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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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establishment of the staroselsky secondary school, current repairs will be carried out in the staroselsky kindergarten. maximum involvement in solving problems of a wide range of voters is an indicator of the active civic position of the spc delegate. the issue of improving the quality of roads is on the pencil. here in the agricultural town there is an old village. there are plans to pave several sections of streets at once over the next year. but in the country in the twenty-fourth they will build, repair or reconstruct.
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and now about the bright ice battles. wolves vs. bisons, battle for the president's cup number four. the hockey season in belarus could end today. metallurg took away three previous meetings in the final series with brest and any next victory could bring them a fourth title in history for the third time in a row. and right now my colleague, kristina kamysh, kristina, is getting in touch with us. good evening, tell us about the course of the fight and the emotions in the stands? thank you, tatyana, in the fourth match of the final series for the presidential hockey cup between brest and metallurg there is a second break, the numbers on the scoreboard are open with the score 1:0 ahead joiners. as for the emotions in the stands, the local fans are certainly jumping up and down in support of their team. seats
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for every good attack of the southerners, tickets for the fourth game arrived the day before on monday at noon, and were sold out in less than a day, this means that now we will have recorded the thirty-first sold-out during the second stage of the extra league, the history of the championship for this the indicator has already been rewritten, previously the best result was set in the knockout round of the last season, then 27 matches were held in front of full stands, another record is approaching, but for it to take place, the brest club needs to push, a year ago, the total attendance of the playoffs was 68,000 people, at the moment we have 6,000 less in this indicator, then is only provided that if the team from the city above god now takes three games in a row in the golden series there will be a seventh match, the achievement will be updated, of course in... all experts note interest in the final.
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we see that every year the championship becomes more and more interesting, the teams are very even and this is even evidenced by the fact that the sixth and seventh teams of the smooth championship are now sorting things out among themselves. we already know that during the season, supposedly outsiders beat many grants during the season, and this series is there. statement, the championship has become interesting specifically for the viewer, we see a record number of sold-out houses, we see an increased spectator interest in the matches, we see an increased interest of the guys in these matches, exactly, and this is exactly what we wanted to achieve. so, to the sporting interest, if today the metallurgist will win, then the team will take the third title in a row, brest, which reached the medals for the first time in a quarter of a century, is certainly against it, the stakes are high, therefore.
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the squads act extremely carefully in defense, in the first period the guests were a little brighter in attack, let's listen to the interview after the starting third, what did the bison talk about? not the best period in our performance, we played a lot in the zone, yes, but wrong actions lead to this, we need to act a little more coolly in our zone, inaccurate transmissions, well, now sergei mikhailovich will explain, everything will be fine, there’s definitely nowhere to retreat. so here, without these loud slogans and the like , there is nothing left for us, so we just have to fight, everything will be fine at every moment, in the second third at the end, konstantin lukin opened the scoring for the metal guy, here are our numbers on the scoreboard 1:0, straight now we are joined on air by forwards from talevarov, zakhar polishchuk, zakhar, this is the fourth match of the final series, of course. and when the score is 3:0,
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everything is fine with you, the last step remains, it is the most difficult, as the coaching staff set you up, what dmitry kravchenko spoke about in the locker room, well , i was getting ready for... we don’t need such matches anymore, i think, but some things there correct to say yes, he spoke calmly, calmly, well, that is, we are calmly preparing to play, that is, everyone understands what we are going to, that is, there is no need to talk about it again, so everything was in such a calm mode, this is due to the fact that your third championship in a row is possible, so the champion team and you know how to handle this final episode, right? well, i think, of course, this experience helps a lot, as if the coaching staff is not the first time and there are many players who have been playing there for the third year in a row, so yes, everything seems to be in a mode in which you don’t need to repeat it 10 times, as if once they said everything was clear, now there is certainly a very strong audience interest in the final episode,
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do you feel the attention of the fans? well, we can say that we have been feeling the attention of the fans all season, but now, of course, probably in for belarus, as if conditionally, there was nothing left except the final.
