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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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crucified, cranes began to dance, and winter disappeared like smoke, greener than the meadow, crally, like hell , our native land was in pain! breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook it in pleasant company, then it’s double pleasure, that ’s exactly what we have, today the breakfast guest of the champion is an international class professional in bodybuilding and fitness , ivan sharpilov. if
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we consider ourselves old at 40 years old and we ’re afraid to start something, then it’s clear that we won’t start, we’ll be afraid then for the rest of your life you want to look at those people who started, so here you just need to take it and do it. you should choose an eggplant that is elastic, smooth, and moderately shiny. the main task here is the position of the body, we try to keep it always tense, with the arms and legs out. fixed, dropped, which i don’t like here a little, is that the dough on rye flour was with the addition of butter, a healthier option would have been, for example, to make cottage cheese dough, a quarter of a century ago we lived in an era of shortages, now we live in an era of abundance, of course our eyes run wild, so we need to choose products consciously. this is what we will do! the main
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ingredient of today's dish is mussels, let's start with them: choose frozen fillet. shellfish meat should not be frozen solid, and there should not be a lot of snow in the packaging. both may indicate that the product was defrosted during transportation, and this greatly affects its quality. copper meat should be light in color. elastic texture, but if the meat is too dark, then this indicates that the product is most likely spoiled, these mussels are excellent, take it, now you need to buy eggs, basically nothing supernatural, decide on the size by freshness, category d dietary egg, it is no more than 7 days old, category c dining room, the largest. all eggs
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are marked with the letters b and o. if there are numbers on the egg, then know that the larger they are, the smaller the egg. the color of the egg will not affect the taste in any way. but the degree of pollution can say a lot. as a rule, eggs in factory farms are not washed; they are protected by nature, so they can stored for a long time at room temperature. but after an egg is washed, its shelf life is significantly reduced. therefore, slight contamination is acceptable, but again, small, if the egg is too dirty, this indicates that most likely the conditions at the poultry farm are not very good. when choosing eggs in the store, remember that stale eggs are lighter than fresh ones. a good egg is pleasantly heavy in the palm of your hand, but if the egg is suspiciously light, and even when you shake something in it , you shouldn’t take it... let’s go to
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vegetable department, choose eggplant. there are many varieties of eggplant varieties, different types differ in size, color and shape of the fruit. oblong eggplants have a more delicate taste, while pear-shaped ones may have a slightly bitter taste. you should choose an eggplant that is elastic, smooth, and moderately shiny. the smell of this vegetable is not very pronounced, so it will be very problematic to feel it without cutting the fruit, so if you suddenly don’t feel the aroma, this does not mean that it has been treated with chemicals. our grocery basket is full, so let's go prepare the champion's breakfast. vanechka, good morning, thank you. thank you
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so much for coming today, i’m very glad to see you in my kitchen today. good morning, mutually, i’m also very glad to see you, i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion. ivan sharpilov, international class professional in bodybuilding and fitness, personal trainer, absolute champion of olympia amatore evils frag showdown 2016, absolute champion of the republic of belarus in 2014, 15 and 16, avid traveler and an adrenaline junkie, to tickle his nerves, rides around the city on a motorcycle in the summer and snowboards in the winter. vanechka, tell me what we have for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i love seafood, so i can’t wait to get started. go! for the dough, prepare 200 g of whole grain flour, an egg, 90 g of butter and
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herbes de provence. for the filling you will need mussels: 200 g will be enough. zucchini, eggplant, carrots, cheese or feta cheese. we will fill the quiche with a mixture of milk, eggs and cheese. today you are like a real man, you are in command in our kitchen, and i follow all your instructions, so let’s get started, with pleasure, uh, your task now will be the dough, yeah, while you work on the dough, i’ll take care of the mussels, we need to pepper them a little , i’ll add salt to the carrots, since our carrots are hard, we will need to fry them a little, and prepare them for our dish, so yes. listen, it’s very interesting in your opinion, when usually a simple person comes to the gym, how does he, say, find your right, right coach, what questions should he ask, what questions should a coach ask a client in order for
