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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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at the consulate general in dubai, against the backdrop of difficult weather conditions, requests are received from citizens of belarus; according to the ministry of foreign affairs, no critical cases or situations that threaten the life and health of belarusian citizens have been recorded at present. basically we are talking about the transfer or cancellation of flights, the belarusian diplomat is providing all possible assistance under the current circumstances. meanwhile, in dubai they continue to eliminate the consequences of a powerful storm. the streets have changed. raging rivers in one of the largest shopping centers on the planet, dubai mall, pipes burst, the amount of rainfall in wye was a record for the last 75 years. eyewitnesses are sharing footage of the disaster on social networks, rescuing animals and organizing swims in the streets.
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let me remind you that earlier, due to the consequences of bad weather in dubai, a bilavia airline plane landed at an alternate airfield in the emirate of fujairah. according to experts, the full restoration of air traffic in dubai could start this evening. that's all for now, we'll tell you the development of the event 7 pm, see you later. in the age of rapid development of technology, no one is. it’s surprising that even food can
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be printed on a 3d printer, cutlets, chicken wings and even bread. i am not a categorical conservative, but still, when it comes to bread, i am more of a traditionalist. nowadays, baking production has reached industrial scale. bakeries compete for ideas, for who has the coolest equipment, how bread is made, one incredible girl wanted to know, and we couldn’t refuse her. hi, i'm kylie from venizuela and i really love baking. bread i i just love it, but i would like to know how you make your own bread, please tell me, you are from venezuela, how you ended up in belarus, because you fell in love, 10 years ago, i met my husband, and we met there, and he proposed to me , let’s come to belarus, i think so, let’s try it, it’s so romantic, but tell me, what are your hobbies, what do you do?
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there are small bakeries there, that is , families, they make things there with their own hands, such large-scale, large factories as you belarusians, as i understand it, there are a lot of them, we have unfortunately no, maybe there is, but very little, today there will be plenty of content for you, believe me, the plant is huge, bread too, baked goods too, god, it’s possible, of course, let’s run there quickly, they’re already waiting for us, yes, let’s go, yes, class,
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yes, you can already feel it, but as soon as you get closer to the production, immediately how delicious it is, i see your eyes light up, come on faster, please, faster, so listen faster, you won’t be able to keep up with you venezuelans, come on, i think. that there will be something as grandiose as you in the film usually show that there are a lot of people on the set, everyone they work according to a schedule, just like a tata robot, yes, of course, we are in the production of bread, so you and i need to maintain sanitary conditions, maintain sanitary conditions, i can’t even argue.
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i assumed that when you need to go to places like this, you need to get dressed, but i didn’t know that you also need to take off your jewelry, i wonder if i allow makeup or not? oh, hello, hello, i’m at your production, today i brought a guest from venezuela, she’s a blogger, a very active girl, i think that... you’ll understand this in during our filming, and therefore we need to follow her eye to eye, where are we going? lead us? let's go to the beginning of production, kneading the dough, great, go ahead, the most top-notch, it's so noisy to me, but how cool it looks, like porridge,
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yes, what do you think the bread is made from? naturally, flour, so, eggs, in our recipe not all the components that you listed are there, our dough is prepared flour, water, yeast, semi-finished product, sourdough, i think you don’t have such a semi-finished product, we ’ll look at it later, sourdough - these are some living bacteria, yes, these are living bacteria, yes, yes, yes, here, how many types of bread do you produce here, about ten, and ten, and we ’ll try everything today or not, we’ll try, we’ll try, and you’re already hungry, right? do you want to pinch the crust? yes, and here what to do in this machine the dough is kneaded, now you will take part in this, but first you will need to pour dry mashed potatoes into the machine, and also add mashed potatoes, this seems to be something specific, yes, this recipe requires potato puree, yes potato
