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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 7:45pm-8:01pm MSK

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contributes to the fact that you don’t worry about your child every minute there, and what can happen to him, and what can’t happen to him, and i think that in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children, this is my family, the people closest to me, this is my beloved husband vitaly, these are my children, this is my son bogdan, this is my daughter, miechka, these are my parents, my mother tatyana. this is my dad, igor, this is my father-in-law, this is my mother-in-law, alexander and hannah. and another member of our family, our cat, justin. we moved here only because of the children. it turned out that when the union fell apart, it was necessary to somehow think about what to do for the children. well, they came here, most likely, of course, there may be, how to say, the call of the ancestors, or what? my mother is local from belarus, she was born here, a child. my parents brought me
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here very often to my grandmother, so i really liked the city of lida, so we settled on this city, i want to say that they are so kind, sympathetic, so hospitable, so well hospitable people, well, you don’t always meet, who are ready to give you everything, give you advice, invite you to visit, give you something, help, well, it’s worth a lot, it’s very wonderful, the soul is so...
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he always gives me very wise advice, for which i love him very much, appreciate and respect him, here i have wonderful children in belarus, whom i also love very much, and i value them very much and i am very proud of them, so belarus has done everything possible and the impossible concerns me personally what can i say, well, openly, that i love belarus and i love the city i declare that this is where i purchased it. your
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great happiness. in belarus, the topic of personal information protection has a constitutional basis, the state creates conditions for the protection of personal data, personal security when using it, and in order for this to be exactly so, a specially authorized body has been created, the national center for the protection of personal data, its activities are primarily on... is aimed at preventing
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violations of the law and the rights of our citizens in this area, because everything that falls into the virtual environment, in many ways remains there forever, so the center pays great attention to developing an attitude towards one’s personal information as a value that needs to be taken care of, that needs to be protected, that the personal information of other people must be respected, and the center also ...
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personal data, yes, according to this law, what responsibility is provided for those who disclose personal information without having the right to do so? the law says that you can work with personal information in two ways: grounds: either there must be a legal
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basis, that is, the right is provided for by a legislative act or another normative legal act adopted in its development, or the consent of a person, therefore, to request: information in the law of those bodies, organizations in cases where this is provided for by the rules of law, for example, for purposes related to the organization of law enforcement activities, it is possible to process personal data for the purposes of employment, there is a corresponding act that speaks of the need for selection in a number of cases characteristics of an employee for employment, that is... the basic basis is consent, but there are many situations where it is not required, because the legal norms provide for this, this is actually correct, because if we gave consent in every case , we would simply get confused in this, and for violation of the legislation
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on personal data there is serious liability and administrative legal up to 200 basic units, criminal up to 5 years in prison and also... you have the right of each person in case of violation of his privacy, demand compensation for moral damage, and for employees, violation of the law and rules for working with personal data entails dismissal on the appropriate grounds provided for by the labor code. let me love you, like a flower in the field, like
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a young apple that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let me love you. may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the sweet, booming laughter, for the clear sound, for the clear eyes. for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every time, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law, let me love you.
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the main task is to mobilize all resources to increase the rate of agricultural production by up to 67%, as well as to receive foreign exchange earnings of at least $9 billion, this was stated by the prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko at a meeting where issues of the work of the agro-industrial complex were discussed, this the dialogue is a continuation... which began the day before at the meeting of the president, in general, the tasks facing all the industry has set them a long time ago; today it is important how someone approaches their implementation. the first is a strong food supply and adequate feeding, including the development of a program for providing livestock with concentrated feed. the second is a change in approaches to pig farming. a significant increase in the operating efficiency of pig-breeding complexes with access to a complete and economically
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feasible supply of domestic pork to our processing enterprises. third, reformatting crop production to work in any atmospheric conditions. conditions, well, because i’ve already set my teeth on edge, which means constant references to the weather, hot, cold, rain, snow, that’s not it, that’s it. it’s not like that, everywhere in the world the climate situation is unstable, we don’t have any special exclusive conditions here. much attention was paid to the construction of new dairy complexes, the development of one optimal project and its scaling across all farms. in belarus , the sowing campaign is in full swing and the area sown with corn and sugar beets is increasing. this year he plans to transport about 100 thousand hectares. half has already been sown. in the meantime, the main work remains with... in order for
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victoria agra in the soligorsk region to prepare high-quality feed on the farm with corn, the area is increased, in total over 1,300 hectares, the soil is prepared and organic matter is introduced. it's early spring, the dates have shifted approximately by 2 weeks, and we started sowing sugar 10 days earlier. the sugar beet area is 275 hectares, last year we had 500, but... we made a move to reduce the area in order to get more high-quality, more highly competitive products in terms of sugar beets, and reduced the area, focusing on the feed supply for livestock farming. herbaceous forage is another important stage now in the farming of self-annual crops. in addition, chemical treatment against weeds is carried out on the fields with winter crops, and nitrogen fertilizers are also applied. the arshan flax mill has completed the third stage of large-scale modernization. in total, about $200 million was invested in upgrading production, which made it possible
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to increase processing capacity by one and a half times short-fiber fibers, also reconstructed the former factory of art products, now the most modern sewing equipment in belarus is used here. as part of the modernization, the enterprise launched lines for bleaching catonized fiber, which made it possible to obtain innovative import-substituting products that no one else produces in our country today. the new product is a cotton substitute and can be used both in the textile industry and in medicine. orsha flax mill is the largest textile european enterprise, occupies 8% of the world market. about 18 million linear meters of fabric and more than 3.5 million piece products are produced here annually. belarus has suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the bill passed the house of representatives today. the document was brought down.
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