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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  December 1, 2023 6:00pm-6:59pm EST

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one. >> do you like paperocks? wrk. this stock is currently my biggest position, and i ink it's going to double and i'm not exaggerating. >> all right. thank you for watching "fast money." we'll see you back here on monday for more "fast". thisv a my mission is simple, make you money. i am here level the playing field for all investors. there always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. >> hey, i am kramer. i'm not trying to make friends i'm just trying to make you money. call me at 1-80-3-cnbc rotation out of the agnificent seven into lots of other areas continue today.
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this could be with us through the whole month of december given the excitement generated from new investors for companies that sell things that they like and make things that they use. that is how you get the longest weekly winning streak in the dow jones industrial average in two years. now jumping 295 points today. that is right, the buyers are burning out and they are focused on anything that has not had much of thyear. stocks hurt by the weight loss drs like fast od companies and makers of sugary sac snacks, they have stocks that it makes a lot of sense. are in the most sensational moments when t federal reservis debating on theate hikes. we can stimulus every day. tonight we got thamixed message it will not be a rate cuts anytime soon. then again, there might not be no more rate hikes either.
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what makes this such a special moment? simple. we want the yield curve to do the talking and not the fed. as lonterm interest rates go down, and they fell again today, it gives the fed more room to cut short raikes. there reacting to a short economy, thas fine i would not want to hear palisade the feds would not cut rates soon because then they uld think something catastrophic w about to happen with the economy. right now we have a goldilocks situation. the ecomyot too hot and not o cold. the money will continuto flow into scks. not stocks that have run a bit, the new onesretocks that can roar because the fed will eventually cut rates area that is enough to motate those on the sidelines who do not want toiss out on the action, but do not want to miss out on the red. their mantra, let's get the downtrodden and forgotten an even the risky equities which i
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uncovered last night. many of those stocks soared today. with tt in min let's go to our game plan for nexteek. a long time ago when i worked as a fl-time journalist i nextriday you gethgrea rates. rate arbiter, the n-farm payroll reports. we see no wage increase and you can bet interestates will ke falling. i know it ems strange to tk abt this, turbe pridenti election cycle just arod e coer. its a great timeor the market. as long as there is slack in the labor force and wages not shoot up,e can thinpositively about a great many stocks that were untouchable a few months ago, like the ones th crushedt today ansome that are about to go over right now. it would not hurt to get se ambiguous, like total good spirit i think a negive reading propels the market higher. on tuesday we hed from, the
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chinese electric vehicle mak that sikes fear in the hearts of all automakers same tesla. their cheap cars could cross us if they are allowed to come into our country and it's worth watching. we also get the same results from signet jewelers, that is the parent of kay and jared. i am a huge fan of, and the stk was at a hh today. i am a believer, i bet with them all along i'm not stopping now. feocks have had socks higherhan autozone, acl, is shnk from 27.5 million to 17.10 million in six yea. that is how a company with these in earnings can take their stock from 600 t2600 over the same.. look at that. that is nice. rit now were sing the recovery of stocks crushed by the weight loss drugs. one of
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the biggest losers, jm smucker which had the misfortune of buying hostess, maker of inkies, right before the headlines made a sound like junk food is a dead. can they change the narrative? we have to find out. tuesdanight brings us numbers om toll brothers at high in homebuilder that is one of my favoriteompanies it is one of moment. t commanders of this housing, despite mortgage rates doubling. there are just not enough homes being built and mortgage rates are. at the same time we heard om a company called mongo db, it is a database software company where the stock has been up 120%. i bet they have another excellent arter. wednesday mornini'm rooting for campbell's. mpbell's sp to come up with a goodumber. in part because they did not last time. i know people think i am hard on the ftc, buin august campbell soup announced they
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were buying so brands for 2.7 billion. unbelievably the ftc has held up this ti deal asking for someing th shod have closed pronto has delayed to mid-2024. cigna anhumana are thinking merging they shou take note that they will not even let a soup company mged with the pasta company, for heaven sake. we have seen a lot of full price retailers think macy's, footlocker how about off-price? is that passi■ nothing more off broken then always barga allie. they gave me great barometer to see if buyers had moved to at the close was chewy. they had been in the doghouse asf late. i think it might be overdone but i still prefer amazon. attention gamers your idle.
