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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  October 22, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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entrepreneurs tomorrow at 2:45, and 5:45 eastern time here on cnbc. thanks for watching. "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i'm cramer! welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but also to put things in context days like today. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc, or tweet me @jimcramer. the machines are back. the machines that override everything good and focus on a couple of negative inputs that
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overwhelm buyers of stocks and send everything down. that's pretty much what happened today when the dow plunged 153 points, s&p sank .73 and the nasdaq dropped .83%. as the market got hammered because oil, the most important input for stocks these days shed two bucks. falling to its lowest close since december of 2012, freaking people out. you have to ask isn't that counterintuitive? doesn't cheaper oil amount to a tax cut for people who drive a car? isn't it good for business? the answer is yes, of course. however that natural linkage presume it is stock market is a rational beast. in short term, sorry. it's anything but rational. in this new world hedge fund managers who whip around billions made a jaumt that when oil falls the s&p 500 should fall, too. oil going down signals newfound
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weakness in the uh economy, both domestic and international. a decline in crude threatens to enter the energy renaissance responsible for jobs in 16 states so falling oil prices create the economic weakness that they are supposed to be predicting. it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. a rapid rollover of oil like we had today means many companies that spend fortunes may not be able to survive costing bankruptcies, dislocation and mayhem. i believe that but not at this level. i need to throw on asterisk. today was the expiration for the october oil futures. many speculators when we do off the charts dumped the contracts rather than taking the raw crude. we didn't even think about it when we saw the break down. i'm not oblivious to the tragic shooting at the war memorial. when a town the size of ottawa
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is in lock down and the authorities describe the situation as fluid you weren't inspired to buy stocks. it takes confidence to buy a stock. a lack of confidence makes you want to sell a stock. that's what we saw. it was oil that was the precipitating event. make no mistake about it. we know that. oil started rolling over with weekly inventory numbers that were too high for the $83 price that crude has settled into. that led to what the market endured down to 08 and change dragging the s&p down with it. make up all sorts of excuses about what why it went down. i told you the right one. let me stress a break in the volatility and ve wills ti of the rally is welcome. it lets other people get in who missed the bottom, shakes out the weak hands. that's good. i do a lot of shows where i talk about how to handle a correction. i do them because of days like today. in those shows, i remind you of
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how irrational the market can be. at least on a day like today we are not a morkt of individual stocks but one big stock that goes up or down in relation to one change in the picture. sometimes bonds, sometimes politics, sometimes the dollar. people say it's the fed. this one was oil. i may sound calm, almost complacent. i'm just trying to separate the winners from the losers and help you make better decisions about your money and portfolio. when the market swooned on wednesday, the big down day, we were in the dwrips of several nightma nightmares. germany was tight-fisted when it should be flooding the euro zone with min. a week later germany wants to play ball. we had china putting out weak numbers. we have seen a strengthening. it now seems like china might be
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purgincorrupt companies and stimulating the economy after it takes action. that causes problems in the economy to shut down big companies. a week ago, the highly emotional super charged ebola epidemic breaking out. we were within days of learning, maybe everyone who met, touched and lived with and helped the late thomas duncan would contract ebola. we had a hospital that wasn't prepared for victims though we were all told not to worry, that they would be. the cdc seemed to check off on travel. panic was everywhere. what a difference a week makes. the president realized the panic was breaking out. it caused him to, some say panic. i say he got in.
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even before the czar went to work the contacts were safe. for people beginning to worry ebola might be easier to contract than authorities told us it was, this was a welcome relief. at jim cramer on twitter where i was combative i had to put up with more than the usual number of charlatans preaching there was no panic in this country over ebola. they said it was in my head. these fools made me laughment. i spoke with so many ceos behind the scenes who were becoming so concerned that commerce would come to a halt. and the businesses would have a hard time making up the numbers. i don't sit there in a vacuum and dream up stuff. i'm an empirically-based, research-oriented personment you may think it's in my mind but ebola was impacting stocks. the panic may not have been justified but it was there. while there are overleveraged oil kmaens that will get hurt
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the beneficiaries from oil can be brought back into the weakness. they have been going up like mad since the ebola calm set in. also the consumer packaged goods. companies that benefit the most from important raw costs going down. i'm telling you to circle back to the winners that just reported. they are inoculated against the possibility of a shortfall now that the quarters are out of the way with. they're good. i also think these broad market sellers are easy to gain at this point. so many are reporting and we know who did well so we buy them. unless say directly related to the price of oil. let me give you an example. honeywell just reported ab amazing quarterer. i wanted my charitable trust to buy the stock but it's been off to the races. i keep thinking how am i going to get back into honeywell?
