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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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[000:00:48;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is
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news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear
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inga klimova and dmitry hamilin. oh, daughter, are you awake already? yes, but what is it? did you dream about something? no, i was just thinking. is dad up yet? yes, for a long time, you know, he hasn’t been sleeping well lately, what should i do with you, i don’t really know, come late, get up early. yes, dad and i are two boots together. just don't touch anything, i'll do it myself
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i'll clean everything up, okay. of course, of course, of course. at least we’ll have breakfast together, but what happened? yes, i had a terrible dream, imagine it’s as if dima and i were doing a program, don’t forget the fruit salad, everything is amazingly delicious, thank you, dear, good luck, we’re good, daughter, if you hurry, i can give you a ride to the institute, thank you, dad, i’ll be there in a jiffy , so i didn’t understand, breakfast, and we’re already late, go ahead, thank you, no, well, that’s what i should do with them. what should i do with you, you have no idea how real this was a dream, i’m just i felt like i was hit, but you’re just nervous before the championship, and your partner is new, it’s good that mom
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didn’t hear anything about your dream, yeah, she would have to call an ambulance, i’ve actually been so worried about her lately that i’ve been trying to help her not telling anything, that’s right, you need to take care of your mother, by the way, when you introduce her to your partner. with dimka? yes. what for? what do you mean why? i need to know who i trust with my daughter. dad, she and i are just riding together. not just, in pairs. and there must be complete mutual understanding between you so that you never had dreams like this later. or are you not sure about him? what are you talking about, dad, he’s an excellent skater, the coach says he’s very talented. okay, i convinced you, i understood everything about your dimka. come on, sit down, let's go. tritka, how late can you be, you also
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turned off your phone, don’t be angry, i’m just built like that, the way she’s set up now, the teacher will suit you, if you don’t retake the test, let’s go faster, ingan, i can’t do it today, aren’t you ready again, inga, i read your work is very talentedly written, thank you very much, i must admit it will be a sincere pity if in the end you choose sports, you can make an excellent
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journalist, sorry, sorry, on friday, that ’s how i promise, you know, i can’t stand it when, here i have to, well, that’s it, that’s it, this is the last time i wanted to ask you. can you take me to training with you? listen, we're already late. there are still 5 minutes, so what? well, i told you that the coach is categorically against it when he tribs outsiders, please, well, i really need it, you understand, i just really like dimka i like him, and it seems to me that he likes me too, but the last time we saw each other, he looked at me like that, please, i’ll sit quietly, the coach won’t notice me at all, oh well, i ’ll think of something , thank you, that's it, we have to go, let's go, let's go.
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well, actually, am i waiting for an explanation, or is it normal for us to be 10 minutes late? no, we don’t have to perform at all. sorry, mind your own business if it's more important to you. so, i'll be right back, what are we standing for? we're sliding down, what 's wrong with her, i'm recognizing her for the first time in my life, not pay attention, she’s at the sports committee, what happened there, she’s already not in the mood, so it’s better not to anger her, let’s go, wait, rit, come here, meet me, hello, hello, this is margarit, your friend, that’s right, very nice, but i’m afraid that margarita inga will get very upset, and i just wanted to arrange an interview with you for a minute, take a closer look, about an interview... with me, well, yes, but for my diploma i need an interview with young athletes, of course, talented, you’re talented, it won’t take much time, well
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come on, we agreed, it’s great, who else is this? this is my friend, she really wanted to watch our training, can i? no, i think i’ve already said it, i don’t want to repeat it, there’s no place for outsiders, is that clear? yes, why are we standing there, working? well, i’ll wait for you there, come on, i came to the competition, i had to visit while there was no ice. we had the same situation, listen, maybe i should do this right today, what are you talking about, well, i’m talking about the interview, it seems to me that he didn’t expect it at all, okay, as long as he agreed to pick up, listen, let’s do it as if she had already left, i mean, well, it’s just that if i invite him somewhere, he will invite us all to go together, you know, well, well, please, well, you don’t care, but i ’ll figure it out. what can i say, why did you
