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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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installed, the state of roads in peru leaves much to be desired, and the infrastructure does not keep up with the pace of urbanization. last year , more than 3,000 people died in road accidents in the country. in the canadian province of alberta, british columbia, thousands of hectares of forest are engulfed in fire. the fire came close to the main highways of the region, and communication with dozens of settlements was interrupted. emergency services are not capable. cope with the fire, the riots, the elements gradually gain scale, which was observed last year, when canadian smoke enveloped even new york. the cause of the disaster is the government's savings on fire-fighting measures, despite the severity of the problem, allocations to fight fire in many areas are being reduced. sunny above 20° during the day and without significant precipitation, this will be the weather this week in belarus. only on thursday in the south of the country.
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ground frosts are expected down to -2, in the daytime up to 23 degrees. scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible friday morning. at sunset there will be a light fog. in the next few days weather conditions in belarus will mainly determine the area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure. only on friday morning and afternoon will the influence of the low-active frontal section be felt, therefore mainly without precipitation, the air temperature at night will fluctuate from +1 in the south to +10 in the north. on thursday , frosts of 0-2 are expected in places in the south. the air temperature during the day will be +16 -23. on saturday and sunday it will become even warmer, a comfortable may will approach its climatic norm, but not for long, colder temperatures are expected from next week. my colleagues will have more information on our air at 15:00. all the best.
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hello, on the air of the sas program i am authorized to announce, i am its host nadezhda sas, i welcome you, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people... affect the life
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of the country and each of them. us. we will talk about the struggle of the collective west with anti-globalist politicians in europe in today’s program, immediately after a digest of key events in world politics this week. april 24 all-belarusian the people's assembly met for the first time as a constitutional body. the meeting approved candidates for the post of chairman of the supreme council, his deputy, as well as the presidium of the supreme council. president of belarus. alexander lukashenko was elected chairman of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, giving a speech, the belarusian leader spoke in detail about the role and place of the supreme national assembly in the updated political system of the state, the socio-economic achievements of belarus over the years of sovereign development, as well as the situation in the world around countries. in addition, on april 25, delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly approved a new military doctrine of belarus. the decision was made unanimously. the doctrine states that belarus is. a peace-loving country and
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does not threaten anyone, it is important that there is now a provision according to which minsk is ready to act as a platform for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the launch of a global security dialogue. among the main threats to the national security of belarus are encroachments on territorial integrity, sovereignty and constitutional system, sanctions, outside interference in internal affairs, imposition of a political course on the republic that does not meet its interests. the american authorities agreed with niger's demand to withdraw the military contingent from the african country. in the coming months, more than a thousand us soldiers will be sent to different parts of the world. currently , american soldiers are stationed at a base in niger, which cost more than $100 million to build. there they use drones to monitor extremist activity in the region. the closure of the american base became one of the results of the change of power in niger and its new foreign policy orientation towards cooperation with. a week ago
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, more than a hundred fighters from the african corps of the russian ministry of defense arrived in the capital of the country, neamey, to train and assist the national armed forces. us president joe biden signed a bill on military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of $95 billion. the measure, he said, would provide vital support to countries so they can protect themselves from threats to their sovereignty. almost 61 billion dollars are intended to help ukraine, while more than a third of the amount of 23 billion will be allocated to replenish us reserves. 13 billion 800 million are intended for the purchase of weapons for ukraine, and more than 11 billion for current us military operations in the region. 7 billion 900 million dollars will be spent on maintaining the functioning of the ukrainian government, and 26 million on overseeing the assistance provided to kiev. in 1917
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, american congressman hiram johnson said: truth becomes the first casualty of the outbreak of war, liberal... european union in recent months, right off the bat, he says that he considers himself in a state of war with russia, while it is cold, but things are clearly leading to a hot one along the way, they are closing the mouths of all those who are trying to warn ordinary europeans about where they are being dragged globalists out of touch with reality will talk about how truth and calls for peace have become markers of kremlin agents in the eu, and what kind of hunt they have launched for politicians who oppose the war. belarus, chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus, hello, good afternoon, glad welcome for the first time to our program alexander davidovich bashkin, senator of the russian federation, hello,