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now suddenly, take a look at honeywell. a big s&p 500 stock came in hard, down a buck 76, almost 2% because machines take all the stocks of the index down, good or bad, right or wrong. that turns stocks into bush shells of wheat. i feel the same about dow chemical. it's a huge beneficiary of lower raw costs. that's what it got. and the earnings were sensational. the climate was about the market. honeywell and dow can be bought tomorrow. may have lost your chance . how about the oil companies? what happens? in the last week i have done homework on which companies are hurt by lower oil and which one dos okay? whiem many aren't that investable some others with big yields and those with low finding costs, eog, apache, a a
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nadarko are setting up nice entry points. setting up. they are not there yet. the bottom line is today's correction counts as an opportunity for those who missed the bottom before. not as a reason to bail and head for the hills. get the shopping list ready if the selloff continues tomorrow. be glad you are gting a chance to buy high quality merchandise at a discount to where it would otherwise be trading. jeff in minnesota? jeff. >> how you doing, jeff? >> doing well. how about you? >> caller: good. i have questions on clf, cliff's natural resources. i work in the mines. the guys have been watching the stock. they think it will be below five. some people in the shop are going to drop the load, 20,000 apiece into it. burk hold or sell? >> this is an iron company. as i have explaineded to people in the end an iron ore company is stuck with the price of iron
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ore. it is not connected to biotech. ir ore is not going up. my problem here is my charitable trust owns valet. it's one of the worst stocks i have ever, ever come in contact with. cliff's natural is worse. i hope that gives you insight. >> rick in florida. >> caller: a miami boo-yah to you, mr. cramer. >> south beach boo-yah. what's going on? >> caller: with apple's planned expansion into wearables seems like their watch is dependable on the iphone. garmin has an independent gps chip in most watches while delivering a healthy gross margin. garmin reported an increase in the fitness sec meant. do you think gar miracle makes for a good investment? >> i'd like to see garmin come off. one thing i have learned is we did a what the heck on it. it has many businesses, not just
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the company with gizmos. it's only -- well, nine points off the high. i would like to see it lower given the volatile market. you will get a better chance. the market isn't being rational now. that's your community to go bargain hunting. get your shopping list ready. "mad money" tonight. i'm calling out the stock with a ceo better at making executions than running his company. the $70 billion deal that krooit created one of the largest energy players. that's coming up. and sometime it is stock market is down right moronic. right now there are four stocks wall street got wrong. but their mistake, your opportunity. that list is next. stick with cramer. don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter.
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have a question, tweet cramer #madtweets. send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. ♪
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this market has been making a ton of mistakes lately. it gets a lot of things wrong before and after hours in trading. and of course during hours, too. in the last two sessions alone i have seen a tremendous amount of oh what i can describe as being moronic activity. let's chart with chipotle. they reported 19.8% same store sales increase on monday night. beating the 17%. most companies are lucky to get plus three. october sales are consistent with that. this is a blow awayment analysts looked for $3.80 per share and it got over $4. the stock plummeted. why?
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because management gave what some regard as cautious guidance, the biggest decline in 17 months. was it justified? i think they would have been nuts not to give cautious guidance. who can possibly maintain that pace? sure there were food costs that went higher but they are stabilizing. management said they are turning down the cost call. yes, rents have gone up. this is an honest company. they are transparent. they could be peaking if the economy cools. labor costs are getting higher in those places but they weren't outrunning the sales. the big issue is still popularity. a high quality problem. how to get more people in the stores. it has the best p.r. glow of any company because it embraced the future. the organic and natural way of doing things as opposed to mcdonald's. this shows though the company had to put through price increases the customers didn't blink. let it settle and go buy it.
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do you believe mcdonald's spun them off? physical. how about boeing? this is a story that's been misinterpreted many ways. actually both ways in one session. the company announced a better than expected quarter and the stock traded up to $133 in the hour before the market opened. that's exactly what happened. even last time boeing reported. they spent the rest of the session getting creamed. exactly as it did last time. what happened? boeing trades not off the earnings release at all. it trades off the conference call. the same thing that felt it last time did so again. i think it over shot to the upside to get to the last time and now to the down side. 5.67. wow. down 12 intraday from me pre market. isn't that incredible? the stock is hated now. i expect more downgrades because of cost issues not yet behind them. buy it below 120.