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ceo of game stop were port numbers irit we can hope tt heays something substantive. ifhe game stop blows away the estimates theyill not have to say anything he can tweet in a ice cream cone moat emoji. >> thursday will bstressful can dollar general break the anti-dlar store spell? after the close >> announc: closed on vmware acquisition and lulu lemon which has become a serial razor. i have to wonder if the o ll pronounce projections that could get the stock moving. as for lulu lemon so many are afraid to own the stock it has been hot for so long. up another 19oints today. this is a market that is not deterred by excellent past performance but finally, so many bears when it com to travel visas. my short on time did he when you see the numbers from vail i
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think you will like it here's the bottom line. i know my pal buddy has seen an credulous waiver talking about a broadening bull, this is some weak for the masses of stocks. i bet next week will be more of the same. let's take call screwed let's go to tom in the illini. time. >> i am a third-generation hoer of original mcdonald's stock. my grandparents lived in the town where the first store started and they began purchasing in 1965. it has risen and done well since and my plan has been to hold it and reinvested dividends. what is your overall take on mcdonald's? do you envision a split? >> companies these days do not want to do that. i care about the earnings. the earnings i think are terrific and you have a good one
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and i say stay long. perot's in california. >> happy friday. how are you? >> i am well, how are you? >> pretty good. i am excited about the big game this weekend with my niners going up against the eagles. >> nervous. nervous. nervous. >> can you believe the 49ers are favored by three points? >> they must know something. >> anyway, i appreciate all you do i want to get to my thoughts. this company is a cart service company they do a lot of business, they will have dealerships and also a race team , pretty well-known. i just wanted to get your opinion on why they are operating margins are declining over the last 6/4. is the penske automotive group syllabi? >> yes they are up more than 130%.
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i looked at carmax this week, i looked at autonation, they are not doing as well as these guys. i say owned them. it is not my cup of tea but if you want to own one, that might be one. let's go to sunny, everyone is from illinois today. sunny in illinois. >> i am a longtime fan. i am here in chicago. how are you? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> i'm good. >> happy friday and happy holidays. >> and our team. the best team in the world. >> longtime fan, investment club member. you promised me you were going to work on your book. >> i rec every weekend. my wife loves it. >> big shout out to nicole and the rest of your staff they do a phenomenal job. >> nicole is a monster and from
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philly. >> shout out to my son, they are huge fans of your show and they are learning from you to invest for their future periods >> the next generation. next-generation. let's make money, what we got? >> the energy sector has been taking a hit, oil has come down from 100 to $74 a barrel and i know a lot of companies in this sector that you're not a big fan of that's like >> i can't be, i like winners. >> you think kultur energy is a winner? >> you bet. 50% natural gas, 50% oil. when things get better it will fly. i love you two kids for doing all the work. really, i love that. >> we saw the board this week thanks to the fed tightening. as more money comes into the market i expect this broadening bull ride to continue through next week and maybe to the end
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of the year. -- sharing which names i'm watching. even in the face of a stock market you have to handle whatever throws at you that's why we will play am i diversified? and jacob solutions has become a competent story. next quarter, critical mission business, i don't know. let's do the work. i will talk to the co. stay with kramer cramer.
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all week i have been tellinyou about the sectors that are safe touy if long- term interest rates have peaked utilities, real estate interest and trust. tonight have another one, consumer staples. it has been a bad year for the staples because like others -- when the treasury yields store. 38 staples 100 are down 10% for the year. it is not just competition and many are packaged food place or they got hit when people realized how groundbreaking the weight loss drugs are. i argue it is successful especially when they -- >> interest rates have plunged
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to the house from a month ago and make stocks more attractive and many investors think we are headed for nasty slowdown next year, not me. i think it's true. if you're worried about a recession look at staples. i have to admit for the first time i longtime these talks are not cheap at these levels let's start with one, let's start with procter & gamble. when the staples sold off this fall due to weight loss drug worries, they did to. even though these drugs have no impact on thai detergent, gillette razors, do you eat crest toothpaste? i don't. proctor reported three straight quarters so far in 2023 and ey are on track to put up 9% before the weak dollar. these guys ran prices with inflation now the price has come down. one the reasons why people felt the guidance was bad because they thoughtt was strong.
