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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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28 years old arrived in vitebsk, where they had to complete the next task, for this they even rented an apartment. the next morning , a curator contacted them and provided the coordinates of a forest area in the vitebsk region where they needed to pick up the goods. the married couple took 50 g of the psychotropic substance and then packaged it into small quantities. subsequently, the man and woman went to the forested area of ​​vitebsk, where they placed drug stashes in hiding places. in a rented apartment. discovered by opponents packaging material and scales, the suspects were detained and face up to 15 years in prison. the publication will continue with a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by alexander kamovich. a group of drug pawnbrokers was detained in the brest region. four residents of the region were engaged in wholesale shipments and caught the defendants on the m1 highway in the zhabinkovsky district. it was established that three residents of brest and...
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kobrin, aged from 28 to 31 years old , took a large batch of psychotropic drugs in brest the day before and went to the baranovichi district, where they laid out about 100 bookmarks, and a psychotropic substance was discovered and seized in their hiding places (4 sms). the defendants admitted that they responded to an offer to make criminal money on messenger. the employer promised complete safety and avoidance of criminal liability during arrest. they worked at the drug market for less than 2 weeks, without even receiving the first one. for illegal drug sales, pawnbrokers face up to 15 years in prison. in the grodno region, a drunk driver tried to escape from gaya, first in a car, then on his own two feet. incident happened on monday. the footage was published the day before. so, near the village of shchechinovo, the mazda driver, seeing the traffic police officers, turned sharply and tried to leave. the inspectors decided to check and the drivers went after him. the car, in turn , only increased its speed. at some point , the car was stopped, and
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the forty-two-year-old driver tried to run away, but was detained by inspectors; a medical examination showed that he exceeded the permissible alcohol limit by more than five times. the man said that he drank the night before bottle of vodka, got behind the wheel in the morning. the nitrizvoyman resident imagined himself as a battering ram and tried to pass through the barrier. now he is involved in a criminal case. line 102 received a message that an unknown person had damaged the fence of a capital organization. operatives established and detained. twenty-seven year old culprit. the guy admitted that he was drunk and, without realizing his actions, tried to run through the barrier, but it did not give in. the damage was estimated at 250 rubles. and the act is like hooliganism. forensic experts helped solve the crime shoe marks. back in february, the police received a report from a resident of the city of khoiniki about theft from his home. he lost components of his gas boiler and other things. an unknown person climbed inside through the window, damaging the frame. there's an expert on the floor. they found traces of the tread of a shoe,
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this evidence helped to identify the thief, the suspect was detained by police officers, and during forensic examinations , a match was established between the traces found in the house and the soles of the shoes seized from the suspect. the man confessed to the crime. heavy rains have turned dubai into the water world, in residential buildings, floods entire floors from hotel balconies, carries away tables, chairs, airplanes, almost floats around the airport. from the evening of april 15 , downpours hit the city. roads are flooded, transport runs intermittently, in just the first 6 hours of the cataclysm, up to 5 cm of rain fell in the united arab emirates, this is almost half of the annual norm, the footage published by locals and guests of the city is reminiscent of a disaster movie: lightning strikes skyscrapers, flooded streets and metro station, in one of the largest shopping centers of the planet, pipes have burst and goods are drowning in streams of water, 17 flights at dubai airport have been redirected or delayed, the government is urging people not... their
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homes. this was the "area x" project. our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and we will tell you about the dark and news from the world of crime in our evening program.
