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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 7:45pm-9:01pm MSK

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the thief’s hat was on fire, he smelled something fried, he quit to cover his tracks, of course, tarikov, the gunner, makeev, a participant in the attack, the cashier will definitely recognize makeev, you see the restrained man, please take any place among them. hello, hello, citizen yatsevich, yes, it’s me! in accordance with article 164 of the criminal procedure code of the belarusian ussr, you are invited to learn. please look at these people, tell us, do any of them look like your attackers?
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no, there are none of them here, you know about him from you learned.
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no, nicola. not here, i would have known him, i would have known him from a thousand, well, matushkin, we’ll have to start all over again, all police units, take urgent measures to prevent
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attacks, strengthen the security of cash collectors, cashiers, savings banks and stores, about all suspicious persons, immediately report to the criminal investigation department. now remember, comrades, who was standing where at the moment when the bandits ran away.
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let's start with you, well, in my opinion, this time there were gray lada cars, here's the number, i just remembered nine and two. okay, what do you say? comrade baskevich? it seemed to me that you were a moskvich, only not gray, but rather bluish. unfortunately, i didn’t have time to remember the number; it was not a muscovite, but a volga, and it was dark gray in color. i remembered two numbers, a six and a three, but i couldn’t see the make of the car, and i didn’t have time to see anything at all. when two witnesses named the numbers of the license plate of that car, i did not take them seriously, but then i decided. let's.
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these numbers, don’t pay attention to the color, okay, there is a similar volga, mish-3178, blue, great, who wants it belongs to professor yakobson, to whom, to whom,
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professor yakobson, parking place in the yard, address, phone number, i wrote down for you, please, what from such a large list of everything? one car, don’t be greedy, throw in a couple more, i can give you two trucks, that’s fine, but no, thanks, we don’t deal with trucks, well , happily, all the best, as with the car, but i deduced one that mish 3178 belongs to professor yakobson. did you call him? yes, the professor went on a business trip with his wife 3 months ago. there is a worker in the apartment, the car is parked yard
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yes, we still need to check, maybe someone used his car, unfortunately, i can’t, go alone, you have a strict access system, but how do i know who you are? like that, marya ivanovna told me not to let anyone into the apartment, otherwise some bandit will come and say that he is from the zhek, if a bandit can say that he is from the zhek, he can also say that he is from
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the police, in general, i’m from the traffic police, the fact is that your car has not passed the technical inspection, and look, it’s been under your window for 3 months already it’s standing, let’s go, i’ll show you, marya ivanovna told me to sweep the snow off the tarpaulin every day, i sweep it away, is it hard for me or what? you can see for yourself, the apartment is big, there’s a lot of housework, there’s just a damn lot of books, i’m already tired of wiping the dust off, tell me, the professor drove the car himself, at first he drove it himself, and then he hired a driver, he’s such a handsome young man, he works during the day. and in the evening he studied at the institute, because he kept his car in good condition, the professor paid him a large salary, but boris was unlucky, the professor went on a business trip for a year, and he had to be fired, you don’t remember his last name,
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boris, boris, god bless you, i remembered, boris kopylov, he doesn’t come to see you. no, he often calls on the phone, congratulates you on the holidays, asks how the professor and his professor are, whether they will arrive soon, says that he misses them, well, of course, a very, very polite young man, well, since you say that no one has been driving the car for 3 months i haven’t driven, i think we ’ll wait with the technical inspection, well, sorry, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
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andrich, the neighbors said that this kopylov left for gomel a month ago, i myself saw the lock on his door, who did he work for, why do we need this unnecessary information, because when the crime was committed, he was no longer in the city, it was still necessary find out everything. okay, tomorrow i will collect all the information about the hoofweed.
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so this is kopololov? he is the most amateur. i’ve already seen him twice lately, and not just seen him, but talked to him. i wonder what you talked to him about? imagine, a week ago, i played with him in the club chess, and the day before yesterday i met him on the street. it turns out he never left. where he works? he worked in the same place.
