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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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the installation of additional speed bumps, road closures and even dummy law enforcement vehicles do not save the situation. street racers organize illegal competitions almost every day, and street racing often ends in the death of participants or spectators and shooting. leashes in russia are seizing new territories in buryatia, more than ten houses have already been flooded, and the evacuation of people has begun. the level of the tabol river in kurgan is forecast to exceed the dangerous level in the coming days. footage appeared of how the bulk dam in tomsk began to erode communal bridge. it also became known that the rescue services of the orenburg region have already evacuated more than 16,500 people from residential buildings from the territory of partially flooded household plots. the number of people evacuated due to floods in kazakhstan is growing - more than 111,000. according to official data, there are now over 6,800 people in temporary accommodation centers, including almost 3,000 children. almost 7,500
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houses are flooded, 82 settlements remain without transport links. abnormal heat in in belarus, the pace of the usual april has slowed down on the streets. at the beginning of the week there will be rain in most parts of the country, the air temperature will not exceed 16°c. in the middle of the week it will become even colder, with the possibility of sleet and ice, and gusty winds are in the forecast. most of the bad weather is forecast for the second half of the week. according to preliminary data, a fairly powerful and extensive southern cyclone will move from the regions of odessa to the chernigov region. frontal sections associated with it already on thursday afternoon will cause stormy weather with rain, mostly quite windy north gusty wind weather. mixed precipitation, rain, sleet, and heavy precipitation in the east at night are expected across the country. snow cover may remain for a short time. at night in the morning there is no traffic on the roads of hololeitsa. it is also expected on the weekend. cold weather, cloudy with
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slight clearings, intermittent rain, possible minus overnight temperatures. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, all the best. good evening, abas, greetings, abas juma, russian international journalist, we have there is our own belarusian gleb lavrov, highly qualified specialists. class of a very
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expanded profile, i’m familiar, so, on the one hand, your profession is in great demand today, on the other, the entire international coordinate system today is chaos, double standards, surrealism, that’s how today a professional remains adequate among this infinity - that’s another thing, well you must not lose yourself, first of all, if you... don’t lose yourself, if you know why you are doing what you are doing, it really is a little easier for you in this world of madness surrealism, today there is a war, and if you are not lost, if you know who your enemy is, then you are moving towards victory and do everything you can to achieve this victory, but the difference is between. us and them is
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that this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not israel, we are not capable of destroying everyone, yes, whoever comes to hand, we deny collective responsibility, also in the media, we are not ready to go to lies, to deceit, to meanness, to cooperation. that means to hell with the devil just to win, so our path is long, our path is bloody, yes, it is washed with the blood of our soldiers, our journalists, because many in search of truth die at the hands of the enemy, but this is a conscious choice, but what about in a situation where everything the norms of international law not only don’t work, they
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will run over to them, you will still be second-class citizens, you will still not be accepted, so the only way out, in fact, which i personally see for myself, is, yes, in professional life, in life in general, it's going your own way, it's not losing yourself, it's doing your job as honestly as possible means
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spending all your energy on achieving the goal, well , they’ll figure it out, time will tell, so let’s do it then, okay, it’s all the same to you. i was born, but if i was born, say, in well, let's start with the fact that russia is a place where burkino fasso, i would choose burkino fasso as
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a place for realization, i was lucky, i was born, grew up in a place where i can achieve a lot, i won’t say , which is simple but possible. without bribes, without meanness, yes, without the need to go over our heads, that is, with my own mind, with my own mind, of course, i was born, i grew up, russia gave me that’s it, she gave it all to me for free, i never asked anyone for anything in my life, i didn’t bring it to anyone, just like in my first answer, yes, i just went and came, i’m very grateful. to my country, in principle, i can’t imagine myself outside of russia, well, i repeat, i’m just lucky that i was born here, a country that really gives more than it takes, well, in this sense, it
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seems to me that those who want to be with us, they certainly won’t regret it, i like this answer, well, look, some sources, they claim that... before entering rudny, this a well-known university, well, at least even because our tv viewers knew it well from kavenovskaya’s team, yes, which was excellent, but in syria before that you graduated from a baathist special school with a military focus, uh-huh, what kind of institution is this and what did you study there? this is an ordinary school, we studied there everything that is studied in any other school, no matter how long you studied there. country then came to russia, where he began his studies there for several years, graduated, i really just sort of finished, studying in a russian, no, in a special school initially, from the first to the fourth grade there, and only then i went to syria and
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continued there, then i returned to russia, i actually graduated from ruden, an ordinary school from simple ones, that is, nothing like that. this, apparently, was my father’s plan, not to send me where it’s easy, not to send me to where they will speak russian with me, if this is some kind of school at the embassy, ​​let’s say, to immerse me as much as possible in the atmosphere, in the environment , on wednesday, especially since this school was my father’s school, he graduated right next to our house, this school, mathematics, geography, arabic... language and sports, all this military training, literature and so on, but also a little disassembly, assembling a machine gun, and so on, basic military training , well, we had it, when it once was, i believe that it needs to be revived, especially in
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modern times, this is a very strong education, i must say that in syria it is still, in spite of everything, very strong primary and secondary education, well, in all respects, these are excellent teachers, teachers, this is an orientation, by the way, towards soviet education, by the way, that’s why we in our...
