-huh, and take one more breath and stretch out your arms. forward now we move one hand up, pull the other hand on the contrary to the floor, you and i have multidirectional movement, we use our brains, yes, we are preparing for coordination, anechka, and by the way, you know how to do this, move your brain and this too, here i have by the way, it turns out very poorly, well, i have one hemisphere, we move the whole hand up, the second down and make a circle, everything should work out, we try, usually people just float, so if you float, we try, i’ll probably do a lot, i just tried, but i don’t want to show people that only one thing works well for me
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hemispheres, i’m inside, this process is happening inside me, but i really don’t understand how you do it, no, not this, but the previous one, oh, this, by the way, is a cool exercise for asanas, oh, yes, great, inhale, i open when, when will some kind of spanish passion begin, wait, now we'll get to the hips, this is the next thing, yeah, inhale, open up, exhale, bend your back two more times, we have such hasty leading hands, so let's go hips, we move your pelvis in a circle in one direction, that is, you count this is how she dances, well wait, well, there are such movements, it looks like in some kind of salsa, we move in one direction, i don’t know what salsa looks like, but i can organize circles with the pelvis for you, we rotate in the other direction. she deceived us, there will be no culture from other countries, now we will do it with you step by step, now we will do it, there is, we stop, tighten our ankles again, pull our leg towards us, rotate
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our foot in one direction, judging by the way you are warming up, the dance will be the same, perhaps it will even be a lisginka, you know, oh, the second one with falling to your knees, so in they rotated the other side, uh-huh, yes, well, you’ve already stretched this leg, what? let's move here with the pelvis, take a step to the side in a circle in front, move the pelvis back, again step to the side, in front, move the pelvis back and is it bochata or salsa, i don’t recognize it, i don’t know what it is to go down to the dance, anna valerievna, you i put my whole life into dancing, go repeat it, put it in, let's go, let's go, show belarus how you can dance, it's bad,
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friends, even if you can't do it like anya, just turn on the music, dance, that's another exercise , it’s working out well for them, i ’m sure, well, we’ll have some more movements, let’s have some more, it’s my turn to repeat, okay, look what it looks like now, this is tucking, forward, backward, by the way, i i took two rumba lessons. i can show you, come on, maybe i can do it, do your legs remember this dance, come on, this is development, but the main thing, the main thing is not synchronicity, the main thing is that i move the joint, once, once, once, what does moving the joints look like, friends, this leg, i’m solo, the main thing, you know, the main thing is to always move so that the lymph moves through our body, it didn’t stagnate, ani, i should sit down, yes, it’s already too old to stand here. it was amazing, anya, i believe that this is how we should start every day, dear friends, otherwise these, you know, your
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prim exercises 1 2 3 what. my name is elena baukova, i am a care worker for animals at the zoo, i wake up quite early, 5:15, i also have parrots and a dog at home, i come to work
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somewhere, even though the working day starts at 8 in the morning. so nod, hello, it’s delicious, there, it’s delicious, your favorite bananas, first of all, you need to make a round and check all the animals, nothing anywhere, there were no visible or invisible violations, i love my profession, but because i get an outlet , you see, i love you very much. animals, very much, i relax, i relax at work, communicating with them, i will add, communicating with animals, this is a very important fact, come here, let’s see what you ate from me, let’s see, they love oranges, but they will also have a second feeding, dry food, i
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didn’t know a lot, over the years... it’s coming experience, skill comes, interest, it becomes interesting, and you can’t get away from it, you live them, you live this life, you worry, you cry at night, emotions, a storm of emotions, every day you experience emotions, this is rikusha , this is a male, his wife is sitting there and his two children. look what i have, look, look, look, i love my job because it makes my country a good morning, in general it’s an amazing profession, friends, how can you not smile every
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day when you come to such a job, it’s like here , you come to work, and there’s a monkey there? makes you smile, in the good sense of the word. well, let's move on to very important information, you probably already go to work, school, kindergarten or somewhere else, and are thinking what to wear, a down jacket or a raincoat? and this is exactly how the choice will be today, because in the morning br, and during the day it’s still okay, how interesting, anna valerievna, you should work as a weather forecaster. we now see on our screens up to 12° heat in minsk in brest 12:14 in vitebsk 8:10 with a plus sign there, precipitation is actually expected +12 +14 will be in gomel in grodno and mogilev 11:13 also with a plus sign and there will be winds anechka, i would like to clarify whether this is already br or not yet, is it already normal in the morning birr because
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it was only +4, at least it was and we’ll look at the morning? forecast? no, we won’t see, please wait until the next hour our program, let’s leave the intrigue, you will come, and we will also come here to the studio, we will tell you everything and show you, well, i can give a small spoiler, in fact, because when we left in the morning it was +5, i looked, we were up , that is, this is what i said a second ago, that in the morning, when i went out, it ’s not at all, well, because you and i go out in different places, friends, we’re winding down this humorous screensaver, moving on to... indeed, the homeland of tabula is syria, there is usually finely chopped parsley and mint
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add bulgur, the french prefer couscous. and add juicy tomatoes, and we also use shrimp, you get an excellent dish for lunch or dinner. so, first of all, boil the couscous, pour the cereal into boiling salted water with a drop of olive oil, wait for the water to boil again, close the lid, remove from the stove, marinate the shrimp in soy sauce, olive oil and lemon juice. we use parsley, mint and spinach leaves for the salad; we do not cut the greens, but tear them with our hands. peppermint is a perennial plant with a unique aroma, the valuable parts of which are the leaves and stem. contains a large amount
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of menthol, which has an analgesic and antiseptic effect and is capable of dilating blood vessels. mint is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive system in the treatment of viral infections, and also as a sedative. on the other hand, mint can relieve. energize. children can include mint in their diet from the age of one and a half years, if there is no tendency to allergies. mint leaves are used to make teas and infusions as a seasoning for salads, soups, meat and vegetable dishes. the use of mint in desserts is very popular. we continue cooking. cut the tomato into medium-sized pieces and add them to the greens. salt, pepper and season with oil. our vegetable base is ready, add couscous to it and mix carefully. add a little oil to a heated frying pan and fry the shrimp until
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golden brown. place tabbouleh salad of parsley, mint and spinach with tomatoes and couscous on a serving plate. we complement it with fried shrimp and we get balanced, nutritious, but light. very healthy dish, bon appetit!
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the television news agency begins informational monday morning in the studio. olga kalairova, hello, watch the episodes.


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