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run away earlier, okay, thank you, then see you tomorrow, bye tomorrow, hi, hi, listen, maybe let’s go and have coffee together, why not, let’s go, i’ll do an interview at the same time, come on, hi, dad , hi, mom is already asleep, yes, what’s wrong with her. something happened? no, i'm just tired. well, of course, you do n’t have to tell me anything, but i see that something has been happening to you lately, i would like to hope something good, maybe you have fallen in love, but no, of course, and with no one, well, isn’t there anyone, but you and your mother were lucky, you met, fell in love with each other friend, got married, live for so many years, in perfect harmony, this is such a rarity now. it’s true, it’s true, i
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love you and your mother very much, at first i wanted to play hockey, but my mother sent me to figure skating, for which i am of course very grateful to her, although a couple of times i was determined to quit, but i had a coach, a world-class man, he says: if you decide to give up on sports, first of all throw away the guns. but only in the morning, at night, put them next to each other and that i didn’t sleep a wink all night, in the morning i grabbed my skates and ran to training, but this is fortunate, otherwise we would have lost the future olympic champion, well, it’s too early to talk about this, everything is still ahead, tell me, sports don’t interfere with your personal life, absolutely, that is, in your sports schedule you can easily find time for your girlfriend, in my schedule, unfortunately, i
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’m old-fashioned... yes, well, yes, of course, i understood everything, yes, notes understand me too, svetlana is now having an exacerbation, she shouldn’t worry, but i know you shouldn’t either, by the way, i bought a bath for the baby, i’ll come by tomorrow, drop it off and tell him that
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dad misses him. this is something i’m not happy about at all, but i’m glad, of course, it’s just that something happened at home, what happened, let’s go, i’ll tell you, let’s go, this is news, and how are you now, i have no idea, when did this happen? i heard, i immediately ran away from the house, otherwise i wouldn’t have been able to stand it and told my father everything, and do you think your mother will realize that your father has a second family, but of course not, sick? she definitely won’t forgive him for this,
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i don’t even know how to tell her, i don’t understand, hello, honestly, she has a bad heart, i can’t remain silent either, in general, i don’t know what to do, well, talk to your father, maybe you’ll i misunderstood everything, but i wrote him a text message so that he would meet me today after training, well, everything will be fine, let's go, let's go, come here, don't fuss before the release, follow the rhythm,
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push and roll the arc. well, okay, but you’re having an affair, hide it if you want, the main thing is that it doesn’t affect your work, emotions, feelings in dancing are wonderful, but , in my opinion, you have a love triangle with your friend, but there is no triangle, dimka has roman with margarita, and we are just partners, just partners, don’t worry, we 'll skate great tomorrow, i promise. everything hurts after yesterday in general, for some reason i’m so tired, hello, sorry, hello, don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll skate properly, i promise you that, i hope, maybe we’ll go have coffee together, let’s chat, listen,
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i can’t, i’m dad waiting, okay, hello, hello, inga, finally, what happened, the light left the house before dawn, you don’t answer calls, i want to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long and deceived me and my mother, you about what, you know what and where you learned from, you don’t care how you could, well, i don’t know what to tell you. it turned out, an excellent excuse, when you are going to tell your mother about this, in fact, i was not going to tell her anything, that is, you will be an enemy to everyone, okay, i’ll tell you myself, inga, wait, you you know, my mother has heart problems, and before you might have thought about it, she won’t be able to understand me, i beg you, let’s leave everything as it is, it will never
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be as it is, why did you ruin everything, i told you i believed so, and you? inga, wait for me, inga, hello, yes, hello, dim, hello, i’m talking about the interview, tell me, could you come for a while, why, last time we seemed to have discussed everything, yes, but we need to sign it, well, sign it myself, i trust you, but you can’t do that, you know, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear that i i concocted the interview myself, help me out, please, i just have to hand it in tomorrow, okay, dictate the address, write it down, big stable 17, apartment 195, well, i read it, everything seems
