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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you came after all, and you didn’t alone, inga, i love you very much, and i ask you to become my wife, i love another, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice due to my fault, watch the series it will be day again. may you love like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flies in the flock, like a patched bird that lives in the wild. the song i hear
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for the deepest laughter, which is a frequent sign, for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may you love, may you love, for the bright hours that you give me every day. for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you. hello, my name is anastasia, i came from kazakhstan, i have been living here for 7 years and i work as an instructor-methodologist.
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i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, but in general i really like kazakhstan for its nature, because there are steppes and mountains, a very wide range such natural zones. i didn’t have anyone left there, everyone went their separate ways, only me and the kids and my grandmother were left, and we also decided to go to our historical homeland, it turns out that my grandfather is belarusian, my grandmother is german. well, i’m generally so used to
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city life, i was born in the city, always lived in the capital, at some point i realized that i didn’t want to live in the city anymore, i wanted to live on the land, so i decided that since i was already going to live on the land , then why not move to another country, and come here and become to look for - a place where to put down roots, so to speak, i went to belarus, first as a tourist, and... i visited minsk and grodno, my sister and i came here, we really liked it, and there was such a funny story, my sister lives in germany , we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, and she and i walked around the city, she says, she tells me, it’s so clean here, i say, yes, it’s clean, she says, well these are probably central streets, but if you go into a courtyard somewhere there, then there probably also pieces of paper, we carried out such an experiment with her, even now you remember it’s funny, then we walked straight through the courtyards, looked for garbage somewhere, found nothing. we were so
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surprised, we were very surprised, the first thing that caught my eye was that it was very clean, no one was honking on the roads, it was my second trip, i had already decided that yes, i would definitely live on earth, i had to find some kind of... then month, i found a house through the internet, it was for rent in a village, i returned to kazakhstan, from there i found a house that was for rent, i arrived came here, settled in this house, a young family was renting out the house, we got to talking with them, i said that this is how i want it. help, something, tell me where it is, what’s here, he says: of course, we also have houses for sale here, we looked at this place, i liked it, we called the seller, he said, yes, let’s meet in the evening, and the guys were getting ready to go to volozhin, and i say, take me with you, they went to the market to buy seedlings, they bought so actively there, there was something for themselves, there were some flowers, sprouts, something like that, in general i think so i also need to buy something, i bought two plums, two plums, a spade of plums, we returned
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there, i came to this plot that i had chosen, planted these two plums, and then they laughed so much, too, that they didn’t buy it yet , i’ve already planted plums, which means i’m serious. well, the important question is why a person travels at all, i was traveling, for example, i really liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that there is beautiful nature here, i feel just like at home, i want not only my roots remained here, but my children also felt like they were at home here.
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now we are in a sports and health complex, i have been working here for about 5 years, there is a lot of things here to... do sports, physical education, there is a gym here , you can play volleyball, basketball, football, here there is a judo hall, there is a gym, a sports training room, and also a table tennis pool. i needed several conditions to move special: i needed a music school, because my children study music, a secondary school in the area of ​​accessibility and somewhere nearby, so that there was a swimming pool, because i conduct swimming training, and just at the time when i
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came to look for all this, they were finishing handing over this building, so it’s like a sign, come to attention, hello! yes, wow, guys, today you and i are swimming with boards, crawl, legs on the back, my sports history comes from childhood, like probably many others, i really wanted to do it swimming, my mother dissuaded me for a long time, saying that i would have such shoulders, in the end we agreed on synchronized swimming, because this is not competitive swimming, shoulders don’t grow like that, she allowed me, in general, some kind of that time...
