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tv   The News With Shepard Smith  CNBC  August 31, 2022 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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the are times in life where people don't get second chances. so i'm grateful for that, and i just think it's gonna be a great deal. ♪♪
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the rich and famous system and the warning of what is to calm. >> i'm determined. the resent and in the battleground central media. crime in the campaign style. marking one year since the u.s. military plane left afghanistan. why refugees say they feel left behind. coming up for the next generation meta-verse. elon musk in the trade accusation and creating original art with just a few words. >> the facts, the truth, the news with shepard smith.
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>> good evening. an american city does not have the water to base children, cook or even flush the toilets. the water has not been drinkable for weeks and now there is almost none at all. year-long water problems have reached crisis in jackson, mississippi. declaring a state of emergency. the white house monitoring and the president briefed and ready to offer health. the national guard called out because 180,000 people are in the middle of a third world . they have been under a water order for a month but now, faucets are mostly dry. what does trickle out, can't be consumed and there is not an estimate for when the water system will be back up. the crisis after heavy rain and flooding flooding what the mayor says overwhelms the main water treatment plant. make no mistake, this crisis years in the making. today we learn from a reporter
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in the mississippi press the media outlet that the water plant has had critical staffing shortages. there is no evidence the city even tried to fill the position. they found lead in jackson water and in february of last year an ice storm left tens of thousands without water for months in the middle of a pandemic. now water system failure. the schools are closed. virtual learning only. restaurants and doors shattered. family scrambling. the fire department does have reserved water for areas where there is no health. in jackson, here is nbc's jackson. >> a race to distribute water. cars lined up for miles outside of the distribution locals hoping for water after the
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supply quickly ran out. >> you can't get to it. >> reporter: for weeks residents have been under a boil water notice for the last month because of contaminated water concerns. now they are on the brink of having no water at all. >> the water pressure has been low. >> reporter: spending hundred dollars a week on water for her family. >> we have to boil water to cook, to wash dishes and brush our teeth. >> reporter: officials say floodwater complication impact water flow resulting in a failure at the main plant. >> it was due to pressure. a lack of pressure in the system. >> it's not safe to drink or brush your teeth with. >> the governor declaring a new state of emergency announcing a total or near total loss of water pressure throughout the city and surrounding areas picks he met the city cannot
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produce enough water to fight fires to reliably flush toilets and to meet other critical needs. >> the state preparing for the colossal challenge of distributing water 280,000 people in and around jackson. >> we're going to go with this emergency plan as long as we have to. weather alert. at list at least four people are now dead and several others after damaging storms from the south to the midwest. starting in michigan, authorities say 14-year-old girl was electrocuted after she accidentally grabbed a downed power line. she thought it was a stick. it happened last night in montrial about an hour south of detroit. nearly 350,000 homes and businesses are still without power now according to the
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power outage .us. cops say an 11-year-old boy died yesterday after floodwaters sucked him into a storm drain. a police spokesman reports emergency crews rescued a woman who got trapped as she tried to help that boy. prior officials say strong wind knocked down trees all across the region of ohio. one of them fell on a woman and killed her. according to the texas department of public safety, a powerful storm there caused a tanker truck to flip over on a highway in nolan county about four hours west of dallas. local officials say one person died in that crash. president biden is trying to flip the script. he slammed republicans today while they now have safer america plans in the swing state of pennsylvania. >> the president called out lawmakers but refused to condemn the insurrection.