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hello, according to tradition, we begin our program with a quick question, it sounds like this, the west is losing the ideological war, oleg sergeevich, please, well, the truth always wins, it never happens. so that the truth does not win, but the fight is in full swing. the west lost in that it thought it would destroy belarus and russia very quickly, they hoped that they would be able to choke with sanctions, they hoped that they would succeed bring us to our knees. in the ninety-first year after the collapse of the ussr, they generally applauded and thought that russia and belarus would never get back on their feet. but russia stood up, belarus stood up, which means that even today it is obvious that they will not be able to win. i see that i have joined. to our broadcast, czech politician, czech journalist roman bloshko. roman, greetings. greetings too. hello, i am very pleased. alexander davidovich, please, your answer. i have been a member of the federation council commission on
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information policy. issues of information warfare against the russian federation and its closest allies have always been on our agenda. and i must say that experts are not yet... journalists, all these are elements of the information war, and of course, we had to react, including legislatively, and serious measures, first of all, of course, these are anti-fake activities, legislative measures to limit hostile malicious content on networks, on the internet. of course,
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this is a law on foreign agents who made it possible to mark hostile activity, of course, there are fruits. the information war was lost, and it was waged on two fronts, it was waged not only on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory of the republic of belarus, it was also waged there abroad, the war against us in its own audience, in the west, yes alexandrovich, you are absolutely right, in addition, today's hysteria, the agony of the collective west, european bureaucrats in relation to their colleagues who do not agree with the mainstream course, it indicates that that their ideological war is lost. and the novel, how would you answer this question, is it lost in your opinion? the most important thing is to demonize the slavic people, the russian people, the belarusian people, then
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support the fifth column, make a turnaround , then gather you. his teams, who have fought for the future of the republic of belarus for many years, and i know that this week was extremely important for the belarusian people of the entire country, the event, the entire belarusian people's assembly, were you present? and i want you to share it including your impressions, well, this was also discussed, namely about the information
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war, because today the west is lying every day, right now, here we are standing in the studio right now, they are lying that again russia-belarus is preparing some kind of attack there on lithuania, poland, telling their citizens these tales, they continue to accumulate a huge amount of weapons and equipment at our borders, the polish leadership has already agreed that they are asking for nuclear weapons from themselves. put it on the territory, that is, that’s the same element of the information war, they are preparing their population for provocations against us, we understand perfectly well, by the way, the president spoke a lot about this at the all-belarusian people's assembly, and look, he said a very correct thing, because in fact the leadership of these countries knows very well that neither belarus nor russia actually threatens anyone, that is, we will never attack, we ourselves have never attacked anyone, but they continue to lie, that is, this is what is happening. look what they do next, we discovered our borders, we had a visa-free regime for
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countries and there is for citizens of lithuania, they calmly came, what are they doing, closing the border for far-fetched reasons for their own citizens, destroying business relations, destroying their own business, for what? they are afraid that these people come to us, see peaceful streets, peaceful belarusians, that we are not going to attack anyone, that is, their propaganda turns out then... it works, that is, this is what we are talking about, but why is this happening? we must say one more important point, that no democracy and freedom are not even close in europe, that’s why they demonize politicians who in europe tell the truth, label them, impose sanctions on journalists, in belarus almost all journalists are sanctioned, for what? for expressing their point of view? moreover, if even one politician in europe starts... to say, just say, i am against war, let's stop the killing
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of people, let's stop supplying these missiles, he is immediately accused, an agent of putin, an agent of lukashenko, and then someone else agent then this all means that there was no freedom or democracy anywhere near there, no, and not expected, by the way, sergeevich, we try to invite european politicians, some members of the european parliament, to every program. which can be compared with the senate of the roman empire or with the council of elders of sparta, where
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most often they talked only about war, although alexandrovich, you will agree with me, this institution was not created for this, in general this institution was created for economic cultural cooperation, at present and in general the entire european union has turned into an appendage of nato, it is becoming before our eyes a military-political bloc, war, war, war, weapons. this has led to the fact that the positions of people within
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europe are divided, moreover, it must be said that there is no consolidation, unity within the european parliament itself and within the council of europe itself, and we see centrifugal forces, as people begin to understand, look back, where this leads politics, what will it lead to, the politics of confrontation, the politics of lies, the politics of evil, this leads to what is lost. european economic achievements, cultural ties are being lost, traditional centuries-old ties with eastern neighbors are being broken, all this leads to degradation, to degradation. development of humanity, so we see that the information war itself, which we are talking about, is bursting at the seams. oh, russia gate in the european union there are hysterics about russia’s alleged attempts to influence the result of the elections to the european parliament, we will tell you in more detail in our story. russia gate is a new concept of the european union directed against moscow.
