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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 10:45pm-11:46pm MSK

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yes, god forbid, you get such a husband, in fact, we are talking to her. seryozha, go away, go away completely.
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i need this contract by friday, these are your problems, i already realized that it’s not, but you do it, that’s it, i can’t talk, i’m with my family, we have video footage, let’s watch it, quiet, quiet, quiet, that’s it . in your pocket, everything, for what, exactly these shots should have been proof that their order was fulfilled, that you ate it all alone, and you knew that it was not real, well, naturally, i knew everything, you know, i had this experience the wife will cooperate with everything there too. i don’t know,
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okay, you figured out the function to do, otherwise you hired a deputy chairman in the non-uterine department, yes, it’s scary to think, elena ivanovna, i’m here, in general, i’ll probably quit soon, i want to have more time for my family , house. but of course, i didn’t want to tell you, but since this is the case, i’m retiring, your candidacy was approved by the committee, in 2 months i’ll turn 60 and you will too. i was
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a doctor at the institute, yes, all the approvals are in place, he’ll definitely appoint you, so you can already figure out where and how to cover the clearing, oh, i really would like to go home, are you on your way already? review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina garnosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes.
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i worked very hard, i worked towards this, it was my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope it’s not the last, i’ll work hard, i think the game wasn’t bad, it was just a little short of finishing everything, we also have to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score , so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was hard every game, the opponent plays,
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the 90th bastards knew rech paspalitaia, and once with this, we say, it happened and the final, the final signs floated to the style of baroka, and all the guardsmen are here to take us away it's such a dead end, because after the document the architects would have been the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. since the beginning of the year there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to produce something new and aryginal. on our tv channel.
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imagine, i was appointed head physician of the institute, after 2 months, congratulations, yeah. i had already put lyuba to bed, i was such a good fellow,
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when i arrived home, lyuba was finishing her sixth pack of chips. i watched tv, everything in a row, no, well, of course, college is good, but love needs a mother, i also want to return home, where my family is waiting for me, you, you and i dreamed about this. why are you making me sad? oh, drunk leader!
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i'm coming! ran around.
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a daring prison escape attempt is made in brazil to free his accomplices; a drug gang hijacks a helicopter and forces the pilot to land on the roof of a prison complex. when the fugitives boarded, it turned out that the car could not fly. after a short shootout , the police managed to neutralize the criminals. the organizers of the escape will now join s'. today is a crazy day for me, if i don’t have time to pick up lyuba, can you? you want me to sit at home and take care of the children, so you can support our entire large family? bye bye bye.
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mikhail egorovich, good afternoon, panomariov, kind, kind, how... yes, yes, she, of course, is an excellent specialist,
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yes, so, i would like it the other way around, you understand, i love my wife very much and would like to see her more often , you see, they called, listen, i can’t lick him at five. i love you i need to pick you up from school in time, ver, i don’t understand what happened, your candidacy was canceled without explanation, zhenya klimov was appointed in my place, it’s okay, good, i’m happy for zhenya. here, please
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sign, and you are here, and you have already visited us this year, yes, yes. i got divorced, got married, now i’m getting divorced again, i’m making a plan for you, please, give us all our attention, i don’t hold a grudge against you, it just didn’t work out, everything turned out to be completely different from what i expected.
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that i don’t see interesting scientific problems, it’s boring reinventing the wheel, but you don’t need money, i was removed from my position for that reason, but not to that extent, thank you, good luck to you and my wife.
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my god, what a beauty, hello, hello my dears!
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very tasty, thank you, now it’s dessert, dessert, you don’t really like carrots, do you? not very much, but you eat and imagine how many vitamins enter your body and the carrots will immediately become tasty. and what a beauty, girls, then, next week i’m signing
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a contract with a medical market, i thought, maybe we should... buy some, well, small a house, somewhere in switzerland, and you could live there for most of the year, i would come, come, well, yes, there is a lot of work here, and i, i will be there alone, why alone, you will be with anyone. solved, tomorrow the agent's task, for our dreams, thank you, very tasty, i'm waiting for you upstairs, uh-huh.
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unemployed, congratulations, thank you, i would really like to return to my previous position. what a fun life you guys have, i envy you, honestly, you are such entertainers, somehow you don’t let me get bored, young people.