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to the country we say good morning to belarus, please wake up, beloved country, join this life with us , start this morning with discussions, say solga to us vienna, tatyana matusevich and masha khrustaleva, who has already appeared in our studio, good morning to you, masha, good morning, good morning girls, well, it’s the height of the work week again and here’s to brighten up this wednesday morning. i offer news from the world of media. let's find out what happened this week. luc beson was found in a belarusian textbook on extracurricular reading for the fourth grade, or rather, they found a short biography and works of the french film director and
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producer. the video with this discovery collected tens of thousands of hundreds of views on tiktok comments within a day, causing controversy among parents, but the vast majority still approved of the sudden find. what did you forget in the textbook? in literature, the famous author of leon and the fifth element. it turns out that the textbook presents a chapter from the children's book arthur named puta, which besson published in 2002. this is a fairy tale about a boy , arthur, who, after reading about his grandfather's adventures in africa, goes to the tiny minip world below his house to find a treasure there. the book has been translated into dozens of languages in the cis alone its circulation exceeded 1.5 million copies. well, it’s actually unexpected that this caused such surprise among many parents. how do you feel about this? well, why not, well , belarusian schoolchildren also study biography, firstly, it would also not hurt for adults to know that luc besson is not only a director, but also the author of such wonderful, fairy-tale, children's, science fiction stories, i think that many adults did not know about this, after parents argued whether it was good or bad,
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whether it was necessary or not, further in the comments they continued the discussion, but with proposals for a list of literature for extracurricular reading, by the way, an extensive list can even be introduced there. same movie lyon. well, in the meantime, let’s move on to the next news: production of the series bayopika mayakovsky, how i met lilya, about the life of the silver age poet and his lover, has started in russia. the plot will be based on a novel between a famous writer and the muse of the russian avant-garde, prose writer lily brik. it is known that the project will consist of eight
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hour-long episodes. presumably mayakovsky, how i met lily will be released in 2025. and by the way, in april last year, another film studio also announced a project dedicated to the history of relationships. shared lilya brik with, well, they loved this woman, she was such a drug addict, roman trio, but most of the myths and rumors are about lilya, that is, it seems like three people participated, but it is about lilya brik that they say that she made mayakovsky suffer, she she said, it’s just good, even if he
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suffers even more because of our love passions, but at least there’s something good, she writes, his creativity only in this case it turns out when it is called, he suffered for... simply - from right to left, and as i wanted, in general, let's see how the directors see it in the film, let's see what exactly the eight episodes will consist of , will apparently be very rich, that there is something to tell, you agree, yes, obviously, but there is another news from the world of cinema, it has become known who will play the main role in the new film adaptation of the fairy tale by soviet writer alexei tolstoy, the golden key or the adventure of buratin. burotina will be in the film dolls, his image will be created using computer graphics, but it will also require acting. work, the role of the main character of the fairy tale in a special make-up costume will be performed by thirteen-year-old actress vitalia kornienko.
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one of the names in the cast, by the way, caused the greatest resonance on the internet, ruzil minikaev, who became famous thanks to the project “the boy’s word”, will play harlequin in the film. however, the film’s cast as a whole can be called stellar. for example, fyodor bondarchuk will play karabas barabas, and alexander petrov will play the cat basilio. this is such a stellar cast, but in general, in general, we see that the producers, apparently, have followed such a well-trodden path. opens up in these wonderful works, we are waiting, however, with impatience, an excellent, it seems to me, acting start for
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a young actress of thirteen, who, despite the fact that she seems to be a girl, will play pinocchio a male character, a character, and even in a muqab suit, it seems to me that it will be very interesting to look at this, in general, we are waiting, yes, well, it’s not in vain that the girl has a name, let us remind you once again - male and female vitalia, but that’s an interesting name, by the way, it’s rare, mash, well, in my opinion, you’ve got a cool selection of news, it’s intriguing, thank you very much. thank you very much, see you next series and have a nice day. well, right now we offer all of you, our dear viewers, a little refreshment. anatoly moiseva has another delicious and healthy recipe. good morning, today we have a salad for breakfast, all the ingredients of which are included in the list of our favorite products. and we will prepare a fish salad with tomatoes, avocado and crispy croutons. for cooking. you will need white fish fillet, toast bread, tomato, cheese, avocado, mayonnaise
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and seasonings. cover the baking dish with foil so that half the sheet covers the bottom, lay out fillets of any white fish, sprinkle with salt, herbs de provence and paprika on one side, wrap in foil and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 18. cut the toast bread into cubes and send to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, sprinkle the future croutons with salt and paprika, fry until golden brown appears, cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, divide into cut the quarters into slices, cut the tomato into cubes. grate the hard cheese on a fine grater, chop the finished and slightly