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i mentioned dow chemical earlier. it correctly looked up to open two bucks before the company reported very early in the morning. stock was up $2. they were talking about it on squawk. it finished down 60 cents off an amazing quarter. the beneficiary of the huge decline in fuel costs. finally google got hammered when reporting spending money to the surge in advertising. last night from yahoo!'s faltering ad and search company google has bye-bye successful. google stock now starts bouncing back, as it should. now we know the truth. it's up $4.66 today on a horrendous day. google is the cheapest growth stock i follow including apple. here's the bottom line. don't trust this market to do the right thing. it keeps failing to do so. it's like a mechanism now that's
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broken on this short term only. trust your homework. trust your instincts. then you will do much better. i want to go to william in my old home state of pennsylvania. william? >> boo-yah, jim cramer! >> i like that. william's got philadelphia instincts. what's up? >> caller: thank you very much, jim, for the work you do, and to your staff. i appreciate your hard work for us. >> my staff is great. periodically i want to shout out names like justin in camera work. or regina, my executive producer. go ahead. >> caller: my question is about high max technology. i'm 20 years old. i want to know if today's gap down met with a good resistance and solid volume, another opportunity to buy the stock to lower my price target or cut my losses and cash in?
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thank you, jim. go, eagles. >> we did this specifically as a trade. we had a really good trade and said sell, sell, sell. we are never looking back. that's what you should think. i don't think this is any more an investable situation. made a lot of money on a trade. things panned out and we took profits. i know you don't have a gain. i'll tell you something. the first loss is your best loss. okay. this market is not a grade a student. it's ridiculous. it's making a ton of mistakes lately. chipotle, boeing, dow and google. you will do better if you follow your instincts and do your homework. there is more "mad money" ahead. one ceo gets a pass for poor excuses. the other can't catch a break. i'm setting the record straight. it's incendiary. oil and gas will have ups and downs but we always need to store and ship the stuff. i will talk to the biggest
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player in the game about the major news out of the bill. plus, tupperware is great for holding left overs but the stock has spoiled 30% this year. i will ask the ceo if the company can't contain negative action. stay with cramer.
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[ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this?
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[ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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how can muktar kent keep getting a pass while marissa mire gets a fail. kent is doing nothing to stem the long term erosion of the business except blaming the environment. but mire is doing just about everything she can to get thi s things -- in this sector. each is growing at a 1% clip. both countries were great growth beacons, leaders in the industry and both reported yesterday. kent at coca-cola has the backing of oh warren buffett. no matter how many times he messes up he gets a pass, if not outright praise but marissa mire inherited a company that was a mess. dysfunctional and way behind in site design to relevance to technology. she's bringing yahoo! up to date understanding the need to have
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mobile and social exposure. when you look up articles about her they are uniformly negative. after an initial honeymoon period she's the victim of some of the worst press imaginable. most of it around what an absent minded dunderhead she is. she's despise bid the people in the press who were celebrating her brilliance two years ago. i live in a world where we care who is making you money and who isn't. that's my only litmus test. always will be. i think of mire like this. when she was appointed ceo of yahoo! the stock was $15. now $42. in other words she's given a spectacular 180% gain in two years. to me, impressive. how about coca-cola? whoa. where was that stock when mire took over? 39. now where is it at? 40. which ceo do you prefer? yahoo! giving you triple or coca-cola who's given you only a
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dollar's worth of capital appreciation over the same period. what kind of insane parallel. we hear mire will get only two to three quarters of this revenue growth. so many commented this morning before she's given the boot but kent they want to give him the congressional medal of soda. there were conference calls yesterday. kent never admitted he's in the challenge category recognizing it for a slow growth box coca-cola has to get out of but doesn't know how to do it. in fact, the only two things worth talk about in green mountain. they didn't come up. the challenge consumer. a challenged consumer worldwide? how did apple sell 39 million expensive iphone this is quarter? that's a lot of cans of coke to
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sacrifice. since when is the soda business economically sensitive? in the same old add coke, more restructuring and streamlining, zero base budgeting. thank you, jimmy carter. and warren buffett's favorite, more buy backs. but the analysts say it is a new beginning for a brand that's lost its way and doesn't know it. mire over yahoo!? when they look at the decisions she's facing in retro sfekt most important is to fix the relationship with japan and alibaba. they allowed yahoo! to back away from selling 122 million shares of ali baba on the day of the ipo. looks shrewd when you consider what a monster since it came public 40% ago. give her credit for keeping 122 million shares to participate in that move.
