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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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good evening, panorama live broadcast, in the studio of ekaterina tikhomirova. about the main
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events of this environment, we are ahead of the curve, the economy shows growth, quarterly results in numbers and values. towards the all-belarusian people's assembly, what is the main thing on the agenda: people's decisions, tasks and priorities, opinions of delegates, heavy rain disrupted the plans of thousands of tourists, rains in dubai led to the cancellation of flights, including to minsk. we are monitoring the situation. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. development strategy of the agro-industrial complex, what is important to do today in order to be in plus tomorrow, the main thing for the development of the industry was discussed today in the government. strengthening social guarantees, a large package of international documents, legislative day in the house of representatives. we will soon tell you on our broadcast what innovations the deputies adopted. in belarus, on behalf of the president , the training of those liable for military service has been intensified.
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here they train specialists for the agro-industrial complex, develop the economy and social sphere, invest in health and housing construction, still preserve the history of their small homeland, today about the panorama project, a place to live, slides. the government discussed the development strategy for the agro-industrial complex today and identified the main problematic issues that need to be worked on in order to fulfill the president’s instructions. were announced the day before at a large
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meeting on industry development. ambitious but achievable tasks for our farmers for this year. discipline, technological and production, is important, as well as sowing on time. the main targets are to collect 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons of sugar beets and more than a million tons of rapeseed. also provide technological and bioprotection of poultry farming, to bring.
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security. today's meeting in the government is a continuation of a large dialogue on the work of the agro-industrial complex yesterday with the president; they talked about problems that drag down indicators, because sometimes shortcomings in one area affect others. for example, low-quality feed is a minus in production volumes, not to mention deaths. at the same time, the tasks for the development of the industry have been known for a long time, but the main thing is how to approach their solution. and here a lot depends. every agrarian and farm, in in particular to the district and the region as a whole, because the overall picture is all regions, all organizations, both strong and weak. the prime minister will say that the main task is to mobilize resources, and the guidelines are to increase the rate of agricultural production to 6-7%, earnings from exports to $9 billion. however, no references to the weather will be accepted. it has set my teeth on edge, which means there are constant references to... the weather, hot,
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cold, rain, snow, this is not true, this is not true, everywhere in the world the climate situation is unstable, we do not have any special exclusive conditions here. yes it is important to maintain technological discipline at all stages and so that there is an increase in the volumes of meat and milk, today they are talking about developing a new program to provide livestock with concentrated feed, but even before that there is no need to sit idly by, because it is already known that what goes around comes around. krasnodvorets were among the first to plant corn in the minsk region; they increased the area with amber cobs, and for the food supply, corn is the most nutritious, it also provides energy and starch.
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the regulator will conduct an inventory of all silo trenches, and where they are missing, new ones will be built. here it is necessary to talk about quality first of all, but the amount of synagogue needs to be increased in any case, because there is not enough of it, and we have a ratio in many regions, it should be one to one, but it is two or more. activity is important in the fields now, the first bite of the grass is coming soon, and by the end of july it will be the second. it is important to get everything into the bins on time and so that the equipment does not let you down. a prudent attitude towards it is not empty words, because sometimes due to lack of housekeeping, tractors are idle, and breakdowns in the hot season should to be not just minimal, an exception. at the same time, it must be said
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that more than 90% of their belarusian tractors and other units are in the fields. enterprises are quickly mastering past imports and listening to the demands of the village. therefore, there is unnecessary spending on foreign travel. can be excluded when ours shows itself well in practice. we are introducing our technologies into new dairy complexes. this year we plan to complete 60 in different regions, and next year we will start the same number. but the prime minister insists: it is necessary to develop one optimal economical project, and after that scale across farms, but it’s not just about the walls. livestock safety through increased requirements at every workplace , from the livestock breeder to the farm manager. and a radical refraction of the situation with unreasonable deaths of livestock, such facts should be considered at the regional level as an emergency with appropriate response measures, one hundred percent processing of domestic raw materials with the creation of products with high added value, digitization of tasks for processors. yes,
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the question is to fully load our meat and dairy the plants are still open, but we are solving it, including thanks to highly qualified personnel, at all stages. hectares, more is expected in this.
