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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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depending on the event, i choose what i need to wear. what will it be like to be a female leader? well, you see, i don’t really understand the difference between a woman leader and a male leader, but i have men subordinate to me, including my deputies, not only women, but also men, it seems to me that if you are a decent person, then it doesn’t depend on besides, you are a woman or a man, you need to... behave normally, otherwise, i don’t know how men lead, i wasn’t one, so i lead as a woman, i try to resolve everything peacefully questions, are you strict with teachers, well, probably yes, i am consistent, but on the other hand, well, teachers are all adults, they do not understand the limits of their capabilities and their responsibilities, so many of them... taught me how i can
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, well, sort of fit in from above, as they say in directing, so i treat them all with respect, but if someone allows some things like being late, if it’s a one-time thing, well, god, anything can happen to them, but if students suffer from this, but we have to take all measures, but fortunately this does not happen often, so this is not a relationship, you know, there is some boss who, we are all colleagues, we... are all doing a common job, and somewhere, i i told you that i work as a professor in the department, i come there, and there is the head of the department, who seems to be my subordinate, but in general he is my boss, within the framework of this department, so you need to do what the professor of this department must do, well, how -it’s all so complicated, it seems to me that your job is very stressful, how do you relieve stress, the work is nervous, i can read, do some sitting,
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but when it’s really hard, you need to add physical activity, you just stand and squat, 100 times, so these are very standard techniques, switching attention, first of all it’s physical activity, take a walk somewhere, somehow everything is very simple, the yellow sector is to your right, natalya, show business stars study at your university, and... do you make excuses for them in exams? well, first of all, i don’t take exams from them, their teachers take exams from them, as far as i know, no, they have no concessions, and the concessions are expressed only in the fact that if, for example, they have some kind of concert where they are busy, it’s important, yes, they may receive a letter asking them to reschedule their exam, then the teacher goes to the meeting, and there, let’s say, not today, but tomorrow, they pass... this exam, but
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you understand how show business stars will still have to receive a state diploma and fulfill the state standard, so everyone learns something in the same way, maybe it works for someone teachers, this image of a wonderful media person who can do something extra, but not everyone, it seems to me that sometimes it’s even more difficult for them, because someone asks them especially meticulously, but... they haven’t complained yet, so far all show business stars successfully pass exams and study successfully. continue the sentence: the belarusian state university of culture and art is a place where culture lives. nowadays bguki are called the word kulek, and as in your student years they called different names, but it seems to me that now it’s just not they call it a bag, i am often asked how we feel about this. to be honest,
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we are quite nervous, you know, you can translate the bag there, i don’t really like anglicisms, but nevertheless, yes, from the word cult there is cool and so on and so forth, but i once answered someone said: “oh one of our employees says to us: you answered perfectly, we will wrap many more in this bag, because well, i don’t like, of course, when they speak disparagingly, but sometimes, well, it’s just a name, but in order not to talk for a long, long, long time. but we don’t like it, honestly, tell me, can a person with a black soul, in your opinion, be cultured, he may be, suffixes sometimes decide, cultured, so you understand the difference between pure and pure, but a person with a callous soul can be cultured , that is, outwardly he will be very polite, very like that, but - culture is generally
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cultivation and the desire to give, yes, give your time, your soul, and so on, if you have the callousness that you give there, nothing is pinched off from there, therefore according to by and large, i think... no, what for you in general is considered a cultured person, what kind of person? this is a person who respects those around him, respects his country, respects his family, respects the world, yes, in which he lives, strives to make it better, because i already said, the first meaning of the word culture is cultivation, this is something, what you create, in a broad sense, culture is everything, everything that you wear, everything... that appeared unnaturally, yes, somehow created by the work of other people, do you think myself as a cultured person, well, i’m trying to get closer, but this is a process all the time, because if i say, i’m still cultured, otherwise i recognize my own perfection there, i’ll close myself and i don’t know, all my development
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will stop while a person lives, he’s i have to strive for something, to develop somewhere, to analyze myself, that’s why i strive. the next question is from the purple sector. what role does your career play in your life? you may not believe this, but this was not the goal of my life, that is, if you asked me what i wanted to be once not at one stage would i tell you that i would like to be a rector there or something else, i just wanted to do. well, it so happened that, well, they probably noticed some of my abilities and capabilities, thank you very much for noticing? what do you have to give up for work? well, from additional rest, from reading