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i have nothing behind me except honest journalistic work, i worked in africa, yes, i worked with yevgeny viktorovich prigozhin, with the wagner pmc, and worked in the donbass, and apparently, apparently, in america, the one who was assigned to put together this fake, as it were, put it together.
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the same goes for their politics, the same goes for their economy, it would seem that everything
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that they have been proud of for centuries, the market economy, capitalism and so on, is today in their own hands just crumpled and thrown into the trash can, and so did the ministry of finance, so i fell victim to this incompetence and degradation, well, you and i have the same fall, because i still have somewhere in the opinion of the united states and the european union, and canada, why. well, really, i’m interested in both this and that,
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it seems to me that what i’m doing now, in principle, partly this is this direction, and this, and as one fairly competent person told me, what distinguishes you from an employee, in general, of the special services is that you don't have that amount of bureaucracy, writings and you get paid a little more, so... i don’t know if this is true or not, but i have dual citizenship, so of course, russian and russian and syrian, yes, yes, i cannot work in politics in the special services , well, due to my belonging to another state, i don’t want to renounce this citizenship, because i think that this would be a betrayal towards my father and those numerous relatives who love me and are waiting for me in syria, but i.. .
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for the russian federation, i will remind you how it all started with clinton laughing at mr. yeltsen, that is... i cannot say that russia today is capable of leading the new world, as some of our experts and politicians say, no, we do not have such financial and
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political capabilities, but , but we launched this mechanism. “we really showed the whole world that you can do this, and nothing will happen to you for it, the states are not able to stop anyone, the states are not able to control anything, these are not just words, analyze, today washington is not controls any process in which he is involved, they cannot cope with ukraine, they cannot. they can’t help her, they can’t calm her down, they can’t do anything there, just shower them with money and weapons, and you ’re sure that they want to help ukraine, really, they want to help themselves, but that doesn’t work either, because defeat in
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ukraine - this is the beginning of the end for the hegemony of the united states of america, this is the beginning of the end. world of equal players, look at our interaction with the global south, there are no main ones, despite the fact that china, of course, economically, politically, it is the most powerful player, probably the most powerful, the first economy, let’s say right now, yes , yes, yes, in the sco format and not only, but
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nevertheless, can we say today that china is a hegemon, that china he dictates, and not, he does not position. of the new world order, i say, this is a mechanism where all the details are interconnected, yes, there is a large, most noticeable, perhaps the most important detail, china, but it in itself does not solve much, it will also work insofar as small details work around it . here that's how i see what we're striving for. the united states is not about that, the united states is about the vertical, they are at the top, everyone else is below. if they want it there, it will be as they want it. they need to explode,
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nord stream 2, they will explode. the united states of america has gas, but there will be sanctions, even to the detriment of russia, everyone will impose sanctions and will buy at three times the price , he won’t say, they need everything to be imposed exactly like this, they need them to send weapons and equipment to ukraine, leaving yourself with a bare bottom, so it will be, so it will be, and then they will again buy all these abrams at three prices from...