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to say that we just started to build a team, that is, not from the summer, but from november to december, we slowly played, played, played, so we kind of hope that everything will work out. thank you very much, zakhar, for this express comment, we let you follow the hockey, because in just 2.5 minutes we will begin the third period, we remind you, dear viewers, that the live broadcast is on tv channel belarus 5. our colleagues show this game in full volume, during the broadcasts during breaks there is a studio and communication with experts, the audience can also see unique footage, since there is also a staticam camera that
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accompanies the teams directly on the ice, and there is also a camera that is attached to the helmet of the referees, so watch out, dear spectators for... thank you christina, we are following the progress of the game and will definitely come back to them later. a powerful storm hit the gulf countries, dubai disappeared under water , roads, highways, shops were flooded, flights were canceled, strong winds and heavy rains killed people in the disaster zone of myanmar, bahrain and kuwait. footage of the rampant elements in the material by olga davidovich. lightning strikes the spire of the world's tallest skyscraper , lamborghinis and ferraris float through the streets, and
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people walk through the streets in knee-deep water. this is all dubai today. a powerful storm hit the metropolis last night and shows no sign of slowing down. in 6 hours , almost 50 mm of precipitation fell here, while in the whole country, on average, less than 120 mm falls per year. the city actually went under water metro stations are flooded and many highways are blocked. residents share footage of the violence on social networks. due to the fact that it rarely rains in dubai, roads are not equipped with a drainage system. during heavy rainfall, water accumulates on roads and floods buildings. this happened with the largest shopping center on the planet, dubai mall. water rushed into the lower floors and parking lot. sellers are trying to salvage what they can. but they don’t succeed very well, the goods are drowning, luxury handbags and expensive brand shoes float through the aisles. police have blocked off areas one of the main highways in the capital of the emirate of the same name. water flooded
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the basements, the first floors of residential buildings flooded the courtyards. television does not work in some places, schools and government agencies have been transferred to remote work. beaches are closed, public events are cancelled, the authorities ask. city ​​guests should not go out. dubai international airport, the city's busiest airport for international flights, had its long-haul flights disrupted. the planes were redirected , tried to take off, literally went to other cities, those that still ships, the runway is flooded and the liner has to make its way, cutting through the waves. many flights are canceled or delayed, including the belavia flight from dubai to minsk. two took off, delay of about 2 s2 hours, arrival of the evening flight. is also expected to be delayed, bad weather has hit all seven
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emirates, an orange alert level has been introduced in the country, in some regions the rains are accompanied by thunderstorms and hail, as well as strong gusts of wind, giant palm trees are literally folded in half, there are problems with water supply, in many in cities, drivers complain about poor visibility due to rain, the elements have been raging in the persian gulf countries since sunday, rains have covered bahrain, qatar and saudi arabia. in aman , 18 people, including 10 children, could not survive the elements. a school bus that was swept away by stormy currents. there are missing persons. the eastern provinces suffered the most, where water flooded hundreds of houses and dozens of cars. roads are washed out, schools and offices are temporarily closed. dozens of flights have been canceled at the local airport. quantity.
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ukraine does not need peace in any form, this is the official position of kiev, the rator agency writes, square at the last moment refused to conclude an agreement to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea. signed a law on tightening mobilization, so the document introduces the mandatory provision of information about citizens to
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the military registration and enlistment office, including those who live abroad and gives the right to detain a person liable for military service for lack of a military id, and failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on the basis of a summons already served will result in criminal charges responsibility, while the terms of demobilization are not specified in the law. it is not surprising that ukrainians are fleeing square, not wanting to die because of zelensky’s corruption. eu countries have become a haven for them, however, ordinary europeans quickly got tired of the impudence of ukrainian migrants who do not want to work and behave defiantly; now the biggest fear of the residents of borel’s garden of eden is the ukranization of europe. lyudmila gladkaya will continue. i even.