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i wanted to learn, i remember these moments when i had to get the puck from the bottom, like in and i really liked it, i didn’t know how, water was pouring into my nose, it was unpleasant, but the goal was to get the puck , in general, when it worked out, it was such a pleasure , and then when i learned to swim, it was such a thrill, well, about character, it’s probably better to ask others, they will appreciate it more, well, if i need something, then i try to achieve it. i wasn’t going
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to go to the physical education institute at all, my parents told me, you were involved in sports, and i also have an uncle, a master of sports in skiing, and he taught at this institute, and he says: let’s go, what are you doing? i say, i don’t want to, i actually want to become a winemaker, what kind of winemaker, i went in for sports or physical education, well, that’s how i went, when i entered college, i was already at that time i gave up professional sports, because after all, professional sports are quite dangerous and squeeze out all the juices, let’s say, although i really liked the competitions, such a spirit, the trips, it was very interesting. we were traveling by train, it was a competition in tashkent, we went there by train, there were a lot of us, 15 people, i think, or 16, we were in different compartments, and we asked the coach when we got off, she said, for the next one, that's it, next, next, we
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got ready, the next one came out, and it was we who got out in our compartment, not in our own compartment, there were two of us, the two of us got out and stood there, waiting for everyone to get out, no one gets out, we wait, wait, wait. here we set up some kind of stall or something, to buy something, we all went there to this stall, we looked, the train had started, no one got off, we, what happened, how is this, in general, well, we somehow we got in touch with the coach, she really swore at us, of course, that we were idiots and got out in the wrong place, in general we were on adventures, but by the way, he’s quite friendly here the people of tashkent, because they realized that we were behind, they put us in jail, we didn’t have money with us, they put us on a bus, told us how to get to the next station, and we got to the next station on the transfer bus , they got it properly, a fun college life, in general , i didn’t regret it later... not even once, after that i didn’t immediately go to work in fitness and sports,
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first i worked in a restaurant, then i worked as an administrator, and then i realized that in general i had this idea that it was necessary to bring benefits to people, and that sport is something that brings joy, positivity and some kind of healthy charge, which is why i probably went to fitness. i worked in a fitness center, worked as a swimming coach, taught aqua aerobics, and some other land training in parallel. aerobics, then little by little i wanted to distance myself from the fitness center and do what i wanted, why coaching, well, because? i like it when a person gets such a buzz, for example, he couldn’t, i
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train children, teach adults to swim, that’s when, for example, an adult comes, he regretfully explains that he does not know how to swim, he would like to and that he will probably never learn again, i say, don’t worry, everything will be fine when he succeeds, when he swims , he is so happy, contented, it’s very pleasant, it’s such feedback that fills with energy, and you just want to do it again, it’s the same with children - i had a moment in my life when, for example, i taught a child to swim and he moves to another group, more professional, i have one a little offended, but then i realized that i liked this process itself, that they couldn’t do anything, they learned, as if i were the link that is necessary for a person to fall in love with this and for it to accompany him all his life, even if this will not be a professional sport, well, there is some kind of love for physical activity, in a small town you can raise... a good athlete, of course, for this you need some initial data so that he is physically
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suitable for the sports profession, we have such fock that the base is very wonderful, you can train, all conditions have been created for this, and if the child has the desire, it is quite possible to achieve great heights. in addition, when i plan some training, i sometimes rehearse what i will do during this training, some new movements, some new exercises, i try all this on myself first, well, regarding water aerobics, for example , i go into the water, try, see what is more effective, what easier option can be offered to people who cannot do this or that exercise, the fact is that i do not in order to put a tick that i train there every day, i do this... to make me feel good, i have sufficient mobility in the joints there, stretching and so on, besides
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this, well, just like for for self-satisfaction , i also do physical exercises. i think that it is important from childhood to start engaging in any physical activity, whether it’s playing ball, it doesn’t matter whether it’s jumping, football, whatever, so that the child feels his body as early as possible and can control it, was able to feel his body in space , was able to adequately respond to space, so that he was less injured, so that he was healthier, more hardened, and of course, the more diverse these types of...activities, the better for the child, the more skills he gains , swimming, plus
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it gives hardening, so of course it’s cool, it’s very cool when both women and men get older, but in our country it’s mostly women who do water aerobics, but we even have women who walk for several programs in a row, although they are already retired, they attend yoga in the morning, then go, well, i have two such women who attend several programs a day, she comes to me for water aerobics, does scandinavian. plus she also does yoga, that is, she is very active, but it is also clear that the woman is like, wow, i can just see that she is cheerful, joyful, i think this is great.