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pure, because where are we? in belarus, i didn’t know that even you would add potatoes to half a bread, we have potatoes everywhere, i know that in belarus. you love potatoes, i know that there are a lot of recipes with potatoes, but this is the first time i have seen in my life, i didn’t think that potatoes are also added to bread, but can i, yes, of course, i will help you, look, i wouldn’t have guessed that it was like that, no, well, it looks like it looks like, yes, yes, he’s getting enough sleep, look, cool, well, it’s like being at home at home. your bread machine is sad like that, well, yes, a very complex process, kneading the dough, it goes in three stages at different speeds, there it is kneaded, stirred, some additional ingredients are constantly added, what is your request, as a bread lover? i would like to know why you
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don’t produce bread specifically for new year, christmas, yes, christmas bread, which... at home for the new year, this is a good idea, indeed, we did not work in this direction, i just created, we have, for the new year we prepare special bread, there is a lot inside, there is stamen, there olives, let's go, that's it, but unfortunately you don't have them, we have other traditional holidays for which we produce paska bakery products, yes, we bake holy keys, but... the quality of semi-finished products,
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you need to think about the new year, yes, no need, why are you here? this is the office of the process engineer, now he’s checking , let’s check it out, come on. what is your name? vladimir nikolayevich. vladimir nikolayevich. oh, very nice. what exactly are you checking here? i'm currently testing the acidity of a thermophilic sourdough starter. is the acidity of a thermophilic starter thermophilic? it consists of several starter cultures and serves as food for the fermentation starter. yeah, that is, for yeast as food, so that all this works even better and there is fluffy bread, i can also become a technologist. well, of course. that i needed to impress our guest, i think i succeeded, let’s take 5 g . 5 semi-finished product, that is, thermophilic starters, five, wait, 5.03, you see, an extra 300, even this is important, can you imagine, pour 50 g uh
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distilled water, so you know what distilled water is, purified water, where there are no salts and other things, but pure h2o, well, that's... no, we begin to add in parts and grind until smooth, please, three at a time, the second with a pestle , i'm in this moment. i thought a little like this, so what is this for, it’s very good, when the mass is uniform, or rather the analysis will be, you did it all, you’re great, yes, we add phenol vtolin, you see, for coloring, i stir it, and you see how it changes coloring liquid, and this means we will now see, what is its acidity, when it stops at a certain level of nat, everything was so there for me, i don’t know, as if some scientists were talking to me, as if i was in... chemistry lessons, which was very difficult to understand when i changed in myself, then i just oops, what kind of
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magicians are you? do you agree that it's pale pink, agree, agree, yes, oh, look, five and a half times two, 11, that's a normal value, yeah, for me it was just like adrenaline because i honestly didn't think that this is also done with bread, but it’s realistic it was just bomb, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what this place was called according to the chronicles since the 15th century, and there are a lot of attractions here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we... start getting acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier
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there were several units in the city, water mills, and a little later even electric mills appeared. and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes but were assured that large wings sometimes appear in the chapel during church services to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to idwiga tadeusz uaginski. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people from neighboring countries come for her districts and villages, they believe it has healing powers. see the program. in the cities of belarus on the tv channel belarus 24.
