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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum this up together. of the day: union integration
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from import substitution to joint aircraft production and recognition of electronic signatures. results of the visit of the prime minister of belarus to moscow. about nato policy and the alliance’s aggression, which belgrade felt. current interview with the minister of health of serbia on our evening broadcast. and work for the benefit of the state is the image of the cleanest country. the date of the republican subbotnik has been approved. my colleagues, will continue to announce the program.
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and open-air dens, we’ll tell you today how cities are turning into heroin ghettos. from test tube to counter , planting of potatoes has begun in belarus. what varieties do farmers rely on and how do scientists help them get a high yield of second grain? 30 years old, through their eyes viewers observe ... the life of the belarusian army, they still occupy a leading position in the country in the production of militeri-style content. the television company voen tv is celebrating its thirtieth birthday. what is she like? the work of a military journalist in modern conditions will be shown in the panoramic story. the agenda of belarusian-russian cooperation is as rich and multifaceted as ever, and the countries are steadily strengthening their integration. 2 days after the president's meeting.
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dollars this year does not stand still, in january-february there was an increase of 2.8%, for it to be sustainable, it is important for both enterprises and the government to be in dialogue all the time. in addition to trade, countries today have great cooperation; it is no longer so easy to list all the industries that are actively supplied to russian market, but today we are going further, building multi-brand centers and a plant. and
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trading houses. the meeting started one on one, and an hour and a half later the wide format. at the large negotiating table are the heads of departments responsible for finance, economics, industry, energy and digital technologies. today belarus and russia are closely linked in all areas. 20 out of 25 import-substitution projects are already working, we are waiting for them. as necessary components for conveyor enterprises in belarus and russia, these are bridges, hydraulic components, gearboxes and reducers. by the way, seven new joint projects are already being discussed today. yes, not without problems, and some issues are delayed in resolution, but in 3 years it is important to implement at least thirty measures in union construction. in order to ensure the unconditional implementation of the key agreements of the heads of state, i consider it necessary to speed up the development and adoption.
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science, along with manned flights, we are actively engaged in space research, jointly introducing them into various sectors of the economy in the interests of citizens our states in the interests of the union state.
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our president announced these negotiations between the prime ministers in moscow last week. then we discussed with our russian colleague the economics of the union of two. noting that the main thing today is the market and...
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special investment agreements, and so on, so we will jointly promote all these instruments, i am sure, after signing. among the industries for capital investment, minsk names tourism and mechanical engineering, we expect to rise above russia’s third place in terms of investment,
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for now we are behind kazakhstan and uzbekistan. it is important to clearly see the market, what it needs, and , of course, not to give in to competitors, for example, agricultural machinery or trucks. position, we are able to jointly fully meet the needs of the domestic market, however, according to the results of last year, the share of chinese equipment, well, i’m taking chinese as an example, there is another one, in the russian truck market, compared to the twenty-second year, increased from 29.5 to 58, 8%, in the segment of wheeled agricultural tractors with power 150,250 horsepower, that is, our classics from 46 to 58%, with...
