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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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construction of modern, large-scale dairy and pig-breeding complexes. implement at the enterprises being created look at the return we have from already modernized complexes from our own raw material base. last year they received half a ton more milk than the republican average, and the number of such. at the meeting , the president also announced blatant facts of violations of the military-industrial complex and demanded severe response measures. the situation remains difficult regarding the safety of poultry and livestock. there are farms where the requirements of those housing and feeding regulations are not followed by the vaccination schedule. also , the government, together with belarusian scientists and the local vertical, needs to develop approaches to the feasibility and use of complex fertilizers. to build
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a selection and genetic center for poultry farming, there is a proposal to do this on the basis of the derzhinsky agricultural complex, we will consider other options. attention, to the sowing company, at the spring relay race there are sweet root crops and amber cobs, the sugar beet area is now actively growing, plans about 100 thousand hectares, half have already been sown. in the meantime, the main work remains on corn, this is more than 1,200 thousand hectares for grain and silage, so that for...
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on april 4 and 25, the issue of strengthening social guarantees for veterans will be considered by deputies at today's meeting in the oval hall, there are 10 issues on the agenda in total, one more is related to the activities of the investigative committee, the rest relate to the international agenda, these are draft laws on the suspension of belarus’ participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, as well as the ratification of the agreement with the united arab emirates in the field of security.
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in total , there are 19 bills in the parliamentary portfolio in the first session. as of today , four of them are already being prepared for consideration in the second reading, seven are in the first reading, eight bills are related to the ratification or suspension of an international treaty. at the same time, i should note that out of nineteen bills, 10 have already been fully prepared, have gone through all the necessary approval procedures and are ready. for consideration, the remaining nine bills will be considered before the end first session. on the eve of the international day of monuments and historical dates, deputies adopted a statement condemning the policies of a number of european states to destroy the memory of the heroism of the soviet people and calling for compliance with their international obligations. difficult flood situation in the kurgan region of russia, water level. the tobol river
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has exceeded the critical level and the water is rising every hour, the disaster continues to capture houses and roads. authorities are calling on residents of kurgan to urgently evacuate. total floods in the area. over 600 houses are considered and more than 2 thousand dachas in 25 settlements. locked out after the storm, hundreds of tourists are trapped at dubai airport. due to the flooding, the runways remain under water. airplanes do not send or receive. including a canceled flight that was supposed to arrive in minsk at night. the strongest rainstorms that hit dubai led to massive problems with water and electricity supply, the authorities introduced. the country has an orange danger level, one of the metro stations went under water, in addition, cars, some shopping centers and the first floors of houses. dubai authorities report one death. challenging weather patterns across much of the gulf in nearby aman, with the death toll due to flooding rising to 18
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. the search for the missing continues . police soldiers have been sent to the worst- hit province to remove citizens from the flooded area. areas, large hail partially destroyed crops in the north of the country. open dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation between minsk and damascus will deepen. the president of belarus congratulated the leadership the people of syria on their national holiday, evacuation day. alexander lukashenko noted that for a long time the residents of the state have courageously resisted unfair external pressure and the threat of the spread of terrorism in the country and throughout the region. middle east. the belarusian leader expressed confidence that the syrians are able to overcome difficulties and take the path of reviving the republic. our country, in turn , will continue to support brotherly syria to achieve peace, stability and prosperity,” the president of belarus emphasized. visit
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cleanliness and order to help the public utilities of minsk, citizens and the capital's organization. workers of the sovetskaya gorremavtodor also joined in the improvement. in the area, the labor landing carried out large-scale cleaning on yakub kolos square, focusing on the memorial composition in the adjacent territory. the monuments were treated with a special chemical solution that does not damage the material, and they were cleaned after public transport stops during the winter. a set of measures is being carried out to sanitize the streets of the sovetsky district our company is involved in it every day. about 20 area cleaners, as well as 25 pieces of equipment, as well as college students from the sovetsky district, who assist in cleaning the surrounding areas. in minsk, the repair of the road network continues, the main work being carried out on the construction of sidewalks, replacement of side stones,
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and sealing of cracks. and landscapers will diversify the blooming image of the capital with bright and rich shades, more sophisticated sakura and... pure hydrangeas can already be found, primroses, crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils. in the leninsky district, annual and perennial plants will occupy an area of ​​900 square meters. these are flower beds of different sizes, compositions, including thematic ones. hanging flowerpots and metal stands with phazons on dividing strips will appear. in total, there are plans to plant 11 trees and more than 100,000 coniferous and deciduous shrubs in minsk, including along roads and transport ones. imkat interchanges. about sacred creativity in the palace of art in minsk. epics of greece, scandinavia and the roman pantheon. legends of the belarusian land and biblical meanings as interpreted by marc chagall. a graphic voyage spanning five centuries includes six hundred original
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works from private collections. about the arrangement of the universe in volume among the premiere sculptures of the minotaur alexander shappo, author. three series of illustrations and lithographs by avant-garde artist marc chagall; we will also appreciate the biblical scenes of the master of the resto-european engraving leonard gatier and the holy scriptures in the surreal manner of salvador dali. these are the main news of the
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tv news agency project available on social networks on mobile application qr code on the screen. watch the developments on our broadcast at noon on a successful day.