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no more. they only pay you 2.5%ield is is true for the loose blue- chip you'll. if the stock starts hating staples they will be the best. is is new for me. you know kleenex, wapaper, huggies diers, my household brands this is true dividend stock. the stock had a rough time early this ye when rates are rising, this is has always been good. when kimberly-clark reported in october the numbers were excellent. earnings were up 5% year-over- year, 530 basis point incrse in the gross margins. that translates into substaial earnings. even better, emberley clark ised her they are talking 15 to 17% earning that is the best i have heard for a long time. somebody talked about stks going 9% for the year. i think its re attractive at lower treasury yields.
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third, thendiscriminate selling in the food and beverage stocks has crted amazing opportunities. pepsico, which has been snacks which inervous f ay weight loss drug they have ported a point a percent sales growth, they are talking a 13% rnings growth. most importantlyhe ceo said while the company is aware of the thre from the drugs so far the impacts negligible. the rise in popularity of snacking is much more important at this int especially in the re of the world. i would never bet against that man. pepsico stock bottom in the quarteit is down about $13 off its lows. it remains down 7% year to date.
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a 3% dividend has always been the level that i recommend to buy the stock. three i think this is a good get back into food stocks. g to rth, let's talk alcohol. this is tricky the same weight lossrugs can reduce the cravings for booze and i expect it to show it cuts alcohol intake for heavy drinkers. it is in clear that gen z does not like to drink as much as the predecessors. maybe because pot is legal is so many states. less drinking maybe great news for american society but bad news for liquor companies. that does not mean there are not winners here, you just need to tread carefully. that brings me to constellation brands. ey havthe mexican beers pacifico. the red-hot the stock went up from 208 in chan january to an all-time high of 273 and august.
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interest rate sort and not long after we started hearing about these. the stock plunged to the 220s by mid october evethough they reported. wall street was still lookinat empty prizm. ough a glass half sincthen the stock has rebounded than in part to a very bullish and vestment. evenfter this move it still trades at $214, that is up 4% fothe year. it shod be up more. this is more of a growth game itnly yields 1% but it got killed forpiking ju like psico i thin constellion is a gd pick. youe loing for a spe, by g one, th is it. was hurt l.a. managementthe acrsedge fu, they are helpihings out and it c onldo well. finally, this is crazy, i think tyson fos, one of the largest publicly traded me companies.
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this is not based on tyson doing well, they ain't. anher bad earngs report earlier this month. inead this is about the tyson stock rallied about quarter there is a good chance that all the bad news is baked in. let's say you really believe will have a ge impact. s they patient really is a by. whatever doctors subscribe they say that the lots and lots of protein, tyson owns protein that's what they make that is not reflected in the numbe. the analyst should pick up on staples have been ouof-favor all year but if you believe as i do that it has peaked and then the gop-one weight loss concerns overbooked brett this is stocked fulof attractive stocks. don't forgpick the winners in the utilities, pipelines and. these will continue to work long as the rates get lower.
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i expect that to be the case for weeks to come. coming up, cramer invites you to the game of games. a special edition of mi diversified is next.
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we have seen the market rally continue this week, even broadening out to include more names outside of tech. i want to make sure you're prepared for any rotation the market place that's why we play mi diversified. i will tell you if your portfolio is diversified let's start with matthew in georgia. matthew, what you got? >> good evening.