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this very chemistry to happen? in fact , everything here is very simple, but for many this is a very complex, weighty question, that’s what you’re asking about, but look. point of view, firstly, a person goes to the coach who he wants to be like, well, it often happens like this: the coach has a cool uniform, he goes to the coach, not yet understanding issues of education, in matters of knowledge, in matters of experience, and so on and so forth, just a visual picture, well , first of all, you should like the person, that is, you choose visually, then you come to training, and the first thing the coach should ask you is this in principle , normal professional practice, what is your condition. health, what are your contraindications, what are your points, what are your characteristics, that is, the coach, first of all, when leading you to the result , must understand what your characteristics are and where you not to harm, or rather not that where not to harm you, but how to make sure that you, with your own characteristics, can
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train fully, efficiently and competently, but it often happens that the person who seems to have chosen him is not suitable for the coach, or are you not paying attention to it? listen, well, there are different trainers who work either with everyone or not with everyone, well, that is, you yourself understand, it’s kind of a question of what level of coach are you, what is your flow of clients, and so on and so on and so on. so on, in general i believe that there must be synergy between the client and the coach, you need to look for your person, as a specialist, as for your person, the person who comes to training, he already... should be properly motivated or is this a task as well and trainer? the coach’s task is to make his training as competent and interesting as possible, so that after the first training a person does not leave the gym and say: lord, yes, why did i even come here? and
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motivation, the question of motivation here, of course , a person should already understand that if he goes to the gym, then the coach is not obliged to force him to do every approach, but we know that strength can run out. yes, that - somewhere you need this magical, so-called kick, and we won’t hide it, but it shouldn’t be the whole training, that is, as soon as a person comes and he doesn’t want to do anything, if you don’t want to do anything, but you don’t need to be offended by the coach that you have such a result, how great is the dough, how are your carrots? mine is perfect, all that’s left is to fry it a little, i’ll mine permission, that’s exactly what i’ll do, come on, yes, so, first the butter, well, look, van is also there - many young people are actively involved in sports, this is a very popular topic now, that’s what concerns people 40 plus, and what about 40 plus, to what extent you often see them in the hall, i just when they tell me 40 plus, i have a feeling that 40 is not an age at all, i
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will say this, that is, 40 is not an age at all, i have a father-in-law and he sometimes starts this topic in terms of that , that everything is old, it’s time to go somewhere, i say, well, that’s all not... in any way on the body, but metabolism primarily changes due to a person’s lifestyle, because of how he eats, because of his everyday activities, because of the fact that he is generally like, well, how he is lives, so 40 years is not an age at all, but i remember we went skiing, or rather, well , we snowboarded, but the story is more about skiing, and we go up on a ski lift in the mountains, it was, and i notice that next to sitting with me... is a very, very grown-up grandmother, i start talking to this grandmother, and she
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turns out to be 83 years old, she is going with skis to the ski lifts to the same mountain that we are going to now, to go down from it, and we got into a conversation, i said: listen, you ’ve probably been skiing all your life, she says: no, i mean no, well, you can already see that you’ve already an adult like you, well, don’t be afraid, she says: no, i only started skiing at the age of 60. cool, you know, here i am in moments like this, when they ask me, i always remember this story, because here is a man who started skiing at the age of 60 and he will now be sliding down the same mountain that i will be sliding down, this is it cool, there are restrictions they all happen in our heads first of all, if we consider ourselves old people at the age of 40 and we are afraid to start something, then it’s clear that we won’t start, we will be afraid to continue to want to look at those people all our lives, who started. so here you just need to take it and do it, since my dough is ready, i’ll send it to rest for now, so what
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should i do? your task is to make a fill for tisha, okay, let's get started, van, tell me how your life has changed, has it changed, have you added sleepless nights, has it changed the schedule, i will say this, my regime... has practically not changed, that is, i am so lucky with my wife, with my mother-in-law, with my mother, who, in principle, very actively helps us, they can always sit with the child, in general, i will say this, the fact that my regime has practically not changed, but the happiness in life has increased exponentially.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities in belarus, famous. this city was founded in 985 grand duke vladimir and gave it into the possession of ragned and yaceslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes. which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important
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shrine of the monastery is her relics. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. since the moment of your departure, i have been living with heavy knives in my soul, unbearable. saulita brigita from kaliningrad? you never told me that you were in kaliningrad? and who is this handsome guy next to him? this is your grandfather, courageous submariner who died tragically in the arctic long before i was born? ivan, let me take a photo of you? i allow it, just not me, us. everyone on the water! how could he leave you with the child? he didn’t know about the child, maybe we should abandon this idea? never. i'm flying to kaliningrad to find my grandfather. yes, olga, my grandmother, she was friends with brigita, do you know something? if something happens to her, we risk our party card. albracht's bible is missing. and