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by the way, other farms are also committed to this. the government expects to utilize all the capacity of our sugar factories, so the main thing now is not to relax. the president spoke about the efficiency of the agricultural sector: the country’s food security is ensured, but this is not enough. alexander lukashenko dwells on problematic issues, the solution of which, including will help make the agricultural sector more sustainable and its development progressive. shortcomings in crop production, shortcomings in the readiness of equipment, supply of feed and personnel shortages in the military-industrial complex, as well as tasks for processing. all this was discussed, of course, the industry has something to be proud of, but if problematic issues are not resolved, then all our successes will very quickly come to naught. my dears, governor, chairman of the regional executive committee, this is your ironclad area of ​​responsibility. our
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strategic goal is to create a high-tech, profitable agricultural sector. it is vital for us to maximize our existing potential. for now , deal with current problems, think about tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow, what to do, i said, harness yourself and work, the agricultural season is now... in full swing and all the work, of course, is in the fields, but its effectiveness depends on many things , this includes the quality of the seeds, whether fertilizers were applied in a timely manner, and simply the conscientious performance of one’s duties, because in a large mechanism every detail is important. in general, the level of equipment readiness is high, along with however, there are still facts on the ground: technical malfunctions, unavailability of individual units. as a rule, these problems are identified in low-efficient farms. but this also should not be an excuse: spring sowing must be carried out in the optimal time frame in compliance with all
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requirements, a systemic decision at the level of the head of state, government, as you heard yesterday, and made in advance, including the financing of these works. we will evaluate this estimate a little later, when we add up the seedlings, and then calculate in detail in the fall, when every centner and hectare will add to the total loaf. yes, farmers are targeting 10 million tons of grain. it is important here that farms determine for themselves which tasks need to be given special attention now. svetlana lukinyuk, natalya breus and elena vitko. telenews agency. the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth in the first quarter; gdp increased by 4.1% compared to last year. this rapid growth rate was emphasized by the relevant ministry. leaders are traditional with minor changes.
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as for exports, they are also in the green zone, although the growth rate is low, but another trend is characteristic: export prices are recovering, which dropped by 13% last year, which means that it is becoming more profitable to supply belarusian products abroad, and in general the economy is developing accordingly. .. the target forecast, the main indicators laid down in the programs are being met, noted the ministry of economy.
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the industrial complex remains the flagship of economic growth in belarus. creation of assembly plants for belarusian equipment in support countries is a strategic task. and the key goal is to diversify external sales. last year, the export geography of the ministry of industry enterprises included 65 countries.
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if we look at the level of localization taking into account the share of the union state, then the picture here is quite optimistic, such as...
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joint programs, projects, mutual exchange of scientific developments, and the road map is a step-by-step plan for cooperation to create centers of competence in the territory russia or on the territory of the russian federation on the basis machine tool enterprises. the economic environment is a program in which we discuss complex economic processes in the country outside its borders in clear language. watch it today immediately after the panorama. heavy rainfall and hurricane winds hit the state of the oravian peninsula on the eve. to date, the consequences of the natural disaster have been eliminated. the main reason for all the problems was the lack of a drainage system in large cities. considering that
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one and a half times the rainfall rate of 142 mm fell here during the day, flooded almost all of them turned out to be large. the very window panes are in the water. dubai airport, as announced, will begin full operation only at midnight. only now the air harbor is beginning to receive and dispatch some planes; about 500 russian airline passengers alone have accumulated in the waiting room. the natural disaster also affected our compatriots. yesterday's flight to dubai was diverted to elfujairah.
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a representative of the belarusian consulate general in dubai told us the details. as for flights to belarus, operates regular flights, two airlines, these are fly dubai and belavia, the flight dubai fly for today, the evening and night flights are canceled, it is quite possible that the company expects that flights will resume tomorrow evening, for all passengers who would like to fly, the airline:
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air organizes departure of passengers from dubai will ensure their transportation to the airport of departure of belavia airlines in the emirate of fujira. this is the situation today. the good news is that the weather has stabilized, returned to normal and how local authorities assure, literally, let’s just say, tomorrow everything will return to its usual pace.
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intervened in the internal affairs of georgia, the european union, the head of european diplomacy, barel, promised tbelisi serious problems if the law was adopted. numerous grant organizations called their supporters to the square in front of the parliament. it is they who are affected by the law in the first place; calls to agents will be given to structures that are engaged in political activities with foreign money. tbilisi promises to be hot already. the night before the police were forced to pacify the most active protesters,
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water cannons were brought to the square in front of parliament, and tear gas was used against the rioters. police detained 20 people; some protesters required medical assistance. but those dissatisfied with the law promise the authorities that there will be more demonstrators. and they will show their dissatisfaction even more aggressively. in turn, the prime minister of georgia promised that the law on foreign agents would be adopted, no matter what the cost. the media, foundations that live at the expense of western states on grants, as a rule are the source of light revolutions. but here is the underside of what is happening in the kitchen: business, money in politics, nothing more, passions around the extremist belsad channel do not subside in poland, which. let me remind you that it was created solely as an instrument of pressure on our country. the polish edition of fact came out with the headline: this is how they pulled money tvp is investigating what is happening in belsat.
