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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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his deputy, members of the presidium of the national assembly, well , besides this, there are other issues on the agenda, approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine, well , maybe something else will be added, it’s hard to say, because the delegates are authorized to resolve these issues, so they will gather, the organizing committee, headed by the prime minister, will already determine, so to speak, all these points for the preparation of the meeting. at the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly , the chairman of the presidium will be elected. on the agenda will face the questions that life dictates today. the ministry of defense provided clarification regarding sms subpoenas. the law on military duty and service provides for the possibility of sending them out by military registration and enlistment offices. this is
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a common practice all over the world. its main advantage is convenience, efficiency and accessibility. in fact, sms messages will become an additional notification channel. the agenda will still remain the main one, the military department said. currently, the telecom operator has assigned each military registration and enlistment office a so-called alpha name. it will appear in the sender column. the message will contain information about what address and when the citizen should appear. a telephone number for inquiries will also be provided. please note that the message is from the military commissariat. does not contain links, does not require a response, and the military registration and enlistment office never asks for personal or passport information over the phone. we remind you that a call to the military registration and enlistment office, no matter what form it comes in, can have various purposes, from clarifying the military registration data of the person liable for military service, to mobilization preparation activities. in any case, my visa should be on time. the ministry of defense also emphasized that , as before, administrative criminal liability is provided for failure to appear on a summons. lithuania seems to have missed the german occupation after... where it is planned
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to produce 155 mm artillery shells. the land for the enterprise is going to be seized from the lithuanian university of sciences and health. now these lands are used by the institute of livestock husbandry; their withdrawal is fraught with the destruction of entire stats of cattle from a unique gene pool for the country. local residents are also against the construction. they note that this is a military enterprise, and not some ordinary factory, and are extremely worried about agriculture. and the economy of the region. thousands of people came out to demonstrate in the center of paris calling for proper working conditions during the upcoming olympic games. demonstrators blocked key streets, chanted slogans and carried banners reading "the olympic flame will not burn our rights." let's light the fire anger everywhere. we oppose all restrictions that the olympic games will entail in terms of labor laws.
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magers in olympia and will go on the relay to france. 600 torchbearers will carry the fire across greece. he will visit 43 cities. on april 26, the flame will be handed over to the organizers of the paris olympics and delivered to marseille, after which on may 8 it will be passed on by a torchbearer for the ceremonial relay across france. the flame will arrive in paris at the start of the olympic games. their opening ceremony will take place on july 26. the cause of a serious accident in in the capital, law enforcement officers continue to investigate. let us remind you that this morning smilovich. along the highway
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, a regular bus crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road. 20 people, two of whom were children , received various injuries. seven city hospitals treated the victims. our film crew worked together with specialists at the scene of the accident. victoria radevich has the latest information for this hour. by the time our film crew arrived, investigators had already recorded all the necessary traces at the scene of the accident. the necessary procedural actions are being carried out. bus and truck drivers delivered for medical examination. they also worked at the scene.
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even about the causes of road accidents. there is no preliminary information yet, to establish a trace picture of what happened, experts also worked on the spot, and an auto technical and road traceological examination was appointed. according to initial data, today at about 7:00 am, a fifty-five-year-old passenger bus driver, moving along the smilovichi highway , drove into a volvo tractor unit standing on the side of the road. according to initial data, 20 people, two of them minors, were taken to medical institutions to provide assistance. eight ambulance teams provided first aid to the victims. after examination , the passengers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, fractures, bruises, wounds and abrasions, and they were taken to seven metropolitan clinics. information about the condition of the victims can be found in the help services of hospitals number two, five, six and ten, in the emergency hospital, republican scientific and practical center, neurology and neurosurgery, republican scientific and practical center of traumatology and
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orthopedics. what triggered the incident was poor health, inattention on the road or a technical malfunction. in that we still have to deal with the investigator, and work in this direction is already underway. victoria radevich, alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. the union media holding will become the hub and heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere. this was discussed during a joint meeting of the belarusian-russian working group on the issue of reforming the media of the union state, the creation of an autonomous non-profit organization media company of the union state. experts gathered today time to discuss practically concrete steps, in particular the draft charter of the company. the main task of the new media holding is objective. truthful coverage of the processes of belarusian-russian integration and all topical issues on the international agenda that are currently of interest to our citizens. there is currently a serious media confrontation in the world; people should know what is happening in fraternal countries. today , belarus and russia are facing similar challenges; through joint efforts
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, the right solutions can be found. it is necessary to bring a system for providing the union state, information support for the union state in accordance, firstly, with the spirit of the times, and secondly, with the topic. politician, i would like, of course, for the audience of the union media to be larger and for there to be more of them in the internet environment, these are probably, perhaps, the main goals of the task that we set for ourselves. the main office of the holding will be located in moscow, and there will also be a representative office in minsk. it is planned that the structure of the media company
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will include a tv channel, several print media and an editorial team that will create its own content for digital media and social networks. let us remind you that the presidents of belarus and russia signed a resolution on the creation of a media holding. state on january 29 following the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg. who will hit the fastball this year? the final stage of the republican handball competition among boys under 15 years of age continues in the capital. today is the second day of the group stage. a record number of teams are vying for medals - 24. they are divided into six quartets. among the participants are representatives from different parts of belarus, and this year the organizers wanted to see the maximum number of promising guys.