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how did you want to transport the bible abroad? i had no intention of transporting her anywhere. she i was offended by you. for what? so you abandoned her. i've traveled so many kilometers. i spent so much time and energy, and you don’t even want to listen to me? watch the series two silhouettes at sunset on the belarus 24 tv channel . a set of three exercises that i do every morning, and which help me keep my back and core muscles in good shape. the starting position that we take on all fours, our task is to crosswise raise the opposite arm and leg forward, and the leg back accordingly, we bring it all into a straight line, we fix ourselves
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for half a second or a second, the main task here is the position of the body, we try to keep it always tense, the stomach is pulled in. the arm and leg were brought out, fixed, lowered, we do the same on the other, so 20 repetitions on each side. the second exercise that we will discuss with you is the side plank, usually we are used to standing the plank in a classic way, that is, elbows under us 90 degrees with the body, in our case we will do a side plank, when we stand on one hand, align the body in one line and we fixate like this for about 30 seconds, i stand, squeeze my abs, i further draw in my stomach, strain it, again the lower side, which is towards the floor, will be tensed and we fixate, you can time it with a stopwatch,
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you can think so to yourself, the main thing is not to forget to breathe . well, accordingly, after 30 seconds on one side, you turn over and stand on the other hand. and the third exercise, which i perform almost every day in this complex, is the usual classic crunches for the abdominal muscles, but i do them with static elements, pressing at the end point for 2-3 seconds, i show. we have the starting position. we lay on our backs, our main task is to bring two points to each other, contract the abdominal muscles, squeeze, and here i silently count 3-5 seconds, depending on my mood, squeeze, hold, lower, try to stretch the abdominal muscles as much as possible, then there i lower the pelvis, lower the shoulder girdle,
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the exhalation is fixed, again, when we fixate, we can... breathe a little, that is, the muscles are tense, but at the same time breathing works, stretched, doing this set of exercises, your back and your health will reach a new level, just take it and do it, i suggest you return to the gym, how demanding are you... are you demanding about the food diaries that your clients keep, do you punish them, if they are screaming, yeah, good question, how strictly will it depend on what goals we set, or rather the client sets for himself, and together we evaluate his capabilities, initial data, and so on, in general i think
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the fact that a coach must know at least the basics of nutrition, the basics... sociologists don’t need this, well, it’s not necessary for every coach to know in depth some different nuances, because we all understand perfectly well that there are different coaches who perform different tasks, someone should just set up the equipment, someone is already there leading to certain goals, in general that’s not the point, the point is that at a certain stage i personally ask you to write down the diet, and i give certain recommendations, of course, according to the diet, what we eat, what we don’t eat, from what will we give up, for example, for a while, or on the contrary, i’ll say what we need to add to the diet, that’s why at some stage we write it down, but in any case, i strive to lead the client to intuitive eating . the filling is ready, uh-huh, i'm finishing with the eggplant, now you take out the dough and roll it out,
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come on. we’ve already touched on the topic of snacks, but what do you always have in your stash for these very snacks? in fact, everything is very simple with this matter, nothing, because i’m already tired of taking with me snacks and what i told you about, intuitive eating, now i’m at the moment when i can control my shape, just visually by sensations, i already understand how much of what i need, what... there not enough in the diet and so on, well, that is, i have already formed some habits that i follow, regarding snacking, if i really feel like it somewhere on the road or somewhere else, then some ... i can take the bars with me, i can, so now i’ll also throw off the carrots, i can take fruits, apples, bananas, orange, anything really,
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i don’t really worry too much about this topic, so to answer your question, my snacks are complete improvisation, complete improvisation, and i want to tell you this, even if i want something harmful , harmful, for example, there’s a hot dog, a hamburger, it doesn’t matter, whatever, although... for a long time, when i was preparing for competitions, when i was just watching my weight gain there, because my goal was to gain muscle mass there , i always had with me a container of porridge, meat, for example,
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there could be some kind of fillet, either chicken or turkey, cooked there and in a separate container just chopped fresh vegetables, all this is elementary, it’s done in 10-15 minutes, so i don’t see any problem, that ’s what it seems to me... optimally, vegetables, porridge, meat. good morning everyone, today we have another analysis of breakfast, the breakfast of a champion, today we are reviewing with you a quiche on rye flour with mussels or any, at your discretion, adding seafood or seasonal vegetables. what i like here is, that of course rye flour was used, low glycemic index. that is , we can get exactly what we need in the form of slow carbohydrates from dough made with rye flour, and of course i’m a huge