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belgium suspected russia of trying to interfere in the european elections, this is so. the alleged attempts of the kremlin are now being investigated in the belgian capital, the details of the case were reported by belgian prime minister alexander de krol. according to him , the investigation is based on a declassified report presented by european intelligence agencies. the politician noted that interference in elections is carried out with the intention of weakening democracy in the eu and weakening support for ukraine, which in turn is one of russia’s goals. there is no evidence in the arsenal of european officials, but there are suspicions. according to foreign media reports, the company. voice of europe, which owns the news site of the same name, was allegedly an intermediate link in the financing of candidates in the european parliament elections who showed sympathy for moscow. according to the german publication spiegel, politicians from germany, france, poland, belgium, the netherlands and hungary received money either personally or through transfers in cryptocurrency. the purpose of the operation, again, according to
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western media estimates, was to support candidates needed by the kremlin for elections to the european parliament and propaganda activity. the instigator of the scandal was the czech special services, which for more than 6 months, without legal grounds, conducted surveillance on the publication’s journalists and european politicians who came to prague for interviews. the story was brought to the public plane by czech prime minister petr fiala, the most unpopular head of government in the eu, while giving kiev without the remainder of the contents of the warehouses of his army. yes, roman, a question for you, why do you think the most unpopular prime minister in...
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has great influence in various areas, but now i directly rule the whole country, and the chinese republic is such a point, the very westernmost point in central europe of the east, but now it does not want the american transatlantic world through our government, through prime minister fela. they already want prague and the czechs to be the westernmost eastern point of the west, and this simply means retaining power, but through the security forces, through the special services, through nato, and structures, i
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absolutely agree with you, that’s really orelovsky. the scenario today is unfolding in the european union, peace is war, war is this is the world, yes, serge, why, so you asked the question, why him? well, it’s very simple, those countries that have the least sovereignty in europe, depend most on the united states of america, on subsidies, they shout the most, a vivid example, lithuania, what do they decide? yes, they don’t decide anything, but they shout the most, because they depend most on the united states of america, and it’s also understandable that they cannot explain why such a policy is being pursued. the bussels authorities admit that the european peoples hate them, they hate them for sanctions, for unleashing war, for not solving the migration crisis that has covered europe, and it will be even greater, the more wars there are in the world, the more migrants there will be in the european union, they will still accept millions, millions of muslims, millions from other countries, because the united states
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of america continue to start a war, so they write off their unpopularity. supposedly russian interference, the same thing, poverty that is now starting there, economic problems, who is to blame? again, supposedly russia, supposedly belarus, in fact their short-sighted policy not aimed at the interests of national europe. we dream, i have said more than once, and our president, by the way, was the first to say this, that we want to see an independent europe. we dream of a strong independent germany, an independent poland,
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politicians from the national conservative camp happened on the eve of the upcoming elections to the european parliament with a minimum amount of hard evidence, which for any reasonable observer looks like
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a witch hunt. does the european public believe these accusations, do they have any real impact on voter intentions, or, as in the case of donald trump, do such attacks only increase support for anti-establishment parties? and yes and no, in fact, the reaction of society to this phenomenon is a reaction similar to a vaccine, that is, there is a part of the population that is immune to this company, therefore, which now systematically reacts to such actions of the establishment, to understand that in this way they want to preserve themselves in power, knocking down ratings popular right-wing politicians. on the other hand, there is still a part of the population that still allows itself to be deceived, still.
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disunity between conservative forces is not always a bad thing, for example, the two french parties you mentioned do not have a completely identical electorate, individually they are able to cover a wider niche than if they tried to form a single list. it is important that both marine lepine and her niece marion marechal, with whom they are in a personal conflict.