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>> we are on the side of a mob. you can't be pro-law enforcement and pro- insurrection. you can't be a part of law and order. called the people to attack the police on january 6. you can do it. the speech today as some republican lawmakers are calling to defund the fbi. they are railing against the bureau after agents got a warrant and searched mr.trump's estate earlier this month. president biden personally defending the fbi calling the attacks against it sickening. he also talks crime and violence saying he's still fighting for new gun laws. >> i'm determined to ban assault weapons in this country. determined. i did it once before, i will do it again. >> reporter: making that push today at an event with
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democratic candidates. of course a little more than two months for the 2022 midterm election. a recent research poll shows violent crime are the top four issues for registered voters. taylor, we are talking about the campaign rally trying to talk contrast. >> reporter: it was a preview of sorts one president biden messaged ahead of november and after campaigning on compromise the commander-in-chief now putting much more distance between his party and the other side. >> every single republican member of congress, every single one in this state, every single one voted against this law enforcement and talked about how much they loved it. voted against the funding. flat out. flat out. every republican in the house,
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every republican in the senate and every single one. the eighth district as mr.biden put it, he held his seat in the district and won twice. it's a concept. biden on thursday will reprise the campaign in prime time and on monday he will visit pets work alongside the democratic candidate for governor. with law enforcement top of mind for many moderate democrats, dozens of them with house speaker nancy pelosi thing they continued the hearing and are extremely concerned about the wider level of crime asking congressional leaders to prioritize law enforcement funding. they have been outlining that day for america plans requesting more than $35 billion for federal estate and local crime prevention efforts, a ban on assault weapons and a
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backlog on pending cases. today president biden was adamant that he will not be seeking to defund the police or the fbi. >> thank you very much. let's turn to catherine now. the author of the book stop the killing and a retired fbi special agent who created the bureau's active shooter program in the wake of sandy hook. >> was there any real news here? your reaction to the president plea? >> i think it's a great concept. it will be hard to execute. doing it the way they did it before, it's a possibility and if there was a political rule to do that, to have the sale of them band. we have roughly 20 million assault weapons in the united they. picking those away from what's
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out there already, that's not going to happen. that's a $10 million buyback by my calculations. i don't see that as a help and a great way but stopping them from continuing to come on the market, sure. anyone who is supporting the concept of controlling firearms is a great concept. other things with the atf. they execute the laws that is his job to enforce that's encouraging but may be more important for everybody and the citizens on the street where you and i grew up in the idea that maybe we will get a lot more law enforcement on the streets and deal with people trying to rob a liquor store down the street. >> is that the most important step to take to reduce gun violence? >> gun violence is a very localized situation. we heard about gun violence. that's a strange word because we know that two out of three
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firearm deaths in the united states -- part of that is not about law enforcement. part of that is about availability and people making sure they lock their guns up which doesn't happen in a huge percentage of homes in the united states but where the gun violence does happen, the rest of that one third, absolutely. law enforcement locally is going to be able to have their eyes and ears out and people will be able to reach out to them and know that law enforcement will be there to help them and they will intercede when violence does occur in might be occurring. >> dari i'm sorry i mispronounced her name. people take notice. the indictment against what officers call a violent street gang with a very specific target. the soviet leader who helped and the cold war have died. the life of the man's been at the front of the united states.
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talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. more than two dozen members of a dramatic more than two dozen members of eight violent gang in a land that charged with breaking into homes and robbing several high-profile athletes and celebrities. coming up for the indictment just yesterday. among the target, the grammy winning artist mariah carey. marlo hampton of the real housewives of atlanta and the atlanta united soccer star brad. eda says they specifically go after people who show off their money in lavish lifestyles on tv in social media but now she says she has had enough.
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>> i am not going to negotiate with gang members. i'm not going to allow please. we are going to find you. we are going to convict you and we are going to send you to prison for the rest of your days and i'm not apologizing for that. >> the accuse gang members are responsible for a series of armed robberies, carjackings, shootings and even kidnappings. the district attorney says negativity has reached crisis levels. . in july, four men arrested accused of an early-morning home invasion. >> if you thought fulton was a good county to >> if you thought fulton was a good county to bring your crime to in your violence to, you are
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wrong. rich game, willis said it's a hybrid group forming in 2016 with associates from other gangs, branching across atlantic . accusations include kidnapping, attempted >> the district attorney announcing the 220 count indictment against members of the drug gang. it's a hybrid performing in 2016 with associates from other gangs branching across atlanta. accusations include kidnapping, attempted murder and terroristic threat. targeting the celebrities and influencers online. >> it is fun to put your things on social media and show off. unfortunately these gangs are becoming more savvy, more sophisticated in the way that they target you. including me and my crew striking in all black. they will drop in the house and if we steal a car we will take the tag off. >> if you admit your crimes it will be part of it. your crimes over beat, i'm going to use it. >> of the 26 that have been charged, 5 are still on the run, a different identifier. and dollar signs on tattoos as well as jewelry.
