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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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preparation of feed before receiving the final product, we have already taken - 25 hectares have already been allocated to us with documents in the process, we are already planning to prepare feed ourselves this year, yes we will already - i think we will prepare hay for this year, in the summer we will help make cheese , herd cows, i feed calves with milk, i really like it, the cheese factory will become the basis for a family tourism business, my wife. plans to conduct excursions, introduce guests to production, and organize tastings. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. buy belarusian is now heard in paris, and her collections of linen wedding dresses started talking after the show at paris fashion week. in the studio of the program say, don’t be silent, belarusian celebrant natalya minina. challenge wedding standards by starting to sew an evening dress from linen. barefoot fashion show and models of different ages and outfits.
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next, my colleagues will talk about sports. the projects of the tv news agency are also available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information already at one o'clock in the afternoon. see you. baltika. in the russian cup superfinal
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the team from kaliningrad prevailed over moscow spartak in the decisive match of the regional path. already in the fourth minute of the match , kevin andrade scored the only goal, and belarusian forward vitaly ilisakovich assisted. baltika will compete for the trophy with the best in the pair, zenit csk. the first game ended 1:1, today the return game is in st. petersburg. live broadcast at 20:40 on tv channel belarus 5. the final will take place on june 2 at the capital's luzhniki arena. the final series of the be basketball championship among men's teams starts today, remake last year's final awaits fans, where grodno 93 will compete with the fifteen-time championship winner minsk. the first game of the series up to three victories of one of the teams will be held in the sports palace, the live broadcast of the sports channel will begin at 15:55.
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in 1949, residents of the village of chezhevichi , starobinsky district, minsk region, had been able to do this for months. to extract something from the earth from great depths, they did this with the help of a wooden structure, inside of which there was some kind of drilling machine. there were different rumors and sometimes the most incredible, but ancient treasures, about deposits of some especially valuable minerals. and they were reinforced by the constant visits of the party leadership from the minsk region, even from moscow itself. and every time everyone was very excited. but what were geologists really looking for and why was such close attention paid to these places? the intrigue was resolved by
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a report from the belarusian radio. the significant date for the historical republic was the 9th of june 49 . the village of chyzhevichy of the starobinsk district of the minsk region had a problem, which is a peraatsanic. menavita ў gety day on the upper ground from a large boulder , the first part of sylvyanite fell 300 meters away. light-colored, roofy river, the most important cheese for catching chestnuts. this is a great help to the workers of the nescerav brigade, navukots, and geolag-exploration department.
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the significance of the event will be confirmed over the years. at the same time , new opportunities and new horizons opened up for the national economy of the bssr. belarus is often devoid of mineral resources. this was the verdict of venerable geologists, scientists of the ussr in the mid-thirties. but agree with they could not and did not want to do so in the republic. its national economy needed the use of natural resources, without which it is difficult to solve issues of the effectiveness of development of the entire national economy as a whole. the republic as a whole is quite rich in weed resources, we talked about oil, about rut gardens, in
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the republic today there are about 1000 deposits of various kinds, but we must not forget that... the republic is a fairly powerful water resource, here the republic has very large reserves of high-quality underground waters, there are quite a lot of various kinds of raw materials for building materials in the republic, there are large reserves of dolomite ores, in the mid-thirties, perhaps, the main natural resource of the republic was peat. the main energy resource. peat is one of the main geological resources of the republic. today, in the depths of the republic there are approximately 4 billion tons of peat. this is a very large resource, but its
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application is the widest. peat is not only fuel, it is nutritious soil, it is elements. substrate is pomace and concentrates that are used in plant growing and vegetable growing. the republic understood the importance of using other resources, the intensive development of industry, modern production, and set new tasks for scientists and geological exploration. the raw material base and its development were a priority. there was a question about our fossils.
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the young geologist gerasim bogomolov once again walked around a seemingly familiar area to the smallest detail. sitting down on a nearby stump, he took out from his field bag notebook. i made notes in it, then thought about something for some time and made
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notes again. and then on the road again. sometimes bogomolov stopped to simply admire the local beauty. the landscapes of the passing summer in polesie were mesmerizing. already in the tent, he transferred his observations to the map. these were the final touches to the great work that he was now completing, translating his scientific research and practical observations into the language of a memorandum. the presence of dome-shaped structures in the southern part of the bssr gives grounds explore these areas for... oil, salt and mineral waters. the note was to
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be sent to the country's leadership. gerasim bogomolov's conclusions turned out to be convincing. in his accompanying note addressed to the country's leadership, he noted: among young rocks, especially to the southeast of...
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local residents, they constantly observed the release of swamp gas to the surface, puddles of black mud that burned for a long time. geologist alexander rozin, exploring the peat massifs of the gomel region, scientifically substantiated the possible presence of rock salt deposits in the bowels of the belarusian woodland. and oil, but there were many more skeptics. correspondence began with the council of people's commissars of the republic, heated discussions in the press. and if it were not for gerasim bogomolov, the future academician of the academy of sciences of the bssr, who proved the reality of such assumptions and used them in his further research, everything could have remained at the level of discussions. the academy of sciences of the bssr also saw real prospects for research. the belarusian
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government agreed with her arguments about the advisability of conducting exploratory drilling works in polesie. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. techniques and brand made in new products are also helping belarus, among them an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what
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is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on security and navigation systems. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, and it can work 24x7. a film about the legendary figure is planned to be shot in belarus. announced for august, the release of the film will be timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. most of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program for events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest,
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absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our hero, why do you think the children chose you to talk to, i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation, how do you differ at work from yourself at home, it seems to me, solely in appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grymza into...