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it is reported that in 2021 and 2022 , funding for the resource from the polish budget has increased by 50%. and the money, already a former director, was spent through her own companies subordinates. they talk about one thing.
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it will sound funny, but by default i assume that the devices i use can be hacked, it doesn’t matter what you use, an iphone or an android phone. in the united states in twenty -one, i was required to disclose user information regarding the riots. first came a letter from a democratic congressman who wanted to get all the available information about the riots. he threatened that refusal would be a violation of the american constitution. lawyers advised ignore the request. then a letter came from republicans who threatened the same, but demanded that the data not be given to democrats. thus, we received two letters, from which it followed: whatever we do, it will be a violation of the us constitution. and european democracy in action. lithuania has decided to actually restrict freedom
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of movement for belarusians and russians and punish them for traveling to their homeland. the sejm committee approved the idea of ​​depriving the residence permit if people leave for belarus or russia more than once every 3 months. it is specified that lithuanian deputies are encouraged to travel to belarus and russia. belarus has suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, today there is a bill. passed in the house of representatives. the document is aimed at ensuring our national interests, and is also a response to the decision of nato countries to suspend the treaty. as
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if the countries, first of all, nato return to this treaty, they will fulfill their obligations. social benefits and guarantees are expanding. the deputies also adopted in the first reading veterans affairs bill. the document contains two main blocks of changes. the first concerns veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascism and internationalist soldiers. they will receive increased financial support and expanded medical benefits.
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investment protection and develop tax relations. belarusian license category b can be exchanged in the united arab emirates without examinations for the collection of alimony from debtors located in the territory of another country. all these innovations were also reviewed today by deputies in the oval hall there were a total of 10 issues on the agenda. nato's largest exercise will take place in finland from
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april 26 to may 14. it is stated that the purpose of the exercise is to increase the coherence of the allied mechanized units, as well as to ensure the prompt provision of armed support to the host country. in total, 500 units of equipment and more than 2,500 soldiers will take part in the maneuvers. most of them are finnish conscripts. the number of troops sent to finland by the ministries of defense of great britain, latvia and estonia will be about 300 people. series the exercises also begin in lithuania; 20,000 military personnel from neighboring countries and other nato countries will take part in them. the stated goal is to test the alliance's regional defense plans. the first maneuvers will start on friday; 600 american troops and 120 pieces of equipment will be transferred from poland to participate in them. at the same time, they will begin and continue in lithuania.
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a curfew is expected to be introduced in kaunas and vilnius. military equipment will roam the streets of both cities at night and army contingents will be deployed. all these exercises are part of the largest since cold war maneuvers, which will involve more than 90.
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lukashenko clearly outlined the need to transfer high quality into quantity, we are talking about military personnel, with the readiness to get into formation we have complete order, now it is important to train this, in fact, the largest category of the country’s defenders. we started
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to teach more, we now need to solve the problem of training personnel from the reserves, and this includes officers. no sooner said than done. during the spring examination of the armed forces, the recruitment system is subjected to comprehensive test. reserves, territorial troops, and people's militias came into service. one of the mechanized formations received more than 5,000 conscripts. if previously, with such a huge number of simultaneously conscripted people, the focus was on organizational measures, now, perhaps, for the first time, individual preparation. the battlefield has become the scorecard of yesterday.