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cooled fish, assemble the salad, put the chopped fish on a plate, and then croutons, followed by tomatoes and grated cheese, season with a small amount of mayonnaise, add provençal herbs, a little salt , a mixture of peppers, mix gently to ... the ingredients remained intact. place a portion of salad on a plate. make a layer of avocado slices on top. done, you can start breakfast. lenten fish fillet and neutral, buttery avocado provide a gentle backdrop for the more active flavors of the tomato and cheese. spicy croutons form spontaneous crunchy flecks. this is very. delicious, be sure to try it, eat healthy, and most importantly tasty, bon
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appetit, i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will never become this snow, and so be it. after all, between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, well, it’s time to get out our phones and arrange a stellar one. the sky here, it seems that we have cold, right inside, this is trouble, it seems that we are cities that we have water and so much ice, and
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our fingers are so cold. touch your thoughts, how not to fall in love again, not to fall in love with you, tell me, i saw in your eyes, snow in the ocean, you and i will never become this snow, and let it all come, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in ocean, i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i are strangers. we won’t become different either, so let it all come, flow between the polish, i’m letting you go and don’t come back, wind,
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the feelings are buto of a couple in the mouth, the air. the mask is off, we haven't counted to a hundred, this one has love, all because of the ice, and it’s so cold for my fingers to touch your thoughts, how not to fall in love again, with you, not to fall in love, tell me, i saw in your voices, snow in the ocean, i... with you, never we we won’t, and let everything end, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will not become strangers, so let everything fall apart, flow between your fingers, i’m letting you go and don’t come back,
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everything is with me, everything is with me. and the world seemed to be in cracks, everything that we had promised before fell from the sky in flakes snowy, i saw in your eyes, traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. the
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volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key points of support. of this city, in fact, wolves in the slavic-baltic translation, wolf's neck, from here there are also wolves. all students of avsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the work eyut, which was painted by the artist in 1946, to the art gallery. travel is an opportunity to try something new. sequence, motherwort, but here is lafand, i see it for the first time such a plant. well, this too, this. heart plants here we have cardiovascular, so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's reading and, of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and
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with two handles and beat it hard , i’m scared, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look at the project: the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the live broadcast of the good morning program continues, we are olga venskaya and tatyana matusevich, we wish you a very pleasant and cheerful morning and want to share this news. yes, friends, let's meet the illusionist andrew basso, the fact is that he set a new world record, let's see how it all looked, he became the fastest escapo in the world.
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andrew needed to free his arms, legs, and then get out of this underwater prison. baso believes that the role of an escopologist is ideal for dealing with one's fears. according to the illusionist, if he was afraid of something as a child, he tried to approach this object in order to experience fear again, and then cope with it as successfully as he just did right here on the screen. and i want to ask: is this all for real, that this is not some kind of dummy mechanism in handcuffs? there was probably somewhere there, maybe, well , listen, in the time of houdini, you know, there were different cases, there were a lot of illusionists, and not all of them, you know, ended up so joyfully, like our contemporary andrew baso,
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some, alas, that's how they ended their lives, scary, but very interesting, let's get to the good news, to the useful, because the residents of our country are calling for labor records and are inviting us to take part in the traditional republican cleanup, by the way, it will take place this saturday on april 20, except... improvement of the territory belarusians participate in the cleanup work and financially, let me remind you, regular salaries deduct the cost of one working day. all the money earned from cleanup work will be divided into three parts: for the reconstruction of the memorial complex , 35% of the amount will go to children of war victims in the zhlobin region, another 35 will go to the creation of a republican center for patriotic education of youth in the brest fortress, and the remaining 30% will help in reconstruction and uprising...
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i work in rem avtodor as a territory cleaner, i wake up in the morning early, i lead a healthy lifestyle, that’s why i do light exercise, hardening up, breakfast, and go to work, we arrive at work at 7:30, my responsibilities include cleaning bus stops, areas, sidewalks and pedestrian walkways... transitions, boards, the male team, we have mostly men who protect us,
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protect us, help, especially in winter, i entered the profession consciously, thought for a long time, chose for a long time, i used to work, i was an individual entrepreneur, the work took a lot of time, so i was looking for a job for a long time... during the second year, here we have both weekends and shorter working hours, the child went to school, i had to pay attention to her, and so it has remained here for 20 years already, thank god, everything, i work, i work , i love my job for the fresh air, for the movement, for communication, for a good mood, all the time variety, on the street, in the fresh air, in communication with a lot of people. our point is the station, a very difficult point, people come to us at the station, they all, wow, wow, how beautiful it is, how clean it is, and we, this is our
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greatest praise, to be honest. even more than the director’s praise, when all visitors praise and cannot get enough of our city, the station is the gateway to minsk, this is the face of our city, the station, so there are great demands here, it must always be clean, clean and clean. i love my job because it makes my country's morning.