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kayla’s activity can be envied ; everything is interesting, absolutely everything, where everything falls, where everything rolls, goes... that’s how it’s mixed, but can we help us work a little, yes, we can, come on, come on, today you do everything with your hands, i just look, you see, even though the machine gets in the way, you still need to work with your hands, oh, you have to start everything there, it’s hard, hard, yes, but it’s so delicious there will be bread, it’s very difficult and difficult, it sharpens so quickly, i think their arms are so strong, pumped up by modern times, right here,
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kayla, i see how they take it away, they look at us, you can say hello there, from here then here, yes, yes, when we sent the dough to the dough-descent, it is scientifically correctly called, i didn’t think that it goes through several floors, that is, on the second floor we knead and send it there, and then molding is in progress, the dough comes out of the dough, the dough divider, and this is us from there they threw it to you, and from there, yes, it divides our dough into equal parts, it falls into our seaming machine, where it takes the form of bread, i just look, so, so, so, so, so, like a labyrinth, and here i look further some other form is given, yes, what kind, into the cradles, oh, through the stacker, through the stacker. and how many are there? do we spend a ton of bread in an hour? a ton per hour? can you imagine
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how many people in belarus eat bread? i know you love bread, you eat bread all the time in the morning, in the evening, everywhere, always according to statistics. each belarusian eats approximately 78 kg of bread per year. why am i not surprised? everything is different here, but what do you eat there instead of bread? well, only in the morning, but not... there is no evening snack anymore, i know that the dough is divided into even pieces of 20 kilos, but after baking the moisture is lost, of course, they... everything becomes exactly 950 g. what is the height there , and he drives constantly, it’s amazing, that is, it turns out to be a carousel for bread, there are so many of them that i don’t understand where to end, but i’ll tell you where it ends, if you look carefully at this cabinet, that is it’s about two floors high, my god,
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here’s where it’s going, it’s on a transfer, on a transfer, a transfer, it’s called a transfer, where yes, it’s all going, spinning, how many minutes does it pass here, here it’s 55 minutes, 55 minutes that’s all , where it then falls into the oven for 40 minutes, maybe something else , let’s see how many products you have in general, 167 items, it’s all here in your plant, therefore. therefore, such volumes, it’s amazing, i would like for my country to have such a factory or enterprise that was also created for our people have so many products, we don’t have enough of them.
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i hear that some kind of hamster has started up next to me, it’s standing and eating, this is sesame crush, it’s so rich, it stings, it feels strong, we find this kind of food mainly in venezuela from gavava, you know what kuava, guava is, dava in spanish, well, it's some kind of guava fruit. we don’t use much of it somewhere, well, look, i packed a packet, ate a cookie, packed a packet, ate a cookie, yes, exactly the job i need.
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do you like oatmeal cookies? here it is for me unusual, because oatmeal cookies in venezuela are considered dietary, that the whole kush is put on peschene, but, nevertheless, our bread is also made from oatmeal, so oatmeal cookies are not available to everyone, because they are expensive, however, but in our country oatmeal cookies are the opposite, they are available to everyone, and i want to tell you that oatmeal cookies are a must. honestly, the calling card of this plant, yes, but why? that because it is the most delicious, it was a huge discovery for me when - there was molding from a huge dough into small, small pieces, i at first i thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out ahead so that it would be flatter, but no, they later explained to me, it turns out that it spreads itself and
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becomes flat, which we are used to seeing, hello, we have gone through the entire line. i love it, you know, i’ll tell you a secret, mine or how my favorite cookies are made, i adore it, my wife loves oatmeal cookies so that they are hard, as she says, so that the tooth crumbles, yes, well, it needs to go through cooling , then this will happen what is needed, what she loves, now it comes out of the oven a little warm, it needs to cool down a little, at the moment there are cookies, they are with raisins, these are classic oatmeal cookies. and so we make an assortment, you eat it, eat it with pleasure, and in our assortment we make dried apricots, prunes, we make it with peanuts, we make it with sesame seeds, i tried it with sesame seeds with pieces of glaze, we make it, but don’t be surprised, we have a very large assortment, don’t overeat, it’s very tasty, my god, jos
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maceta, it was delicious, pavel ate it here like this: five, six, well guys, that’s the whole bunk, there the hand was reaching out. i don’t want to read how long i sat down, let there be a secret between us, a lot, it’s called the gym, wait for me.
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game, head, show, where they fight not with the help of physical force, let the strongest win, in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between. the judge showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors, what exactly is its specificity, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you answer first, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan.
