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  With All Due Respect  Bloomberg  March 23, 2016 5:13pm-5:39pm EDT

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mark: last night, we sat down with donald trump. among the other matters, we asked him to clarify zoning he told the editorial board. it was about whether he would use tactical weapons against islamic state. i would be late, compared to the opponents i'm running against. a lot of people say that i was sort of for the iraq war. i was against the iraq war. i said, i don't know. i'm a great businessman over the air. it did not sound so good to me. , i wastime it started
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very much against the war and hillary clinton wanted to do it. hillary clinton would be such a bad president. she does not have the strength and stamina to be a good president. people wanted to go to war. i did not. i am supposed to be that one. i would be the last to use this. i have to say -- john: the last to use nuclear weapons against isis? you wouldn't rule that out. trump: i would never rule anything out. that wouldn't tell you that because i want them to think that we would use them. when you ask a question like cleannd everybody comes and is honest, you know, we need unpredictability. isis is an enemy not wearing uniform and we do not knew who they are.
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they would be dressed, we would be dressed. we know who would be fighting. the fact is that we need unpredictability. you ask a question like that and it is a very sad thing to have to answer because the enemy is i have a good chance of winning and do not want them to know what i'm thinking. mark: looking back, rather than forward, have there been provocations in the past 15 years when, if you had been president, you have considered using nuclear weapons? after 9/11? trump: no. we attacked the wrong country. we went after a rack. we could've taken out the talib if we really wanted
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to. i understand the power of nuclear weapons. who wouldncle at mit tell me about the power of and otherapons things. and, it is so devastating. i would say, "absolutely, as a last resort." that does not mean that we should not be prepared. i watched 60 minutes from a year ago where the administration should never have allowed these nuclear weapons that are not in a state of preparedness. i will to you that i would never want to use those. we have to be prepared to be absolutely perfect. are talking and thinking more about national security.
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where the areas you need to learn more? trump: i have a good instinct. mark: i am not asking about instincts. is there no area where you think you need to know more? to know more about everything in every little area and every little corner. i think that i have good instincts. oil.d tank the iraq.ouldn't be in they have really good oil. now, who has the oil, isis and iran. >> the president of the united oftes, would you think yourself as a leader of the free world? i would. i would not spend trillions of
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dollars on nationbuilding and the days of nation-building are over. >> do you think america is the most powerful nation on earth? weapons are changing and power of weaponry is incredible. if we were not talking about the power of weapons, i would have said, if you go in, making mistake, go out. you cannot let this happen with the weapons produced today. >> you talk about losing to isis and they make us look soft. trump: isis. the president always says isil. it is all most like he is doing something to bother people. the president always says isi l. everyone else says isis. i think he does it to bother people. i think china is catching up.
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i think rush is catching up. -- russia is catching up. we have a military that needs help and i have a friend whose son has spent quite a bit of time over in iraq and afghanistan. our weapons are not as good as the enemy because they take the weapons. we give them to people who we think are fighting for us. the enemy takes the weapons and he is disheartened to see the enemy has better weapons. >> national security is a big issue. let's say there is a general election between the two of you. she was the secretary of state. trump: she did a bad job. >> you are a businessman and the host of a tv show. trump: i am more confident and
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much smarter than she is. i think that she has been very weak and i have said that i do not think she has the strength or stamina to be a good president. at 3:00 in the morning, i think she is sleeping and she does not wake up. that has been proven. look at hillary clinton with that phony 3:00 in the morning advertisement. she never woke up. the phone call got made hundreds of times and they were calling and calling and she took 's abc she did as secretary was good? she did a lot of traveling. she was always on airplanes. going back and forth. she lied and said that she was coming under attack. she said shoes under a vicious
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attack and it turned out to be a total fraud. more later inhave the program and we will have what hillary clinton said about donald trump today.
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>> hillary clinton gave a speech in the wake of the attacks in brussels and talked about combating terrorism online and reinforcing relationships with allies around the globe and she remaininged stabs at republican candidates by emphasizing tactics that work and not just rhetoric. to not clinton: we need
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focus on bluster that does. make us safer. andans are not strategy loose cannons misfire. to divideutin wants of europe. trump gets in the office, it is christmas in the kremlin. we have to do what works. know does not work is offensive rhetoric that demonizes muslims. if this is a preview of the policy debate to calm, how strong is hillary clinton? mark: she thinks she is super-strong. george stephanopoulos said that specificity is a character issue . she can be tough and hawkish. john: i think she feels that
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way. this speech was not on her schedule. they moved quickly. i believe there is another speech coming down the line in the next couple of days and she will do something similar. she sees an opportunity here and understands this election. she thinks the way that establishment aryans think. card overhuge trump any republicans who have any experience. she is going to play that hard. meanwhile, trump, ted cruz, and john kasich think she is weak. john: they do. it is passion versus experience. mark: obama has been taking a lot of heat for spending part of his day at an exhibition game with the tampa bay rays and the
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optics were not so great for anda, wearing sunglasses doing a halfhearted attempt at a wave. attendance with espn. >> it is always a challenge with a terrorist attack in the agof 24-7 news coverage. you want to be respectful and understand the gravity of the situation. the premise of terrorism is to disrupt the ordinary lives. if it wasleague asked a mistake to do the baseball game. obama on the principle he is trying to exemplify, these guys are not accidental threats and we should not let them try to disrupt our lives. there is a symbolic importance.