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my five stocks are airbnb, uber, axon enterprises, and even though it is like the rest of my group i have why ou to work out the butt spirit >> airbnb is hospitality. uber is travel, palantir that cyber security. clear, that is tough is like airport security and axon. we like axon. it is a platform for police. we have government work, government work, travel and travel and we have security government work. we have a real problem. i want to keep airbnb, i like uber, i can justify those two. i don't think i could justify these two together i think axon
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is better than palantir. i would like to see healthcare, i think maybe you mhr humana, i just do not like the signal talk. clear, there is no room in this game. that's why you're going to buy caterpillar. roberts in illinois. >> jim this is robert from i have autozone berkshire, twerking holdings, nvidia and nvr. >> i havsome work to do. autozone, they announced that they are buying back stock. stock is at 70% this year it could go higher. berkshire hathaway thas warren buffett you never get trouble with that. looking holdings, the numbers have held up. nvr, not too great homebuilder
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i prefer toll brothers. it. idia own it, don't tde semi, housing,ravel, conglomerate, do-it-yourself auto. i say if i had buttons in here it would be hallelujah. who is next? it turnsut to be don ao from illinois. >> hello. thank you for taki my call. i like to wish you a your staff happy lidays. >> my staff is killer. they are going tthe eagles game thiweek. i'm taking them all. here a my top five holdings >> announcer: ll y, msft, microsoft, procter & gamble, apple and dear. mi diversified?
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>> procter & gamble yes. apple own it don't trade it. microsoft breakout year, eli lilly. and then john deere, not a great quarter t that's okay. farm equipment tech drug consumer product tech intech, can we handle it? i will bless it because they are the two best. i will make an exception tay. let's go troland in louisiana. >> what's going ? >> i'mosing my voi. i haot lost it in the last couple weeks, if anyone can findt louisiana let me know. >> i am a saints fan and i'm stressed out. let me tell you first and foremost, i appreciate everything you mentioned. video was a home run. >> you got tt right.
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>> tsm, i have lucid, i have, rc u.s. and obviously nvidia. >> i am worried here bause these guys make the chips for these guys. not enough diversification. dupont, terrific name, they are great they have this great business with semi conductors that will turn big. lucid, i would actually, i prefer tesla. i think it's safe. high risk market, we have room for that. what we ha to do is i am gog to recommend caterpillar. i do not think there is any overlap with caterpillar we have
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ev, we have conglomerate, chemical, bioscience, semi and semi. we take tsmc out andut icat. let's go to joey and california. >> am a 31-year-old commercial pilot and club member and i wonder if i am diveified enough. >> okay. >> my stocks are when, costco, boeing, try e bankshares and salesforce >> salesforce is going back and foh. wynn they arnot doing that well that's because -- salesforce break out year costs go, what can i say maybe the greatest retailer in the history of the western world strykul banksharesit's a bank. and boeing, yes. there boeing
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and airbus. we have air and space, travel leisure, retail, tech and we have trico that's good enough. >> coming up a spinoff is in the works. can j deliver service to home gamers? cramer has the ceo when mad money returns. something amazing is happening here.
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little over a year ago i started recommending jacob solutions. it should be a big winner from
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all the infrastructure spending that's headed our way. last week something happened that derailed the stock. jacobs reported, and the forecast for next year came in light which sent the stock down a percent. at the same time they announced their plan to spin off their critical mission solutions and cyber intelligence bringing them an engineering firm called. it is this thing called reverse mortgage trust which is hard. when the deal is done jacobs gets 1 billion in cash, jacob solutions will retain a higher stake and it will be a high- margin enterprise more focus on actual infrastructure. this is the reason for the disappointing guidance. this comes with extra cost giving a pull back on, let's bring in bob who will explain this he is the ceo of cob solution. >> thanks for having me. >> i have to admit this is
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ugh to explain. when it is explained it is very clean. one you might be geing for free. >> i don't think that is the wrong way of looking at it. it is a great transaction. when we talkbout how great the transaction is, we like to start with our clients, how will the industry benefit from this merge company? the industry will gain from at scale, pure play government services provider that does not have equipment. it is technology agnostic and it can fine-tune is offering to the largest federal agencies in the world. it will be great for the clients, employees will have a lot more diversified opportunities and shareholders will benefit from 63% ownership in a company that is going to be at the top of the list. >> one of the problems i had is i cannot figure out when you say shareholders are you going to dividend, split off or embedded? it sounds like the
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shareholders make it a piece. >> they will print it will be embedded, i'm sorry, it will be split out, but the net benefit for the shareholders will be both stocks. >> let's talk about the one i like, i'm learning about the other one, number one infrastructure, number one overall, top 500 design firm, top 100 designers spirit i love print this sounds like a lead pipe. >> it is. water right now is the fastest growing sector and we are getting more than our share. traditionally that industry grows in the three to 5% range. we are growing at nine to 10% clip. nine of our top 30 wins in the quarter were in water. with the announcement yesterday of the replacement of all lead pipe in the u.s. by the epa, that has jacobs written all over it. >> that is a must. nobody can say i don't want to
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do that. it is, no one knows how to do that business. >> we are one of very few and we are the largest and most diverse. >> let's talk company what is a good analog, what is the comp? >> lie dose, ca pi, we have booz allen, these are all -- >> these are all winning stocks. >> hence the excitement around the merge. >> let's talk about the noise people felt that the quarter, the earnings wasn't what they were looking for. the fact is, there is some excellent noise in trying to do this. >> you talk about the 12, if you break that down, seven of that $.12, 6.5 was tax, new tax legislation in the uk. we do our d-of-t-year true up, there was a tacompent in there.