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fan of mussels, because seafood carries with it a simply amazing amount of amino acids, amino acids that are very well absorbed in in our body, if you are not allergic to seafood, be sure to use seafood in your diet, it will be great, here we also have eggplants, which have the same properties huge. amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other vegetables, which again makes your breakfast very healthy, what i don’t like here a little is that the dough on rye flour was with the addition of butter, a healthier option would be, for example, to make cottage cheese dough , the dough turns out no less tasty, and sometimes even tastier, than using butter, and naturally it will be less fatty and healthier, in principle, as a delicious option, especially for a saturday or sunday breakfast... this breakfast has its place, but at the same time, remember that there is no limit to perfection, you can always make something healthier, well, like with our dough,
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great, now roll it out and put it in the mold, i’m almost finished with the vegetables, oh, vanya, with difficulty, but i did it, you’re great, you did it perfectly, now we’ll unload the vegetables there, yeah, pour it all in. and as for food waste, what will we never see in your refrigerator? provocative question, mine has everything, i’ll probably say this, it’s not a difficult question, you can find completely different things there in in my refrigerator, but uh, some kind of sausage, if, for example, it’s not from some farm. where i know what it was made from, yes, uh, you’re unlikely to find store-bought ones, but sausages, all sorts of things that i just don’t know the composition of, yes, that is, something that
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is assembled from uh all sorts of different components, these are the things i try, even the minced meat is the same, and if we make it, then it’s better to make it from the meat that you bought yourself and you know that it’s really fresh, it’s of good quality, well so... such things, and if we are talking about some kind of sweets, flour, there is something else, usually the emphasis is on this, i don’t bother too much, because if i sin with something, but mussels, yes, let's take mussels, then this is about 10-15% of a healthy normal diet, that is, i basically fit this into my coloring there, the norm, you have a sweet tooth, uh, yes, you know by my mood, i’m more my weakness - it's flour, yes it's flour. all sorts of sour cream, these things, baking for me is just love, but in general you read composition of the products? but if the product
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is not familiar to me, then yes, i look at the composition, maybe somewhere i can make sure that i forgot somewhere, so yes, i look at some products, i don’t look at others, if i, for example, i really want something, it’s better not to look, well, what do you pay attention to first of all, for me the important elements are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and i also look at the minimum amount of sugar, i pay attention to sugar because high sugar content, well, this automatically raises the color by several times, plus the fat content, i recommend also paying attention to the fat content, because, for example, in cottage cheese 5% in cottage cheese 2%, the fat content differs significantly, and if we want to reduce the overall color of our daily food, then not me products, we can do this simply due to the fat content, so here’s also a little life hack, well, today we’re
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having a healthy breakfast. tasty, very, very healthy, so, well, then put it in the oven, put it in the oven, prepare the dough for the quiche, for this you need to grate the butter on a coarse grater, add egg, salt and mix, then gradually add the mixture to the grain flour, add a little cold water, knead the dough and let it rest a little in the refrigerator, the filling for the quiche is simple. beat the eggs, pour the milk into the bowl, stir the mixture, add salt and grated cheese. for the filling , cut the carrots into strips and saute a little, they should become soft. we won’t fry the zucchini eggplant, we’ll just cut it into strips. season the vegetables with salt and pepper. sprinkle the mussels with seasonings as well. everything is ready. now you need to roll out the dough and place it in
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a baking dish. make a couple of punctures with a fork to prevent the dough from rising too much. all that remains is to transfer the vegetables, add the mussels and pour in the sauce. there is cheese on top, just break it with your hands. bake the quiche in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 190°. serve an excellent autumn pie with tea, bon appetit! masha, our quiche is ready, i’m sure it will be... not only a tasty, but also a healthy breakfast, i think we’ve done our best with you, it looks amazing, i can’t wait start, try this wonderful dish, dear friends, cook with us, experiment, remember that breakfast is one of the most important meals, bon appetit, bye-bye!
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ivan vasilyevich, what is strength expressed for you, strength is expressed in self-confidence.
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confidence in the family, confidence in the state in which you live, confidence that we are living correctly and that we have a future, that’s probably how it is.


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