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dynamics of gdp growth, drivers of industry and trade, let me remind you that at the end of the twenty -third year, the growth of industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade, a third leader was added - agriculture. the export potential of belarus is presented in uzbekistan. the usfood exhibition in tashkent brought together almost four hundred companies from 26 countries. belarus in the top five among foreign exhibitors for comparison, this top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum also included germany and turkey. russia, china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle; it was impossible to tear yourself away from the screens; it seemed that at that moment the bells were beating in the hearts of all belarusians. marina vasilevskaya was chosen for the main crew from
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several thousand applicants. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the barrier in belovezhskaya pushcha. what conclusion did the experts come to? specialists confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystems. belarusian scientists are trying to minimize the environmental damage caused to belovezhskaya pushcha. i'm waiting. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we produce bread, we freeze it so that it is an export product, we supply bread and loaves mainly to the russian federation, we also. .. america, america, israel, yes, it can be stored frozen for six months. after defrosting, all properties are retained. then, and i didn’t know how to store bread, it turns out you can put it all in the freezer, that’s really good. our program lasts 26 minutes, but kayla was filming for sure. 10 videos, she filmed, filmed, filmed, saying that i feel the krill of an angel and smell like bread, i don’t know this, but they immediately say,
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so if this is so, then i will face like an angel, great, yes, so, where where we are now is a grain production area. trolleys here in containers in these, i don’t know when we took the hot bread, we laid it down , it felt like you were picking up some child in your arms, however, you were so afraid of dropping it, it was so... somehow fragile, it’s very hot here, just like vanisa, the temperature here is good, and there the stoves work constantly, you need to be in this atmosphere, i’m
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not used to such temperatures. so it was a bit difficult for me, well, probably about 70°, it was very hot there, listen, i’ve never seen what kind of bread this is. well, introduce me, this is bread, it has sunflower seeds with grain, a triangle bread, this is the shape, i saw it for the first time, i’m only used to this round baguette, loaf, but triangle, i see you want to try, okay, come on, it’s like a watermelon, look, you can take it like this, yes, that's right, i always dreamed of doing this,
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you know? i closed the gestalt of childhood, i broke the bread in half and just get up and eat it, just from the oven, pavel, and we can treat our cameraman, look, if you want, take it, try it, it’s delicious, delicious. oh, i told you , unfortunately, we can’t treat you, but it’s delicious for us, and we see rye bread here already, yes, yes, this is rye bread, and what is this, this is a metal detector, and that is, if metals get in there, then we must immediately prevent these hits, keep this in mind from the machines, all these that
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were kneading. you never know, it’s like at the airport, when like at the airport, you won’t fit in, if they check you, i don’t want to, but if there’s something metal there, will it beep or what? yes, the process will stop, a signal will occur, and we should already act according to the instructions, okay, watch each one, definitely, personally, i like the most with bread with my wife, i don’t know why, but i really like its special taste, we, unfortunately, have burnt bread... very rarely we can find it again, it’s not popular, we have more wheat, white, a-ha, here already everything is cut, and at home we are used to only using a knife, i see that you just looked at it in half, but the weight should be 450 g, we have, what, 450,
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450. grams, well, i’ll try it now, quickly, that ’s how things need to be done, not enough, not enough, i need, i need to add this, this, yes, yes, and there’s still not enough, there’s still not enough, let’s add it here we take it out, and we take it out, if it’s not enough, yes, if it’s not enough, 440, it won’t work, now i’ll try, i couldn’t pack one when a woman is like that, one two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, but... not that trained, and i’m still trying to figure out how to do it correctly, this is not my job, i wasn’t born for this, oh, she’s already doing so much, i’m still living, this is a lot, oh my god , it was, i was a little for a moment, i was already nervous, i wanted to cry, because i didn’t have time, sir, i’m stressed now,
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so please? 450 finally let's it happened when they were already packing the bread, so they were already quickly on the other side, there was one girl there, just think... only she does this, hello, what is your name? larisa, my name is kylie, today i will be your companion, let’s get started, tell me how we do it correctly, three by eight, three stripes, very much like that, yes, how long have you been working here? 5 years old, will be 5 years old in august, her anniversary is coming soon, is this difficult? sometimes, yes, sometimes no, from what time?


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