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friends, but iran is one of them. and now, moscow has received its first shipment of iranian, combat drones, from moscow has received its first shipment of iranian combat drones that the russians use for the war in ukraine. that's according to u.s. officials. they helped them show off what they're drones can do. ls. iran recently held military exercises to show off what their drones can do. this is video of the drills, russia is apparently planning to import hundreds of these u.s. officials say the initial patch has technical problems and the drones aren't performing. military analysts say iran has dealt a significant drones fleet. fleet including, causing varieties, that could give russian troops a much-needed boost in their struggling invasion. mikhail gorbachev has died, the last leader of the soviet union was 91. it was under his
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america's fearsome bridal ceased to exist. the former leader died today after an unspecified illness. r an unspecified long and grave illness. >> by soviet standards, mikhail gorbachev's rule was >> reporter: by soviet standards they meet the short. six years in power with a lifetime. in 1985 the 18 members of the bureau turned to the 54-year old to breathe new life into the system. little did they know the bureaucrat with a distinctive birthmark would not only change the communist party but the world. >> let's end the cold war and concentration. let's abolish the weapons. >> reporter: he made friends with the soviet union's and the u.s. president ronald reagan.
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they negotiated a breakthrough nuclear missile treaty and formed a strong bond. that same year he sat down with nbc, atv first and americans were amazed by this open and reassuring soviet leader. by th first lady that they had ever seen. but it was at home where his two big ideas, openness and economic restructuring, that a genie out of the bottle, even he couldn't put back. we could and should have saved the soviet union could and should leave the soviet union but they were lost politically. soviet that more freedom but nothing divided. the economy collapse. people didn't embrace his reform. but in perhaps his most iconic act, gorbachev let the berlin wall fall, and a perhaps his most iconic act. he left the berlin wall to fall.
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he was awarded the nobel piece prize . prize. but back in moscow, his own colleagues plotted and failed to overthrow him in a three-day coup, when gorbachev returned from house arrest in when he returned from house arrest he landed in a different part. firmly in charge. they are now firmly in charge. within months, gorbachev result resigned and the soviet union was no more, years later he said his main concern was to avoid bloodshed. it could have been civil war, and a country saturated with nuclear weapons. he went on to become an international celebrity making ads for pizza he went on to become an international celebrity making ads for pizza hut. hut, and louis vuitton to fund his foundation, and russia, few paid attention to his calls for more democracy. >> he's a >> here is a example of a hero to many. >> mikhail gorbachev, the man
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who ended the cold the man who ended the cold war was never forgiven for the demise of his country and died largely reviled by all people. nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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the metaverse you love might be getting an upgrade. several companies were really planning to put out new, virtual-reality headse >> several companies are planning to put out new virtual- reality heads that to make the virtual world go to the next level. a new and improved headset in the fall. expecting to release their own headsets next year. steve is here these correspondent. what's the big advantage? >> it's this next generation of heads that were you are kind of locked in. you are fully immersed. ave came outside that allows the real world to pass through, so no more bumping you want to pass through. you can see what's going on.
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>> you can pass those things. >> if i had it on right now, they are passing all over. ou coe studio. i could walk around the studio with digital images popping up all over but the they are with a fully immersive experience. i never see people sitting around. who's buying this? >> not many people right now and it is predicted not many people in the future can stay in 2020. e sitting around wearing them, who is buying this? >> unfortunately not many people right now and it's predicted not many people in the future. in 2026, they are predicting only 50 just 200 million phones a year. they're not going to replace your smart phone anytime soon. , at the apple get >> thank you. >> meghan markle is coming out swinging. revealing an interview. or comments about the royals and the roles have the bruised tabloids coming for her once
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again. digital dunkirk, a massive effort by veterans to help get afghans a massive effort. e americans out of cobble. one year to the days of the last american soldier left. a the last american soldier on the one you got out and the many who did not. as we approach the bottom of the hour.
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kids don't always take the best care of school supplies. so save money shopping back to school on amazon. while they... 0oh... uh... figure their stuff out.
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meghan markle speaking out once again, about her life and the royal family. in an explosive interview with >> meghan markle is speaking out once again about the life in a royal family and an explosive interview with new york magazine. she says she and prince harry upset the royal family by just existing. might have regarding the interview. as he might have expected, they told the magazine despite everything she feels, she believes it's really important that she added it takes a lot of effort to forgive. large >> reporter: megan markel's new interview with new york magazine. rkle's new interview with the cut, she's once again generating headlines with frank comments about the royal family and the making comments about the royal family. the reason she and harry step back, headlines in england quick to slam the interview and the cut article starts off with the line the conditions are
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right for the confession. including the family's lack of autonomy under royal role. releasing photos of her son archie to the royal road.the media pool before she could post them herself. she says why would i give the very people that are calling my children a family of my child? before i can share with the people that love my child. also discussing family schedules including her father. harry said to me i lost my dad in this process. he has woken out about his relationship with prince charles. >> he just said he stopped taking your calls. >> because -- at that point i took matters into my own hands.