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one she's not getting credit for. people accuse her of spending like a drunken sailor. the only thing she spent like a drunken sailor on is yahoo!'s stock. buying 293 million shares at 26.37 per share. with yahoo! trading at $42 that was brilliant. pure genius. plus yahoo!'s stake is equal to the value of the company. at least pretax. she can monetize that in a more efficient way than people think. this stock is cheap. on top of it she made 1.6 billion in strategic acquisitions she get nos credit for. they brought in new commerce and good leaders. contrast it with google. a stock i love. it spent double that amount to buy nest, the smart thermostat maker. when i think it's not even worth half that. the ceo of honeywell said the same right here on "mad money."
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>> at that multiple they can have honeywell. i will follow the whole thing. >> yahoo's growth wasn't that -- up from next to nothing when mayer took over. she has to get yahoo! off the display treadmill google wrecked. she can do it with shrewd acquisitions that allow her to move away from advertising. she has a lot of options to be in the transaction business. she could buy everything from yelp getting zinged because of a disappointing quarter to zillow and netflix. she kept so much money raised with asset sales. can you imagine if she used the cash to buy grub hub, create a new interactive online yellow pages to take the world by storm? everyone would want the stock. enough is enough. you want someone's head?
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call for kent at coca-cola, not marissa mayer attiyah hoo. kent blame it is economy for his company woes. mayer has made you a fortune. i say well done mayer. when it comes to beverages, no coke, pepsico. there is much more "mad money" aheadup t upper ware. is now the time to buy? i will see if the ceo can put a lid on the damage. and find out what it means to your money. plus your calls get answered ton lightning round. stick with cramer.
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if you are looking for a way to play the north american energy renaissance that isn't all that horrible to the nasty decline lately, albeit seems to have stabilized at 80. then you want to own a pipeline company that works as a toll road operator. the best in existence is kindermorgan incorporated. kmi for the home gamers. we learned they have received all of this for the long awaited
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acquisition of partner subsidiaries creating a pipeline company transporting tons of oil, natural gas and carbon dioxide when the shareholders vote on it. kindermorgan will be the third largest energy company, not pipeline. as i have been saying since the deal was announced this is the company coveted by money managers because of growth in income. the company sees 600 billion worth of pipeline projects in this country. once it is son sol indicated do into a single business they can borrow money to fund the projects. on the income side the new kindermorgan expects two bucks per share in dividends continuing to raise the dividend over time. yielding 5.1%. let's take a closer look with richard kinder, chairman and ceo. hear more about where the company is headed. rich, welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you, jim. glad to be here. >> i read through the documents.
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it seems like a possibility that this deal could close around or before thanksgiving. true? >> that's our target. the shareholder and unit holder votes are november 20. we get approval which we expect. we will close shortly thereafter. we should be closed before thanksgiving. >> we had a tsunami of selling last week in the stocks. they traded together. the good and the bad. were you surprised or is this because there is a commoditization that you may not have dreamed of when you start add long time ago? >> we are living if in a volatile market. our earnings were on target. if you look at the present company configuration, kmi is expected to exceed the budget in terms of dividends. right on the targets for the year. i think that reassured people. actually wednesday, thursday and
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friday. and monday of this week we were up pricely. the market is not subject to this as some others are. >> one of the thing i hear people say is you're so bullish about the mlps and kindermorgan. look at the balance sheets of kpaers. even if they have contracts, if oil and natural gas drop substantially they cannot pay and therefore all the things you like about rich and the company will be untrue. what do you think? >> well, we think we have very solid contracts. again, as we have said many times. we are just like a toll road. we have good solid long-term contracts in our natural gas pipeline segment. most are worthy credit grade. there we have letters of credit
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and other -- issue of credit that should help avoid issues. the main thing here is that this structure is need ed. for example take the contracts we have signed for volumes out of marcel as he lus, utica in the northeast. we have more natural gas and ngos coming out than can be absorbed. the ultimate test is the is the product, the transportation capacity really needed? in our case across the board it really is needed. that's the greatest indicator that you're going to be successful in what you do. >> we are coming closer to self-sufficiency. but if saudi arabia were
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threatened they could flood the world with oil. they have additional capacity. so perhaps they are trying to drive our industry out of business. would you be worried? do you think that theory has merit? >> i'm not sure what the saudis are thinking. that's beyond my pay grade. we have done a lot of looking at market clearing prices. this is a double edged sword. when natural prices declined two or three years ago. that increased the demand from petrochemical companies, generators switching to natural gas because it's cleaner and because of the lower price. i think you will see the same thing. to be specific it's a big market
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for us, all the co2 we move to sell to third parties. if you were starting a new co2 flood today you probably need $60 oil. we think on the floods that are actually in operation today, where you are just buying co2 to continue to do in-field drilling and injection that's in the $40 to $45 range. i'm not over tli troubled for oil at the current level. i don't think it will have much impact on the midstream infrastructure play. >> excellent. that's what i need to know. looking forward to the deal closing. >> appreciate the opportunity. we think this is a great opportunity for our shareholders. we increase the dividend next yearment we are projecting a 10% growth rate through 2020 with over $2 billion of excess coverage. >> that's why my charitable trust has a big position. you're right.