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america can’t do anything, israel, israel, a country dependent on america, today dictates to washington what to do, they dare to disagree with their patron, where, just tell me to me, the states have full, absolute control over something, nowhere, that is , i understand correctly that as a result of the process that russia has launched, the dream of many adequate people will come true, the pharaoh will be buried in his own pyramid, of course. moreover, intelligent leaders, be it indian leader, african leaders, arabs, look at this situation. and shake their heads. yes, they are not taking any active actions yet, they are waiting, they have taken such a wait-and-see attitude, they are waiting to see how it all
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ends. but as the russian special operation in ukraine progresses, we see how the rhetoric of many countries is changing, we see that many countries have become bolder in responding to the pressure of the united states of america, for example, india, at the level of the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. jay shankara, more than once. head game, fighting show.
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and a lot of the 2018 world championships in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavel. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica is absolutely correct. in a difficult, extremely difficult struggle. wins today. watch the intellectual sports project. head game on our tv channel. tv channel belarus 24 presents. food has never
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been simple. at all times, people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. the project that will show variety of belarusian cuisine. now the world will change. need to share after. the fish soup is prepared with chicken broth. this recipe has been preserved; it is a hunter's recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also acquaints the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area. the stove was what a medieval stove looked like, ceramic, lined with brick, in a box on which a fire was built, but with a large metal sheet placed on top. century baron, gypsy baron, jan martinkevich built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area on a gilded carriage. let's draw up a detailed
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gastronomic map of our country in the food anywhere project. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch every sunday on our tv channel. you are hosting a radio program , the east was handling a delicate matter, yes, well then, is it the west now? disastrous, very good answer, however, you don’t even need to develop it, very i wish it was so, you had at least two podcasts that were dedicated to
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israel and hamas, how the israeli ground operation will affect the russian energy market, yeah, the second podcast the us emptied israeli warehouses in favor of ukraine, well, there was such a moment, yes this forecast for... the russian energy market, but did it come true? well , it’s in the process, it’s too early to say, yes, and the price of oil, which is now rising and is predicted to be, well, a hundred already, yes, to what extent is this, let’s say, the final point, or a process will continue, in your opinion, the process may well continue, we, you know, we are now in dynamics, iran’s response is now expected. to the recent terrorist attack carried out by the israelis in damascus, it is not clear what this response will be, whether there will be one, there will be one, this is 100%. i
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hear two polar opinions, however, that iran is now beginning to smooth out the situation, and there will be no answer, as in the case of the murder of an iranian military leader in iraq, yes, the second, that this is exactly the same belle incident, in fact we are talking about a reason to start a war, here are two polar opinions, i will say this, for 10 years. i didn’t understand them at all, but i understood one thing, they didn’t trade carpets for thousands of years to make rash decisions, you know what it means to make a handmade carpet, how long, i at least saw what a persian carpet is, how many years this is persistent, manual, small work of this kind, this is a nation that thinks before it does. she
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endures a lot and endures for a long time, but she will definitely finish the carpet and sell it at a high price. answer it will be, no doubt, what it will be like when - that’s another question. here is october 7th. and who said that this is not the answer for the assassination of qassam soleimani in iraq? and who said that this is not iran’s response to all that meanness, all the evil that? brought to the muslims the state of israel, to the muslims of palestine, i mean, and for iran, the defense of palestine is a sacramental thing, this is the highest goal. now, despite the fact that tehran initially said that it was not involved in the hamas attack on october 7, today other news appears, it again comes from tehran, and we already understand that it turns out that...