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more fiction, because i am forced to read mostly dissertations, both of my own and not of my graduate students, from which one? it's probably not doing anything, it's just something idle unnecessary communication, well, although it is never superfluous with your own children, well, some things related to time, that is, if you could compress time, of course you could get more done, but i try to keep up, how do you manage to combine work and personal life, well, you just take... you combine it, well, what does personal life mean? i go to work, my husband goes to work, my husband also works at the same job that i do, only in a different position, where i can sometimes watch a play that he has prepared students, the youngest son leaves for study at
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8:30 and returns very late, because he also has rehearsals, then there may be a performance, and so on and so forth, everyone comes with... we replace them at dinner with conversations about if we are still we can talk about how someone’s day went, well , this is just ordinary life, i don’t understand the division between work and personal life, that is, personal life, time free from work, of course, when you work, well you work, well, the only advantage is that you can see your husband, for example, by chance in in the corridor of the university, when he... is carrying some kind of decoration with students to rearrange somewhere, this is an additional reason to see each other, therefore, well, it somehow happens so naturally, not artificially. further, the black sector, to your right, natalya, i think that you know the concept in creativity -
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taste, so, whether you think that you have good taste or not, i was once told that or i read, i don’t remember somewhere that taste is an opportunity to choose. not just find one thing, yes, but choose from a large variety is what is more appropriate, for example, for a given situation, or for a given project, or for something else, or for you personally, so uh, i hope that i have a good one, but it depends on observation, well, well, in some ways, they say that an artist must be hungry, but what do you think? i am against saturation, and also against not paying artists in the broad sense of the word, because we always told our children, well, in the sense of students, children, well, you come here, get a profession, it’s exactly the same job, yes she connected with creativity, there with the muse, if she
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comes or doesn’t come, but this is your job, you must be able to earn a living from it, and feed your children, so of course i’m talking about... nothing will dance either, for example, there it will fall into frills and well, that’s it, i think that a person should have a decent standard of living, sufficient, yes, decent, but it’s even worse when satiety sets in, when you have everything, and you’re already starting to get mad, talent is it is a necessary condition to create something worthwhile or you can achieve a result long work, well, of course, it’s easier for talented people, it’s just, well...
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probably teaching abilities, i’m just interested in this in itself, and i’m interested in seeing this result in students, and probably they have a talent in communicating with people, so that people moved in one direction to achieve some goals. we move on to the next question: red sector, please . my question is: what is the most uncivilized thing you have ever done? downright uncultured, now you have to think, but i
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, unfortunately, allow myself to be obscene to express myself, probably, yes, but so, well , i try, i don’t know, not to throw away papers, this, by the way, is also interesting, there are also differences in cultures, when you come to china, this is an amazing country, i remember that my colleague i was looking for a chewing gum wrapper, where to throw it away, and there is no trash can anywhere, i say, i think they throw everything here, it’s not there, we came from belarus, we’ll find a trash can now, we’ll throw it away, i can’t throw this candy wrapper like that , in general, we found this trash can, threw it out, then at the hotel we saw, in general, an amazing hotel, a five-star hotel, everything is clean, clean, clean and there is a person there, which means he quits smoking right away, which means he quits his cigarette. right on the floor, the person who cleans immediately comes up, but there are just a lot of them, everyone needs to be provided with work, here
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they are, some litter, others clean, they are very clean, but we can’t afford to do that, we’re not very a lot, so we need to take care of everything we have, and well, we don’t need to become similar in this sense, but this is also a difference in culture. do you think your children are proud of you? i think yes, yes, i really do want children, for me to be a doctor of science, in this i let them
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down, for now, if they told you that a woman cannot be a leader, what would you answer, let’s check, a woman cannot be a leader, let’s look at you, everything is in your hands, i it seems, girl, there are a lot of good examples, one of them is beautiful in front of you. how do you feel about modern youth? with love, i relate to modern youth, i understand that it depends on you, in general, how my old age will pass, and not only mine, therefore - honestly, i don’t like phrases regarding what bad youth, they said the same thing about us before us, they said the same thing about our parents, but i understand that you are all.