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hindered by something that is precisely not in the european parliament, lack of democracy, unification is hampered by something that should not happen in any parliament, silencing of threats, since we already know, just discussing the so-called russia gate, and we see what threats were poured in against those allegedly accused of some there's a conspiracy there. e parliamentarians, the threat of prosecution, the threat of deprivation of immunity, the creation of a special special commission that will investigate all this, although
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in reality there is no boy, the boy is in something else, for example, qatargate, but really european parliamentarians actually admitted that they took money, they took bribes from qatar, because it was necessary to vote correctly or promote football issues. and here there are no facts, no evidence, somewhere someone at the airport, some american intelligence services saw some correspondence on the phone, somewhere someone spoke wrong, although on what basis, imagine, they install bugs, surveillance , they open mail, personal messages, this is clearly not the kind of europe we once imagined, all this is reminiscent of macarthyism, here is our short historical help, what is this term, please remind us. the policy of administrative and judicial prosecution in the united states in the late 1940s and mid-1950s arose in conditions of heightened international tension and
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the unfolding of the cold war. was aimed at fighting the left and left-liberal forces, in particular the us communist party. in 1947, the house un-american activities committee prepared a list of individuals suspected of communist views. by presidential decree they were prohibited from entering public service. today what is happening is very reminiscent, but only with reference to what surrounds us already in the 21st century, it is very important to note, and... and to quote the words of one respected politician, the world order based on liberal ideology has collapsed and must be destroyed, and it should be replaced by a system of international relations based on state sovereignty of national interests. this opinion was expressed by hungarian prime minister viktor orban, speaking at the opening of the international conference of conservative groups in budapest. political actions. he argued that in recent years a liberal hegemony had been established in the west, which had made the world
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a worse place. “this world order has given birth to leaders who cannot cope with the task at hand, who make mistake after mistake,” the prime minister said. according to him, these leaders started a war where there could have been peace, brought chaos, international politics and security, liberal ideology in its present form has collapsed, and the adherents of this old world still sit in brussels, although it is not my duty to interfere into american politics, i’m afraid that they are also sitting in washington, so orban explains:
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this is the white house of washington, their dependence on the american administration, complete dependence, they sometimes try to carry out something independent, like macron, who rushes between what - with statements, almost a declaration of war, he either flees to china, or tries to imitate that he is conducting some kind of dialogue with moscow, this just speaks of weakness, that there are no strong leaders in europe. the second point is about the elections that will take place there. definitely none there is no democracy, those politicians who came here to belarus just came to conduct some kind of dialogue, many of them were repressed, criminal cases were opened against them, what kind of democracy, what kind of elections to the european parliament, it is obvious that everything will be done to ensure these elections there weren’t any as such, the majority had those political forces that pursue non-pro-european policies, attention to the table of forecasts of the results of the elections to the european parliament, here is
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serge... today for the party, you know, soros parties, you can say so, because peter fiala, the prime minister, is directly connected with the soros structures, and his brother tomas fiala, who in ukraine heads a number of ukrainian online publications that deal with the information war, including one associated with dragon capital, heads it, that is, this , of course, representatives of the globalist establishment.
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regarding possible changes in the european parliament, indeed, there will be elections from june 6 to 9, and indeed there are forecasts that at least nine out of 27 countries will give the result that now frightens euro-democracy. bureaucracy, since they, the european so-called elite, no longer reflect the aspirations of the voters themselves, since, as you know, people vote not with a tv, a refrigerator, the european refrigerator becomes empty because of the wrong, stupid european policy, otherwise, what’s left there remains, it’s becoming more and more expensive, people can’t help but notice it, they’re protesting against globalism, they’re protesting against this
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crazy green thing.
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which have mushroomed all over the world, international law, osce, organization the united nations, the world health organization, etc., have not been able to prevent a single bloody conflict, their main task is this. the european peace fund generally allocates funds for the war in ukraine, think about it. there is not enough money, the peace fund sponsors the murder of people. yes, alex sergeevich, this is hypocrisy, this is a lie, this is the transformation of international institutions into an instrument of one country, this is simply
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the destruction of international law. i am convinced that this is what unites many countries of the world; belarus and russia are in at the forefront of the fight for the return of international law. let me remind you that the sas program is on air, i am authorized to say, in today’s program we are talking about the struggle of the collective west with politicians and anti-globalists in europe. member of the european parliament from the dutch forum for democracy party, marcel de graaf, known for his harsh statements regarding the criminal ukrainian regime of the european dictatorship, continues to declare cynicism.