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it’s no secret that everyone from zelensky to the last soldier is stealing. by the way, zelensky’s condition during the north military district is at the most modest estimates have already exceeded a billion. but that’s not about that now. let's talk about the ukrainian refugees who have been fooling europe for a year in a row. at the beginning of this year , polish and german journalists were the first to sound the alarm, saying... minsk migrants are squandering local budgets by huge sums simply by moving from place to place. the fact is that there is no single register of ukrainian migrants; each voivodeship or land has its own register, so they can receive a one-time benefit every time they move to another voivodeship, not it’s even necessary to leave the country, or the old fashioned way: come, get help and go home, and then to another country. this is the way to make money. in general, there are many schemes for how to deceive ukrainians in europe, for example, poles and other citizens of the european union are being persistently offered to invest in well-known
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companies. those who took this bait lost their money. here's another. in ukrainian communities on the internet you can find services from manicures to delivery of lard from ukraine. of course, not officially, so as not to lose benefits refugee payment from hand to hand, or to a ukrainian bank card. as a result, income that is not controlled is not subject to taxes. and the local population watches in surprise as poor refugees waste money in restaurants, shops, and drive jeeps, while german burghers and polish gentlemen earn their allowances. for example, those who arrived after february 2022. poland was provided with all sorts of benefits, free medical care, even botex kali, housing, education, food, quickly adapting, the ukrainians began to introduce their orders. literally in the first few months, a wide network of fraudsters, smugglers, drug smugglers, and carriers of illegal migrants launched its activities. a separate niche in the fraudulent market was occupied by so-called consultants,
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ukrainians and poles, even without a legal education, but who know the loopholes in polish law. for money, they teach how to deceive the polish state and get additional benefits by playing on the status of a ukrainian refugee. the british have basically two complaints about ukrainian migrants: they fatten shamelessly and deceive the gullible englishmen. for example. with the beginning of the northern military district , almost 170,000 ukrainians settled in british homes. they were given money, and later it turned out that rich people were coming from regions of ukraine, where there was no talk of a special operation. the british are perplexed. regarding the number of fake guarantee visas with which ukrainian migrants come to the country. applying for a real visa as a guarantee to enter england is not cheap, but here it was like this: i paid a couple of hundred, received the documents, got on the plane, in the uk it turns out that the documents are fake. well, the play begins about the unfortunate ukrainians
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with children in their arms, who were deceived by bad people in england. in fact, they knew everything. on this diagram. those who arrived saved a lot of money and were not expelled from the country. among other things, ukrainian refugees bring national crime, theft, attacks, showdowns, prostitution, drug sales, etc. to europe. and those who are territorially close, like the poles, in the opinion of ukrainians , are generally simply obliged to support them almost for life. they want to turn poland into small ukraine, but if the poles don’t like something, they can leave. and most of all they are afraid of russia’s victory in the northern military district, because then... they think another 20 million ukrainians will flee to europe through poland and germany, who would also go to paris for free. and now about the details of the accident in minsk, which occurred this morning. on the smelovichsky
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highway, a regular bus crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road. according to the ministry of health. there are more than forty victims, among them children. our film crew worked together with specialists at the scene of the accident today. victoria radevich will continue. by the time our film crew arrived, the investigators had already recorded all the necessary traces at the scene of the accident, and the necessary procedural actions were being carried out. the bus and truck drivers were taken for medical examination. rescuers also worked at the scene. they prevented a fire. fuel spilled on the road. all victims were taken to the hospital. accident during morning rush hour. the footage from the recorder shows a rice bus driving along the smilovichesky tract in the direction of selitsky street. what happens next is unclear the car swerved to the side and then there was a blow. the bus crashes into a truck standing on the side of the road. within minutes , emergency services and an investigative team were at the scene of the accident. according to initial data, today at about 7:00 am, a fifty-five-year-old
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passenger bus driver, moving along the smilovichi highway, drove into a volvo tractor-trailer standing on the side of the road. according to the original. it is reported that to establish the trace picture of the causes of the accident, even if it had not previously occurred, experts also worked on the spot, automotive technical and road cable testing examinations were assigned. as a result of the collision, the vehicle received mechanical damage and movement was restricted. some were taken to hospitals immediately, some went to doctors, in total 43 people were injured in the accident, minsk and the minsk region independently during the day, three more were examined at the scene
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of the incident, two underwent surgery, eight people were hospitalized, out of 43 three - this is a teenager. two patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit, from the ministry of health and the health committee will do and are doing everything necessary to ensure that these patients are cured and discharged as quickly as possible. the passengers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, fractures, bruises, and abrasions. a total of eight medical teams provided first aid to the victims. the condition of the bus driver is not yet known. what provoked the incident, poor health, inattention on the road and... a technical malfunction, this still needs to be sorted out with the investigator, and work on this direction is already underway. victoria radevich, alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. the union media holding will become the hub and heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere. this was discussed
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during a joint meeting of the belarusian-russian working group on the issue of reforming the media of the union state, creating an autonomous non-profit organization media company of the union state. today , experts discussed practical concrete steps, in particular the draft charter of the company. now. system for providing the union state, information support for the union state in accordance, firstly, with the spirit of the times, secondly, with the challenges that our integration faces, and thirdly, based on the priorities of the national interests of the two countries, let’s not forget , which is in belarus.
