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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

5:35 pm
here it’s also important that it’s all even, beautiful, for a beginner, i ’ll tell you, it’s not very easy, although in general, the composition is already taking on a good look, i ’ll tell you, and this is only the first egg, there’s a whole package ahead, after after the egg is painted, dip it in any coloring solution, preferably 24 hours, the untouched part of the egg will be colored, and the design will stand out effectively. thank you very much for introducing me to this type of creativity, and i’m going to go paint my egg, be sure to send you a photo, but overall it’s very cool that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy eggs, we all sit and get creative, this trip turned out to be so interesting and full of meetings and discoveries. if you want,
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then come to asipovich, i was with you, vika poplevchenkova, see you again, friends. a year of quality for our enterprise is , first of all, an increase in the model range to fill the sales markets and satisfy our consumers. at the minsk atlant refrigerator plant, i came to the refrigerator assembly shop in 2001 as a fitter at today i...
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the execution of these products production over the 20 years of my work here, in principle, it has been automated by at least 30%, we have mastered a lot of work techniques for ourselves, but also automatic equipment, including the quality from the implementation of this equipment on order has improved, when a new line of any of our products is released, in any case, it is natural to be proud of both ourselves... as well as because of the enterprises, but
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the most important thing is the team that is engaged in the manufacture of this product. in in the future, we are introducing an extensive line of refrigerators, this is the primary task, as a manager, the introduction of these new lines of refrigerators, but again, i repeat, this is the automation of the process, when we have more than 50-7% of automated production, it will make our life easier. the brand is respected by people and appreciated because this company has been operating for a very long time, so just for the name of atlanta, people are ready , in principle, to purchase our equipment. review of the most interesting sporting events. olympic champion. in tokyo, ivan letvinovich
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won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty is once again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, my first goal in the major league, i hope it’s not the last i’ll work on. i think the game wasn't bad, just a bit it was enough to complete everything. same.
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning. they live in postmodernity, postmodernity, everything in the world is text, the text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence, because logically somehow explain, why do they put a man, a grandfather, at the post of such a huge state, who doesn’t remember his name, but this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just it will be... well, it’s somehow uncomfortable, monastic life, it’s not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god is on the same mountain with every heart, he says, every person, that’s an individuality, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new releases on tv channel belarus 24.
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in february 1940 , an au pair suddenly appeared in the house of the chief of staff of the twenty-ninth tank division. there was no particular need for her, but the owners understood the woman’s position; she really needed work. a refugee from lithuania
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has been wandering around for months in search of shelter, and finally i was able to find it. relatives in grodno, friendly, helpful, she immediately won the respect of the owners, they empathized with her, tried to help as much as they could, what a surprise for everyone was the appearance of special officers in the house and the search that began, an even greater surprise was the arrest, but... not the owner of the house, and a new housekeeper.
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podlyakh, aka gorbachevskaya tamara mikhailovna, has changed her last name and place of work many times, is in an illegal position, and is part of the headquarters of the polish military organization. podlyakh personally created the polish women's cross organization voyskova and managed to recruit a large number of people. senkevich. divnel, anushka, kaminsky, the counterintelligence officers were not mistaken,
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the female polish-kris military organization acted assertively, had far-reaching plans, what? this became clear during the interrogations of its activists that began in may-june of the forties. armed struggle and preparation of an uprising against soviet power. among those arrested were also vile people. from a note by lavrenty tsanava addressed to the first secretary of the central committee of the cpb pantilimon-panarenko. about the arrest of a member of the polish underground group tm podlyakh. on the initiative of podlyakh tamara , a number of departments were created in the grodno counter-revolutionary insurgent organization. the first is the active department - combat and terrorist, the second. communication between rebel groups and individual participants.
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material and economic, acquisition of weapons and so on. i personally went to the city of luninets to organize a rebel group, to the city of augustow. alas, due to a purely feminine oversight, podlyakh exposed herself. in at the moment when i was trying on a watch, every woman’s dream, and because the price is too high , an inexorable one, the cook entered the room. it was necessary to inspect the stoves in order to put them in order over the summer for the new season. the little thing immediately attracted attention, it was very expensive for a refugee. the woman was under secret surveillance, and she led them to the members of the underground group. list of deeds of a friendly, helpful housekeeper.
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the defeat of this organization was an undoubted success of the belarusian counterintelligence officers. documents that have reached us indicate that there was actually progress on the western border of the bssr in the last pre-war year. daily war with bandit groups, enemy agents and saboteurs, and as the report shows, under abvar’s supervision, his methods became more and more sophisticated, abvar’s agent boris ragulya came to the attention of counterintelligence.