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they boast about our freedoms but force people to get vaccinated. they praise our democracy, but subject to opposition, demonization and censorship. they talk about our prosperity, but in fact they rob people and replace savings with digital points. they proclaim peace, but soon our sons will die in ukraine for the interests of american billionaires. because with half a million killed and wounded, they ran out of their soldiers. oh, yes, the eu will be against discrimination here too. migrant children will be given an equal opportunity to die in ukrainian hell, so vote against the eu in the next elections. voices of reason are not often sound from high european stands. once upon a time , the idea
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of ​​​​creating a union of general welfare was invested in the unification of europe, although the head of european diplomacy, barel , is still in an illusion; he considers europe a garden surrounded by wild jungle. its arboretum is already half rotten and... disgusting, it was the disgusting hypocrisy of europe that led to the destruction of relations with russia and belarus, with china, to a military conflict in ukraine, it is being driven out of africa, it is not trusted in most countries of the asian region, and most importantly - because of total lies to her their own citizens stop believing. roman, what sentiments are present in the european union today, and what do europeans think about what is happening? do they support this course, do they have the right to express their disagreement, if... there is such a thing, yes, it is necessary to separate society, the population, there the government of the european union should be separated from the population, but
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more is needed, as half of them do not agree with the european union. yes, thank you, raman, alexander davidovich, many, of course, are looking forward to the upcoming elections in the united states of america, in your opinion, will they change? they are the current situation, because naturally, the history of the previous elections is repeating itself, and today they are trying in every possible way to knock mr. trump out of the race, to condemn him... blame him for all the sins, in general, which were and were not, but is it worth expecting a fair fight ? well, what kind of fair elections in america we all saw in the last presidential elections and in general the rules of the laws of the legislation of american voters are simply a dead end, voting by mail there is indirectly some kind of electors and so on, but i’m not talking about that now, i think that we should not delude ourselves, since america is ruled ... not by the president, but by the military-industrial complex,
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transnational corporations, business, international business and the unification of the interests of weapons manufacturers in the first place, therefore, yes, yes, as in english they are themselves that’s what they call it, so it’s unlikely to say that no matter who gets elected, if trump gets elected, everything will change immediately, why, because?
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how we should raise children, how we should give birth to children, and whether we should give birth to children at all, may be reaching the point of absurdity, germany came out recently there was a law that allows you to change gender no more than once a year, in belgium for the fact that if you pronounce the suffix of a transgender person incorrectly, you will be sentenced to 7 years, so we want to move away from this monstrous nightmare, but we also want to save the whole world from this. a monstrous nightmare, therefore our standard,
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our stable position, firm, confident position that all states should have equal rights, uh, live in a single, safe world, it will ultimately give results much greater than any elections in any western country. it’s time for us not to wait at all for the results of elections in any country, including the united states, to hope that someone will think about how we live here, good or bad, no one but. doesn’t wish us well, no one will care about belarus and russia except ourselves, in europe a long time ago we need to understand that europe should be independent, strong, and not look at who wins the white house, the result of the us elections one, whoever wins, trump, biden, he will tilt europe even more, and trump will tilt it, saying that you pay more here, pay more here, america doesn’t owe you anything, and biden, who will continue the same policy. shifting the problems of all wars onto the europeans, when they
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understand that pressure is useless, when they understand that sanctions do not work, the war will not work, you will never win, you will become truly exhausted, the leaders of russia and belarus answered, you will be destroyed, none of your will not be held, then there will be a dialogue, in order for the dialogue to begin faster, we need be strong and be ready for dialogue, has russia or belarus ever refused any dialogue or negotiations, the question is different, the president talks about this: that belarus constantly offers both negotiations and dialogue, we just want to conduct dialogue on equal terms, on equal terms in the interests of both parties, and not as before, you do what we tell you.
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those who direct overseas watch this decades-long bloody action film and watch it and count the profits. western transnational business, mainly anglo-saxons significantly have enriched themselves in recent years, this is true, but tell me, washington and london have become stronger in terms of political reputation and authority.
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we have already said today that the european union, created as an economic association, once upon a time it was generally a union of coal miners and metallurgists, as an association whose activities are aimed at economic preferences, increased welfare, economic security,
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turns into a military organization, an appendage nato, here is brix for now, why does it have prospects for development, it... is not engaged military issues, he does not deal with threats, he does not deal with pressure, he does not deal with sanctions, he does not threaten anyone, this is the power of unification, so there are practically 20 more applications for joining brix, ultimately one of the ways why the world will become uniform, calm, safe and comfortable, if such associations develop that are not aimed at...