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the council's agenda is full of 19 bills among the deputies of the house of representatives, 10 of them have already passed the approval procedures and are ready for
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consideration, the rest will be considered before the end of the first session, the vice speaker said deputy corps vadim ipatov today at a council meeting. one of the important issues is the draft law on the suspension of belarus' participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. on the session agenda: belarus with the government of equatorial guinea, for example, on double taxation, investment protection. in addition, we will consider a bill that regulates the agreement between the government of the republic of belarus and the government of the united arab emirates on issues of combating terrorism. also advice the house of representatives adopted a statement in connection with the international day of monuments and historic sites. parliamentarians call on states to comply with their international
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obligations and stop destroying monuments dedicated to the heroism of the soviet people. our memorial complexes, the brest hero fortress, and the mound of glory are known throughout the world. we not only carefully preserve these monuments, but also... with the activities of the investigative committee. spring is a time for large-scale restoration of order and improvement of territories. only in in the central region
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, housing and communal services have recently carried out pothole repairs on an area of ​​16,000 m2. particular attention is paid to housing modernization, in particular roof repairs. for example, the agricultural town of petrishkin. several houses here have problems with waterproofing, which, alas, have not been solved for years. alexey kondratenko understood the situation. agricultural town of petrishki, minsk region. residents of several houses on gagarin street have the same problem. the roof is leaking. in house number five, after the hurricanes, they repeatedly tried to change the roof every times unsuccessful. all is not well with the basements. all the water that flows and melts after winter in the spring, when it rains, it all ends up on the walls, it doesn’t drain, it doesn’t, because it’s jelly. why isn’t everything just installed? it’s all in people’s walls on the windows , wherever you got it, in which house in the third house did we have blind areas made, the edge of the blind area has already
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broken off, but it didn’t... i tried for 2 whole years to have them look, the whole basement was leaking, it was standing in the basement mold in the basement, my son cleaned it out. alexandra akulevich’s family has a roof leaking situation affected not only the comfort of living, but also the state of health. as a child, i can’t do any repairs here, it’s black, there’s fungus, there it is, the seams from my stretch ceiling have come apart, water is accumulating there, and it turns out that
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drops are collecting on the ceiling. there are problem areas with utility networks and the facade, which means it's time for a major overhaul. the fate of the houses in petrishki was clarified to us by the minsk regional executive committee; according to the leadership of the capital region, the roof and other problem areas of houses numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and others along gagarin street will be put in order by the end of the summer. these addresses are in
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our program for this year and we... man, the workers of the minsk housing housing organization always work above the roof, by the way, just in order to understand how to properly and efficiently renew the roof, we climb one of the zaslavsky five-story buildings. the sticker is made in two layers, the bottom and top layer of the material is armored, we
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go, firstly, the regions of our country will continue work on street improvement, as well as repairs road surfaces everywhere, roads in rural areas and cities will take on a new look by may 9. alexey kondratenko, anatoly dolotovsky and alexey petrov, tv news agency. the a1 company is now a quarter of a century old. 25 years ago the first mobile operator of the gsm standard appeared in the country, it
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all started with ordinary ones. but gradually more and more options became available to users. today , more than 4,800,000 people use a1 mobile communications in belarus, and more than 1,200 households use home internet. in addition, under the a1 brand we provide digital television services, ip-tv, products for business, as well as cloud services based on its own data center, one of the largest in the country. there are even more improvement plans ahead. anton malyuta will tell you more about the quality of all services. vyacheslav zenkovich has been with a-1 for 25 years, he is one of the first twenty subscribers of the company. he says that if earlier even ordinary calls were something new and amazing, now 4g internet is quite commonplace. the entire range of services that the company provides is impossible to list, there are an infinite number of them, it it has become so ingrained and absorbed into our
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daily lives. that well, many people simply can’t imagine how people once lived without this, it’s well, it’s impossible, and1 an innovator in the belarusian mobile world. everything for the convenience of subscribers, especially for them, high-quality communications and broadband internet in all regions, including remote settlements . the company achieves this success together with reliable partners. big claudeud and a1 together played a significant role in the construction and development of the 4g network. this is how high-speed internet access was obtained the majority of the country's population. the continuous cooperation of our technical specialists allows us to constantly work on improving the quality of cellular telecommunications, as well. rye the most advanced technological solutions, it was in close cooperation with a1 that in 2021 our technical specialists tested gigabitlte technology for the first time on a real network. using a1 services, clients can be sure that their data is safe.