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if you see me in my protective work apron, that means i’m working out. my favorite thing, i’m doing it now, i have a new series, helmets, i make them, and i like to create masquerade masks, costumes or elements of costumes and various decorations, including unusual decorations, some kind of luminous, voluminous, unusual shapes, something like that, but it all started with decorations like these... then small accessories, and then sometime i made the first one. and such a mask of the god of fire, and i liked it, and i decided, oh, so masks are generally cool, you can make any different ones, from that moment, i probably got a whole series of such masks, well, ideas, like probably everyone else people, somewhere i was, i saw something, some impressions, maybe i watched a movie, maybe something else, i have this, i need to do it, or just spring
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has come, and there you need to do something spring-like and you start doing it, you do one, you start ... do it and you think, oh , it would be possible like this, i think, okay, i’ll also do something like this, then, and somehow the series turns out, one is not enough, i want it this way, this way, and this way and also try this, but they are called series, because they may have some elements in common or some style, but they are all just the same here in a single copy, they are, that is , each one is unique, let’s say, well, if this concerns masks, then i start to figure out what to make from? frame and base on which i will rely, because, for example, i measured the first mask on my face and sculpted the base from plasticine that i would make, in the end it turned out that not every face can be worn, that is, for some it’s pressing here, for someone here, i realized that something needs to be done, my face, plus something even more voluminous, so that any shape of a human face can be
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it’s quite comfortable to wear, i make masks from papier mache, such an eco-friendly version of masks. here from newspapers, pva glue, newspapers, some kind of secondary raw material, everything, the process has begun, and then the coating, depending on the idea, it could be varnish, it could be acrylic paints, it could be some kind of fabric surface, then how it goes , it happens that i want to do something, i come, or i want, for example, to decorate, and somehow, well , it’s not going well, i’m in some kind of bad mood, and then i turn on this monotonous work and start doing , then like this, but just like this i quit and went. go there, it happens, i have these particular masks - i took part in several shows, which we organized first here in our village, then i also had the opening of such a creative space in the city of lida, i also had a fashion show of masks there, also when carnival events are held, many people want
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to buy something unusual for themselves, then they turn to me. or if the children have some kind of matinee or something like that, and i’m happy to help them, in venice, of course, i’d like to attend this mask festivals, but it would be better if we suddenly had some kind of festival of our own here, and maybe someday i ’ll get involved in this, creating some kind of festival, of course, all people are different, for some it’s enough work, someone there is in something, in children or, in general, everyone is looking for -
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this gives you the opportunity to draw strength, when you, for example, run out of it in some everyday things, you are tired, you don’t want to, then you you switch to something else in your life, what interests you, what you like, and it fills and gives you give you energy for new things. usually, when i come from the city, i immediately feel how quiet and calm it is here, compared to the bustle of the city. you slow down, you ground yourself, in general, everything is what i wanted when i moved from the city, i like to potter in my garden, walk around
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the neighborhood, there are many sights here, we have a church, the heart of jesus is there, the church was also built in 1860, and castle hill, where jaan kiszka’s castle was located and simon budny was published, and just beautiful, amazingly beautiful nature. well, in fact, there is a lot of work in the house, but i had such idealism at one time, and i wanted to do everything, that everything was beautiful everywhere, i was very worried that i couldn’t do it all.
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well, at first my family didn’t really support me, especially when they found out that this was a house in the village, but i understand my grandmother, because she had a childhood, the war years, i understand why she didn’t want to, but now the most interesting thing is. that now she comes out like: “oh, what a beauty!” when i say: “didn’t you want to?” he says: "i, i always i wanted." there was a moment when my children were also told, what is your mother
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taking you to the village? and the children too to me: are you taking us to the village? i say: i'm taking myself to the village. you will go to school, then you will enter then you go to college wherever you want, you want to go to the city, you want to go to the village, you want to go abroad, wherever you want, in general, this is your life, and this is mine, let me also live my life, my son is studying in minsk now. or rather, he finished his studies in minsk and is now working, but now my daughter tells me on the contrary: i don’t want to leave the village at all leaving, i like it here, if only a few years ago, i would definitely repeat this experience again, i really like it here, i feel at home, yes, that's why i would 100% come here, and even sometimes i think that if i could have done this before, i would have done it, but then i understand that maybe i wasn’t ready then, maybe i still had to live. city ​​and get to the point where i realized that i don’t want anything else in the city, i don’t really want to live, so it turned out that i came here.
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12:00 pm
live the main news in noon, in studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue.


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