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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 1:25am-1:46am MSK

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for a beginner, i’ll tell you, it’s not very easy, although on the whole, the composition is already taking on a good look, i’ll tell you, and this is only the first egg, there’s a whole package ahead, after the egg is painted, we dip it in any coloring solution, preferably 24 hours, the untouched part of the egg is painted, and the design will stand out effectively, if desired, the whole process can be repeated, more than once, thank you very much for introducing me to this type of creativity, and i’ll go paint my egg, i’ll be sure to send you a photo , but in general it’s very cool that it’s accessible, and we know where to buy wax and eggs, we all sit and do creative work, this trip turned out to be so interesting and full of meetings and discoveries, if you want the same, then come to osipovich, i was with you.
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not a structure to be poked at. combusiology is the science of burns, specifically burn injury, which can be characterized by damage to the skin, as a thermal agent, chemical, electrical, thermal injuries, radiation injuries, why is it needed.
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after them, many go to plastic surgery surgery, because they are very familiar with it, well , when we say that combusteologists are not often remembered, but they are very often remembered when some, unfortunately , emergencies happen, and uh, a person can live without a spleen, unfortunately, this it happens that he can’t live without a kidney, he can’t live without skin, compustiology from the point of view of a military specialty, since uh... well, there is
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an explosion, for example, of the same tank or combat vehicle, and a person gets burns, burns like that , quite burns from flames fiery there mixtures, accordingly there is a lot of damage to the skin, there is damage to the skin and underlying tissues, so people, namely military surgeons, they must know this fragment in order to adequately provide assistance. and the depth of the lesion, it all depends on the age and the severity of the burn lesion is affected by the area of ​​the person, if these are adults, then already with an area of ​​more than 15% the development of a shock state may occur, and in children, say up to 3 years, even at 5-7%. get signs of
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shock and sometimes parents neglect it rules while at home, they expose children to danger, which subsequently complicates treatment since... as a late patient, he requires even more careful attention to very specific treatment precisely from the point of resuscitation, since some already irreversible problems are already underway at the same time. moment moments, and which with our treatment they can be reversible, and here to find this smooth line in order to create maximum favorable conditions for our patient to recover, therefore... usually this is difficult, but with a good team it everything is doable. as for mortality, lethality in burns, it also exists, and here not only skin damage plays an important role, but the presence of thermal inhalation injury, since these are often
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fires, and sometimes the patient has 20% of the body area there, having thermal inhalation injury, of course, its severity is aggravated and... unfortunately, he can die, thank god, in the republic of belarus, combustiology is at a very high level, and - there is practically no child mortality, it also plays a very important role when our burns are circular, when uh a person gets a burn, especially, for example, with a flame, a ridge is formed, or , in other words, a dense thick crust that begins to compress the limb. or the torso, then in such cases it is necessary very quickly there within 6 hours, if this occurs, to carry out such an operation, non-cortomy, cut this crust in order to save the limbs, so that there is no
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compression of the neurovascular bundle. the provision of medical care is carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework, but it is customary that in every institution there is also. some kind of school, experience, for example, in our clinic, without violating the same regulatory documents, how assistance is provided to these categories of patients, if we have, let’s say, let’s look at the case of thermal burn, ordinary, here a person gets a thermal burn , thanks to the small region, if we take the city there or nearby cities, that is , the patient, well, not even the cities there, for example skidel is a satellite city, a person gets a burn within an hour, even within half an hour he is in our hospital, that we observe, unlike, for example , the russian federation, the rules of the golden hour, that is, providing assistance during the first hour, this is very important, but this indicates the compactness of belarus, that we are small, but we have the opportunity
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to approach this more professionally problem, then the patient is admitted, he is admitted to the emergency room and the doctor, depending on the area, if it is a child, for example a year old, he has an area... i soon calculated that she has an area of ​​10%, then a resuscitation doctor is invited, and the child heading to resuscitation room, where, under conditions of adequate pain relief , bandaging is performed, vital functions are assessed, that is , pressure is assessed, heart rate is assessed, and then we collect objective data, he goes to the intensive care unit for preventive...