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"mad money" is back after the break. stay with kmi. stay with cramer. we put all the apps you love... inside a car designed to connect you to a world of possibilities. the connected car by volvo
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innovating for you.
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lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. >> it is time for the lightning round. are you ready? time for the lightning round. start with mike in iowa. >> caller: jim, big boo-yah from iowa. >> nice. >> caller: the ticker is sd. san ridge energy. >> here is a company that comes under the category of if oil keeps going down this will not be a good company. this oil needs -- company needs oil higher and has leverage that you have to worry about. i didn't think oil will get down
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them. you can't get it down into the 70s and still feel good about sand ridge energy. jordan in new york. >> hey, jim. very, very big supporter of your show. >> thank you. >> calling about kite pharma. what do you think? >> it's okay. but you're getting big discounts for good companies. this stock almost always goes down when it reports. they have a lot in the pipe. i would rather have sell gene. fran. >> caller: what do you think about emes? >> no. we have gotten away from the sand stocks. we are not going back. we took a look, made a lot of money in emerge energy and said ka ching, ka ching, let's not be greedy. now raymond in texas. >> hey, jim bo. how's it going? >> all right. how are you? >> caller: doing well.
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what do you think of abr? yield 7.5%. i bought it on the way down. >> it's okay. these are kind of mezzanine, don't know what they own situations. i've got enough problems owning really good companies like blackstone. they have a great record that yields 5.7. i don't need to go down the food chain. pat in michigan, please. >> boo-yah, cramer. my company is babcock wilcox. >> power and equipment. if you want it i will send you to general electric. you will get a better yield and have good long term performance. general electric. that was last friday. good quarter. antonette in new jersey. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. chesapeake energy. what do you think? >> they did get to five million. i like those properties. people feel they paid too much. we have oil and gas coming down. you can buy high quality
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companies. an dark, apache. you don't buy them all at once. 25% here. boils down to 75. then 50. i feel they will do well. ron in new york. >> hi, jim. i'm interested in ellington financial. >> that's another one. a red flag with a 13% yield. i find it interesting given the fact that ten-yield treasuries, too. what are they doing? i don't know. seems risky for this guy. rose in michigan. >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: home of the detroit lions. >> i like the lions. i don't have enough on my fantasy league. what's up? >> caller: you talked about slw. what do you think? >> i'm not a buyer. i like it as a hedge but i don't think it will do well. i'm not going down to start buying silver. life's too short. silver lovers won't like it.
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i don't like it as much as gold. frank in new york. >> caller: thank you and your staff. >> fabulous staff. what's up? >> caller: amgn. >> i love the way the activists are combative. when you say something bad they crush you like a bug. but a mgn? [ cash register ] thanks for the opportunity. that's the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td the ameritrade.
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i've got to ask up front. what's wrong with tupperware? it got hammered today. here is an iconic direct sales company that makes personal care products, storage and for ages it kept moving higher and higher. it's fallen off a cliff, down 33% year to date. $8.64 decline today. that's 12% one of the issues here is tupperware gets two-theirs of the business from emerging markets which have taken it on the chin. then there is the quarter the company reported. a misses off a 91 cent basis with revenues up year over year in local currency and emerging markets up 8%. that ace deceleration from where they have been.