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has he not come to you in recent days? no, it wasn’t visible, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, thank you, girls, thank you, sorry, what do you have, andrei dmitorich, do you want a little trick? give me, please, this is the hat that we found at the crime scene, this is also for you... “ take the hat away from makeev, who owns this
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hat, i don’t understand anything, they are the same, like twins, the examination found that they were sewn they are one and the same person, threads and the lining on them is completely identical, here is the expert’s conclusion, so who does this hat belong to? i don’t know, it belongs to the husband of makeev’s sister, which means makeev’s participation in the crime can be considered proven, i give up, well done, thank you. don’t you really recognize it? no, why, i find out, this is one impatient guy who doesn’t really like to stand in line, who thinks it’s better to give a ruble than to lose an hour, what’s his last name, or at least his first name? you should know,
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citizen-boss, what the allotment is like ? . vodka without a queue is not a reason for acquaintances, and they brought vodka directly to his car, i don’t deliver anything to cars. makeev, and the examination established that the hat found at the crime scene and the hat belonging to your sister’s husband are exactly the same. how can you explain this? i am the citizen-chief of your affairs, i don’t understand , i don’t want to. if you are guilty of something, judge, judge, but don’t blame something that didn’t happen. makeev turned out to be a tough nut to crack. not a single word about kopylov. tarikov is ready to help, but kopolove doesn’t know anything. i have a feeling that
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kopylov is involved in this matter, but there is nothing to grab onto. or is it just me? no, the taxi theft was probably kapylov’s doing. this is just our guess for now. where are the facts? i have a feeling that we are spinning around somewhere around here. they probably missed something. passed by, where? in which place? did you have a good look at the car the day before yesterday, jacobson? andrey, there were such snowdrifts around it, it was immediately obvious that
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no one had driven it for four months. okay, let's go. open where? so, after all, kopololov. accept urgent measures to search for and detain a dangerous criminal, boris sergeevich kopylov.
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armed. a tt pistol and has a blue volga mish 31 78 car .
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not a big win, you probably don’t
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buy enough tickets, i don’t like to take risks, you know, give me three more lottery tickets, the rest will be two kopecks. i wish you to win the volga, all the best, goodbye, what is a familiar life for belarusians, for others may seem truly exotic. volkovysk, if you have already arrived at the swedish mountain, then be kind. count the number of steps, and why should you count, this is a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the 9th-10th centuries, well
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, in those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins as jewelry, yes, but it’s easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture; initially volkovysk stood on an ancient river. this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in overlap; our special manner of performing these songs is included in state list of intangible cultural heritage, watch the travel show:
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harvested millet, unmown grass for projects on the first pass on the belarus24 tv channel.
8:09 pm
hello, good afternoon, hello, can i ask gennady? listen, hello, old man, this is boris, but i ask you not to hang up, okay, i need to meet with you to talk, there is one small matter here, it’s just that i asked you not to call again, so, since... . i got involved in this matter, i decided to go crazy, are you crazy? whether? what are you saying? you, as much as you can not tremble for your own skin, i will take it all for myself.
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great, oles gavrilovich, hello, you’re still working, you little devils, the boards have been torn off, look at the nail, who gets stuck, what they came with, i’m coming to you for a consultation, for a consultation, take a look, maybe, you know, handsome, not this has never happened to us, no, i know everyone here, he did some mischief,
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not as much mischief as he could. he’s going to do some mischief, so before it’s too late, you should grab him by the hand, well, yes, but what a catch comes out, and you, listen, show this photo of genka, from apartment seventy, stamping or something, well, he used to be in charge of all the punks here. it’s somehow inconvenient to address him, why is a person torn by his past, got married, his daughter heard, wonderful things are growing, and we still seem to doubt him, remember his old sins, so if every day a person is pulled over trifles, then of course or... humanly, then he will take it as trust, okay, thank you, goodbye, goodbye.
