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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:06pm MSK

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the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon, belarus has suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, today the bill was passed in the house of representatives, the document was included in
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the treaty and they will fulfill their obligations. today, the first session of the parliament of the new convocation is taking place in the oval hall. the agenda includes 10 issues, one of the most important concerns strengthening social guarantees for veterans; a whole package of benefits is provided for them. preferences also apply to former prisoners fascism and internationalist warriors. belarusian diplomats in africa continue to build infrastructure for the development of trade and direct contacts. local companies, with special attention to mechanical engineering, agriculture, woodworking, petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals; the parties discussed plans to organize a visit of a trade mission of kenyan entrepreneurs to minsk. in dubai, all efforts are being made to combat
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the consequences of a powerful storm. in a short period of time, more than one and a half year's worth of precipitation fell. operational services are pumping water from city ​​streets. due to bad weather, most schools in the country are closed, civil servants are working remotely. the disaster led to flooding of highways, subways and the international airport. hundreds of passengers are still unable to fly. the evening one was also canceled the day before.
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in total, in the capital of estonia, as national television reported, the canonical church leases seven publications, which were transferred by the country's government to the city authorities. the tallinn administration cites the official reason as the fight against the growing influence of russia in the country. previously, as part of that same anti-russian course, the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs announced the need to recognize the russian orthodox church as a terrorist organization, forgetting that there is orthodoxy in estonia. half the population is leading the day off, this saturday the work teams will turn into green troops to make our country cleaner and even more beautiful. on april 20, a republican cleanup day will be held; according to the law, employers are required to ensure safe working conditions and provide the necessary equipment: rakes, shovels on construction sites, helmets, on roads, reflective vests. cleanup work can take place at workplaces. and in the case of cleaning the territory or
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putting things in order at burial sites, it is important to follow the rules. persons must not be allowed to perform work with increased danger . women cannot be involved in work where the use of women’s labor is prohibited by law, for example, in the production of masonry, women cannot be involved in work where it is necessary to carry weights over 7 kg. the funds raised during the cleanup will go to three project: part for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for children and war victims. in the village of krasny bereg, also at the republican center for patriotic education of children and youth in the brest fortress and memorials in other areas. football intrigue is in full swing. the fight for the belarus cup continues today for the main trophy in the first half.


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