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the company's cybersecurity center recently received operational and analytical certification center under the president of belarus. and a1 is also convenient: mobile communications, home internet, television and others. digital services are combined into a single package, offering users comfort and benefits from integration. we were able to create the most difficult thing when they say in marketing to create a product with great value for our subscribers. for example, our subscriber can receive both mobile communications and fixed-line internet, all in one package and of course it turns out cheaper than if you buy from different providers. as a company we quite diverse, let's move on. in a large number of areas, it gives us as an operator quite a lot of competitive advantages, yes, we are very difficult to repeat, we are different, and we create additional value for our subscribers. thus, the a1 company has long become a part of the daily life
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of its subscribers, not only as a service provider, but also as a brand that shares and supports values ​​and interests. 25 years of communication is far from the limit. anton malyuta, ilya maksimov and nikolai lashkevich, agency. and we return to the hockey battles on the ice in brest. at these moments , the fourth match of the final series for the president's cup continues. metallurg is one step away from its third championship in a row. the previous three meetings with brest hockey players ended in victory for the wolves, and zhlobin’s team is one victory away from a golden hattrick. at the moment, the score in game number four. 3:0 in favor of metaluga. konstantin lukin and alexander khovanov distinguished themselves twice. we continue to follow the beautiful hockey , we remind you that the live broadcast is carried out by the tv channel belarus 5. these are the main events of this day, sports news and weather forecasts are ahead, and
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right now the broadcast will continue with the ksenia lebedeva program and this is something else. stay with us, it will be very interesting. iran's attack on israel. the third world war is already close. journalistic materials came out with these headlines after iran’s attack on israel on april 14. are intensifying or is it still a reason to think, perhaps april 14 is the very day when the new reality, which began its formation on october 7 last year with massive attacks on the gas sector, like has she finished the same process, or is it
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still something else? i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! having launched an operation in the gaza strip, israel put everything on the line and within six months it could not help but defeat hamas and force out the palestinians with massive carpet bombing. despair forced netanyahu, still the current prime minister of israel, to resort to provocation on april 1, when an attack was carried out on the iranian consulate in damascus. then, as a result, seven iranian officers were killed, including two generals. but for what was this necessary? it’s simple, it was necessary to force iran to attack israel, after which, most likely, netanyahu will require support from the united states, directed against countries on the side of iran and the so-called proxy forces, which are, for example, lebanese hezbollah,
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will request help to continue the attack against hamas in gaza. in general, israel decided to escalate the situation to the limit. however, iran acted honorably in this situation before the attack.
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the un will act differently, but as we see
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today, all international institutions, including including the un, are inactive, but let’s think logically, if the un meeting had taken place, how the united states should have behaved, supported israel’s attack on a diplomatic facility or supported iran. the us is an ally of tel aviv, with tehran understanding it. serious influences in the middle east do not want to quarrel, they chose a position of abstinence and thus proposed to independently resolve the conflict that had arisen at this stage. i believe that after this operation of iran, the political circles of iran, as well as the people of iran, have this opinion appeared, because after these operations, if...
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they directly attack from their territories, so they already understand this very well, and the course of the game in the middle east after this operation completely changed. iran, apparently, was satisfied with such a solution to the conflict at this stage and was ready for it, since there could be no talk of any neutrality of international legal institutions. as a result, according to tel aviv, 99% of the means of attack. of the 300 drones and missiles launched by iran were eliminated as such
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there was no destruction, no casualties, but the subtle hint of serious circumstances was understood by all parties to the conflict. iran and its allies will not remain silent; they have assessed the gaps in israel’s defense system. let's discuss the situation in the middle east, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of belarus, andrei bagadelim. hello, hello, how do you think iran’s attack on israel on april 14 should be assessed? well, let's see today who solved what problems and what happened in the end: iran, well, firstly, it saved its face, it responded to an act of aggression against its diplomatic mission. the second thing is that he managed to essentially avoid a global war. third, that it
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first of all strengthened its position as a regional leader, and fourth, it can be noted that iran was able to fully demonstrate its combat capabilities, so that no one has been able to attack israel so far. what about the israeli side? the israeli side, firstly, ruled out the possibility of delivering a stronger strike precisely at those targets, military installations, today there is, on the one hand, on the other hand, today it has the opportunity to carry out a delayed retaliatory strike against iran and many countries, especially western countries, they will say that...