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to be fine here, that’s great, but i made coffee, you’ll be there, yes , let's. is this your boyfriend ? no, this is sashka, ingin’s boyfriend, he’s in the army now, inga has a boyfriend, well, yes, she just doesn’t tell anyone about him, she’s afraid of jinxing him, they have such love. coffee. oh, i’m a slob, i stained my blouse,
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i’ll change quickly now. "what are you doing, haven't you realized anything yet? i fell in love with you from the very first sight, so, don’t you really like me at all?” “ ridka, pick up the phone. oh, inga, hi, why didn’t you call? yes , i called, but you don’t pick up the phone, i really need to talk to you, but i’m sorry, i can’t
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right now, i’m not alone, i’ll probably go, but why did you come? forgive me, daughter, go to your mother, she can’t be alone now, i hope you will forgive me someday. we will tell you about the progressive experience
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of various organizations in our country and the goal was to create not just a museum, atmosphere, all this did not happen in one bellows, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict leadership of our district and region,
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the ministry. you and i live in modernity, we believe that
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every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity, everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we look for meanings where they are not there, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow explain why? they put a man at the post of such a huge state grandfather, who doesn’t remember his name, but this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for such a life of prayer, you ’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god is with everyone says in private with his heart, every person is an individual, tell me the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on
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the belarus tv channel. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. either karavod or vayavod. harago, harago,
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all the spectators are in full view, in full view. mom, dad, it turns out he has it, mom, i know, daughter, you’re my darling, god, how hard it is for you, mom. please, you can’t be nervous, i never thought that this could happen to us, that’s enough, mom, you can’t worry, stop, my father didn’t want to go out because of this, and i won’t be able to, like before, he asked for an appeal, stood on my knees, and i, i
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can’t, i won’t be able to forgive him either, i trusted him so much. “mom, that’s enough, stop talking about it, the main thing is that we are together, we are strong, we can handle it, do you hear, lord, daughter, it’s so good that i have you, daughter, for some reason i’m so worried, in my opinion, more than you, mom, this is just a general run-through, i’ll start to worry when we skate,
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don’t worry, you’re my favorite talented, svetlana, calm down, otherwise you will need a doctor now. where are your pills? yes, in my bag somewhere i don’t remember, what’s the difference? everything will be fine. you are parents, yes, hello, how is she, your daughter is still in intensive care, fortunately her life is not in danger, oh, thank god,
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doctor, hello, i’m a coach, what’s wrong with her a concussion or a fracture, unfortunately, all together, an ankle, a displaced fracture, well , plus a concussion, yes, this will last for a long time, can she remain disabled? i won’t make any predictions, there will be a long treatment ahead, well, rehabilitation, but you can go to her, your parents, yes, just you need to put on dressing gowns and shoe covers, come with me, thank you, please, appeal, larisa vasilievna. that a bad concussion, a displaced fracture, yes, at best, six months of rehabilitation, it’s all my fault, i’ll never forgive myself, so i’ll never forgive you,
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you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just an accident, light, calm down, this is impossible, but how can you, maybe you ’ll tell me now so that i don’t see you close by, understood me, calm down, listen, never mind, she can be understood, i understand, she’s right, stop it, this is a sport, and you know very well, this can happen to anyone, we don’t have any without injuries, this is normal, so okay, i’ll let you down, thank you, i want to take a walk, i’m with
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you, i want to be alone, bye. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you can’t get up yet, doctor, just tell me honestly, i’m more. i won’t be able to go flying, i see, i see that i’m an athlete, i need results right away, but first of all you need to be patient now, because the treatment is going to be long, you’ve broken your leg, great, but this is not a death sentence, we’ll figure it out, just there’s no need to rush, you and i have a long distance between ourselves, but...