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general zahidi, who was killed in a terrorist attack in damascus, was involved in planning a hamas special operation against israel. iran will respond: iran did not sit idly by for decades while it was under all possible sanctions. iran has raised a generation of loyal people across the region. i'm talking about iranian now. about the iraqis, about the lebanese, about the syrians, they surrounded israel , they are ready to answer, and will answer, even though this may be the last thing they do, in this, it seems to me, here the reason, the defeat of the west, after all, i integrate israel into the western model, of course,
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of course. us heated aircraft carrier, this was the term used, exactly like that, exactly like that, exactly mentally, and i’m not talking about the street now, i’m talking about the country’s leadership, they are not able to understand an iranian, a russian, a belarusian, they are not able to understand collectivism, willingness to sacrifice oneself and one’s comfort, self-sacrifice, that’s... this is a nation of consumerism, a nation of consumption, it’s very primitive, they don’t always, don’t have always been like this, but they became like this, they pulled a lot of people into this trap, it’s not for me to tell you, remember the twentieth year, look what happened here, when a special military operation began, when there was a mobilization of the upper lars and so on, i’m 30 years old, i was raised on mtv, my whole
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adult life i was told pepsi take everything from life, yeah, and i am grateful to my mother and father there, who sometimes, well, it’s in my ear, do n’t take everything from life, don’t take it, give something else... something, yes, give something, share, this is a very correct message, very correct, you know, when a child is not given a whole piece of candy. about half, so that he clearly understands how much more correct it is. even more correct, if you live in a large family, then this is the question, and a priori you will have, but not just now they said such important words about iran, yes, that a whole generation has grown up, maybe even already more than one generation, during these 40 years of sanctions, even those who are truly loyal in their country to the point that they are capable of self-sacrifice,
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well, they said about the same thing. at one time about hussein’s guard, yes, when the americans invaded, and that this army of 500,000, it would show the americans who is who, and then it disappeared somewhere, right. unexpectedly, won’t the same thing happen now if the conflict escalates? it’s difficult for me to answer this question, only god knows, i hope that this will not happen, i hope that if we are talking about iran, then generations of iranians brought up in the ideals of the revolution, the islamic revolution of 79, will fight back, ideologically, first of all. but how it will really be, time will tell, i can’t say that everything is so wonderfully beautiful there, that there is no fifth column there, let’s say that there are no young people dreaming of lacy
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panties, encircling panties, and ready to sell everything for an iphone, there this also exists, and there relatively recently the country was burning in the fire of protest. downloaded in exactly the same way as it was in belarus, and before that there were many other places, the technology was developed to the point of automaticity, well, remember these hijab protests, there it all started with absolutely fake history, i give lectures to students and bring this, i apologize for the slang case, as a textbook example, as the most striking example, probably in the last decades, of how it is possible...
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designed for a person who has never been to iran, so this everyone replicated it, so everyone replicated it, it was, of course, it was everywhere according to the principle of saying a lie, but a thousand times it will become true, that ’s what happened, if everyone said about it, if all the media, well, more or less large ones, wrote about it in all european countries, in the usa, then this it’s already an axiom, even the movie is already arguing that she was killed. another question is how many blows did she get and with what? you can still argue about this, but the fact that she was killed is an axiom, it cannot be discussed, and so on. well, what
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happened next, you all know very well, and then the country plunges into chaos, into blood, into molotov cocktails, into an attack on the villagers, into something that has nothing to do with upholding women’s rights, with hijabs, and so on. well, where are the hijabs and where is the attack on the police, and the attack is organized, there there were weapons that were apparently brought there in advance, they were there, i studied this issue, and i was there, i saw it all with my own eyes, leaflets, uh, that means everything was printed out, how to dress, put on sneakers so that you can escape so, how - how to tie this arafat, how familiar is it? wasn’t it like that in syria, everything is exactly the same, in lebanon i was during the lebanese maidan, which began as a holiday, when everyone sang, danced, waved the flag, and today look at lebanon, there is no light, no damn thing at all, they pay in dollars, by the way
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, well, in fact, you remember perfectly well, the maidan also began as a holiday, yes, yes, they all jumped there at first very much, and they said, but back in twenty-three you were in iraq, where more twenty. for years , the united states has not compensated for damages for the military invasion, you have talked and are talking a lot with representatives of palestine, yemen, syria, you know many of them personally, and what is secular europe missing out on by not being interested in the sentiments of this part of the world community, so we personally also analyze a little, yes but we don't we really understand these processes that are happening, they don’t really understand either. they don’t understand, and they have wonderful orientalists, they have a very powerful school, especially if we’re talking about the british, well, i agree with this, the british school, yes, yes, yes, there is also a french school, but there is a slightly