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hello, hello, can i see gennady potapov? he's not at home, what does he need? hand over? tell me that dorokhov came by and let him call me. did something happen, right? no, don't worry, we just needed to talk. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
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yes, yes, we saw it last night, yes, yes, yes. thank you, thank you, andrei dmich, last night at the printing guard i saw a blue professorial volga, the whistle did not stop, the car did not stop while he contacted the radio, it disappeared somewhere, which means kopylov is in the city, who is he hiding with, his accomplice, about whom , unfortunately we don’t know anything, yes, andrei dmitrievich, he can
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interrogate makeev again, but explain. in the end, that now that his guilt has been proven, only a sincere confession can mitigate his punishment. makeev was interrogated four times and we achieved a lot. i know this kind of people. we'll look for it ourselves. dorokhov, listening. let him through, sergeant major. please go to ivan ivanovich and find out what ’s new with him, and here i’ll talk with an old acquaintance. okay, gennady, come in. have a seat,
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hello, i haven't seen you for a long time, here you go yesterday i was in your area, i came to see you, but didn’t find you, i saw your wife, just excuse me, your wife probably misunderstood me, i asked you to call me, there was absolutely no reason for you to drag yourself across the whole city here , so help yourself, thank you. well, how are you, tell me, but i came, i actually wanted to right away, but somehow i didn’t dare, then my wife said that you came, i think i’ll wait, so i came, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, well and what is unclear? when
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they took the factory cash register, but these, i was there with them too, you're nonsense. i don’t believe it, you know, i don’t believe it, you’ve given up, it means you’ve tied it up badly, oh well, what can i say, i fully admit my guilt, i’m ready to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, here’s the head of the criminal investigation department, the appearance of spavin, potapov, well, that’s it, so, you take all the blame on yourself. i decided to serve one for everyone, but where are the other two, why don’t you write anything about them, that’s their business, i admit my guilt, and you know me, i don’t
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pawn others, come on, collect your coins and get out of here, what? means pack up, get out, what what's the point of us putting you in jail? the culprit with the car and the pistol will be free, if you are so conscientious, help us find him, i said, i’m not pawning, do you really think that we don’t know who was in charge of you, here he is, soup, boris kopylov, to yours for the record , we know everything about him, we will find him. the sooner the better for him, pass, i don’t want to talk to you.
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ivan ivanovich is nothing new for us, but what kind of person did andrei come to you? is this the third one, about whom we knew nothing, who came on his own? well, andrei dmitrovich, he said, where is kopylov hiding? no, i didn’t tell him, i probably didn’t let him go. talk to
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the drivers, and i'll go to the authorities. if you want to know such details, then i can’t help you with anything, i have hundreds of drivers, you can’t fit into everyone’s soul. kopyllov did not work for us for long, and he was a good driver, but he did not fit in with the team; when he submitted his resignation, we did not particularly keep him. he was a man of his own mind, he did not make friends with anyone, so thank you very much for finding our car, please, to be honest, we weren’t
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counting on her anymore. hello, we are from the criminal investigation department, coming to you for help. hello. it’s an interesting thing, how can we help the criminal investigation department, whether it’s time to catch bandits, you guessed it, boris kopylov worked for you six months ago, so we ’re looking for him, kopylov, what interests you, everything interests you, who he worked with, maybe , one of your employees knew him more or less, or maybe one of you was aware of his heartfelt affections.
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lapshin, radievich, lishchinsky, lapshin, lapshin, yes, thank you, thank you, please, let's split up, i'll wave to klischinsky, and you go to radsievich and lapshin. fine. happily, where are you going, to the end, i’m through the wasteland.
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good morning, andrey yes, yes, good morning, did something happen last night, this dirty guy, the third one, who was found on the waste site with a gunshot wound, was killed, no, i’ll go to the hospital. what about you? neither lapshin nor
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radzievich said anything about kopylov, they didn’t contact him, let’s go to the taxi depot, i ’ll be there later, yes. your friend is lucky, he’ll lie down for another hour, it was unlikely that it would have been possible to save him, no, it was not serious early, he lost a lot of blood there, fortunately at that time a whole company was returning through the wasteland from a new marriage, they came across him, they immediately called us, we took him to the emergency table, took out the bullet, gave a blood transfusion he came to his senses, he turned out to be a strong man, in the morning he began to ask to call you, here is a bullet,
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as is his condition now, the worst is already behind him, but he doesn’t particularly care about you, he really wanted to see you. hello, andrey dmitrievich, hello, doctor, would you please contact us? we left you alone, okay, i’ll leave you, thank you, anya, let’s go, thank you for coming. well, now you are in my office, after
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a shift i came home, my wife and i were going to go see my mother there, suddenly kolka makeev came to me, makey, the bastard, i served time with him, but after my marriage i saw each other - that's rare. by chance, oh, my beauty, come here, ah, ok, sasha, hi, hi, thank you, go to your mother,
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i thought you had a better house, tanya. tanya, come here, make some tea there, a guest has arrived, we need to talk, there is something to do, why did you come? “i asked you never to come to us again, you see how my wife greets guests, maybe we’ll go out, or maybe you’ll go out alone, makey, maybe you’ll go alone, but how times change, there was a man, there’s no
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more man "drowned in a woman's skirt, oksana!" let's talk, now, let's go, everything is fine, gena. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 1717, annai rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first manufactory in the novogrod region in naliboki. they
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this branch took 9 months to build, it was accepted in 1896 on december 28, and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. travel is an opportunity to try something new, in order to understand what kind of bull it will turn out to be, you need to make horns for it, that is, we made the horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car, and of course, to join the unique folk art, and if we want a pattern, a herringbone, then press two, two at the bottom, then the middle two, i mean... just sincerely admiring people who have something like this they treat this type of art with awe and respect, because it is total labor. look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. their every day
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begins with sweating, and when we get up early, the sun just comes out from behind the village of polyatishche, only.