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the main thing for me is to distribute the forces, i understand, without tears, please, try to calm down yourself,
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inge are only needed... you count, in 5 minutes, a certified journalist, but you don’t understand, i want to skate, my god, that the world has converged like a wedge on this figure skating, dimka is also at the skating rink from morning to night. falls, well done, he’s doing the right thing, that’s probably why he doesn’t come, listen, can you bring me my mobile phone, otherwise it seems to me that they want to protect me completely from this world, okay, i’ll try, listen, i’ll run, otherwise now they'll spot me, come on, you get better, okay, good, i'll run again, bye, uh, bye. well
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well, did you manage to break through, what is it, even a mouse can’t get through, her mom is there all day, so i think it’s better to ask her later, somehow, well, without me, her mom hates me now, and i even call her i can’t, i know how worried she is about dropping out of the championship, when everyone is asking you to win, you missed such a chance, listen, well, they can find you another partner, but suddenly inga is not there, suddenly she won’t be, i don’t need another partner. dim, don’t worry, i’m with you, when they call me for procedures, what is it, my neighbor has already been taken to you twice, how many i’ll wait, i need to be more attentive, i’ll still have to wait, okay, great, now i’ll write you out, go for the procedures, everything will be fine, and now here i am, so why did she go twice, i
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haven’t had one yet.. yesterday i had a bad time skiing, i wanted to show my friends how cool i was on the black slopes, and as a result i injured my knee and hit my head.
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guess, probably something creative, and that too, i should be able to and know almost everything, just james bond, almost guessed, i’m a diplomat, oh, a beginner, really, this year i graduated from the institute in moscow, but you are smart, i walked away for a minute, and you already snatched my patient, but i’m sick, where am i going to sneak her, okay, patients, let’s go for treatment, inga, which ward are you from, from the sixteenth, on the first floor? i understand correctly that you are not going
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to train, right. there will be another, and even if you are temporary, it’s still better than sitting and doing nothing, i can’t, you can, you can, i’m waiting for you on the ice tomorrow, i won’t go on the ice without inga,
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come in, you can, strongly, well , hello, dear, i’m so glad to see you, your loved ones, thank you, but why don’t i ask how you are, i visited the doctor, he told me everything in detail, well, the prognosis is very optimistic, unless of course, larisa vasilyevna, i also know everything, it all depends on the operation and there are no guarantees that you smart girl, i always knew it. “listen, i know what sports means to you, after all, this is not the whole life. you know, i didn’t know whether to tell you or not, but i decided, well, you know me, i don’t know how to walk around, so i picked dima has a partner, and it’s not because i’m not waiting for you, don’t even think about it, he just needs someone
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train, but i don’t think everything is right, i’m all for it, but he refused and is going to quit figure skating altogether if you suddenly don’t recover. is he crazy, he shouldn’t leave, and i also say, he’s a very, you know, a very talented guy, you know, if he does, i’ll definitely talk to him, it’s enough for me alone, thank you, i knew that you would understand me, i’ll run, i still have training, okay, i’ll still run, okay,
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and get well, goodbye, okay, ah, the question is, who needs these feats? they don't need me, you don't need them either, you you need to be patient, you’ll see, you’ll get up, run, race with me, hello, hello, what happened, why couldn’t you talk to me on the phone, well , otherwise you’d still be sitting at home. dim, well, as much as possible, well, let's go somewhere, well , if that's what you're looking for, then i'll go, well, wait, okay, you don't want to, we won't go anywhere, i just wanted to entertain you a little, well, i can help you
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you can count on help, i just need to go to the supermarket, but i can’t carry something heavy, somehow i pulled my arm unsuccessfully, but i wanted something... cook something delicious and take it to you, can you help? of course, what does she like? you know, she likes these profitrolls with curd cream, she just adores them, okay, let’s go to the store, what should i do without you? inga, hello, hello, and i'm being discharged tomorrow, congratulations, thank you, but i'm not... that, i'd like to see you outside this wonderful establishment, so if you don't mind, maybe we'll exchange phone numbers, i don't mind, just let me write it down on your mobile phone, why? well, i didn’t take my phone to the hospital, well, i hope so
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you won’t stay here long either, i hope i’ll call you so that you have my number, okay, otherwise when you leave for your america in europe, it will be scary to approach you, you seem so important. daughter, i want us to remain friends after all, andrei, let’s go, otherwise i’m cold,