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hello, reminders to patients that in what week do they hand over? there’s such a thing here, there at the academy,
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graduation is getting ready, everyone of us is going, egor, remember, he became like this, i didn’t recognize him, everyone was so old, it always feels like everyone around you is old and you’ll be the only one forever 20, you’ll go like orlikov always in orbit. do you remember this one for a drink, they were planning a slide show there, seryozha, what the hell, but i didn’t pass the probationary period, so i came back, by the way, i wrote an article about a gene blocker, well, the one that was discussed,
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remember, and i signed that we did it together , you dont mind? i also got divorced, that's no longer matters.
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doesn’t release a single game, spartakh continues to attack, but it’s really not very successful. for the meeting, otherwise i really want to knock him out, and i’ve been wanting to for a long time. we are glad to see you all again, today, thanks to the efforts of our wonderful organizing committee,
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each of you will be able to ride a time machine, return to your student years, the days when small events determined a great future. thank you very much, congratulations.
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have changed at all, you know, this is a real canned food, you know? hi, hi, can i invite you?
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i'm sorry, well, zhenya, dazhavu, sorry! i congratulate you on your appointment to the position of head physician of the institute, you are not very like us, one person, this means that a beast is opening up here, i have been chasing it for so many years, so much effort. i found him here, to this extent, i hear a howl underneath me, i see tears in
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my eyes, this means that i see, i felt fear, i... something from nerves, maybe so many changes, sometimes it seems that it’s not with me everything happens. vera, well, if i were her, i would
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also get an ulcer from such events. pregnancy is 12-14 weeks, the placenta is fixed, how many weeks?
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their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. my family is here, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to
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me for berries.
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we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, and after eating a bowl of this soup, you can simply not eat for the whole day. i would like to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish. if you asked me what haute cuisine is, then i
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i would probably say, well... here it is, watch the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. lord, good. yes, fuck, i had a good walk, well done!
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who is there, yours, don’t think about finding an apartment for yourself, i think, right? look faster,
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per, hi, i called, but it’s clear. listen, i wanted to know, i heard that you no longer live in our apartment, can i live there for a while, thank you, the keys, i’ll be at the entrance in 3 hours.
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join me, it’s very tonic, we need to talk, oleg, i can’t marry you, i’ve already packed. immersed them in car, ha, i thought something terrible had happened, vera, everything will be fine, oleg, after the divorce i still dated my ex-husband for some time, i’m pregnant, 14 weeks, 3 months, this means that from him , i’m sorry that this happened, i only found out today, you know, in a sense, this is a miracle, we tried for so long, now you ’re dating him? no, you told him that you are pregnant, well, don’t say that, listen, everything
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will be fine, but the wedding cannot be canceled, people came from america, japan, let’s do it, let it go now as you and i planned, then we’ll figure it out, wait, oleg, when we figure it out, just do it. as i tell you, you will thank yourself later, listen, trust me, i have achieved something in this life, others can only dream about it, all because i know how it’s better when you rush into the bull’s place, i know in advance that in 3 days this appointment will be a wild disappointment and hard labor for you, and your pride will not allow you to quit, wait, did you cancel my appointment? you don't understand, it's better this way, i want you to be happy, you understand, i want you to be at home with the children, i want to make you the
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happiest woman, i know it will be so. hi, hi, i need to pick up something there, uh, open up. don’t take off your shoes, i took all my things from here, so you can use the cabinets as
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you want, so where? do you mind if i bring maya here and yes, of course, there are all the conditions in the nursery, well, thank you. you sent me this among other things, remember, the bottle on which all the guests at our wedding signed, the most it’s time to open it, yes, there’s probably already vinegar in there, but we won’t know until we open it.