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optics of this are horrible and barack obama could have went to the game briefly and said, i have important things to do. sitting there in sunglasses is not a good look. it is like george bush going to,ing and asking reporters "watch this drive." egg: the white house knowledge that it was a mistake. go to the game, do not wear sunglasses, leave after a little bit. go to a national security meeting. trump.n: more ♪
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>> now, part two of our
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conversation with donald trump at mar-a-lago. trump: i was called by a friend who said something terrible happened in russell's -- in brussels. i have been saying brussels is a mess. i think what is going on is deplorable. >> you talk about giving the country a pep talk. when you talk about the issues, you talk about these in negative ways and say the terrorists are winning. they are winning. they shut down the world and we do not do anything about it. yet, they are chopping off heads. >> i understand that is part of your view. the talk implies optimism. what would you say optimistic? i will be tougher on
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terror and much tougher than right now. i will expand so we can do certain things. they have no laws. they have absolutely no laws. they kill people in the do not talk about it. they do not worry about the law. we do something that is harsh and a soldier loses his pension and his life. we are not playing with the same rules. we cannot win the war anymore. they say this is minimal. well, you know what, we have to go much tougher. ing of the world with weak and ineffective people. what is happening is unbelievable. and people are saying that donald trump is right. i know that. and i don't want to be right about
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it. >> ted cruz says we need police patrols and muslim neighborhoods in the united states. you were behind that. we had right crocker on the show and he says that this is the worst idea and what isis wants us to do. it would be the united states being indiscriminately prejudice against muslims. how do you respond? trump: i am ok with it. i am ok with that. policek city has amazing and we have the strongest, if you talk about vigilance, we are watching closer and there is an amazing group and they are stopping attacks. the mayor is grossly and compliment -- grossly incompetent and he ended it.
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we should bring it back. we have to look at the mosques. i am ok with that. there is a problem john, there is a problem. >> are you saying that they are wrong? trump: i would say that he is wrong. we have to be smarter and more vigilant. >> in your career, which is obviously been successful, what is the kind of decision that you have to make that is the closest thing to the kind of decision a president makes? >> nobody has made decisions like that. you are talking about lives and you talk about many more lives and it is weak and ineffective chibawatched obama in with nobody greeting him.
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i thought that was terrible. i watched them at the press conference yesterday and it looked like he was a baby. castro was a boss. you have body parts laying all over the place with threats to us and everyone else and i'm watching him sitting in the sun and watching baseball. i think it looks bad. he could have left cuba. he should be back in washington and in the white house, where the president should be at a time like this. >> what is the toughest decision you have made? trump: i make multimillion dollar deals. me trump: guaranteeing very large transactions takes courage. if they don't work out, i make
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them work out. i take the deals that shouldn't work out. it wasn't pretty. i make them good deals. the market is great, it goes bad. i am tough on the banks and i make them turn out. do not workthings out the way you think they are going to. great deal sign of a maker. it is how do you deal with the bad times. dealing withbout the border and isis and these are relatively short-term issues. back to being optimistic, what is a plan to make the relationships between the western world in the muslim world better? trump: they have to respect us
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and they do not respect a lot of things. areink the german people you see the time and people who love germany and they it is the greatest country on earth and they want to leave germany. .et me just tell you the first thing you have to do is get them to respect the west and us. if they are not going to respect us, it will never work. this has been going a long time. i tell the story about general issues of radical islamic terrorism in the philippines. it is a well-known story. they had a huge problem with terrorism and he was unbelievably harsh.
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i think you know the story. he was unbelievably harsh and they did not have a problem for 28 years. >> you would have them respect the west more? trump: they will not be successful, unless they respect you. they have no respect for the country right now. >> you suggested that the united states should have a different role in nato and that nato needs a different mission. there are people who say that america needs to be the leader. >> we pay a disproportionate and i look at the ukraine it gets up for a lot of
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countries and we defend south korea and saudi arabia. and we put upany a lot of money and it is very interesting. defending everyone else. think that nato may be obsolete. it was set up many years ago. things were different. we had nothing but money and power. more than we have today in the true sense. i think we really have to examine nato. it is helping other countries and i do not think that other countries appreciate what we are doing. >> i want to clarify that you
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less.o see the u.s. pay i would certainly look at it and want more help from others. as to whether or not it is