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the country is right, you love, well, the place where you live, there, i don’t know, your home, it’s clear that maybe you would like it to be a little better, yes, perhaps, perhaps everything suits you. it seems to me that i say all the time that education is not about sitting down at a desk, so let’s hear about everything about how to love, you should just, well, i understand for myself that this is the best place for me, for me, my country is the best, by the way, i never wanted to leave anywhere, i always really liked it here, i
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fly straight to the airport and it feels good, you know, or they call... they ask, how are you doing there, for example, in some exotic country, he says, i love my homeland so much, especially when some difficult things are associated with the difference in mentalities, and i am aware that for them their homeland is the best, but for me it’s mine when you will reach my age older, i hope you all will feel that it's right the best place for you, and hello, here’s katya, what are you most afraid of? and i ’m afraid of war and i’m always afraid for the health of my loved ones, well, it seems to me that these are natural fears of any person, they especially become aggravated when a person has his own children , now it seems to you that in general
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everything is fine when you, i just remember there , now from global topics let’s move on to... for example, when you climb fences as a child, you don’t even understand why your parents are worried there, yes, when you have your own child, your heart freezes if he does something there, so of course, these are the things that are basic, and well, i thought that i would never be afraid of war again, well, because in our time it was very relevant, that’s all in my childhood they were afraid, they were afraid, but i’m so impressionable, well , unfortunately...
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in another country in the world, but nevertheless they come, and the most pleasant thing is when you come on a business trip, and those are from different provinces of china, it’s it's a big country, and it's quite a long flight; your graduates are flying in to say thank you, either show something or something else, discuss some joint projects,
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so from this point of view, well, i see how many foreigners are not only in our university. but in another, everyone knows how to count money, they study not for free, they spend it so that later they receive a decent level of wages in their country, or stay in ours, depending on who it is, so we work so that our the level of education was valued everywhere. there is an opinion that poor students achieve greater success. do you agree with him? well i don't i saw very successful poor students, among those people who perhaps exist, but i didn’t see them, among, say, my classmates who graduated, i was not the only medalist, we had 11 people in the class who graduated with a medal, those fairly successful people, for example, and those people who
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occupy, for example, high positions in our country, well, none of them were bad students, if not... graduates and excellent students, there are also a lot of them, then people studied quite well , so i don't know where this one comes from this myth regarding the fact that students with poor and bad students achieve success, maybe, you know, due to this adventurism, perhaps some kind of, i’m here in some areas this is probably good, but in other areas somewhere it’s just being a bad student or nothing for a c student. i recommend everyone to study full-time and i’m very glad that i completed 5 years of full -time education, because in
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the process of studying at a university you not only gain knowledge, connections are formed, connections are not in the bad sense of the word, in a good way, and even more so we have such a specialized university, in fact , most of those who work in culture graduated from ours at some point in different years, and this... is very important when, for example, the director knows the artist, the artist knows the choreographer, there is someone, yes , these are not questions of personal relationships, these are questions of, well , developing some kind of cooperation models that are then feasible in the production of a product, well, such a creative one, there are the same student teams that our students also have, they then remember how they went , for example, in camp counselors and what they did there, so i think, yes, firstly, you are young, you are healthy, you have everything ahead, you don’t have a burden of disappointments there, it seems that everything can be fixed, so it seems to me, yes, this is
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the best time, please tell me one of the most unusual cases from your student days, i’ll tell you a funny incident, ah, well, i told you that my dad was a coach, and a ballet coach, well, i mean, choreographers are all obsessed with be thin, well, because boys... need to raise girls and so on, and i took it from my dad, then it was not possible to find all the equipment, which could be some kind of bolognese pants, so that it meant sweating and losing weight in general and everything else, then i brought these bologna pants to someone else, and my classmate comes up to me, absolutely serious about vedas, it’s very easy to deceive me, i’m very trusting and natasha comes up and says, i say that in such a tragic voice they told everyone who... studies in bologna to come to the department, i’m terrified, well because for us it’s now our students they go to the department, to the dean’s office, almost to the rector’s office, it’s like, well, it’s like home, in our
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time it was, so you were called to the department, i say what happened, i think that ’s it, in general, now we’re something- he will do this to us, and he is like, well, they told everyone who is involved in bologna to come to the department, i say that it will be, he says, well, they will give skis, well... like this, it was funny to me then, so he and split us up, well, they didn’t give us skis, and no one called us anywhere, so we lost weight anyway, the next question is from purple sector to your left, do you think higher education in the modern world is obligatory, mandatory, but in general i am in favor of having a fairly high level of education, there is a so-called human development index, and the more educated the environment, the more highly developed state, there are products that can...