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well, like the man of your dreams, he worries, he never worries, he has an action plan for all occasions, yeah, and when i saw him, i immediately understood, yes, this is his name. for what you always needed, successful, confident, unusual, behind him like behind a stone wall, yes, yes, m, excellent wine, ten years old, well, what, for you? no-no-no, i won't, i, i'm driving. and here, this is the key to
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the mailbox, uh-huh, i put a sum of money here, it was automatically written off, it was exposed, yeah, utilities, just don’t forget to top up your account, and here are the phone numbers, where to call if anything happens, instructions, guarantees, there’s the number of the district police officer, yeah. thank you for allowing me here, yes, we will still go to live in switzerland, so what about women, now i also need to live somehow. i was joking, of course, i won’t bring anyone into
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our marital bed, by the way, what about you with this unusual thing of yours, are you here with him or did everything happen on his territory, it’s time for me to go, and i’m probably right here i'll stay, i want to pick up the mattress. it’s made of cocus fiber, i’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else, and my spine gets tired of others, it’s quite stiff, but not hard, elastic, but you buy yourself another one and bring whoever you want here, i’ll help you, i’ll do it myself now, like a belt yes, i have it, hold it here . what else is so
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dear to you in this apartment that other women can’t even touch? dishes, and bed linen, i don’t care who you live with here, i have no doubt that even you have options, listen, you are getting married, i believe... it frees me from any moral obligations, but you have long ago freed yourself from all moral obligations, i will help.
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put it, what are you doing, i forgot to unload it, in general you made the right choice, arranged marriages, they are always the strongest, why are you just sorry to see you, come on, say that you love him, i love him, who? him, and i will also go to magnitogorsk and get married, poor woman, good riddance to you, i’m living forever, completely forever, and that’s great. and what happens for me is like a flight into
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space, how is it there, to her egg preservation, here are the eggs in... and you can wait for your ideal forever, hello, hello, vera grigorievna, and i’m just saying that this is cryopreservation , this is just fantastic, frozen, and you can live in peace, wait for your one and only, menopause is no longer the limit, let’s get started, somewhere there is my... soul mate, i can imagine him very accurately, tall, smart, accomplished, where do you put the children , with such masculine beauty he called, he took any school, now with them look, gray temples, rule krishna, i
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know exactly what i want from the man of my dreams, so that he gives me confidence.
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“it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite, what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia’s exit from the first world war? masha, what do you
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think? i chose the brez peace option, the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes , here’s the tenth grade , just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart, their larva.” with an elongated body and tuberous skin resembles a tiny alligator, name these beetles, we were also thinking here, we have several options, please, your guess, we had a cockchafer, we had a lady's bug, we hope we will have three points, any adult will envy their erudition , is it true that an adult normally has four fangs, denis, what do you think, well, i think what? there should be four, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch on the belarus 2 tv channel everything that modern belarus lives on today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , relevant ones. interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates. saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the izerspace-1 satellite dish.
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the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. it weighs about the same as two or three apples the size of a human fist, but in terms of importance its work in the overall system of the body cannot be compared with the work of any other organ, because if it suddenly stops working, a person... will simply die, you probably already guessed that we were talking about the heart, it is about it that our program today, and of course, about the role that science played in
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to keep the heart of a modern person beating for as long as possible, this is a science project nearby in the studio ekaterina beretskaya, hello, look in the next half hour, something that just recently could only be dreamed of, how scientists can prevent sudden cardiac arrest, this is what not only, a big conversation in the studio of the program with the head of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, and whether the most common heart diseases can be prevented, we will find out very soon. in almost all developed countries, mortality from cardiovascular diseases approximately 40.60%. patterns of development, forecasts of courses, of course, methods of treatment of such pathologies are studied by science and a large direction
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in medicine - cardiology. about the stages of its formation right now in our regular column history of the issue. hippocrates first wrote about the heart in the 5th century bc. the second scientist who mentioned this organ in his works was galen, already in the 2nd century ad. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers. for example, galen believed that the center cardiovascular system, liver. this hypothesis was refuted only in the 14th century by the scientist gorvey. leonardo davinci made a significant contribution to the development of cardiology as a science. his brush belongs to the anatomical resource. hearts with the correct arrangement of valves. the russian scientist alexander shumlyansky proved in the 16th century that vessels have a closed
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system. and the italian surgeon gaspare azelli studied and then described in detail the lymphatic system, which is closely connected with blood vessels. cardiology became an independent branch of medicine in the 19th century. century. he performed his first heart transplant in 1964 . american surgeon james hardy. the organ donor was a chimpanzee. the patient lived for an hour and a half after the operation. and on december 3 , 1967, the world's first successful cardiac transplantation was performed. it was made by a south african doctor, christian bernard. modern cardiologists are well familiar with the concept of “sudden cardiac arrest,” but in 2023 it became known that belarusian doctors and scientists had found a way out, even if it would have affected
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such a literally hopeless situation, about this in general about what today... our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body, in the program studio we will talk with the director of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, the chief freelance cardiologist of the ministry of health, natalya pavlovna, hello, hello, ekaterina, let's start with that very breakthrough, as it seems to me , probably, ordinary people will agree with me about the technology for preventing sudden cardiac arrest, can you provide details for ordinary people?