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>> it doesn't have to be the same for them as it is for me. that's his decision. megan and harriet both said they loved england >> everyone has a basic right to privacy. with the attention grabbing new interview in the podcast interviews with spotify, they are making it clear they want to control their own story. >> elon musk legal battle is heating up and that's what topping us on the money. he formally notified twitter yet again that he's terminating his deal. that's according to a letter lawyers filed. this time he's citing the recent whistleblower report. company of having egregious security issues. snapped, laying off 20% of they are calling it invalid.
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its workforce . that, according to new report from the verge, no, today from the company. the layoffs expected to start tomorrow, they affect more than no comment today from the company the layoffs are expected tomorrow. they expect more than 1000 employees and it stopped nearly 80% this year. d consumer confid just went up, for the first time in four consumer confidence just went up for the first time in four months. that's the latest reading from consumers. lower gas prices helping release it. say key to the economy. slide, consume >> the average price of a gallon of gas is now down 77 straight days. a gallon will run you $.69 more than it did this time last year. did last time this year. on wall street, the dow down three dolla aztec is down 135.
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i'm shepard smith on cnbc. it the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. tensions with iran. trying to steal an american drone. what happens when the u.s. navy shows up? nasa announcing the new launch date for the mission to circle the moon. but first, afghan refugees in crisis as they tried to make it thousands of miles from home. today marks one year since the last u.s. soldier left afghanistan officially ending america's longest war. in a statement today, you a central command paid special tribute to the count things to special tribute to the afghans that risked their lives and served alongside us translating, advising, securing and providing the kind of assistance our mission requires. our gratitude to those who served in afghanistan beyond
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this anniversary. we will never forget the sacrifice. they did leads tens of thousands. the reality is stark. afghans who escaped from cobble are still struggling to find permanent housing and jobs in the u.s. nbc's aaron mcglocklin spoke to refugees in california who say, they feel forgotten the refugees in california. the taliban triggered fear of chaos and confusion. a year later more than 75,000 afghans come to the u.s.. , mor0 afghans have managed to escape to the u.s. many resettling in communities like turlock, california. some are still struggling and they are not receiving the services they need. he with the help is getting his vaccination. of sean campbell is getting his vaccinations, possibly for the second time because his family says the medical records have been lost they are surviving in the u.s..
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campbell doesn't work for a resettlement agency and scheduling and driving families to and from scheduling and driving families to and from medical appointments. she says she is left with little choice. >> we will get a request from a family to go to the grocery store or something like that. that is not typical of what our program does. it's happening every time. >> is there frustration there? >> there is frustration for us in the family. somebody supposed to be helping them. >> the task has >> reporter: in california the federal government has 23 resettlement agencies to house refugee arrivals. that responsibility falls solely on the international rescue committee. they need to help recent afghan arrivals navigate the complex u.s. system from finding housing to accessing services
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to enrolling in english language instruction. >> we interviewed refugees that said they are frustrated and feeling left behind. >> reporter: he had been living in the same motel room for eight months. months. >> it's really hard, living alone here, having no >> it's really hard living alone here. hard for the u.s. embassy now he has found work at a car wash. they have settled into an apartment. they are still struggling and in need of more help. o you fee >> i feel disappointed, when i ask for they asked for support. support month or two months, i'm disappointed. >> do you miss your home? >> yeah, i miss. i'm missing my family.
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>> in a statement the irc points that historically large challenge and incredible task in a statement they point to a historically past of scaling up for the retreat resettlement role for the biden administration. the refugees settling in the infrastructure under the trump administration adding that most communities on refugees have been transferred into permanent housing. a significant benefit has been dispersed. hasn't been done. >> you can't have people falling through the cracks like this. they stood up for the american mission in afghanistan. >> we have an update on mustapha, the 25-year-old who worked with u.s. forces as an >> reporter: the 25-year-old that worked as an electrician in afghanistan spent eight months living out of a motel room. nths living out of a hotel room, soon after we called the irc for comment, he learned he finally had been
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assign they have permanent housing which is a huge relief for them. >> thank you. him. back to you. let's bring in matt zeller, he's been an advocate for afghans who worked for the united states government during the war and is now a senior advisor for the nonprofit, iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. it's great to see you again. what's the status of the special immigrant visa program that so many afghans were relying on to get out of the country. and has a special immigrant visa program. they are relying to get out in the country. it took 18 years to get through this backlog of an estimated 300,000 people who were left behind. wrong with us, how is it possible that after all we leave them over there. we just want them to not walk away. it's insanity. watching that report, all i can think of is, as unfortunate as
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the circumstances ar many of them have found themselves in similar situations. they were able to make it here. those who were left behind face a literal on earth. the taliban have engaged in a systemic countrywide campaign to hunt down our wartime allies. those who served with u.s. forces and alongside us left behind afghan forces. they are murdering these people. they are not even going to find them. they are going to be horrific this coming winter. last winter the afghans benefited to feed themselves. what the taliban often used to pay their fighters was bags of wheat flour exported from ukraine. this winter, there's going to be no have bags of wheat flower exported from ukraine. the afghans are on an average a meal a day.