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sit down, let's go for a ride and talk. meet
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boris, and this is gena, the same genkvoreni i told you about, well, hello, gent, hello, well, i suggest you drink for a meeting for getting to know each other, i don’t drink, put away the bottle. "there is one small matter here, without a wet one, we hear, okay, no wet, no dry, you
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’ve been told, my word is firm, in the end, that means in the end, stop here at the bus stop, there’s a sign, you understand, there’s no risk, boris will take the driver, and you just snatched the cashier suitcase with money. how are you, are you going or not? no, whatever you want, i don’t intend to miss this opportunity, calm down, get behind the wheel, yeah, wait, turn around, where are you going, where are you going? “sit, but then i realized that
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i couldn’t hold them back, i decided to somehow interfere, i caught up with this boris already near the muscovite, so he knocked the driver down and became to snatch the suitcase from this aunt, well, she screamed, screamed like that. jumped out of the passage of the worker, then it was borista who pulled out a pistol, but i think now he’s definitely going to kill someone, i ’m under his arm, i don’t know where from what, some kind of force came from, began to drag him, he’s on me, in general, in general... somehow they left, one
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minute, wait, wait, i’m telling you, let me shoot him.
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let's go, well, in general, they somehow didn't have the spirit to shoot, not makei, not baris. yes, it wasn’t that i didn’t have the courage, but i held back the fear for my own skin, they knew that yours your wife saw who you left with, maybe who shot at you, i don’t know, you were walking through the shepherd in the evening, suddenly a shot crashed somewhere nearby, well... you found yourself here, and after the attack you met with boris, no, he
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called me several times, offered me some business, but i refused, and he knew that you were confessing, yes, he knew, then i’m sure that he shot you? kopylov, i ’ll give the bullet for examination today, i know even without examination that he shot, then tell me where to look for him, i don’t know, andrei dmitrievich, i heard just somehow briefly, that some valentina is there, or what? lives with valentina, but you don’t know who she is or where she lives? no. oh,
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criminal investigation, how did they catch the bandits? not yet, maria alekseevna. apparently, we cannot do without your help, but we would be happy to help you, but how? have you ever heard about it in connection with kopylov, and a certain valentina. valentine? no, i didn’t have to, some valentine called him once, a girl, sweet, nice, charming, what did she say, asked him to call her , leave her phone number, and you wrote him down, yes, on cover of simenon's book, unknown people in the house, please allow me to look at this
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book, recently this book disappeared somewhere right from the table. ay-yay-yay, how can this be? have you been looking for her? well, of course, at first i asked everyone in a row, and then i realized that it was useless and stopped, will such a book be returned? now let's look for this book together. comrades, we kindly ask you to return simenon, an unknown person in the house, to the dispatch book. there is a recording there that is very important for the criminal investigation. nothing will come of it, there was no need to announce it like that,
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i had to announce it again, someone might not have heard. sorry, i'm from the second shift, were you looking for something, yes, yes, thank you, thank you. hello, information desk, caller 713 speaking . please clarify who owns the phone number 649527 and the address. cosmonauts street 3, apartment 65. valentina, prilepskaya. thank you,
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everything seems to be fine, let’s go to management or? we'll wave right away, we'll wave right away, come on, well, thank you very much for sheltering me, please use it, the garage is empty anyway, but no , apparently you won't have to anymore, you need a car, thank you very much, all the best, please.