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three cents was the added cost because of the transition, two cents s share count that we were prevented from buying back r stock in q4. controlling that in the stock we could not because we had material notisclose formation. >> tnk you. i needed to hear that. >> debt repayment. we already have a strong balance sheet. our balance sheet willet stronger and return shareholders. in this environment paydown is returned to shareholders. >> let's go back to the heart of why i said this is thone to own. we have a huge amount of infrastructure investment. will that grow? we seem to be bottled up a little bit in washington. >> it is grong. thane expected. ater tim what i mean is this, the five-
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ye plan. erratilly itame out in the fall of 21. materially it did t really come out unt 2 22 was anning, getting back to work. 23 and theimeframe it has been there we have booked over $1 billion of related work. since the time you and i sat down in march, 600 million has come back. >>hen you get that, do you have to hire other peopl because everything is more expensive. >> it more expensive. one thing that we are getting high levels of productivit arou is digital enablement. we are using digital tools and software platforms n only to execute our work but also enable more innative solutions with our clients with less people. this- >> that is optimation planning. >> cost timization has a component. the other is we will be leaner. we had government serve and
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infrastrture service. corporate structure that i required for two differe businesses was unique. now we have a single business, lean organization, more deployment of digitization of our inner work ocesses, also what we could do forur clients. >> pharmaceuticals, gop-one that is yo they need to build e business and factories. you have --? >> we wo for the big gop. >> andata centers. they are not done building them out. that is yours to? >> it is. >> gop-1 right now is a decent size component of our life science buness. our life science business is on a double digit trajectory at it has been. we think within 12 to 18 months, gop-1 only, that is not the other novel therapies, oncology and neuroscience, will be about 30, 40% of r overall
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book of business in the life science. >> i guess that demand must be extraordinary. >> american manufacturers anotheone. we are the largest market cap right now the phaaceutical >> david rks has come on a talked about this in leslie. >> finally, entertainment. what is that? >> i am not following? >> in place of entertainment. these are projects we do in the middle east. neon, and some of the larger sports venues. we are the program manager for the fifa world cup in tar. we were the programanager for the dubai po. these armajor -- >> they can pay. they have money. >> there is no low point of money. >> while played.
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i am a believer i am not changing my mind at l. i think because the confusion there more money to be made om buying it now that when it goes bacup from where was. >> look, y can hear my enthusiasm. more after the break. >> pop open your umbrellas and t up your toughest questions. cramer takes on your toughest questions in the lightning round.