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parents are selling their children in order to buy seed for their other children. i am death grant for them to enact thing called the united afghanistan program. the united for ukraine program. we know it works in here are the numbers. it's the legal mechanism by which they can come to the united states right now without having to run an 18 year gauntlet. year, they allowed over 100,000 ukrainians to come to the united states un starting april of this year, they allow over hundred thousand ukrainians to come to the united states. year, and int year, we've only processed 123 of their applications for we've only processed hundred and 23 of their applications.
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what you guys have to understand is they have their applications for $575. july of last year over $20 million in applications. those are not refunded if they are denied. 2 they are sitting there currently waiting for someone to do something with them.o do . >> well, let's hope, and maybe as journalist, apply some pressure. so good of you to keep this up, thanks for so good to keep this up thank you for coming tonight. >> thank you. this s >> you haven't. thank you matt. >> there was chaos in iraq but deadly clashes have subsided
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after the powerful leader called supporters to stand out. r called on his supporters to stand down. this was the scene in the streets of baghdad today. many of his supporters left the area, near some violence to spill over this morning. ng in pickup trucks holding rifles, but some violence did spillover this morning. this video shows a man firing and rpg into the green zone. the clashes erupted yesterday after he announced he is withdrawing from politics. security forces pushed hundreds of supporters out of the palace by firing tear g hundreds of supporters coming out of the palace surviving teargas and live bullets. led a, hurt, and a televised address this morning, he apologized to the human afghan people for the apologizing to the iraqi people for the bloodshed. the military announced it is now lifting a nationwide curfew. the u.s. military has floating drones sailing around the persian gulf. them overnight, that's according to the pentagon. look at this video. the u.s. navy released it of an
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iranian naval the u.s. navy release a sale drone. was in international waters. and officials say the iranians let the drone go after a patrol ship confronted them. we are told we were told the drone has sensors, radar and cameras but that it does not or any classified or sensitive information. the united nations appealing for $160 million in emergency aid helping millions of people in pakistan after historic flooding there. heavy rain stopped three days ago but many people are still walking through waste the water. local officials said one third of the country is now flooded. today they said this is a sign
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to the world to set up efforts against climate change. >> let's stop sleepwalking. today, it's pakistan. tomorrow it could be your country. >> since mid june they killed 1100 people. that's a more than 33 million pakistanis. ordering up 22 bucks an hour, the proposed law that could make fast food work lot >> the proposed law that could make fast food work a lot better and the claims that it can resize the cost of your favorite meal. they are grounded. an investor—you're an owner. we got this, babe. that means that your dreams are ours too. today and update. that's the value of ownership. kids, one year they want all dinosaurs stuff
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the next, camels. - llamas. - llamas. so save money shopping back to school on amazon. you sure that's not a camel? yeah. whatever you say.
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check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's california may soon require all children to attend kindergarten. the state senate passed the bill last , california may require all children to attend
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kindergarten. state senate passed the bill last night and the governor signs it. california will become the 20th u.s. state where kindergarten is mandatory before students can start first grade. the policy would affect the fall of 2024. critics say they move across the state every year. the california state senator who wrote the bill argues they have voluntary participation and leaves students unprepared for the educational environment they will encounter in elementary school. the pandemic has exacerbatedern' this. another bill, one that would impact half 1 million fast food workers in the state. it's called the fast food recovery act. the bill would have the authority to set standards for wages and workplace conditions across the industry.