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components from a russian plant, but today a new agreement was signed on the joint production of an aircraft, a light twin-engine one, this will be our joint property, the terms are clearly defined, as are the responsible ones . it is planned to produce 188 aircraft, and the minimum number that we will have to produce is 50% of this order, or, more simply, we will have to produce 89 aircraft on the territory of the republic of belarus. this is a russian order, then i have an order. which today we have an order that will be paid for, well, the deadlines are very tight, we must already in the republic of belarus the twenty-sixth plant receive the first prototype, which must begin to undergo testing, these are very tight deadlines for the organization of technologies, and design developments, and acquiring
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the necessary equipment to complete this task. microelectronics is developing rapidly here, four new technologies are already in the bag, and we are also creating a scientific and technical center. the beginning of when we accept electronic the signatures of the two states are mutual and so
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that everything happens quickly and easily even with state electronic document management. new export logistics have also become successful for the two countries: we are actively using russian ports and have begun to implement a project to build our own multimodal port in murmansk, counting on good exports. over the past year, by the way, compared to the twenty- second, our transit. one of the important areas of integration between belarus and russia, especially recently, has been space exploration, and today the head of state signed a decree on the implementation of a new joint space project with russia. the document provides for the implementation of the belarusian space system for remote sensing of the earth within 5 years. the project participants from our country and the conditions for their activities have been identified. the result will be the launch
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of a belarusian-russian spacecraft, which will actively exist in orbit for at least 7 years. this project will help ensure national security and become a driver of development knowledge-intensive industries and technologies in the space industry and attracting talented youth to it. in addition, the implementation of the decree will help consolidate the positive. belarus as a space power and a high-tech state, as well as the promotion of domestic knowledge and competence in the field of peaceful exploration of outer space. the republican cleanup will be held in belarus on april 20. the resolution was signed by the government. the funds that will be earned on this day will go gomel regional executive committee for the reconstruction of the memorial complex to child victims of war in the zhlobin region. bressky. the regional executive committee to create a republican center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of
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the kobrin fortification of the brez fortress. 30% of the proceeds will be used for the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes of places of military and military glory located in the regions of the country in the capital. our memory and gratitude for the heroic deeds will never fade. today is 80 days before the main national holiday of the day. independence belarus on the website, on social networks on the youtube channel belarus 1 , a special project of the internet broadcasting directorate starts 80 days before. for almost three months on the official internet resources of the television and radio company. we will talk about significant events that took place before the liberation of minsk, about cities that bravely fought back the soviet wars, about villages that are no longer on the map, about cruel ones. punitive operations of the nazis about the heroes whose names today streets are named.
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colleagues will show the war as the participants in those terrible events remember it with pain, tears, fear, betrayal and true heroism. and while we sacredly honor the memory of soviet heroes, our neighbors suffer from historical amnesia. the latvian authorities have begun to crack down on the city government of the city of rezekna. the reason is a refusal: to give the go-ahead for the destruction of monuments to red army soldiers in the region. the central government has already fired the mayor who defended the monuments, but officially. riga didn't stop there, now a special law proposes to dissolve local self-government and instead create
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temporary, more obedient structures. let me note that last year alone , hundreds of monuments to red army soldiers were destroyed in latvia. the whole world is in suspense over the middle east conflict; its development is difficult to predict. on sunday night, iran attacked targets in israel. according to some reports , two airfields were... out of action. tel aviv immediately announced that it was ready to deliver a crushing retaliatory blow, but after prime minister netanyahu’s conversation with president biden, the american media hastened to write that there would be no answer. evgeny belousov is monitoring the situation. the ball is in israel's court. everything that is happening now in the middle east is becoming more and more like tennis. tel aviv and tehran exchange pleasantries, hoping to provoke a strong reaction from the audience, but at the same time they do not dare to engage in a large-scale confrontation. the hot phase of this story is already more than two weeks old, which
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began with israel striking the iranian embassy in syria. iran before last pull.
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seek, as iran did before, collective support. the west, led by the states, of course, immediately began accusing tehran of regular violations of international law and calling on countries to condemn the aggression. if western missions were under attack, you would not hesitate to take retaliatory measures and prove in this room that you were right. because for you, everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens is sacred. must be protected, that's when it comes to other states, their rights, including the right to self-defense and their citizens, this is different, as you like to say, this includes your favorite argument about the lack of information, legal chicanery and the like, and today in the sbb there is such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards,
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which is somehow even inconvenient to watch, however, despite... their anti-iranian rhetoric, all the same western countries admit that no one needs war; in washington, london, brussels, berlin and others, they called on israel to come to its senses and not escalate tensions in the region. we call on israel don't escalate. in many ways, this was a double defeat for iran. the attack was a complete failure and they showed the world that they were having a detrimental effect on the entire region. therefore, we hope that there will be no retaliatory actions. instead , the world's attention should shift to hamas. the situation froze in a state of tense uncertainty. at the moment, israel has not announced retaliatory measures, but the american media are reporting that they could be carried out today, without warnings. evgeny belausov, mikhail drugakov, television news agency. the politics
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of double standards is rampant in the world, and nato should not exist. said in an interview with the serbian minister of health. danica grujic deals with the consequences of the alliance's aggression against yugoslavia in 1999. during 2 and a half months of bombing , 15 tons of depleted uranium were dropped on these lands in shells. later, the country ranked first in the number of cancer diseases in europe. in the first 10 years, about 30 thousand got cancer people, of which up to 18 thousand died. and all this is not only aggression against the sovereign.