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lightning round. are you ready? >> hello. i love your show. i wanted to ask about recently. >> i saw that today on the tv i like these guys. i come in peace spirit i like you. let's go to jay. hello. this is jay. i am calling you from -- >> how can i help? >> i want to find out about train technology. >> i like trains so much. that stock is only one dollar and a half away from its all-
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time high and i still like it. now we are going to locklin in california. >> how is it going? >> going well. >> i am doing fine. am just terested in what you think walmart will do? >> that stock goes down every day because it used too up every day. i think it's a good level two by walmart. the quarter is not as bad. cost go is better and i have to admit. i love shopping at walma with my daughter but cost go, to thumbs up. >> let's go to jamie in new york. >> hey, cramer. i aong-term investor. they have a bla which is a treatment of bcg unresponsive non-musc invasive bladder cancer. the fda has given it a date of
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april 23rd. i am buying as many shares as i can't. >> this company is losing a lot of money. if they do not get the approval you want it could be dangerous. as long as you accept the risk i am fine but it is very risky and very difficult cancer. let's go to rod. rob, you can speak to me. go ahead your on. >> i want to say thanks for all you do to help us little guys. i don't care what people say about you. >> did somne say something bad? i have never heard of a bad word. maybe someone likes to, cowboy fans. what's up? >> listen, i'm thinking about backing up the truck on this one so i want you to keep, this is on the heels of your rent from last night, ellington financial. >> i have known these guys for
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a long time. the problem is, it is a mortgage finance company and it is difficult to own. i wod have to be more circumspect than you are. thank you for the kind words anall the people who love me, i love you right back. let's go to craig in california. >> i am ready. >> do not quit your day job. >> i have been looking at stocks here for a while on and off sports single-digit pe. has it in the pri of under one. ishis stock ready to take off om here? >> i like air lease corp. if you like them you will like i thk boeing you will do fine. that is the conclusion of the lightninround.
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it is beginning to dawn on us, the holiday season is starting out with a whimper but with a bang. it is something i have never seen before. customers are spending at a pace that you anticipated.
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tommi hill figure and calvin klein have been struggling. things did look grim, the company projected revenues up three to 4% now it's looking at 1%. most of us are looking for 351. initially stock was ooking down 6%. just a horrible outcome despite what looked to be a strong turnaround led by stefan larson. when i was on air and i saw the numbers from the night before i figured forget about it. then the conference call yesterday morning he said what no one expected, we just came out of the important thanksgiving black friday week, one of the key consumer moments and i'm pleased to share in north america and europe we beat our growth plans versus last year and delivered a strong start to the holiday season.
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yes. inventoried the most important focus of retail it was quote in great shape. pph -- pph has a great look heading into christmas. next thing you know stock is up and they have gained another 1.8% today. after the close last night alto beauty reported. this had become a battleground. some pushing and others downgrading it. it usually means it is right for the short. the numbers are not spectacular. the ceo said quote, a holiday season is off to a strong start to no hesitation about how christmas might be. they are rejecting strong christmas sales. they say they promotional. ionally they figured ulta would be with
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discounts. they tught it would return to the cutthroaworld of 2019. no dice. instead the stock roared nearly 50 points on the news ess what, it mig not be done. eay in the week we heard fro one of the heavy shorted ocks, otlocker. the turnaround ceo said quote, ov the thanksgiving weekend we saw solid traffic. in fact she said, they saw quote, nice gains in ticket and as the customers a willing to pay full price when it is new and compelng footlocker has clear inventory and not this time. the stock, i told investors, people ithe investing club i feel prettgood. it shoede it rocketed 16% and it kee going higher. victoria's secret, a company
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that few peoe think abou because it is such a. e numbers are a little disappointing. then the ceo said quote, i north america in stores and online the november sales were the best mthly performance i twyears. okay, one apparel company having a stron extreme outlier. this is extraordinary people. it is the best i have heard it years. a lot of people jump the gun for the hoday season and cyber moay. now we knowhat is going on and the news is a very, very good. the consumers t cash-strapped, the coumers healthy. we may oe again see growth wiout ination. that frankly feels incredibly usual. yet it is benning to lk a lot like christmas.
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it is the most wonderful time of the year for business. t toention the most beaten- down stock in the entire mark. the on tt are spring loaded , and can rally even beyond what we saw in this glorious week. >> see you monday. right now on last call. elon musk wild week the first cybertruck reviews coming in. can he quiet the critics? cnbc exclusive, can't miss interviewith red hot ceo of ge. when they thought he was out they pull him back in. why conservatives are lashing out at bob igor and calling for a new boott. investments for you. top five companies for y. they are calling it the holy grail to try to reverse aging. $100 million competion to find a


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