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the bill would also cast any minimum wage increase for workers of big chain restaurants next year. kate rogers live in san francisco this would be a big win for fast food workers. advocates say the bill is passing and that will improve the industry. that's signed into law. it comes at a time were organized labor is successful from starbucks to chipotle and trader joe's. victoriously hard to organize. >> organizing >> organizing together to be able to cross the table and solve problems ensuring workers have enough power. they have problems on the job. they negatively impact
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automation and peak inflation. iy has been >> that's one of the inflationary issues in grocery stores. grocery stores and else so this could be the straw that breaks the camels back. they will be forced to pass these costs on to consumers. >> one thing the bill does not do is hold corporations responsible for violations that they're responsible for violations like wages and working conditions which is something the industry was lobbying against. them until september 30th act on the bill. is signed into law they will also expect to see similar legislation in oregon, washington illinois and more. >> thank you very much. she was betrayed in a
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misleading way. and now she's taking legal action. >> artificial intelligence can draw it. only at vanguard, you're more than just concerns us about anyone. the safeguard designed running wild. that's the value of ownership. if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech. for insights on when to buy and sell. and proactive alerts on market events. that's decision tech. only from fidelity.
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the character rachel williams seemed backing in the netflix series inventing anna. the show depicts the fake life of the former friend and convicted con artist anna also known as anna. the real-life rachel williams is suing netflix for defamation. in a complaint her lawyers accuse producers of painting her as a greedy, snobbish, disloyal, dishonest, cowardly, manipulative and opportunistic
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woman. she argues to pretrial in the show led to catastrophic damage to reputation and an onslaught of online abuse. they say that could have easily been avoided if netflix hadn't used rachel williams real name or personal details. they had the intent to harm the reputation especially if netflix made the decision. she accused her of conning her into running a more than $60,000 on a lavish trip one of the corporate credit cards after issues with the card. they respond to the lawsuit. nbc news legal analyst does williams have a case here? >> if she does it would be a
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major unforced air. why did they give different fictional names to almost every character but kept the actual persons name for this character that they intended to paint night in a flattering light. defamation cases are difficult to close. not very criminal or a fraudster more like her allegations that she was materialistic or shallow. they are liable, they brought this upon themselves. this story is completely true. >> not necessarily. it's not a complete immunization. you can put that in a humorous statement because it wasn't
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actually that serious of a statement. it was a funny language basically to say it's true but it's something we made up. that's not going to immunize someone if you take the same name and describe them accurately enough and then add on extras that paint them in an unfavorable light. if they can show damages connected to those statements and prove that they were false, she might have a case. >> thank you so much. nasa is now planning a launch this weekend for the mission to the moon. it to our launch window opens just after 2:00 on saturday afternoon. and nasa officials said there's a 60% chance the weather could disrupt the launch. nasa scrubbed its first attempt. engineer said they found problems in one of the fuel lines while loading it.
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nasa promise it's working to solve that issue by this weekend. artemis is one of the test missions around the moon. it's part of nasa's new program to return astronauts to the lower surface and ultimately tomorrow's. if that's a piece of art you think you might need, artificial intelligence can make it a reality. it's a new system called dolly and it can make pictures of just about anything in a matter of seconds but with great power comes great responsibility because critics say it could create ethical and legal challenges. >> reporter: for humans these are fun far-fetched starts but with the artificial intelligence program this is
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all child play created in a matter of seconds. that's weird. >> take something like this award-winning photograph. it will scan over 650 million images to create a completely original picture that brings your idea to life. >> that's super realistic. >> you created a magic stencil here that can make any work of art you want? >> the computer unlock the ability for facial recognition that has never been seen. scanning the portrait of an alien. the human artistic ability is wondering what this means for the art world. >> i think a tour that artists collaborate twice.
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>> it's one of technology companies using artificial intelligence. when there's a screenplay like an eyebrow raising show called wants you to be left alive. >> with the development of such powerful technology should come responsibility for growing the deep fake disinformation. >> we want to help set roles in the industry.. >> they are very selective on who has access to the program. there are guidelines including while recognizable faces. i was trying to put that in
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these celebrity. >> they are going to address that problem. >> for now there is little regulation. when it comes to powering dolly and others. >> look at that. >> the cat needs to be out of the back. >> 90 seconds left. a state of emergency declared in jackson, mississippi. the city's water system has failed after massive flooding from the river. the waters are receding. the tap water is not running. there is not enough pressure to take showers and 180,000 people have lost the possibility to drink potable drinking water.
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the governor has the national guards distributing water to residents. >> the last needle of the union. russian state media reports he died after an unspecified grave illness. know legislation has come forward to make that happen. coming up during the campaign style rally in the commonwealth of pennsylvania today ahead of midterms. he also called out lawmakers who claim to back police but refused to give in to the insurrection. now you know the news of this tuesday august 30th 2022. i'm shepard smith. thank you for checking in. tell your friends about the facts and the news on cnbc. i instantly see great candidates
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