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for others, if a person has a talent, i don’t know, for welding, relatively speaking, then perhaps he doesn’t need a higher education, he’s happy in it, he’s useful, he loves it there his job, why should he get additional money if he doesn’t want it? can artificial intelligence replace creative professions in the future? i really hope not, because all the same , artificial intelligence is based on some indicators, but for a person, well , he himself will still produce an unoriginal product, and even now... let’s say the text, we check for plagiarism, let’s say articles or something else, and it gives out, you can immediately see when the text is generated by artificial intelligence, but this
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is still not a work of art, i generally i don’t understand this very deeply, i’m not an expert here, i’m expressing my opinion, it seems to me that art always has some kind of drawback, anyway, this is not an ideal model that has been calculated, that is, let’s say in a task of harmony, in music, yes, you can... if you follow all the laws, you can allow some minor nonsense, but you will get a result that is more interesting than everything written correctly according to the laws, yes, so i hope that this is right in the broad sense of the word, artificial intelligence will not replace high works of art, please tell me, how not to make a mistake when applying and choosing? a profession that you really like is also a simple answer, you need to listen to yourself, sometimes they advise you to take career guidance testing,
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it probably... helps someone, but it’s also not absolutely, yes, because for me, for example, mathematics is suitable for working there, as it turns out, i went through it for myself, but i have a different way out, so i need to look at my inclinations, what works out better in any case, what you like, because well, it’s also an old, old saying, find yourself a job that you love, you will never work a day, you will have fun...
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so that the number of these cases is as small as possible, but they will still inevitably happen, unfortunately, someone will make mistakes, so think very carefully about what you want, what you want to do. next question, to your right, black sector, what is the most interesting place you have ever danced in? and this is the most interesting thing place, but for me, when i was 15 years old, we
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went. our university is involved, that’s why i also help there as a choreographer, so at the end of december, let’s dance, come on, it’s great, but just all together, well, let’s become, this is not dancing, this is... no, what’s going
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on everywhere - it’s just me, and this is called quality, yes, that’s how i didn’t dance, of course, the sunset, happiness is a fool, these will smile, we would like to grind better than we can. applause, how great it is! thank you!
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this signal means it's time for questions! class, what school do you study? my name is who asked this question and tell me which ksyusha, i study at the twenty-fifth gymnasium in 10 b. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest: go out onto the site. where are our promotional products, what if you want to become our student, and you will already have our cup, our sweetshot, and in general everything, come guys, thank you very much, don’t be afraid to be leaders, it’s not scary. natalya, and now you have the opportunity to ask the children your own question, but i actually have two of them, the first question is, would you like it in a few
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years? find yourself in this chair, find yourself in it, what question would you not want to hear addressed to you, of course. i wanted to be in this chair, because if you find yourself in this chair, of course, this is a famous person, what is the most difficult question that you would not like to receive, this is probably something from your personal life, or, for example, the most , so to speak, a shameful incident from childhood, thank you, i probably would like turn out, but i don’t like questions about salary, because now there are people who look at a person and compare how much... he wears, how much he costs, i think that salary is a question that is not advisable to ask , hello, yes, i would like to be in this chair someday, because it means that you have become some kind of successful person,
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and many are interested in just listening to answers to all sorts of questions, and how you share your experience, well, probably now i i wouldn't name any awkward question that would be for me, thank you very much, i thank you very much... arts natalya korchevskaya today is visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, here i will ask you to stay. natalya, what was the most difficult question for you today? probably the question is, can the question that i chose as the best one, can a woman be a leader, or rather, what can she not do? there is a question about the most uncivilized thing in my action, how the children surprised you with some of their very conscious approach and their sincerity, i am very glad, that i visited today. today you managed to answer 68 questions, tell me, if we
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call you again, you will agree to transfer, with pleasure. i am addressing our young audience. do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? raise your hands if you think so. i think that the heroine was as honest as possible, her answers were very open, she knew what she was talking about, she didn’t invent anything, because there was simply no time for that, but to me the heroine seemed very open, inviting, it’s clear that human passionate about his work and passionate about art. who thinks that natalya vladimirovna was, well , cunning today, didn’t say something, tried to hide something from you? hands up. there is one person, i believe that she understands that we are still children, and she decides to keep silent about some things, i will not give examples, to be honest, there is some