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africa is being revived, south america is being revived, fascist regimes are already consigned to history, who remains the fascists, our western friends, so, so i think that if there were no nato, there would be no war in ukraine. then in ninety-nine , the only president who flew to support yugoslavia was alexander lukashenko, and today the serbs remember this strong act about the bombings and ... the radioactive trace about nato policy today and about the attitude towards belarus, watch the current interview on our evening broadcast. and this is a stronghold of democracy, or rather american lawlessness. another mass shooting in chicago, a nine-year-old girl died, a one-year-old eight-year-old child was taken to the hospital in critical condition. eight more people were injured. chicago
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is becoming one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. with a population of 2.5 million people, there are about 700 murders a year. in addition, extreme entertainment is now gaining popularity in the usa, illegal racing, street racers organize illegal competitions. almost every day, and they often end in the death of participants or spectators, and sometimes in shootings. the american authorities cannot yet cope with the situation. the united states is hit by another wave of drug epidemic. why is it called a national catastrophe, who made billions from someone else’s misfortune, why the war with dorman remains a failure. inaction of the state, cynical pr of politicians and open dens are not. sky, how cities turn into heroin ghettos, look in clear politics, today immediately after panoramas.
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food security, the lawmaking process and the role of every belarusian in it, work with youth, attracting personnel to rural areas, regional development. a wide range of topical issues were discussed during a meeting between the chairman of the council of the republic, natalia kachanova, and the workforce of the glubokoye milk and canning plant. an enterprise with more than half a century of history introduces modern approaches to production and produces about 80 types of natural products. and
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the development and well-being of our country depends on the honest work of each of us on the ground. farmers who are responsible for food security play an important role. the second bread in belarus is grown in most regions of the southwest of the country; almost 2 5 hectares of potatoes will be planted in this area. year in preshchina, science helps to get a rich harvest, about invitro potatoes and the agricultural season 20:24, report by anna buikevich, let's say this plant,
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uh, the technologies that are used here. in the fall they plan to receive 100,000 plants, which will be planted in closed ground on mini-tubers will be received in a special complex. by the way, this year the season for planting second grain in the fields began earlier than usual. bruzhansky district ranks third in terms of subculture area in the southwestern region of the country. a total of 260 hectares, 70 of them in ruzhany agro. our seeds, bris elite , are sorted, calibrated, everything is accordingly. as it should be, as they say, just plant, get the harvest in advance. alexander ploshiev, a machine operator with 35 years of experience in agriculture, says the main thing is to follow all technologies, then the result will please you. i worked on a car, now on a tractor, yeah, on a planter for probably about the eighth season already, probably everything is going perfectly, as it should be, well, we love quality, of course, everything depends on the quality, then the seedlings will be good, i’ll cultivate this moment there are two varieties, these are brice and queen anne, because they
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have. demand, accordingly, goes with the market. the soil warmed up to 80° at the depth of the tuber, depending on where. and accordingly, on april 10, we began and plan to complete planting potatoes as quickly as possible. the land in ruzhany agro is productive, so this year farmers plan to get at least 400 centers per hectare of second grain. this storage facility is designed for 5,000 tons of potatoes; last agricultural season it was almost completely filled. at that time, the company grew bris and manifesto, these are elite varieties that give a good harvest. our storage is modern, there are a total of 12 chambers with artificial cooling, potatoes are stored in winter at a temperature of 3-4° in automatic mode, we mainly specialized in our own, in belarusian varieties, they sell potatoes to the domestic market, some will be left for seeds, by the way, in the current agricultural season
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there is no place for second grain... the farmers plan to complete planting by may 1. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, telenews agency. a good harvest is a combination of many factors. one of the main ones is proper equipment. and here the president sets the task tough. thus , alexander lukashenko’s order to complete the repair of equipment at land reclamation systems enterprises by april 1 was not fulfilled by everyone. the state control committee talked about preparations for... spring season, most of the units were repaired, at the same time , repair of 111 units of equipment was not provided; in a number of enterprises , readiness was attributed in the reports. in addition, some mechanical yards have had disassembled machines standing for several years. such mismanagement of managers was marked by criminal cases. alexander kamovich will continue. at the skidelsky motor transport site there are only a few units of equipment not used in production.