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practice detaining the enemy from left to right, moving through prestige terrain as part of platoons, left flank, right flank, first line, second line. the military decided to carry out a control test in the spring based on the timing of delivery of reserves and equipment into service. time indicators were compressed, the intensity of work was increased, at the same time , the potential of the system was explored at high speeds, both painful and growth points were identified. by the way, we found out that the driving force in learning... new fighting techniques, using the technical competencies of those liable for military service, for example, computer skills, is enough to direct the knowledge in the right direction, then even the drone operator can be prepared during the training camp. the guys are performing well, their skills
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are building up, their learning is excellent, the guys are trying, everything is working out for them, today we are studying countering uavs, how to counteract an fpv drone, how... to control fpv drones ourselves, use uavs, and we are also studying the work small groups, because we switched entirely to small groups. for the first time in the spring, the men of defense tested another interesting step in working with reserves: the capital's mechanized brigade spent a day open doors in an unusual format, the guests of the formation were assigned personnel with their families, an excursion was organized for them, they got acquainted with the equipment that is in service, and they were allowed to shoot. the main goal is, of course, so that if necessary, when they are called up, they come to their native military unit, this is the main goal - to get acquainted with the formation in which, if necessary, they must undergo military
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service, and, of course, it is gratifying for us i can’t help but be glad that they arrived for our holiday reserve officers not only themselves, but also brought their families, wives, children, this is the patriotic education that we strive for. such actions and a holiday are beneficial. now the wives and children of those liable for military service understand exactly where the father or husband will go to defend their family and country, and the men will know their commanders by sight , they will see the condition of the military equipment, and in general those who kept in weapons in your hands and saw the eyes of your children at the same time, they will never forget the feeling of pride mixed with the most sincere, captivating all of you responsibility. belarus is on the threshold of an important political event, exactly one week remains until the all-belarusian people's assembly, large-scale preparations continue, the interests of citizens will be represented by 1,200 people, so delegates are actively preparing to discuss decisions important for the country. tasks,
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priorities, opinions of delegates right now. there is very little time left before the all-belarusian people's assembly, it is obvious that this will become a new milestone in the history of the development of our country, you, as a delegate of the all-belarusian people's assembly, feel this more responsibility? of course, taking into account the powers that are assigned to the belarusian people's assembly by the constitution of the republic of belarus, the responsibility is very, very high. moreover, if you look at the format of the people’s assembly itself, it played a very, very significant role in certain periods in the history of the belarusian state. moreover, i very clearly understand the level of duties and responsibilities and at the same time i am right, since i am and have been a delegate to the sixth all-belarusian people's assembly, but not only a deputy. how delegates of the spc, but absolutely all delegates
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of the spc need to take part, including in working with our society, with specific people, with specific groups from the point of view of education, clarification of those policies, those decisions that are made at the highest level, since of course they concern absolutely every citizen of the republic of belarus. the all-belarusian people's assembly now has constitutional status; moreover, it is attended by a large number of belarusians of different ages and professions, here is the key ambassador. so that it's important for the country, the decision was made by the whole society, that’s how effective such a system is, why is this important? it is the very format of the all-belarusian people's assembly, from the point of view of the subject that forms this institution, that is a mirror reflection of the belarusian people from the point of view of various social statuses, including honorary, professional, from the point of view of the mirror reflection of the belarusian state itself, when we talk about that the entire belarusian people's assembly performs an integrating function, uniting the efforts of completely different...
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decisions, you understand, the socio-economic
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development of the country is not solved in one year or even in five years, it is impossible to solve the issue of the country’s security with one decision, of course, short-termism means planning, everything else is a long-term solution . deputies as delegates will not only have to take part in making important decisions for the country, but also explain all decisions made locally, and participate in their implementation, for what purposes?
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belarusian diplomats in africa continue create infrastructure for the development of trade and direct contacts. our country presented its export opportunities to the kenyan business community. the event was organized by the belarusian embassy in this african country together with the belarusian universal commodity exchange and the chamber of commerce and industry.
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recognition of visas, the department is now working on technical nuances, that is, when receiving a visa to russia, tourists can travel to belarus vice versa. creating comfortable living conditions is the number one task for the regions, this applies not only to the economy, but also to the social sphere. construction, housing,
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including for large families, for example, a whole microdistrict has grown in gorki in a few years, as well as the development of education. health care, future champions are raised here, how the city lives, plans for the future of the northernmost city of the magel region in the panoramas section, a place to live. the city of gorki, with its half-thousand-year history , is inextricably linked primarily with the belarusian state agricultural academy. who doesn't know bgs is the largest and oldest university in europe and the cis, and today it remains the main supplier
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of personnel for the agro-industrial complex. there are about thirty specialties, including we train technicians, agronomists, and engineers. not only belarus, for example, from china, african states, russia and asia. students practice practical skills on the basis of the only school farm in the country. it has its own fish farming and industrial complex. another pride of the university is the educational and exhibition center, a kind of technical service laboratory for precision agriculture at the faculty of mechanization agriculture, where. i am the dean, and i can say with confidence that our graduates are excellent specialists. the industrial potential of the hills was also preserved. about a dozen enterprises today work for the economy of the city and region, not counting agricultural ones.


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