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truth in this, after all, with minor children you will not have any... then discussing things loads them with information that is understandable to an adult . natalya vladimirovna, we have this usually the last word. always behind the hero, summarize the conversation that took place. and in art it is very important - this feeling of partnership, and i would like to wish all our children that they always understand that in the big sense of the word we are all a big, big team, even if we may not know each other, but someday we will know , all of us together must make our lives better, the life of our country better. rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts natalya korchevskaya is visiting today the program has 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next
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issue. winner of the third season of the show. factor. daniil savenya. does being called a person with disabilities offend you? would you be able to give up everything you have in exchange for sight? if i close my eyes now and try to walk, i will fall. do you often fall? can a song change the world, such as stopping war or violence? how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? can i hug you? 100 questions an adult, but even you can’t help, and
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your darkness, to me alone, is absolutely, completely useless.
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we are belarus, the people of the father of flantation, and we are so proud that we will bring glory to the free land. hail to our land, blessed name, hail to the people, short union, our beloved, matsirokima, our centuries, meladu, our beloved mother.
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hail the god, layer the earth, even the light and name, glory to the peoples of the prover union, our beloved mother, slave, live forever. and belarus, our beloved mother,
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plorus, friendship of peoples, strength of peoples, the present victorious, solichny way. bor ours is a clear apple joy, hail the earth, our light goes on, the layers of the people of the ancestral union, our beloved. let us know that belarus,
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our beloved mother, is yours, as much as we could. evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: union integration from import substitution to joint aircraft production and recognition of electronic
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signatures. results of the visit of the prime minister of belarus to moscow. about nato policy and aggression alliance, which belgrade experienced, a relevant interview. with the minister of health of serbia on our evening broadcast. and work for the benefit of the state is the image of the cleanest country. the date of the republican cleanup day has been approved. my colleagues will continue to announce the program. belarus and russia will work together to assemble a light twin-engine aircraft. the agreement was signed today in moscow, following negotiations between the prime ministers of the two countries. historical facts, declassified documents.
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from test tube to counter, planting of potatoes has begun in belarus. what varieties are they made for? the farmers' rate and how scientists help to obtain a high yield of second grain. for 30 years, viewers have been watching the life of the belarusian army through their eyes; they still occupy a leading position in the country in producing military-style content. the voentv television company celebrates its thirtieth birthday. what kind of work a military journalist is like in modern conditions, we will show in the story. the agenda of belarusian-russian cooperation is as rich and multifaceted as ever, and the countries are steadily strengthening their integration. 2 days after the president’s meeting in moscow , the prime ministers spoke about the economy, import substitution and investment. the plans are impressive: we will assemble airplanes together, and
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this is a new level of cooperation. in general, trade and economic relations between belarus and russia are developing successfully. yes, we cannot do without controversial issues, but it is important that we are ready to resolve them; svetlana lukyanuk has details. last year's record trade turnover of $53 billion does not stand still this year. in january-february there was an increase of 2.8%. everything is important for it to be sustainable it's time for both businesses and the government to be in dialogue. in addition to trade, countries today have great cooperation; it is no longer so easy to list all the production facilities that are actively supplying the russian market, but today we are going further, building multi-brand centers, factories and trading houses. the meeting started one on one, and
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after an hour and a half a wide format, at a large negotiating table, the heads of departments who are responsible for... and for them we are waiting for the much needed components for conveyor enterprises in belarus and russia, these are bridges, hydraulic units, gearboxes and reducers. by the way, seven new joint projects are already being discussed today. yes, not without problems, and some issues are being delayed in resolution. but in 3 years it is important to implement at least thirty measures in union construction. in order to ensure the unconditional implementation of the key agreements of the heads of state, i consider it necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of these plans as a single package. as i said, most of these joint plans
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have been approved, i think three or four, so those, well, traditionally for us, which are difficult , are mainly energy related. here, but i think we don’t need to tear up the package, we need to give instructions and finalize these documents in order to accept them, as i already said, as a single package, but there are many joint plans, from earth to sky and even higher, we are developing space, the first flight of our marina vasilevskaya is a great work of scientists, where the benefits are mutual. an unprecedented level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of high technology, science, along with manned flights. we are also engaged in space research, jointly introducing it into various sectors of the economy in the interests of the citizens of our state in the interests of the union.