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nevertheless. careful attention to everything, from appearance to the functioning of individual components and assemblies. reclamation equipment is under control, the inspectors’ verdict is unequivocal. the site of the regional obstacle systems, the equipment has been inspected, everything is prepared, everything has been restored, many are now directly performing the work. it cannot be any other way, they say at the enterprise, because the algorithm for preparing equipment for the spring season has been worked out for years, its own repair base, reliable suppliers of spare parts, and as a result.
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which didn’t even get started, one of the mas cars was actually in disassembled, the cabin did not rise; in other boxes , gaz 53 cars, a fuel tanker, and a second were found. also in a dismantled state, which had not been driven for a long time, as well as mowers, a trencher, a gazelle car, the inspectors also had questions about their condition, although after a second inspection, some of the equipment was put into operation. automotive equipment that is not directly involved in the production process is slightly out of repair, further their restoration was not advisable; a number of inaccuracies were made in the reporting, which entailed.
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of land for reconstruction , according to the inventory, we have almost brought all the land into technically sound condition, well, there are small pieces, 200 hectares still need to be brought into proper condition. another anti-example at the river reclamation systems enterprise, the local network of canals is one of the most extensive in the region. there are hydraulic structures, two pumping stations, by the way, they are already being reconstructed. scheduled for twenty fourth twenty-fifth years. in the reports , everything is beautiful on paper, officials reported on their readiness for the new season, but in reality everything is not so smooth. the inspectors and i will determine these deadlines for each specific unit and will adhere to them.
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several units of equipment are assigned to one operator. i myself control the selection of spare parts, we try to repair this equipment very cheaply, so that the main article. expenses was the purchase of spare parts. the controllers had questions about maintaining basic order in the territory, this the mechanical yard of the river enterprise does not at all look like an ideal one; the storage locations for scrap metal, spare parts, and work areas have not been identified, hence the well-deserved remark from state control employees. that year, about 800 hectares of reconstructed minimized lands were put into agricultural rotation and 5,500 hectares were after technical reclamation crops. for this year, the tasks have been set more, so it is necessary to restore all the existing equipment in the gomen region, hundreds of thousands of kilometers of drainage and tens of thousands of kilometers of canals, all of which must be monitored by enterprise systems,
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to carry out maintenance work; in some places , reconstruction without equipment cannot be accomplished with such volumes of work. it must be said that monitoring by state control was carried out weekly, during the inspection it was established that a number of... officials, enterprises of reclamation systems, work, to put it mildly, was not carried out at all, criminal cases were initiated. based on facts of inaction, criminal cases have been initiated against officials of the river reclamation systems enterprise and the state association gomel meleo vothos under the second part of article 425 of the criminal code code of the republic of belarus. in particular , the facts of inaction are associated with the identification of reclamation equipment in a faulty condition in the rechessky district of the gomel region. the number of families of units, these are tractors, bulldozers, excavators, and some of the equipment was inoperative for a long time, time was completed, and for a number of units the necessary components and parts were missing. let me remind you that in december last year the head
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of state was instructed to ensure the restoration of functionality by april 1 of all units of equipment on the balance sheet of reclamation organizations, because all this essentially affects the future harvest, therefore the requirements are the most stringent, discipline and order must be in everything. alexander kamovich, natalia ignatenko, yuri kornilovich. tv news agency. for belarusians who served in the territory of the former soviet republics of latvia and estonia, the period of military service will be included in their work experience when assigning pensions. the president signed a corresponding decree on social support for certain categories of citizens. in belarus. the document was adopted in order to prevent restrictions on the pension rights of citizens permanently residing in our country. this will increase pensions for approximately 180 people. thirtieth birthday.