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in an inspection room on the soviet-german border in the region of east prussia , border guards were escorting a detained young man. he claimed that he fought in the polish army, with the rank of kharundzhev, against the germans. i was captured by them several times tried to escape, but finally luck was on his side. everything seemed to fit, the time and place of the fighting, some details about the non-commissioned officer school in zambrów, where the detainee studied, but still something haunted the border guards. he answered questions very smoothly, as if everything had been thought out in advance down to the smallest detail. we decided to search again and more thoroughly. the almost new boots somehow didn’t fit in with the torn clothes. the detainee tried to laugh it off, saying it was a trophy during his escape, but the young border guard had already
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tore off the bastard. a sheet of paper folded several times fell out of the hiding place; the man instinctively tried to grab it and destroy it, but the border guards quickly subdued the detainee. the sheet turned out to be a german map of the bssr, so detailed that it showed small settlements and country roads, such... even the border guards did not have them, from a memo by lavrente tsanava addressed to the first secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, pantilemon panomarenko, about the liquidation in western regions of the bssr, rebel and espionage-terrorist organizations. top secret. the arrested and exposed german intelligence agent, ragulya
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boris dmitrievich, testified to the investigation that, on instructions from german intelligence, in the territory of the baranovichi region, he was supposed to create a counter-revolutionary spy-nationalist belarusian organization. ragulya would create a nationalist organization later, and more than one, while serving the germans. already during the occupation of the republic, he will become the head of belarusian self-help in the novogrudok district, head the regional defense department there and battalion for... carrying out punitive operations against partisans and civilians, will be one of the leaders of the intelligence school in dalwitz, major of the assault brigade vafon ss belarus. then, at the beginning of forty-one, the information received from him confirmed other assumptions of the security officers. the captured
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german maps were so detailed and accurate that... they raised many questions; even the smallest populated areas and country roads were marked on them. it became clear that such a detailed description of the area is nothing more than preparation for invasion of the territory of the ussr. another thing became clear: on the eve of the attack, abvr was conducting a clarification operation. the alarming information was confirmed
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by taking advantage of the permission of the germans to visit the ussr to search. agents who had relatives in the soviet union and the bssr. this is contained in the interrogation materials of a large number of detainees. they reported on the task of collecting espionage information through their associates in moscow, leningrad, slonensky district, and minsk. in the last pre-war year on the western border of the ussr, on its belarusian in the area, 235 incidents occurred, provoked by the german side, and more than 500 german saboteurs and spies were detained. in the first months of 1941 , border guards repelled more than 500 incursions by enemy armed groups.
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the map has now been developed in principle, what does it represent? it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections, and the features of this map, directly, are in color. its design, there are regions in which we have established cooperation and we are developing very much, there are regions where we have just started, there are those that for some direct reason we have not covered, then, when we open this map, we see programs, we see directly statistical data for
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this region; what concerns the construction industry is the presence of design projects builder organizations. in principle, when we formed the task, we also had active cards for other countries, and assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services would extend to the eu country, to the country of our community, and of course, closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our
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construction services. in your opinion, why are our builders so in demand abroad today, and where? countries represented in the first place, how many of them are russia? yes, today, our builders are in demand everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars, these services are provided directly abroad, if before the dynamics were completely... expected, then today we can say that the export was really exported outside the republic, what is our advantage, is that we have retained the old council. school, today we are developing in areas, our construction industry, this includes digitalization, this is in the field of designing norms and standards,
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this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this is in the field of construction services, we have preserved them, increased them, well, as for our country, what kind of large projects are we building today and what are we doing? volumes of housing being built, well... in principle , this year i see very interesting things, this is a children's technology park that will be in the starobinsky district, this is the development of the kobrensky memorial of the brest fortress, this is probably from the military ones in grodno, this is the construction of a third hospital and a cancer center , a holoday issue that interests everyone and is always on the agenda. this is the amount of housing being built; in 2023 we built 4,193. m2, of
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which 1.49. this is for people in need of improved housing conditions. recently, we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in directly in 2023 we built its order.
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i'm talented and beautiful, i love taking care of the bastard, what was the jump, i'll get there at the door, we sample these very rabbits' needs and food, and name, and plenty of cells needed, pleasant, tired, when you work on the ground, yes, when the seven sweats disappear, how you mow, and you come and say, that’s it, i was asleep, i couldn’t feel my legs, it’s unbelievable that my legs were stuck together.
6:00 pm
everyday broadcast on the tv channel belarus adzin is focused on the capital of the minsk region,
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with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. good evenings and good news. short. minsk, tashkent. the delegation of uzbekistan visits the belarusian capital. buckeyes are focused on extensive supra-constitution in the sphere of zheleva-kamunalny gaspad. everyday control over the amatars of the two-stakes give minsk sochyts for matatsyklistamy ўvaga to the local regime and the equipment. i gonar land slutsk exhibition and stagodzya zhyvapisy.


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