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reports on 76, a blue volga has just passed towards the center along partizansky avenue, 3178 mish, the driver did not stop on the whistle and proceeded further, attention to all traffic police posts and routes in the area of ​​partizansky avenue, take measures to detain the blue volga, 3178 mish.
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attention, to all posts along the gai route, in the area of ​​partizansky avenue. urgently report on volga 3178 mish. lays the twenty-sixth. i investigated the partisan avenue and the blue volga 3178 mish and discovered. the seventy-fifth reports. blue volga 3178 mish. didn't pass the intersection. attention, to all posts, traffic police routes and pmg in the area of ​​partizansky avenue, organize enhanced surveillance of the streets adjacent to partizansky avenue,
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report the results immediately. but this is the same one, the professor’s, yes, still warm, this guy has become insolent, or thinks that no one is looking for him, we need to take him, let’s go, wait. “i don’t like causing a commotion in residential buildings; out of stupidity, he’ll start shooting again, but i left the car so that i have to get out soon, or maybe it won’t come out until the morning, yes, are we
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really going to coo with you here until the morning, not even calling, but this is an idea, now we ’ll smoke him out! police department, could you come to us today? yes, exactly today, can’t you? sorry for the trouble, then two of our employees will come to you on an urgent matter, okay, they’ll show up in
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a minute, get ready, good evening, good . evening, good evening, i called you, boris kopolov lives with you, i can see him, unfortunately, i can’t, he literally left half an hour ago on a business trip. however, that i am holding you at the door, come in, thank you, but i would naturally like to know why boris
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kopylov interested you at such a late hour, if only because he is not registered here, then i assure you, we did not have time to complete some formalities , including this, unfortunately, not a registration reason for our visit. intrigue, so tell me quickly, as it doesn’t hurt me to say, but the fact is that boris kopololov is a dangerous criminal, what is he accused of, he stole a car, tried to rob a factory cashier, and the day before yesterday evening he seriously wounded a man with a pistol shot, this is what we know. absolutely, but i still don’t believe it, maybe you
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confused him with someone else, it’s him, yes, it’s him. well, okay, even if from your point of view he is a criminal, but what if... he is such a notorious scoundrel, why, instead of robbing the cashier, he didn’t try to rob me, he needed money, big money, but what could he have taken it from you? but i am dealing with big values, and even very big ones. i work at a research institute of fine chemistry, in our laboratory we use filter attachments made of gold and platinum. i am responsible for all this, boris knows this. he visited us several times, i told him everything.
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showed, if he is such an inveterate criminal, then why didn’t he take advantage of my trust, we need to go to this institute, andrei edmich, from the professor’s office, it looks like he can go straight to it, that’s right, let’s go, i’ll go with you. please tell me exactly how much time has passed since kopololov left, more than an hour, then we must hurry, lieutenant, speed up, i understand.
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please get out of the car, turn off the lights. starshinsky.
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laboratory, i’ll show you the way myself, that ’s impossible, i don’t understand you, he’s got a gun, i can’t vouch for him, can you really admit the idea that he’ll shoot at me, go up... everything’s clear, but you be in the car and not going anywhere, close all exits of the publication and immediately call the operational group, do not don't worry, we won't let you out.
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kaapa. surrender, the building is surrounded, lieutenant,
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turn on the lights, stop, i’ll shoot. i'll take a moment, where are you, i'll go back now, you can't go there, stop, kobolov, the building is surrounded, resistance is useless, give up.
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get up,
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go ahead! see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow. i went into the winter city, as if into a fairy tale, i slid down the children's slides on the slides, this city was given to me as an inheritance by childhood, so that
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i would carefully treasure the gift of a treasured meal, snowflakes from whirling around the streets. oh, i need joy, my heart, warmth, rushes quickly, a string of winter days and... egor, so that your alarming, complex world becomes clearer to me, snowflakes from the roofs,
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circling through the streets, i need to go to the city, my heart, warmth. how the city needs my heart to be warm. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by
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the russian federation. this grouping is designed to explore near-earth space. see the science project nearby on our tv channel, it was red, now it’s our flag, let’s stand in a clutch hand to hand, this is a clutch.
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different.
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watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: a hot apparatus for eleventh-graders has been assembled on our air.


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