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this is enough for both you and us, so we will endure, we have a market, we have resources, we can, we understand what needs to be done, those loans that were allocated for joint projects of the russian federation are 100 billion, remember, already 81 billion, projects are starting to work, we are building factories and so on, we were worried about microchips, etc., well, we’re getting by, we’re getting by, we’re starting our own develop, and i think,
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in the segment of wheeled agricultural tractors with a capacity of 150,250 horsepower, that is, our classics from 46 to 58%; in the road construction equipment market this figure generally exceeded 70%. and we, together with the ministry of industry and trade, see this situation in russia, analyze it, and develop response measures, in particular. on the introduction of a recycling fee, but we understand that we also need to act quite carefully on this track. the prime minister of belarus calls for work on
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critical import substitutions. top now namely aviation. yes, we supply components and components from the russian plant, but today a new agreement was signed on the joint production of a light, twin-engine aircraft. this will be our joint property. the deadlines are clearly defined, as are those responsible. it is planned to produce 180. technologies, design developments, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment to complete this task. microelectronics is
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clearly developing here, four new technologies are already in the bag. we are also creating a scientific and technical center for crystal production, but tank building is still going downhill, although this equipment is definitely needed. for manufacturers of passenger equipment and not only new opportunities , the agreement on the recognition of digital electronic signatures opens up new opportunities. it was also signed today; this is an important element of participation in government procurement, and it was one of the barriers that slowed down work earlier. in our country, this procedure has been going on for a long time with electronic document management, now this is the first step to ensure that between our allied states exactly the same the process, the process went electronically, so today's agreement is the beginning of when we recognize.
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and today the head of state signed a decree on the implementation of a new joint space project with russia. the document provides for the implementation of the belarusian space system for remote sensing of the earth within 5 years. the project participants from our country and the conditions for their activities have been identified. the result will be the launch of a belarusian-russian spacecraft, which will actively exist in orbit
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for at least 7 years. this project will help ensure. national security will become a driver for the development of high-tech industries and technologies in the space industry and attracting talented youth to it. in addition, the implementation of the decree will help consolidate the positive image of belarus as a space power and a high-tech state, as well as promote domestic knowledge and competencies in the field of peaceful space exploration. republican cleanup will be held in belarus. april. the resolution was signed by the government. the funds that will be earned on this day will go to the gomel regional executive committee for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of war in the zhlobin region. the brez regional executive committee to create a republican center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. 30% of the proceeds will be used for the
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reconstruction of memorial complexes instead of combat and military ones. glory located in the regions of the country in the capital. our memory and gratitude for the heroic deeds will never fade. today, 80 days before the main public holiday of independence day of belarus , a special project, the directorate of internet broadcasting 80 days before, starts on the website on social networks on the youtube channel belarus 1. for almost 3 months on official internet resources. radio company we will talk about the significant events that took place before the liberation of minsk, about the cities that bravely fought back the soviet wars, about villages that are no longer on the map, about brutal punitive operations of the nazis about the heroes whose names today streets are named. colleagues will show the war as the participants in those terrible events remember it, with pain,
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tears, fear, betrayal and true heroism. and while we sacredly honor the memory of soviet heroes, our neighbors suffer from historical amnesia. the latvian authorities have begun. with the city government of the city of rezokny. the reason is to refuse permission to destroy monuments to red army soldiers in the region. the central government has already fired the mayor, who protected the monuments, but official riga did not stop there. now a special law proposes to dissolve local self-government and instead create temporary, more obedient structures.


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