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there is little chance of winning, but we still have a fighting spirit, the coach says the most important thing: try to show yourself well, play, don’t mess up, play for yourself, as for me they are very important, because they give the teams a chance to play. and an incentive, they have already given briefcases, toys, and for prizes there will be very good gifts, they say, and they just let you realize yourself, play the experience. tournament gained great fame back in the days of the soviet union. the competition has been held in belarus for 17 years. all winners will receive
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special awards and gifts from the presidential sports club. and last week , the best team among girls of this age was determined. there was no equal to the children's and youth sports school from... my colleagues will continue the sports theme, well , right now elizaveta lashkevich has joined us, she is ready to talk about the news of the minsk region. lisa, good afternoon, what 's new with you? tatyana, greetings, minsk, tashk. capital held a meeting with the delegation of uzbekistan, the focus was on urban planning, housing and communal services and digitalization, evening control over fans of two-wheel drive vehicles in gaiminsk monitors motorcyclists and their speed. the details are already on our broadcast. thank you, we are back on the air at 17:00, see you! the brez ice palace is preparing for a full house, all tickets are sold out. the match of the final series of the president's cup has been sold out, which means the fans will again organize incredible support
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for the hosts. the margin for error in local teeth no more, because the metallurgist took away three previous meetings and today he can secure the third championship title and the fourth in history. will the south find trump cards against dmitry kravchenko’s team? we find out from the live broadcast on the belarus 5 tv channel. starts at 19:55. egor gerasimov leaves the challenger in gwangju, south korea. singles in the first round. in the main draw , belarus ended up as a lucky loser, having lost to the british poludzub in the qualifying final the day before. 64-26-16, but only stayed at the local gerasimov courts for a day. at the start, egor failed to cope with lithuanian rikardes berankis 67-16. tomorrow morning gerasimov will start in doubles in a duet with another belarusian and nikolai galik.
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just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost at the brest fortress on june 22? 1941, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses himself, but kizhivatov led the defense, you’re not mistaken, what kind of sport did old khatabych from film old man khatabych, let football, football, of course, this is the correct answer, the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote, introduced...
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watch in the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus24 tv channel.
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broadcast on the tv channel belarus adzin are working on the news of the capital of the minsk region, with you on the air live elizaveta lashkevich. the day is kind, the right heart is short. minsk, tashkent, delegations from uzbekistan visit the belarusian capital. the tanks are focused on the wider supraconstitution in the sphere of housing and communal services. gaspadarki. everyday control over the amatars of two-stakes give minsk sochyts for matatsyklistam respect to the regime and the equipment. and the image of the land of the slutsk exhibition and the history of the artist and the graphics of uladzimir sadzin in the name gallery in slutsk. i’ll tell the great master amatara how legends reveal the mastery. exchange of experiences in the established housing and communal services and medical treatment, as well as in the future of living with
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an emphasis on the creation of comfortable infrastructure, minsk and tashkent are promoting supra-constitution. creative projects faded away this year, the mayor of the city, uladzimir kukhara, and the city’s delegates from uzbekistan. in tashkent, the current housing complexes are being removed, and the experiences of belarusian colleagues have been gained there. taxama minsk and tashkent are developing in a completely different way. emphasis on sprinkling.


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