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today military tv celebrates. through their eyes, viewers observe the life of the belarusian army. the president congratulated the television company’s staff on this significant date, noting their high professionalism and significant successes in formation. victoria radevich will tell you about the simple work of a military journalist. c'mon, speak. crazy speed even today track of the training ground in orsk near volgograd. appear in the frame against the backdrop of an infantry fighting vehicle or record an interview on an armored personnel carrier right on the move. filming on the water, in the mountains in the air. for these guys , it's more the norm than the exception to the rule. making a memorable video is not a problem here; any footage from the testing grounds will already be bright for an inexperienced viewer. i had a moment when we were filming combat use. new mi-35 helicopters that entered service, and we peed in the background and
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the helicopter pilots saw and just hovered over us in our flew to the side, they saw that we were writing, talking about something, and i immediately took my bearings, accordingly, here he flies right above me, i yell into the microphone, and it turned out to be a good standard from the first take, it all started essentially with a small premises of literally one room, a single cell and one official car, of four enthusiastic full-time officers who love their job. two came from the far east, with burning eyes they set to work on the first program on belarusian television about armies in the belarusian language, military right. on april 15, 1994, the history of military television of independent belarus will take its official beginning. and at that time it was very important, because there was such an atmosphere in society when, let’s say, the military was treated very much, i won’t say that it was indifferent, but as the belarusians say, anyhow.
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the operator needs to not only remove these, but also overtake them, this is to remove them again, remove these, that is , the load on him is twice as large, if there is some kind of live fire, we need to remove it, the guys work in the trench right with the soldiers in the same uniform, that is, they are wearing body armor, they are wearing helmets, and they just have a camera in their hands instead of a machine gun, from historical chronicles to modern videos, hundreds of thousands, even millions of views, the videos are getting on the tv company’s social networks , for example, a hurricane covers woodland and we are talking... not at all about natural disasters, about the power of the jet
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system, a visual demonstration or landing of military aircraft mig-29 and su-25, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear 100. we have such a narrow, yet wide a niche, but it’s ours, we’re the pros here, we have access right to any military unit, to any weaponry, that’s why we’re interested. this area is explosive, every word here
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has a huge responsibility, therefore , first of all, in our work we try to very carefully approach those moments that are connected with the military-political situation, with the rearmament processes, with the exercises and maneuvers of our army. studying and testing military equipment, film crews visited almost all corners of the world, to in a word, production voen tv is not only reports and videos on the internet, it is also a music video. great documentaries . the day after our filming, a team of military journalists went to brest to work on the film, a time to remember. its main character will be a museum of saved monuments that are being destroyed by their western neighbors. more generally, voen tv plans to reach the level of a cable tv channel and acquire its own button on tv. it’s too early to talk about timing. but for success in information field that awards and memorable gifts from the minister of defense have already been achieved. today is in their hands. victoria radevich. victor borisov and alexander moguchiy, telenews agency.
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even more national content for every home. the program schedule has been replenished with the belarusian full metro, a closed screening of a comedy filmed by our tv neighbors only, on the ont tv channel, took place today. oh, it seems it has begun. it was a long, difficult process. we will sell, we will sell, we will. viewer and diversifies the news feed. premiere o by belarusians and for belarusians. the secret life of one gas station is revealed on the screen. 129 minutes of exemplary import substitution. in addition, there will also be a tv series version. we need to set strategic goals. today we are in need of a huge
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amount of this kind of production on every tv channel. a year, well, let’s be honest, it’s hundreds of episodes, hundreds. the need itself arose to create, to implement this kind of content, this kind of project, there is a story, there is also something that is very important for us, as for the authors of the script with ilya nikolaevich, so that it is not just entertainment for the sake of entertainment, now there is a lot of humorous content just for the sake of laughing, that is
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, we still tried to lay down some idea, so to speak, based on the traditions of good comedians of the soviet union, that is, it is necessary..
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his performance was supported by professional eminent actors, artistic director of the kupalovsky theater olga nefedova, people's artist of belarus tamara mironova and the dean of the theater department of the academy of arts vladimir mishchenchuk. will appear in one of the episodes russian artist, marat basharov. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye with this, there is a current interview about the bloody policy of nato ahead, and right now the program “understandable politics” will continue the broadcast. stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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there is a clear policy on air. hello, the united states is facing a zombie apocalypse. this is how local media baptized the drug addiction epidemic in the country. they're already calling it. a national disaster, and the number of fatal overdoses is breaking all records. just imagine, a person dies from a drug overdose every 7 minutes in the united states. human. every year , more than 100,000 people lose their lives due to deadly poisons, more than from shootings and car accidents combined.


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