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i actually specialize in pediatric surgery pediatric surgery, but i have such a hobby, the hobby was born from the moment i wrote my dissertation, i am also a combustiologist-surgeon. why combustiology, when you come young, you don’t know what area to choose in order to work in it, when i came, we have a healthcare institution, our hospital, it...
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everything is worked out, there is a logarithm, when you begin to develop, you begin to understand,
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yeah, here you can do not go to the left, but you can do to the right, and you can get a completely different result, but how will we improve, how will we help so that they feel less pain, how will we do this, that, that, and these questions are always who asks himself a question ahead, he will still look for their answers, and no matter how you want it, it’s... a normal phenomenon that we can revise some methods, yes, sometimes there are even general principles, sometimes it happens, it seems, that’s all, we’re going to prepare a child for an operation, everything survives for her, someone helps, yes, there are many developments, i personally have patents, you know, there are developments as new
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methods, as new diagnostic methods, but this is not entirely clear to ordinary people, everyone wants to touch something, everyone wants to feel something, and when i was working, i i noticed where we can modify something, we can separately develop in what area, for example, we had... a situation where wound dressings were basically missing, and we had to use imported ones somewhere, i thought: why not not to make our own and not to make such a normal import-substituting technology, and i came to the conclusion that we need to develop our belarusian wound dressings for primary treatment, it was like burns, but if you already cure a burn wound, then, accordingly , other wounds, they too will succumb treatment with these dressings. the first
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bandage that i started thinking about was a traumatic bandage, this is the one that creates a layer between the bandages, just like a bow, well, gauze, that is, it is placed, here, here, i can demonstrate it, here it is such a mesh, and when a person gets a burn, this mesh is placed, uh, exactly, when it’s already going... closer to capitalization and then we put a bandage, not a bandage, a napkin, a bandage on top, we perform the subsequent dressing using a special impregnation, it does not stick, and no damage, that is, i always like to tell you that when in childhood everyone got sores, that the most painful thing for a person was when they took him, they covered him with brilliant green, in other cases, that they took, took, processed and...
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german, but uh we don’t even see our bandage, it’s better, it has a wider mesh, through which air passes, more liquid passes through, which is formed inside the wound, sudat, we created two more bandages, we have one bandage, this is a bandage consisting of a special material , that's when
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the first person comes in, let’s say with the same burn or his wound gets wet, and so that it doesn’t get too wet, this... and the third bandage is our antimicrobial bandage, it’s multi-layered, there is a special natural sorbent, whose sorption is 100 higher times than in activated carbon, it also does not do everything. silver, it performs both antibacterial and antimicrobial functions, especially with purulent wounds, when you put it so that it all absorbs itself, the manufacturers at the enterprise where it was produced, here they are already they are launching serial production, now these dressings will be delivered to clinics, who can buy them and people will use them,
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including in pharmacy chains, that is , people can buy them themselves... who and how helps make our lives better what are scientists working on today? in december last year , our geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. technical
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specifications, usually this is if the composition changes product, some new ones. components are used, that is, most often specifications , in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in the second half of the 16th century , the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state control, well, alexander ii supplied the territory expanded and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court. see the project. science is nearby on our tv channel. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. we are going there, dze yashche can dakranutsa yes informat minutes. things will happen again and again at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in the ruzhany brest region, at one of the largest palace complexes of 16-17
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centuries, residents of the magnate family of safeg. i've been hogging here. klasa saint paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the late baroque. it’s good enough, but it’s beautiful. idzi, idzi, karavo, karavo, all the crowds were up and down, one, two, three, starting the revelry. and we just sowed and sowed. and with old traditions, new life. give me some advice from you.
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we are now in a simulation certification center, where already as a student , our students have such a great opportunity at the present time to practice practical skills, the room where laparoscopic video simulators are located, namely... the opportunity to perform minimally invasive intervention with the help of instruments, as they say, sticks in the intended abdominal cavity, but not only the abdominal cavity, that is, this is the development of such... skills, well, it’s no secret to everyone that minimally invasive surgery is now ahead, namely laparoscopic surgery, thoracoscopic.


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