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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:06pm MSK

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coping in a large family first of all requires, so to speak, a schedule or routine. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the news is on air now in the studio of elizaveta lakotka. hello. the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth in the first quarter; gdp increased by 4.1% compared to last year. and these are rapid growth rates.
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this is even more than industrial growth; in 3 months, production through the ministry of industry increased by 6.5%. fits into the forecast, the most popular indicator of the state of the economy, inflation. over the quarter, inflation by december increased by... 102.1%, in annual terms 5.6%. it is important that in the number 102 there is already a traditional increase in prices, our largest increase is always in the first quarter, because it is connected both with seasonal factors, when vegetables and fruits grow, because we do not produce enough, or if it is produced in the world, then they are produced in closed ground there and so on, well, plus we traditionally increase prices from january 1st.
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administrative regulated prices, so so-called housing and communal services, so here this is the most significant factor that plays into accelerating, in the future we see that inflation will slow down on a monthly basis and the growth rate in annual terms will remain the same, namely, it will even decrease, high rates in retail trade 113%, in the language of economists, belarusians maintain high purchasing power and this is helped by income growth. in real terms they grew by almost 8%. belarus suspended the agreement on conventional armed forces in europe. the bill passed the house of representatives today. the document is aimed at ensuring our national interests, and is also a response to the decision of nato countries to suspend the treaty. as foreign minister yuri ambrazevich noted: belarus has been and remains a supporter of arms control.
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all countries have suspended participation in this agreement, the adoption of this law does not mean that the republic of belarus is withdrawing from the agreement, we are suspending our participation and are ready to resume participation in the treaty if countries, primarily nato, return to this treaty and fulfill their obligations, which is expanding. social benefits and guarantees.
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deputies also adopted a bill on veterans' issues in the first reading. there are two main blocks of change in the document. the first concerns veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascism and internationalist soldiers. they will receive increased financial support and expanded benefits in medical services. the second block concerns changing approaches to the status of labor veterans. without right the travel committee of the seimas of lithuania approved the idea of ​​depriving belarusians and russians of residence permits for traveling. to their homeland, as reported by local media, it was decided that the residence permit will be canceled if people leave for their homeland more than once every 3 months. it is clarified that trips to belarus and russia raise suspicion among lithuanian deputies of a threat to the country’s national security. this provision of the law will still have to be approved by the entire seimas of lithuania. previously , they stated that they want to allow belarusians to travel from home to their homeland no more than once in year. famous european democracy in action. the consulate general in dubai, against the backdrop
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of a difficult weather situation, receives requests from citizens of belarus according to the ministry of foreign affairs of critical cases or a situation that... basically we are talking about the postponement or cancellation of flights , the belarusian diplomat is providing all possible assistance under the current circumstances. meanwhile, in dubai they continue to eliminate the consequences of a powerful storm. the streets turned into raging rivers. in one of the largest shopping centers on the planet, dubai mall pipes burst. the amount of precipitation in the uaa was the highest in the last 75 years. eyewitnesses share footage of the disaster on social networks. they rescue animals and organize street swims. ok.


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