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despite the sanctions, minsk and moscow are steadily strengthening their integration. a meeting of prime ministers took place, where they talked about the union economy, import substitution and investments, but the unions do not cancel domestic investments, we will talk about the importance of production development using the example of one of the unique sludsk enterprises. both efficiency and security, business connects to electronic document management, but the government expects more activity. why? our report from the thematic forum. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. olga onishchenko is with you. hello. belarus and russia will assemble aircraft together. the day before, this news was again
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confirmed: in moscow, the governments of the two countries, after negotiations between the prime ministers, signed an agreement on the development and organization of production of the twin-engine light asvey. moreover, the partners have found a form in which the two countries will actually invest in this project on a parity basis; jointly by the owners of the new aircraft. by 2026, minsk and moscow should assemble the first models. we already have experience in aviation cooperation, belarusian enterprises supply components and components to russian factories for passenger and military equipment, now there is a new major project, finances will be allocated for it. in general, in moscow they discussed new measures to stimulate the investment activity of businesses in the two countries; mechanical engineering and tourism were named priority areas for investment. svetlana lukinyuk about important decisions within allied two. last year's record trade turnover of $53 billion
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does not stand still this year. in january-february it grew by 2.8%. for it to be sustainable, it is important for both businesses and the government to be in dialogue all the time. yes, there are problems in the union of the two, and some issues are delayed in resolution, but in 3 years it is important to implement at least thirty. it is necessary to give instructions and finalize these documents in order to accept them, as i already said, as a single package. the prime minister of belarus
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calls for work on critical import substitution. aviation is now at the top, they have been talking about this for a long time since last summer, when i was in yekaterinburg, and in the end an agreement was signed on the joint production of a light twin-engine aircraft. it is planned to produce 188 aircraft, which is the minimum number we need. we will produce 50% of this order, or , more simply, we will have to produce 89 aircraft on the territory of the republic of belarus, this is a russian order, that is, the order that we have today from... testing, this is very strict deadlines for organization and technology, design development and acquisition of the necessary equipment to complete this task. new products require new
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lines, as well as new production, and therefore investments. we are ready to share our competencies. russian federation, special partnerships, which today are used in the instruments of public-private investment agreements, and so on, so we are all these instruments... together, i am sure, after signing we will promote. belarus expects to rise above russia's third place in terms of investment, while we are behind kazakhstan and uzbekistan. the qualitative characteristics of these investments, in my opinion, also leave much to be desired. the share of participation of russian investors in capital is only 2% of the total volume of direct investment from russia.
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and in the structure of foreign direct investment , the share of debt instruments is increasing and the share of reinvestment is decreasing. we expect that the set of measures signed today to stimulate investment activity in the republic of belarus and the russian federation will contribute to the arrival of new russian investors and the implementation of large mutually beneficial projects. microelectronics is a clear development here; four new technologies are already in the bag. we are also creating a scientific and technical center for crystal production. new opportunities are also opening up for business with the agreement on the recognition of digital electronic signatures. this is important.
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export logistics, we actively involve russian ports and have begun to implement the project for the construction of its multimodal in murmonsk, and over the last year, compared to the twenty-second year, our transit traffic through russia has doubled. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, area of ​​interest. and now about the domestic market, for which investment becomes the most important condition for development, large enterprises. play a key role in this process. one of these slush productions is the crane factory, which is famous for its unique technologies. the company is developing new types of products; over the past 3 years it has grown and load capacity of manufactured products. large enterprises such as belas, mas, mtz and many others cannot do without heavy equipment. for example,
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a crane with a lifting capacity of 32 tons was manufactured for the gomsil mash plant. this is unique equipment both for the belarusian market and... now the company is relying on innovation and personnel to understand the average age of factory workers is 34 years. my colleague ilona volynets asked the head of the plant, nikolai antipov, about production prospects. last year , industrial production in belarus increased by 7.7%. as the head of an enterprise, how do you assess your volumes? we have grown a little more, they have grown by more than 120%, so there are issues that need to be resolved, somewhere we have learned to solve and circumvent sanctions. the main buyer of your products, which are quite specific and unique, is belaz. yes, it turned out that the comprehensive modernization of belaz coincided with the fact that we produce
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the equipment they need and we are the main suppliers of this equipment. it's not dangerous to get involved like that for one. partner, today belaz is doing well, but tomorrow it may not be so good, and this will immediately affect your team, no, today we are working on long-term programs with almost all major companies to replace crane equipment, lifting equipment, while the need, if you look based on the data of the state industrial supervision agency, that of the more than 500 bridge crowns that are registered, 4,900 require replacement, then you need to understand that we will have a lot of work, besides this... our other poverty is gantry cranes, there is about the same proportion, 1,100 are registered, of which more than a thousand are needed, that is, we will have enough work, but in your opinion? what needs to be done in order to gain a foothold in new markets? if we talk about the countries of the distant arc, then i think that in fact the most important thing is to be found in these countries.


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