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the upper care cut the sales forecast because the strong dollar is eating into sales. there are other reasons. the stock has a yield and i have to wonder if management can turn it around. maybe i'm missing something i couldn't find when i read through the documents. take a look with the chairman and ceo. hear more about the company's prospects. welcome back. i went through everything. i kind of didn't get it. i am used to tupperware. i said, well, this wasn't exactly the quarter i wanted. i looked at how bad the stock acted and went back to the september analyst presentation which was positive. i'm thinking, did people just think things were better or is there nothing wrong and the stock got high. >> the biggest thing i have been hearing from potential investors over the last year is i wish you
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weren't 85, 90 a share so i could buy the stocks. >> we wanted a split, not -- >> this is the lucky day. >> let's go through. the whole time we worked with you, one of the most consistent companies. >> yeah. >> it's never mattered whether the company is strong or not. it's about women, empowerment, group culture, countries like indonesia joining the world. these themes are paying out. >> first the fundamental business is about women. we have 3 million, 30% of women don't work outside the home and so that's our sales force. most are in emerging markets of the world which powers our business. we have strong double digits even this last quarter in indonesia, our number one market in the world.
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in brazil. everybody is griping about china. we're up 20-some percent in china. we had a handful of markets -- >> right. they were so negative. you have to explain that. why they were negative. >> we have individual issues. obviously our issue in the cis has been exacerbated by the ukraine. we have had issues there. in the mexican business. india started the momentum shift with the devaluation of the rupia. but we have the fixes in place. >> how about beauty control? >> yeah. it's continued to be an issue. >> you can solve that. >> it's a little business. we have one of our best general managers in the business. we had an up tick. >> i was shocked at one point to read that someone is actually
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questioning whether you can keep the dividend at this level. you pay half of it out. at this point you will be stretched. is the dividend in jeopardy? >> absolutely not. we spun off in 1996. we went through tough years getter this incredible formula together which is the right product. this demonstration selling method and relationship selling. never did we have an issue with our dividend. i'm proud to say the last four years we have had a double digit increase. >> that might be tough this year. >> we brought in 20% of the company. we look at it a one, two, three. first invest in the company. support your dividend. no issues there. third, you return to the shareholders. so we are the dividend to us is sacred. the biggest thing i need to get
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across is question had sequential improvements. >> you stuck by the fourth quarter. this was a chance to say, we can't do the year. you didn't do that. >> first with regard to asia pacific. >> right. >> we think we have a good chance to return to double digits. top line growth in asia pacific. germany moved from down significantly to almost flat in the quarter. momentum is good in the business. >> you come on. you know i'm a huge believer and i love dividends. when i hear you i think the stock got over done and people should buy it. i don't want to say that if there is a chance that three months from now you will say, look, i know i said these things but it didn't turn out because of other things. your level of confidence seems high in light of the fact that the stock took a 12% hit. >> we have a handful of markets
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that are a drag. you have to put into it foreign exchange. we have had almost every major currency in the world go against it. >> that's true. >> when we have done mall sis over ten years it's neutral. >> okay. >> i think there are a lot of people know who are over reacting. >> i'm saying stock is down 33%. you're saying, i came on today though the stock was down. my confidence level is about as bad as it will get. that's how i read through you being on here today on a tough day. >> you read it right, james. >> let's leave it there. chairman and ceo of tupperware brands. we like 4% yield. ceo ohs with confidence. stocks that have come down. do the work first. stay with cramer. ♪
6:57 pm
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so visit now.
6:59 pm
after the bell yelp reports. the stock got hammered and worked back as people realized the franchise is worth money. i will take them home and redo my work.
7:00 pm
yelp, zillow, home away, grub. the these are situations yahoo! could buy. there is always a bull market somewhere. i promise to find lemonis: tonight, on "the profit"... i visit artistic stitch in queens, new york, an embroidery and silk-screening business plagued by an identity crisis. sal: it's a multiplex of businesses that really work together. lemonis: that's what's called a "mall." lemonis: delusions of grandeur compelled the owner to build out his entire facility with whatever he could think of. sal: this is the restaurant. this is the sports complex. this is our baseball facility. lemonis: is it profitable? sal: no. lemonis: if i can't figure out a way to bring this company back to its original roots, artistic stitch will close its doors forever. the numbers aren't adding up here. sal: i'm this close to going home. lemonis: my name is marcus lemonis, and i fix failing businesses. lemonis: if you don't like money, don't follow my process.


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