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trout is a noble fish of the salmon family that prefers to live in fresh waters, but no one will dare to call its taste pressed. let's highlight it with spices, fresh herbs and a side dish of vegetables. an ideal combination for both gourmets and fans of proper nutrition. so, let's start with vegetables. cut the zucchini and onion into fairly large pieces, cut the cherry tomatoes. in half, add parsley leaves, pour a little into the vegetables olive oil, soy sauce, salt, pepper, add slices of garlic and mix everything carefully, cut the lemon into large slices and prepare a few cubes of butter. grease a sheet of parchment with
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vegetable oil and put vegetables on it, put cleaned trout on them, salt and pepper, stuff the fish with pieces of butter and lemon slices, add thyme sprigs and bake at a temperature of 170-175°. after about half an hour, a wonderful dish for a family lunch or dinner is ready. baked trout with vegetables is not just tasty, but also very healthy. fish is a unique source of protein and polysaturated fatty acids. vegetables and fresh greens provide the body with fiber and a complete set of vitamins and minerals. bon appetit.
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and once again we say good morning to the whole country, belarus, by the way, this year our country is preparing to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders; today, on the eve of such a significant date for everyone, the premiere
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of the song video 8 will take place will tell you, she remembers this story better, so, but about how it was created - in fact, um, art is very, you know, uh, touching and sincere people inside are very keenly aware of everything that happens around, uh, besides i have a lot of relatives living in ukraine, and they stopped communicating with many of them, unfortunately, uh, and somehow this is all very painful, uh, here we have... in the country there
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are 80 years of liberation from the nazi invaders, that’s all this, of course, was refracted in yulia and i’s souls, of course i wanted to write a song and now, as it were... tea, how we met, katya is from brest, and brest is still the first in the soviet city that took the blow of the invaders, and of course, this acquaintance gave birth to us, we did not plan to write this song, but when katya’s family arrived, everyone is such patriots from brest to the bresk fortress, of course, well, we thought that the topic should still be raised, well , that is, the soul responded to all these events, of course it’s still about... acquaintance, katya, please tell me how it is happened, the family arrived, how we met for the first time 5 years ago, evgeniy invited us, it was like this, evgeniy invited us to the studio, we came, sang a little, listened to something there,
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yes, they brought a logo made of wire, an aura, yes, and it still stands on your shelf, my, is that you? on wire crafts, that’s what they taught us there, it wasn’t very difficult, but in fact, as evgeniy said, this is the most memorable souvenir, so they remember you, but please tell us about the song, about your feelings, as you understand meanings, oh, well, in the first verse of the song they sing about life in general, immediately listening the first verse i'm... i remember how, uh, i'm little, i go to school early in the morning, there 's first grade, in second, uh, the sun is just rising, i'm going to school, such nostalgia, and then just a great feeling gratitude to our ancestors,
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who at one time simply gave their lives so that we could now live with a peaceful sky, literally yes, 50 seconds before the end of the conversation, zhenya, briefly about the clip, what is important to pay attention to, it is important to pay attention to.. . only katya sings, that is, she is really a child who does not know what it is. this, this is the most important thing, please look at a happy child from a country that has not been at war for 80 years, lord, so that this can last as long as possible, we will look at katya, listen to her vocals, of course, understand the meaning of this deep composition, dear friends, right now we will have the premiere of a song and video 80 years without war, but this is a peaceful morning, we met with you olga venskaya and tatyana matusevich, now. watch the video, a beautiful song on our air, a sunrise in the golden rays, lilacs in bloom, i see
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i’m at the window, i’ll hug my mom, it’s time to run to the school bell, so as not to be late and the road is familiar. i know, i’m walking in the morning, it’s a peaceful morning on my land, my land, beloved, my land, live forever, prosper, years of peace and silence, 80 years without war, my land has become even more beautiful to those who defended you, let’s bow at your feet we, after 80 years
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without war, how little we sometimes appreciate what seems to be given by itself, every day, the happiness of simply living, feeding white swans on the river, first love, meeting here, i am my life, more i will give one to those who may peace be upon us brought, i thank you, my land, my beloved, my, live forever, prosper, years of peace and silence, 80 years without war, my land has become even more beautiful to those
