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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 6:15pm-6:36pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous people. belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania,
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serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. cosmogroma, not this icy blue, grass for us, grass at home, green, green
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firewood. and we fly in orbits, unwinding roads, space is lived by meteorites, risk and courage are justified, cosmic music floats into
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our business conversation, in some lands. the grass is for us, grass at home, green green grass, this is forever, this is forever, this is ours great story, alexander lukashenko took over a poor, hungry, trampled, torn, raped country by bandits and democrats. nationalists, traitors, spat upon and robbed, and the powerful lord of fate, he threw her with his sovereign hand up into the air, to the stars, to the heavens, and marina vasilevskaya’s smile, tears - this is what everything now justifies our life, our existence, this is powerful evidence that everything was not in vain, that god is with us, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always one, my name is grigory ozarenok, these are the secret springs of politics,
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hello, a reference to today... you lie to the face in every word, in every little grimace of yours, in every cheesy malicious look, you lie, there are two visions of the world: the vision of heroes, dreamers, ascetics, poets, powerful people, and there is the look of dung worms , dirty pigs, larvae, slaves, and i will show them to you, look now at every gesture, at the facial expression, at the grimace, the asabists of lukashenka's plane, the hero's gaze and the woman's tears. sennya tsela zen adbyvaetstsa s vartanem y belarus-kasmanautka maryna vasilevskaya. lukashenka adverts pa yae ў muskva asabists the plane is yours, the business jet bambardirchallenger. it’s true that lukashenka himself didn’t agree to sustrakatsya, except
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for the administration of high-ranking officials, vice-prime minister parkhomchyk and the ukrainian academy of sciences gusakov. adtul vasileevskaya pavezla and lukashenko at the palace of independence. she knows her name as a hero of belarus, and she also distributes recognition to others, so... it’s you who live only in your bellies, only in your gastrointestinal tract, you, not her, you are slaves. brutes, scum, hipsters, blind,
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degenerates of fate, freaks, creatures, laborers, slaves, slaves, slaves, slaves, you are similar in your tents. imperturbable as oak trees, it’s written on your faces that you, ravs, slaves, slaves, calculate everything, dig into everything, pulled out with your nickels, that the title of hero comes with a phone call and sending to a sanatorium, and the toad strangles, the toad eats, devours
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it's twisting inside, it's pissing you off, lying under your face. despite the assurance of the main character in the country that there is no market, it will not regulate anything, there is a market, it regulates everything, so they are also powerless here. let's send our man into space, better a woman, well, that’s nicer, the lie is vile, and the mournful faces give you away, and it’s not the mug, but doused in urine, caked feces,
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the lie is vile, not such belarusians, we are not slaves, you are slaves, manure and worms of the perestroika of its blizzards and mushrooms, foul-smelling scar. remember yesenin’s strange, funny people, you lived your whole century as beggars and built churches of god, but i would have rebuilt them into latrines a long time ago, it’s you, you are the inhabitants of toilets, you are lying maggots, you are walking bellies, you are creatures for consumption in ...the farther, the more, i doubt this idea that people are born absolutely equal, you know, there are people who are born small, strive for something good, kind, high, when good fairy tales are read to them, they
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empathize, maybe cry, and there are those who laugh while the heroes suffer, for example, i remember being a child there in the cinema or watching cartoons there, and some guys, where does this come from , is it their upbringing or maybe this is their nature? so it seems to me that many of our fugitives, well, participation is insignificant for a relative part of society. but it’s interesting sociologically, politically, that just yes, that this part, it just happened to be on that side, on the side of the so-called protest abroad, many of them, they have exactly this worldview, they wanted exactly this here to do, to create a society, well, i won’t even say consumption, it’s still too much, you know, beautiful, pathetic for them, this is a society of all this dirt and baseness, all the worst that is possible, it should be...
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brought here, justified, call it whatever you want there is tolerance for differences, in other words, which some of them are masters, but in fact this, grisha, is what you are talking about, exactly, this is precisely this baseness, the desire for this to devour all perception through the prism through the prism, well, i won’t to continue this series, we were the first in space. and there are no geopolitical, monetary, military or other needs, this was invented by the great dreamer, eccentric, cosmist nikolai fedorov, he wanted to resurrect all ancestors to embody all future generations, and since there is not enough space here, it is necessary to build for their homes on other planets, everyone to live joyfully in great justice, tselkovsky, his student, further, korolev, gagarin, lukashenko, vasilevskaya, by the way, never thought... never, why is this so? we were the first in space, the first to invent
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the satellite-rocket for the great transformation of humanity, and they, the west, were the first to invent and use the nuclear bomb. truman, in joyful trepidation, almost in religious ecstasy, whispered, the baby was born. we gave the world a holy dream, they are a weapon for destroying the world of all living things. and therefore we are holy rus'. field ones. flowers, wine, a flower grows in the morning, a nightingale's note, a whistle, sap, a birch sip, silence, listen to the will, along a path into a dense forest, chat with a birch tree in the house, about him and about love, mother earth, white, birch tree, for me light tier, for others for the leg, mother earth, oh, white
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birch tree, for me holy russia, for others, and we are the sacred center of holy russia, white russia, holy, cosmic, and what is forgotten in the hand between the peach pattern, the flower of radima vasilka , country of marina vasilevskaya, lies under our faces, evaporate, we won’t notice you. from the great height, as long as i am glad to see you in the morning, try to torture the right dzyavochchae kahanne on the frame of the spring vada scene sotak fresh mark in the clear field of the dark night in the sky of the bright batanovukhna land oh white paragnika geta belarus may geta my sonika
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matukhna land, oh, cornflowers, fields, geta
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belarus may, geta my share! tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers the whole world has access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing,
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hospitable, bright and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, sporty and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to
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understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus2 tv channel is on air. four: watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we are propagandists, what do we propagate? the state course, yes, is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes. sovereignty and independence of belarus? yes, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to calm on our streets in peaceful times time, thanks of course to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads,
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beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and
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much more. am i happy with the fact that we... are residents of the magnate family of sapegu. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. either karavod or vayavod. idzi, idze karavod, karagot, all the spectators are on the contrary, on the contrary. one, two, three, they cleared up the ruckus. and we just sowed and sowed. and give new life to old traditions. give me a break field, there is djauchyna prosapolle. the projects were mentioned in advance on the tv channel


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