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please, at the screen. mateusz pieskorski, a polish opposition politician, leader of the smena party banned in the country, was accused
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in collaboration with russian intelligence in promoting the interests of moscow and manipulating the sentiments of polish society, created a political party, established several non-profit organizations, was arrested in may 2016, and released on bail 3 years later. janusz nadzwiedski, a polish human rights activist and journalist, often commented on the news. russian news agency visited crimea and was an observer at elections in russia, detained in 2021. the prosecutor's office brought charges of espionage for the russian intelligence services. federation. the crime is punishable by imprisonment for up to 10 years. nedzvedsky did not admit guilt. why these stories are indicative, since they took place in poland, at the moment this experience of reprisals against those who disagree, or against people who... have, have the right to sympathize with the russian federation, with the republic of belarus, is already being adopted by the european union as a whole, and as
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an experienced politician, what advice would you give to those people who today are ready not to remain silent, not to remain silent and to unite, there is no other way, because otherwise the repressions will not stop, today they will repress you for coming to belarus openly, tomorrow they will repress you for being hidden... you support belarus and russia, and the day after tomorrow simply for expressing your opinion, we see this already in europe, so these people command my respect, these are the people who show what real democracy is like in europe, and i will tell you that for many of them belarus and russia are open, including getting political refuge, there are such facts, i’ll tell you that many people stayed in belarus, came, tired of the pressure, from lithuania, they moved, tired of... that there is no freedom, tired of lies, tired of what’s going on there, they come here , and we accept such people and give them the opportunity
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to live, but they have to fight, because there is no other way, you know, alexandrovich, i remember history, this year catholic easter coincided in the united states with the day of some kind of liberal obscurantism, in general, respect for transgender people and others, they lit up the towers in new york a flag, well, an lgbtq+ flag and so... there was a similar picture, like in the seventies, in the seventies crosses were placed on these towers, yes, that is, if it was a religious holiday, and i really liked it when someone posted this a picture from the americans and signed: i’m glad that there are still countries like russia-belarus, where you can still escape from this simply instead of darkness, so it seems to me that today for many of my friends in europe who are raising children, they understand that with every it gets more and more difficult during the day grow up.
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is aimed not only at the population, it has become aimed at the church, the western church has launched an attack, a monstrous one, this general one, it is staggering under these blows, they are beginning to bless same-sex marriages, they are beginning to allow gender reassignment, this is a very dangerous thing, and the church that stands on firm positions, she begins to be attacked with reproaches, this is unacceptable, believe me, i have a medical education, i have you... a person can change a lot, a person can change his hairstyle, religion, he can
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change his political views, but he cannot change his own.
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and i think slovakia needs it too, robert couto, the prime minister of slovakia, will also adopt these convenient laws, but this system needs to quickly make processes faster. yes, thank you, raman, well, i hope that europe will remember what sovereignty is and will try to return it before it’s too late, oleg sergeevich.
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the fate of belarus will be decided only by its people, god grant that the fate of europe will be decided only by europeans. thank you very much, alexander davydovich. i believe in the human mind. i believe in that man was created in order to be happy and for subsequent generations to be happy. i believe in the intelligence of europeans, americans, and many other residents of other countries who, when choosing their lives, choose precisely life. and they choose. goodness and comfort, preferring them in war to hostility, by the way, we are already seeing the fruits of this choice, and i hope that ultimately people all over the world will choose the most useful, most effective form of life, and the model, by the way, without imposing to anyone, we are ready to show it, the model is
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union concept. states of russia and belarus, the model is the development of russian and belarusian society. i say again, i agree with you, colleague, we do not force you to live like we do, but you watch how we live and live the same way, everyone will be happy. i am grateful to all participants for the most interesting discussion, in conclusion i will say: on may 1 , 1950, in the town of masani in the state of wisconsin, a crowd of thugs with armbands with the image of the hammer and sickle burst into the town. they captured it. local library, police, city hall, posters were hung everywhere, nationalized by the council local commissars, hamburgers were replaced with potato soup on restaurant menus, and the central square was renamed red square, where a show trial of priests was held, a film in russian was shown in the cinema, but the next day it turned out that it was all a performance staged by an extreme right-wing organization american legion with the goal of showing ordinary people what will happen if
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the communists, with the support of moscow, seize power...
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okay, well done, i am the enemy of heaven, i am the evil of nature,
2:05 pm
and you see, i am at your feet, i brought you tenderness, quiet prayer of love, earthly first. dressed, i appeared there, like a new angel in a new splendor, just listen, i pray, i am your slave, i love you, as soon as i saw you
2:06 pm
and secretly suddenly hated, my immortality and power, cats and lag, enough for a staring contest - then look, enough, mitrafanov, enough, you read as if, i don’t know, art can make you deaf. zero, thank god, at least i bothered to learn, sit down mitrofanov, kotov, now i want to listen to you.


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