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the object was an enterprise where very many women, in general, in accordance with the fact that this happened under the auspices of the belarusian women's union, we examined more than 700 people, employees of this enterprise for one week, imagine that initially, according to the documentation , there were about 10% of people with high cardiovascular risks, and after examination they turned out to be 45%. how to deal with this? well, first of all, these individuals must understand that their health is largely in their hands, they must adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and if their clinical condition, since the presence of arterial hypertension, dyslepidemia, increased weight, and impaired carbohydrate metabolism requires some kind of drug intervention, the world cardiology community has already reached the opinion that the use of these technologies
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significantly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death. the next stage begins, a person develops arrhythmia, there are also international technologies that recommend taking beta-blockers or amiodorone for certain types of rhythm disturbances, which also reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death. at the stage when drug therapy is ineffective, surgeons step in and can implant the patient. pacemaker, the situation is even more complicated, then implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator is possible, if the patient has a large heart and its chambers do not contract simultaneously, as required by the physiology of the cardiovascular system, then we now have devices such as resynchronization devices at our disposal, the next
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stage resynchronization device with cardioverter function yes... in general, it’s practically indeed, for the doctors who worked there 30 years ago, this is almost space, however, this is a real absolutely working situation today, and not only that, our amazing rhythmologists can implant a so-called event monitor, a tiny device that monitors the rhythm in a specific patient, you said, 30 years ago.
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master classes, the introduction of some new technologies, when i prepare an annual report, i have on several slides the new technologies that have been introduced into the center, and we are making every effort to extrapolate this as quickly as possible to other regional centers, to interdistrict centers where x-ray vascular technologies, cardiac surgical technologies, and, of course, medication are used too. it’s just relatively recently that artificial bio-heart valves have undergone clinical trials, let’s watch the story and go back to the studio: with the increasing life expectancy of belarusians, cardiac surgeons are seeing more and more patients, especially those whose hearts require surgical treatment valve apparatus. if earlier the pathology
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of the valvular apparatus was mainly a pathology of the young, when... there was a lot of rheumatism, infectious watercarditis, as the nation grows up all over the world, in our country these processes are happening exactly the same as throughout the world, a large number of patients have appeared , who develop age-related changes in the valve. already the latest modifications, they are also being improved, now the mechanics will be completely belarusian, because previously carbon ispir valves were bought in russia, we have now already created our own production
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in pine trees, so this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models, but when we are talking about elderly patients, it is of course more effective to use biological prostheses, although they are not durable, as mechanical ones, this is perhaps their only drawback. however , here doctors were faced with a number of problems: firstly, bioprostheses are expensive, and secondly, now it is very difficult to bring them into the country, so a decision was made to create their own domestic biovalves, doctors from the scientific and practical center for cardiology worked in tandem with technicians from belarusian enterprises. the process is very difficult, very long, because it is not only the creation of a design, well, then there are quite a lot of tests, well, first of all, a standard check for registration, but the most important thing is what interests us. surgeons and, of course, patients, these are , first of all, good hydrodynamic, hemodynamic parameters, the second is durability, so everything that concerns outside
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- clinical examinations, tests, it dragged on for many years, but still, at the end of 2023, doctors received two versions of domestically produced biovalves, one of which is a tricuspid frameless pericardial artificial heart valve endoprosthesis planx. b is already successfully undergoing clinical trials, the patients operated on in march of this year feel excellent, according to the forecasts of cardiac surgeons, by the end of this year the prostheses can already be used not limited to trials, after some time they can be sold to other countries, since doctors are completely satisfied with the quality of these particular biovalves. another valve, this is for silent implantation, clinical trials have not yet been completed, but we already see that the valve requires...
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it is not about the heart about the role that science has played in prolonging its life, and therefore in human life. don't miss any further. what heart diseases are most common in belarusians? blood vessels through the skin. how endovascular cardiac surgeons perform the operation. and what methods allow you to diagnose heart disease in a timely manner in the program in a few minutes. we will introduce you to people who have found
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their calling, in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also prepare. pharmacist is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies.


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