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this is what it is? the united states, of course, what is important to note is that they have shown that they are dealing with iran today, all countries must deal with iran, because iran has become a strong regional power today. what have western countries received so far? well, firstly, we clearly saw that among western countries there is still the basis of their foreign policy is double standards, we have not seen anything else from them, only that this endless...
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as for the republic of belarus, the republic of belarus, too, without any doubt, must take away the most important thing from this armed conflict. the first thing is that our military-political leadership and the head of state correctly assessed the military-political situation and its development trends. look at what our entire military development was aimed at, in particular the construction of the armed forces, the development of missile systems weapons, for the development of air defense, electronic warfare, for development.
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well, for us, we must clearly understand the most important thing: we can say that after this we pushed the global conflict back and most likely it is impossible in the near future, but this is not a reason for us to rest on our laurels today and think that that’s all iran's deputy there has polished everything, no, the era of prog all wars lies ahead, it was the head of state who correctly noted, remember his three scenarios, which he spoke about at a meeting before the security forces, in february 2024 year, the first, the most desirable for them is the organization of a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power directly during the election campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely,
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they do not yet see any real prerequisites for rocking the situation by analogy with the twentieth year, this now the second: the main use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections in twenty fifth year. the third scenario is a backup scenario, playing the long game. with the widespread use of soft power tools, if the first two scenarios fail. basically, this game never stopped. as long as sovereign belarus has existed, and this third scenario is real, and it will be, not the first, not the second scenario, they will not implement it, neither now, nor in 25, they will not implement it, we will get together and hit you in the teeth, andrei petrovich, to your a look at how the defense of our borders should be built today, what
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it is worth emphasizing that the northwestern western operational directions must be covered heavily...
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with which western countries and , above all, the united states should help. if israel lacks money and weapons, then what can we say about... ukraine, and congress, apparently, is waiting for elections so that all decisions on prolonging the sponsorship of wars can be left for later, like dessert. but should we expect anything good from the us presidential election? an end to the conflict in the middle east and ukraine, for example, most likely not. at the same time, many negative processes in the world can only get worse, including under the pressure of events developing in our neighbourhood. east, but that's different. and yaxinia and lebedeva were with you, see you in the next program.
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what we are promoting: the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current, turbulent and difficult times, three times yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state has emphasized many times that power for him is service people and welfare, by welfare there is in we see peace and security, from our lack of war to the calm on our streets in peacetime , thanks, of course, to the system. law enforcement, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and
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much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i'm happy, i'm sure you're happy too. we built as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about this construction. our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power goes neat, doesn't break anything. will everything work out for the new generation? surely not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a catastrophe, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every one. action is meaning, they live in postmodernity, everything in the world is postmodern is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we
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are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me here already... he is an individual. project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. the milk yield from kalgas farms goes to the grodzensky malochny plant. milk
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with a high percentage of tartness. together with advanced livestock breeders. the people of the stakhana plant are grateful for providing the country with a high-quality food product. daterminova vykanavshiy dzyarzhaўnya pastauki, kalgas tsyaper zdae malako s vyshplan ў fund miru. byaskontsy molasses aўtatsysternaў with malak uyazjae ў getyya varoty. amal, all creative processes at the plant are increasingly mechanized. the machine is not reminiscent of the pharmacy store, spilling yana gat product. eight and up-to-date processes. the jar is sealed and ready to be sent to the most remote places of our homeland. in the milk bottling line , graphite filters were previously used to purify steam. they often failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from light and durable metal powder, titanium compressed by explosion. the biggest problem
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is the economy of cheese. yashche not so long ago are small adgons, as they are caught up in the creative process of essential milk products, not known here. sunny adgon perapracovaetstsa for food for flocks and parachute. stogod 1500 kantsentravanaga spazhyўnaga stern. thus, new reserves of creation have been prepared. minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. machines remove paper bottles and remove their crumpled and i'm getting clogged. this automatic line has a high level of productivity. here
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you pay 6 thousand bottles of malak for a drink. and geta... led the series 3:0 before the fourth game of the golden confrontation. the first period ended today in a draw 0:0. in the second, lukin opened the scoring, in the third, khovanov and lukin made the numbers on the scoreboard 3:0 in favor of stalivar. and the result of today's meeting is on your screen. let's note in the season 20-21-20-22 in the 2022-2023 season.


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