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who defended you, at the feet, we bow down for 80 years without war. my land, my beloved, my land, live forever, enlighten, years of peace at its peak, 80 years without war, my land has become even more beautiful for those who defended you. we bow at our feet, for 80 years without
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war, we bow at our feet, for 80 years without war, good morning, belarus. dear brothers and sisters in christ, orthodox christians, you and i are in in the middle of the spiritual path, which is called great lent, in connection with this. i am turning to you to share my thoughts on what
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worries me, what my pastoral ministry, my pastoral duty, calls me to do. most recently, from february 11 to april 3, the great shrine, a piece of the belt of the most holy theotokos and pieces of the relics of her holy parents, the righteous iakim and anna, were in our country, and many people. about 400,000 in many cities of all dioceses of the belarusian exarchate were able to come to pray at the shrine, express their love and faith in prayers to the most holy theotokos and her parents. people at the shrine experienced great inspiration, peace, tranquility, inner spiritual joy, and heartfelt consolation.
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than we asked, and there are reasons for that. during great lent, which was established back in apostolic times, every orthodox christian is called to take part in the sacraments of confession, holy communion, and the sacrament of consecration of oil. do this consciously, because this is the most powerful means for spiritual cleansing and strengthening. a person, the means given by the creator himself.
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whoever does not resort to them according to the word of the savior of the world cannot inherit eternal life. and for me, as the primate of the belarusian orthodox church, as i have in the future to give an answer to god for my service, it is important to remind you of this once again, the intercession of the throne for the belarusian people in... a sermon, in a word addressed to christians, i realize, that sometimes something important is omitted, this may cause some of you to be upset because you did not find out in time, and no one said the proper pastoral word, did not give a testimony to faith, for this i, as for all service , will have to give an answer in eternity, tonight... in the churches the service of st. mary's station will be performed, which received its
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name through the mention of the special penitential feat of the venerable mary of egypt, who lived in the middle of the fifth to the beginning of the sixth centuries, and from a sinful life through deep repentance and prayer achieved holiness, miracle-working, and now has special boldness before god for people striving for spiritual improvement and correction of life. this service, like the entire great lent, calls on all orthodox christians. to universal repentance and prayer. agree that we really need this in the modern world, which is in bustle, over-concern, and therefore absent-mindedness and inattention to spiritual life. christ himself says: what good is it to a man if
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he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul. in addition, this week in... according to church historians, the beginning of such a service, akapaest singing, began in 626, when the city of constantinople miraculously and through the intercession of the queen of heaven... i was delivered from enemies, realizing that today is a difficult, anxious time, it is important to strengthen spiritual support in our lives, through participation in prayers and sacraments, to feel and accept the love of god, his care for each of us as a whole about all the people in the world. this is so important for
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our souls, so relieving. dear brothers and sisters. let’s think about the meaning and purpose of our life, what awaits us in eternity, what blessings god has prepared for us, but will we be able to use them if we don’t have living communication with god, through prayer, participation in the sacraments, reading the new testament. what is hell, why do people sometimes dream about the dead, what is the fate of their souls. how can i help them? what should be done for this? i’m not asking for much, only what all orthodox christians urgently need to do during great lent: awareness of my responsibility, the desire to reveal
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to baptized but unchurched people the riches of our faith and god’s care prompted me to ask for this. words, and those who doubt the salvific nature of the sacraments have busyness or unwillingness, i will say in the words of christ the savior. come see. come to the temple, follow these tips. i also ask you not to abandon efforts to the best of your ability to work spiritually in order to ascend. to a new step on the ladder of virtues leading to christ and the joy of his bright resurrection. i call upon you, dear, o lord, brothers and sisters, god’s blessing and prayerful intercession to the most holy theotokos.
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the pavel studio.


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