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in the thirty-eighth in the domanovichi now svetlogorsk district in the gomel region , drilling of the first deep exploration well began, as a result, salt-bearing deposits were discovered at a depth of more than 800 m. hydrocarbons in the soil layer of air. the war prevented the successes of belarusian scientists and geologists from being consolidated.
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at the end of the meeting, the report of the member-karespandant of the kai city council was approved for the people's approval of the latest construction of wind power and wind electric installations. at their ledges, the navukoists say that the raw materials of the bssr allow
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the development of meat cheese and all the materials for an adequate future. at the session, respect will be given to the geologist who explores the subsoil of the republic. the session of the academy of sciences of the bssr focused on scientific research that would contribute to the revival of the economy. the republic was in dire need of maximum use of natural resources for the development of the national economy. the academy was faced with the task of not only providing a scientific basis for this, but also offering practical solutions. in fact, starting everything from scratch, but research did not stop either during evacuation or after returning. by the beginning of 1945 , eight academic institutes resumed their work, among the first, the institute of socialist agriculture and the peat institute of the academy
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of sciences of the bssr. on january 1, 1946. employees there are only 27 people in it, they have already presented the first research on the mechanization of peat extraction, artificial dewatering and briquetting of peat, and expanding its use in the energy sector. such work, again, was started already in the post-war period; of course , we must pay tribute to the work of scientists of the belarusian academy of sciences, who dealt with peat issues. the peat institute, which was created in our country in 1932, carried out this work in sufficient detail to assess raw material reserves in general use peat the institute of geological sciences, which was also one of the first to be created, has fewer than 13 people on staff, but everything is subordinated to
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the continuation of pre-war research on the peculiarities of the tectonic structures of belarus. with negligible efforts, scientists began to practically confirm their hypotheses and implement already established research. only during the years of the first post-war five-year plan were deposits of coli and rock salts discovered, first petrikovskoye, then starobinskaya, located within the soligorsk, lyubinsk and slutsk districts minsk region. in the forties , the first ingot of belarusian rut salts was raised from a depth of about 350 m, but this was really for the national economy.
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the first developed mine, the first batch of salt obtained during the first drilling, and this was also heroism, dedication of people of science. their conviction that the republic possesses unique natural resources made it possible to largely change the structure of the national economy for decades to come, and to become world leaders in a number of areas. from the report of the central committee of the communist party of belarus at the congress of the cpb. in 1948. children's workers won a great labor victory. the country's industry for the production of oxen products not only reached military
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levels, but also exceeded them by 18%. the growth in production of means of production amounted to 130% compared to 1940. and the production of consumer goods is 99%. in years. of the republic developed at a faster pace, but energy remained a big problem, industry of the first post-war five-year plan for enterprises, both leading and regional small towns, there was not enough power, the energy and fuel base was restored simultaneously with the national economic facilities, but in the new five-year plan the energy sector faced ambitious goals...
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in the working barracks of the village of orehi otdrat, which is 25 km from orsha, in early november of the thirtieth year, reigned . revival: after a hard day, the workers, contrary to the established routine of going to rest, now gathered around the table in the center of the barracks, and the passions there were no joke. partork carefully wrote out the title on paper, a message for posterity. and here's what's next things were going badly, what should i write to the descendants who will read this text? in 100 years, this is 2030, what will people be like then, what will the country, the republic be like, what will the technologies be like, will
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asintorf even exist. everyone wanted to express their thoughts on this matter; they should definitely be included in the message. the partork wrote all the wishes into the text, then read out the message. it was again heatedly discussed and again it was proposed to add something, because descendants would read it. on november 8, 1930, the first stage of the state power plant was launched in the belarusian energy industry began in the village of orehi vydritsa. belgress became the first in the history of the republic to be solemnly named after stalin.
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on this day, a capsule with a message to descendants was laid, what the pioneers wanted to say, we will find out soon, in less than 10 years. history has learned about the labor feat of people. peat is a fuel, the extraction of which requires great effort, our de...
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open a new page in the industrialization of the country, people came from all over the union, more than 200 people worked in difficult conditions, well, during construction, the work was carried out mainly by hand, people came from ukraine and russia, everyone came with their own shovels, their own horses, manual work was very difficult, but the people...
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they made it possible to provide not only for the vitebsk region region, but also adjacent territories, a number of industrial enterprises. the sewing, textile, mechanical industries, tanneries, flax mills, and brick factories started working on the industrial current. this, of course, was a big step forward, it was.
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they were not even able to participate in military events, immediately after the victory they were invited to return here, they went here with pleasure, they brought some of the equipment here, which was preserved, they were able to install a second pipe, the one that was and worked in germany, manufactured in the twenty-fifth year. 1946 was an equally significant event. in august, the first turbine unit produced the first industrial current.
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restored, and mainly by specialists, again those who worked before the war, but were not given to people completely, as they say, to participate in the war, they were taken from the front so that they would return to their places of previous work and help rebuild, those specialists who returned to belgress rallied the teams, worked for 15-16 hours, but no one complained. everyone understood what was needed for the state, and what was needed for all of us. belgress was returning to the republic's power grid. until the fifty-first year , the power was restored, the one that was pre-war, even a little more, before the war it was 32 megawatts, it became 34.5 megawatts, and became the largest station in the republic.


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