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different story there, yes , they conquered their colonies with fire and sword, the british, on the contrary, they studied, they became big, there sometimes arabs than the arabs themselves, as if they penetrated with their tentacles into the very ... of this world they conquered, but those, those who make the decision do not consider it necessary. in the past, here i repeat my thesis, their
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main mistake is that they, not understanding what they are faced with, not taking into account the wishes of people, still think that they are on the top of the mountain, while china and russia are already nearby , iran has claims, india began to express it unambiguously, yes, as it would like. to see this world, that is, here is china, please, saudi arabia and iran are reconciling on the platform of china, yeah, how did this pass by the united states of america, and this, by the way, is a traditional conflict on which the americans played, they played very well, for many, many years, then china appears as a kind of guarantor, here you go, a political alternative, i ’m keeping quiet about the economy now, well, no, i wouldn’t want you to keep silent about the economy, i have there is one question that... seems to lie on the surface, because
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they talked a lot about it literally in the fall on the eve of the hamas attack, yeah, and then suddenly everyone forgot, i’m talking about biden’s initiative at the g20, which indicated that they were going to open an alternative to the chinese silk road, trade route from india to western europe through jordan, uae, saudi arabia, israel, yes. the mediterranean sea, and so now it turns out that this project can be buried, no, i would not bury it prematurely, well, everything is burning, while everything is burning, it is burning, it will burn, it will burn, but nevertheless the beast driven into a corner is very dangerous, they will fight, they will fight back, they will defend their right to the top of the mountain to the last, china is advancing, they are very afraid of this. really agreed,
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india is a direct competitor, well, yes, of course, of course, they will work with the usa against this background, let’s not delude ourselves, i have a great attitude towards the indians, i always say that we need an india that is not pro-russian, but pro-indian, but today theirs... the usa is very strong, and the closer china comes, the stronger this connection is and the need for an alternative will mature, but who said that this is bad, on the other hand, i am for the market, i am for it, in fact, i am for capitalism and for competition, well, this for a civilized market and civilized capitalism, and of course, where there are no brothers who will come and take it away, well, while they came they are trying to take it away and ban everything. yes, of course, naturally, but china
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is a tough nut to crack, with regard to china, they will not be able to act as they do today with regard to russia, or as they did with iran more than 40 years ago, they continue, oh well, well, here’s the palestinian- the israeli conflict, and returning to it, yes, yeah, most likely, as a result, a new balance of power will emerge, you noted that neither russia nor...
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here china comes out again, i think it’s possible to move this cobblestone from a dead point, china has already demonstrated its political. ambitions on an international scale, well, through brix and sco, through brix and sco, china demonstrated its diplomatic agility, again i bring you back to the peace between iran and saudi arabia, this peace became possible solely thanks to beijing, and not
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only china participated in this long process of reconciliation, but the chinese platform became the decisive factor thanks to which... sorry, just yesterday tehran articulated and directly accused the saudi arabia in inciting the protests that we recently talked about, that is , yesterday they blame saudi arabia for this disaster, and today they have reconciled, and this is thanks to china, that is, china... has demonstrated that it is a full-fledged guarantor of such processes , and an economic guarantor, political and diplomatic, he is ready to take on this role, i think if anyone can become a guarantor in resolving the israeli-palestinian conflict, it is china and russia, together with china, russia,
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why? because we also took a lot a balanced, very correct position, without supporting a single one...
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germany is still paying the price, so the question is existential, either we are returning to that time again, the jewish people are on the edge of the abyss, or we are bombing the gas sector, and today russia showed that there is no either-or, this is this dualism, it is false, there is another path, yes it is thorny, yes it is bloody, yes it is long, but it exists, gentlemen of the israelis, should you follow this path, everything, and this a dead end, you see, and they have nothing to object to, well, look, this begs the question, that it is thanks to the nwo, you gave this example, i really like it, the circle of countries tired of the west is expanding, yeah, this is your quote, yes, the club of countries tired of the west,
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yes, in your opinion, who has already joined it, who is included who is coming to this club, these elections in slovakia... how connected they are, absolutely, and this is the result of the word of mouth, everyone is tired, everyone is tired, the europeans are also tired, the europeans themselves, of course, they would like it too, well, we say about politicians or about peoples, well, we are talking about peoples and about those politicians who are not puppets, who are not grown in a test tube, like they are not soros, let’s call it that, yes, yes, well , look there, i even made a collage at one time, i compared these globalists in france led by macron , they even look similar, it’s true, it ’s as if they were bred in a test tube, which means they were grown and placed in places, but i personally know many of them...


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