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uh, sorry, it still hurts me to remember this, my father and i were such friends, i trusted him even more than my mother . and he always told me everything, or rather, i thought so, and you can’t forgive, there is no betrayal, you can fall out of love, this happens, but then people should honestly tell each other about this, leave, so as not to deceive each other, i don’t agree, i agree, of course, it’s just that now you... made me think about a lot of things, i looked at all this a little easier, but you’re right, really right , and... “can i come to the discharge and take you
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home, why are you laughing, if you’re against it, i won’t be offended at all, of course, come, i ’ll be glad, good morning, something happened”? i decided to leave, where should i go? to yekaterinburg, why? what will you do there? i will teach in children's sports school, they’ve been calling me there for a long time. wait, what about the championship, competitions? you wanted to win? i wanted to win, but not alone, and now since everything turned out this way, i will have to win this season. you'll be
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waiting to let inga through, hmm, by the way, she's being discharged today, who 's going to go pick her up, mom, no, she's not feeling well , she asked me, great, then we'll go together, i went to the shower, and you get ready, bye, great, so - carefully, take your time, hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, but i understand everything, what do you mean, please take it, yes, let’s, no need, i can myself, i'm sorry, it's just a necessity, inga, ridka, you still came, yes, and not alone, hello, hello, please put me in, inga, introduce us to your boyfriend, and this is andrey, my friend, margarita , very nice, and this is dima, very nice. yes, and imagine dimka and i, in general, here are your
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favorite profiteroles, thank you, inga, i can talk to you in private, of course, i’m very glad that you’re checking out, i just wanted to ask you for forgiveness, although i never tell myself i'll forgive you that it's because of me. "dim, you're not i have to apologize, it’s not your fault, this is sport, anything can happen, don’t console me, i know i’m to blame, i just wanted to tell you that i will wait for your return as long as necessary, no need, i’m regardless after this injury, i was planning to give up sports for a long time and seriously take up journalism, why are you saying this, because it’s true, and under no circumstances should you give up figure skating.” you have talents and a great future awaits you, only
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with a different partner, and this is your boyfriend back from the army, listen guys, it’s cold already, maybe we can chat at home, yes , you know, i have things to do, i need to go, congratulations again on your discharge, thank you, so, we’re going, yes, of course, come on, thank you, my daughter, honey, well, finally dear, hello, mom, this is andrei, we met him in the hospital, he also had a bad fall, but luckier than me, he’s also an athlete, no, mom, he’s a future diplomat. oh, and this is my mother, svetlana mikhalovna, very nice, very nice, why are we standing, come into
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the room, i can’t, i have an important thing at 3 o’clock meeting at work, it’s a pity, but i still invite you as soon as you can, come, thank you, it’s very nice, i’ll try to come back, thank you, andrey, goodbye, goodbye, andrey, goodbye, hello, reed, hello, well, let’s go , girls, hold on, how are you, how are you feeling, oh, yes, i feel good, you’re all right at home. okay, let's go, i'm also glad that i'm finally home, well, i called him, he doesn't answer the phone, but wait, calm down, uh-huh, calm down, that's the point, no, i really got myself into trouble with this feeling guilty, oh i’m afraid he will leave big sport, he’s planning to go to yekaterinburg, everything is waiting for you, i hope not, why? did i tell him that i would take up journalism? really, well done,
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i changed my mind, but no, i didn’t change my mind, i just don’t want anyone else to take my place. i gave it to dimka and i specifically said this so that he wouldn’t hope for anything, that’s right, that’s right, because he was completely exhausted, listen, well, i’ll run, okay, yeah, i’ll dial it. hello, why have you come? i need to talk to inga, but you shouldn’t really
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talk to her. come here. first of all, inga she’s sleeping, and i’m not going to wake her up, and secondly, dim, you understand that after what happened, it’s better for you not to see each other, you understand that because of you, she ’ll never be able to ride again, every time she will see you, she will understand that everything she dreamed about, dreamed of from the cradle, will never come true, you understand this, i understand, goodbye, but better yet, goodbye. andrey, how are you, by the way, good evening,
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hello, come in, thank you. you are watching the news in the studio tatyana


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