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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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you are watching the news now olga kalairova, hello, trade and new cooperation projects in industry, the main topic of negotiations between the prime ministers of belarus and russia, our government delegation is working in moscow today, a one-on-one meeting begins this week.
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enterprises of the republic of belarus 558 plant and the russian ural plant, which produces aircraft for the development and landing of neokra on the osvey aircraft, a small twin-propeller aircraft, nineteen-seater, while we are developing this aircraft jointly, we will own the right to produce this aircraft, the russian federation has been allocated cheap resources to purchase the necessary equipment for the production of this aircraft. we have
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signed agreements at the level of industrial enterprises, now we are introducing and signing this agreement at the government level, this agreement has been worked out by one other country and during our visit this agreement will be signed. following the negotiations, other agreements will be signed, and discussion is also on the agenda cooperation in the machine tool industry, gas prices for belarus since 1926 and oil supplies to refineries. nato should not exist, this was the opinion expressed by the serbian minister of health in an interview. danica grujcic is closely involved in the topic of the consequences of nato aggression against yugoslavia in 1999. during 2 and a half months of bombing , 15 tons of depleted uranium were dropped on these lands in shells. later, the country ranked first in the number of cancer diseases in europe. in the first 10 years, about 3,000 people developed cancer. people, up to 18 of them
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, will not be able to understand that a different time has come, africa is being revived, south america is being revived, fascist regimes are already fading into history, who remains the fascists, our western friends, so, so i think that if there would have been no nato, there would have been no war in ukraine, then in 1999 the only president who flew in to support today. this
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strong act. about the bombings, their radioactive trace, about nato policy today and about the attitude towards belarus. watch the current interview on tonight's broadcast. the middle east conflict continues to be in a situation where its development is quite difficult to predict. leaders of the g-7 countries have agreed to privately tell israel not to take steps that could lead to an escalation with iran, according to a us news website. at the same time, the head of the british foreign ministry said that israel has every right to respond to iran’s attack, but called not to aggravate the situation in the region. abc news, with link to spokesperson the israeli defense forces informs that the authorities will decide on a response to the iranian attack in the coming days. as the sun sets , the danger level on the streets of america increases. the crime wave in the united states is fueled by illegal racing. the city is engulfed in a new extreme entertainment that the local police are unable to cope with. the installation
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of additional speed bumps, road closures and even dummy law enforcement vehicles do not save the situation. street racers organize illegal competitions almost every day. and often street racing. end with the death of participants or spectators by shooting. leashes in russia are seizing new territories in buryat, more than ten houses have already been flooded, and the evacuation of people has begun. the level of the tabol river in kurgan is forecast to exceed the dangerous level in the coming days. footage appeared online of how the embankment dam near the communal bridge in tomsk began to erode. it also became known that the rescue services of the orenburg region have already evacuated residential buildings from the area that were partially flooded. the number of evacuees due to floods in kazakhstan is growing already more than 111. according to official data, there are now over 6,800 people in temporary accommodation centers, including almost 3,00 children.


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